Nile Oy NO. Ig K. of CG. AMATRHUR SHOW --- Friday May 3rd. Tomorrow night at the Terrace Bay High Sch- May <5 2907s ANNUAL HOCKEY MBETING -- MAY 8 4nnual Meeting of the T.B.A.H.A. will be held ool auditorium, commencing at 8:00 p.m., the Wednesday May 8 the the large meeting room at the "Stars of Tomorrow" will parade on stage to verform for you, in what has become the most refreshing programme seen in many a day. and Students of Elementary and Secondary Schools in Terrace Bay and Schreiber. Rehearsals have been held and now they are ready for the Finals, The Grand Award winner will receive a beautiful foot-high Trophy - his or hers to keep, Because of the Teen Town Rally at Aftthkokan during the past weekend, and the Father-Son banquet last Saurday, a number of would be contestants were unable to be present at the Rehearsals, For these special few we are holding the Programme open and would encourage them to enter as last minute Dark Horses, In addition, for your enjoyment we have lined up some special Adult entertainment which widl be well received and very enjoy- able. 4 hush--hush performer is included in this category - one who has been with us from the beginning and who has contributed in no small way to the pleasant memories many of us have of Terrace Bay!! Adult admission is 50¢ and Children 10¢. fll proceeds, together with the usual K. of C. subsidy, are earmarked for prizes. If at all possible, an Automatic Record Player will be purchased for the Hospital with whatever surplus may be left from the presentation of this Amataur Show, Show your genuine interest in our local Stars by patronizing this Show. goes a long way toward developing poise, These so called Stars are the children Rec. Centre at 7:30 p.m. The present executive have been approached with th suggestion of separating Minor Hockey from the Association and setting it up on its own. A move in this direction can only be made at an Annual Meeting with the consent of the majority attendin' All those interested in a move such as this or in any other matter relating to hockey in general are asked to attend and state their views. A slate of officers will be presented for the meeting's approval and additional nominations wil" be received from the floor or consent to run in writing will be accepted from those unable to attend. Ae Se COG Sar Dae ee IT'S CLEsN-UP TIME !! Almost everyone has started to clean up their yards already so let's all put our efforts on this work during the next week or so and really have our town looking spic and span, If you just cast your eye around our community, you will be very proud to live in such an attractive place, Visitors here are greatly impressed with the appealing avpearance of our town. HHH HHH It is an effort that SPRING IS SPRUNG, THE GRASS IS RIS! I WONDER WHERE MALCOLM SPIDELL IS? confidence and ability in tomorrow's citizens, 130" -- HE'S HERE!E