S TAD Ba Ps "CO-OPERATION" Page 9 The Kinberly-Clarke 'ou deadétion "CotOperati on" in a forthcoming issue intend to run a story on children of 'employees who' are attending post high school institutions. thildren attending an institution beyond the high school level LongLac employees who have." Any are asked to complete Wee form petan and turn it in as soon as possible to the Foreonien Office. 70: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT | Name of ie Depaxtment Children currently enrolled in Colleges, Universities, or Post High School Institutions Names Name and Location of School Field of Study Class (i.e., lst, 2nd year etc.) ne me. SEL ye (Signed) - ee ee aa he ee nt A tH Ht St Sore. Or eT AL. Ceri) i 'What is the average age of your club? ze. "About 25° or -26" What. 'are your plans in the event you win in the present series and win the Ed- monton Journal Trophy, are you going to challenge for the Allan Cup? "That depends on the-financial arrange- ment at that time", Would you pass on some hockey advice to our young hockey players, "First and foremost is to learn to be a good skater, a hockey player must be able to skate hard and fast both ways. Second is to use your head and develop your reflexes, Thirdly, concentrate on stick handling. But above all play a good clean game of hockey. Today there are too many lousy rough hockey players who detract from a good clean, heady player", 0-0-0 SOFTBALL MEETING The Annual Softball meeting Thursday, April 5th at 7:30 p.m. in the small meeting room at the Rec, Centre. All players and those interested in softball are invited to atte nd ° SAFETY SLOGAN Winners of last week's Safety Slogan "The Wife of a Careless Man is Half a Widow" were: S. Reid, T. Olsen, R. Fournier, J, Marcella, B. Yonin, Mrs. N. Bottomley, Mrs. D. Weberg, Master Ernest Parenuik, Dennis Bouchie, Miss P. Dowling, Those who missed were: E, Glad, J, McEwan, F, Struszowski, A. Checkryn, I. Gvodfellow, F, Whitfield, J. Clancy, H. Goneau, C,. LeMay, T. Bond, Miss E, Montey, G. Wallwin, P, Kuchirka, D. Craig, Ed, Linkwich, Mesdames F, Eickmeier, N, Rennett, M, Smilsky, J. Parent, N. Jolicoeur, J. Yates, L. Walker, F. Speziale, A, Marsh and W. Nealy. o-0-0 NOTICE}!!! Due to a number of suggestions the ticket sale time of future hockey games will commence at 12:00 noon rather than 1200}! Dell. 0-0-0 BOWLING NOTICE There will be a meeting in the Rec, Centre Friday night at 7:30. A represent- ative from each team must be present.