I [> Ic pe Tes Ita JQ lo RECIPE OF THE WEEK ROMANCE CAKE 2-1/4 cups sifted cake flour 3-1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1-1/4 cups sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 2/3 cup Shortening a Eggs 1/2 cup milk 1/4 cup cherry juice 1 teaspoon vanilla, Sift dry ingredients into a bowl, Add shortening and 3/4 of the liquid. Cream 2 minutes at medium speed with an electric mixer, or 300 strokes by hand, Add rest of liquid and eggs and beat as above, Pour into 2 greased and lined pans, Bake at 350°F for 30 minutes, Frost and decorate with coconut and silver dragees, 0-0-0 STORK CLUB NEWS Congratulations this week go to Mr, and Mrs, Henry Duriez on the birth of a son, on April 28th, and, Mr. and Mrs. Rene Gaudet on the birth of a daughter on April 29th, and, Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Reid on the birth of a son on April 29th, and, Mr, and Mrs, Francis Helmink. on the birth of a son on April 30th, and, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Santerre on the birth of a daughter on May 2nd. 0-0-0 LADIES AUXILIARY The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary will be held on Monday, May 7th at 8:15 p.m. in the Community Church. Mrs. D, Nelson and her committee have charge of the program. All members and friends are cordially invited to attend, 0-0-0 Page 4 AROUND THE TOWN Mrs. Ivy Smethurst and Miss Lynn Solo of North Bay spent the past week visiting with Jessie and Bert Ratchford, with Mrs, Smethurst renewing old acquaintances in Terrace Bay. Rosemary and Bill Sernesky were visitors at the home of Bill's parents, Mr, and Mrs, P. Sernesky, Fort William, a week ago, Mrs. Mary Baillie returned home on the "Canadian" last Saturday following a week's visit in Toronto with son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Baillie and the new grandson, William Thomas, Joe Cavanaugh with Mary Pat and Reggie returned home from North Bay on Saturday, having spent the past week there with Mr, and Mrs, T. Gibbens. Bun and Bruce Larson with Chuck Haviland were up at the Lakehead last weekend t view the Sportsmen's Show. ; 0-0-0 On behalf of the C.W.L. of Terrace Bay I wish to extend my sincere thanks to the cast who did a marvelous job in the perform- ance of "Abie's Irish Rose", Also to the Directors who gave so much of their time, to make this first play a success, To the Ladies who at the last minute came forward and helped in any way seen fit. To Mrs, Gerow and Master Vincent =; McInnis for their vocal performances during the intermission, and a special thanks to Mrs. J. Marcella for the loan of her furn- iture and for the splendid work she did in decorating the stage to bring "California" to our audience, And to those who loaned out other furniture, clothes, etc. our sincere thanks, To the people of Terrace Bay, Schreiber and surrounding districts we wish to thank them for their patronage and we hope that in the near future we are able to bring to you another surprise to be added to our town of Terrace Bay. Mrs. Js M. Semeniuk, 0-0-0 HAVE YOUR LAWNS CLEANED UP FOR SUMMER Any persons wishing to have their yards or lawns cleaned up can do so by phoning Archie Heinrich - 287. I will also be cutting lawns for those who wish to have this done throughout the summer, Please keep my name in mind for your yard and lawn,