LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY Volume 6, No, 19 MOTHERS DAY BALL FRU DAV<MAN I Once again the Moose Lodge No, 1752 is putting on its Annual Mother's Day Ball, May llth, As always Moose Lodge holds highly successful dances and for the ladies we have a surprise for each, So reserve that night and dance to the music of the Rhythmaires at the Terrace Bay Arena from 10:00 to 2:00, Refreshments will be served from 9:00 Peli, to' 11230 p.m. Admission - $2,00 per Couple, o-0-0 KG. AMATEUR SHOW FRIDAY Don't forget the K.C, Amateur show this Friday night at 7:30 p.m. in the High School Auditorium, Close to 60 entries have been received and of additional interest this year is the adult class so come out for an evening of real enjoyment. Admission - Adults - 50¢ Students - 25¢ Children - 10¢ 0-0-0 SPRING CLEANUP WEEK MAY 13TH~19TH With the snow almost gone, arrangements have been made to pick up rubbish next week if piled at the edge of the street. Every- one is encouraged to clean up their yeards at this time, 0-0-0 MEN'S CURLING CLUB SEMI-ANNUAL MEETING TONIGHT At 8:30 p.m. tonight, May 10th, in the High School Auditorium, the Men's Club will hold their semi-annual meeting. At this meeting the election of officers for the coming season will be conducted, So curlers are urged to turn out for this very important meeting and to choose by ballot their executive for the 1956-57 season, Vote as you please -~ but vote -- at the Curling Club Meeting tonight, 0-00 LAST CALL - GROUP OPENING FOR P.S.I. AND BLUE CROSS - HOSPITAL PLAN In last week's issue of the "News" a notice was printed in regard to Group Opening for Blue Cross and P.S,I, This. notice is on the Bulletin Boards throughout the mill also, The deadline for changes of contract under this Group Opening is May lith, 1956, If you have any changes in your contracts contact the Personnel Office staff by May 1ith, o-0-0