SECTPE OF THE WEEK NORTHERN BROWN STEW 2 pound shank beef, cut in large pieces Flour Ze tablespoons melted fat seit, and pepper Hot Water 'i onicn, sliced 1/2 teaspoon paprika _ 1/2 teaspoon marjoram 1/h teaspoon celery salt Salt 7 or 4. Potatoes cup cut celery é or § Small onions _Dredze meat in flour and brown in melted fat, Sprinkle with salt and pepper; barcly cover with hot water, Add sliced onion and seasonings. Cover and cook. on low heat about 2-1/2 hours, Add prepared vegetables and cook until tender, Thicken gravy with more flour if desired, Try adding 1/2 cup coarsely chopped dill pickles just before serving, Makes 6 to 8 servings. 0-0-0 STORK CLUB Wis ee ratulations this week go to Mr, and Mrs, Michael Chepelsky on the birth of a son on January 30th, 1956, 0-0-0 AROUND THE TOW! The "regular monthly meeting of the Dim Bulbs wis held Tuesday evening, January 31st at the home of Mrs, Betty Turner. Plans were aid for the Leap Year Party to be held on March 3rd, when the husbands will (Cont. on next col,) Page } AROUND THE TOWN (Cont, ) be invited. A luscious lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Sheila Zwaresh and Eleanor Ruzyski. The next meeting will be held February 29th at the home of Mrs, ' Zwaresh, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cavanaugh of Parry Sound, Ontario are spending the week with Paul's parents, Mr. and lirs. Ed Cavanaugh, Miss Molly Harris celebrated her sixth birthday last Saturday, January 28th with eight young guests attending her party. Games and contests. were played an by the children before enjoying the birth- day cake and luncheon, Favors were pre~ sented to each before departing for home. Mary and Harry Byers had as their guests recently, Mary's brother and sister~ in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Suschinsky and family of Insinger, Saskatchewan, Sympathy is expressed to Mrs, Betty Ollen-Bittle on the passing of hor Grand-- mother in Port Arthur Tuesday, Betty with Judy and Jimmy is at present visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Art McCellum of Port Arthur. O=O0--0 SHADES OF ERIN "When Irish hearts are happy, all th world seems bright and gay, and your '*~ eyes will be smiling when you see our play" Sure. and your Irish eyes will be smiling when you see "Abie's Irish Rose" presented by the Catholic Women's League in the High School Auditoriun on Saturday, March 17th, under the direction of Mr Austin Wilson, Mr, Wilson direcvued this same play in Montreal which ran #o> Seven days. Our cast, we think,is the finest on the North Shore so bring *" cc your best Colleen and you will leave with a little bit of Erin in your heart, Produced by special arrangement with Samuel French (Canada Lid. Toronto, o-0-0 ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF A CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS WEAR SHOP... Monday, February 6:4 Located in the Store Formerly Occupied by the Radio and TY Centre Raddison Avenue, Terrace Bay ene tan coe 0-0-0