KC. AMATEUR SHOW Entries have. started" 'to roll in and an evening of fine entertainment is.in.store for young and old alike, Elementary School Children (both Schreiber and Terrace Bay) are urged 'to submit their entry to their teachers, who will forward these to the Show Chairman Bill Sernesky .of Terrace... High School Students, please direct your entries through Mr, Locking of the Terrace Bay High and Mr. Riddell of the Sehreiber High. Entries _ for the Adult division of this year's show,are. to be turned in directly to Bill Sernesky. One important change in the programme schedule has been made, Instead of the Amateur Show getting underway as originally scheduled, it will commence at. 7:30 p.m. The entire Show is expected to run about. 2 hours so that with this advance scheduling it will allow patrons to attend the Mother's Day Ball scheduled for the same evening. Remember the date - Friday, May 11th, . at 7:30 pem. in the Terrace Bay High School Auditorium, 0-0-0 HOCKEY STAG Local hockey personnel onlahendeds at the annual hockey stag party held in the Curling Club lounge.rooms.on Friday, April 27th with house league serving-as host. A very enjoyable evening was:had by all. Shift 3's.Al Ziegelman,, on behalf of house league players, presented Mel Nicol, . nouse league chairman with a beautiful Vandor mantle clock, as a gift for \un- limited efforts in promoting house league hockey actiivites this past season. Mel ably replied that the gift came' as 'a complete surprise and thanked the committee and-all present for it. . Net proceeds of the stag $28.45 will be donated to the Pee Wees to. further. their ; hockey activities next season, The stag committee -.Jim'Fraser, .Maurice Kulcheski, Harold Hall and Al Ziegelman, hereby wish to thank all who helped in any way to make it a successful party, ~ 0-0-0 | rae HOME BINGOit! j "Bingo cards for the nk Binion sponsored by the Women of the Moose, Terrace Bay Chapter 1426 can still be. purchased from Isabelle Delaronde, Elizabeth Burns, Barbara Haughn and Nat Coates, so get yours now, The numbers called so far (including today) are as follows: N-373 0-74; I-19; N-323; I-16; si (Cont, on next col.) Page 9 G=55" 'and N=L0. Rulés: Two Line any way on one card. Anyone completing two lines on one card should phone Waghcrn's Pharmacy and bring it in in 24 hours, o-0-0 MOTHERS DAY BALL Once again the Moose Lodge No.1752 is putting on its Annual Mothers Day Ball, May llth. As always Moose Lodge holds highly successful dances and for the ladies we have a surprise for each, So reserve that night and dance to the music of the Rythmaires at the Terrace Bay Arena from 10:00 to 2:00. Refreshments will be served from 9:00 ipem.?.66341¢305 Admission - $2,00 per bodsle 0-0-0 KIWANIS KIDS FISH DERBY In last week's issue of the "News" the information in regard to the Derby was incorrect, There are three groups only for prize awards, Following are the correct details of this contest: May lst to September 15th - Boys and Girls ages 8-14 inclusive.' No registration required but fish to be weighed in at the GL &oL, Prizes as follows (Three Groups) 1. Lake Trout 2. Speckled Trout 3. Pike or Pickeral First and second prize for each group - lst - $10; 2nd - $5.00 So come on kids, Have fun fishin! and win a prize tool! 0-0-0 C.WeL. NEWS The meeting of the C.W.L. was held Friday April 20th with 'President Mrs. J. Semeniuk presiding. The meeting was opened with prayer, led by Mrs. J. Semeniuk. Reports were given by the Treasurer and Social Cors# venor, We were honoured to have as our guest speaker for the evening Mrs. H. Carroll our National Spiritual Convenor from. Fort William. After the business the meting was turned over to our Nominating Committee, Mrs, Peggy Regis, Mrs, Eve Falzetta, Mrs. Kenny and election of officers proceeded. , (Cont, on page 10)