NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO LADIES. CURLING (Cont. ) representatives, A rink goes from club winner to zone winner to playdown winner (where they are hailed as Northwestern Champions) to Ontario winners to Dominion Champions if they are lucky to beat out: all competition along the trail, As yet the Dominion, finals»are only a dream and until Eston's decides to sponsor our N.Ws0.L.C..\, weshall have to continue to work towards that goai, Should any member of the Ladies Curling Club wish to obtain: Revised Constitution of the N.W.0.C.A. you may do so' for the small fee of 25¢. Contact M. Hale or I. Romaniuk » 0-0-0 S$. 5aSK RAL This Made: poretice will be*tealled off due to the hod keg gante "Lhe te@ht in our Arena, For the: regular practice of Mardav, January L6éth. we want 'all to be out as we leave to play in Marathon on ae the 18th. Be seeing ycu thez It looks very much as if ohh boys are arranging a basketball tournament here in our comitity, Keep your eyes open for further notice regarding this, LADIES HOCKE For aicelt liond Ay practices, we are allow- ing any high schocl giris wishing to play hockey to come out at 9:00 pam. We are hoping to play a group from Schreiber in a few weeks, MINOR HOCKEY NIGHT Yes, every Saturday night we will be having a minor hockey night, when all teams, Peewees, Bantams and Juveniles will have a chance bo ciow their parents some fine hockey. Last Saturday DEEN, our Bantams and Juveniles won over Schreiber, while our Peewees were ey ue Schreiber. Peewee Game--Doug McKay scored our only goal while Boone scored Schreiber's two goals, Bantams -For Terrace, the scoring went to Joe Wig, Norm Vezina, Ron Schock and Doug Moore; This was five goals to-Schreiber's one, Juveniles Terrace Bay Seam had a good tight game with Schreiber, but won out with a score of 6-2 for Terrace, (Cont. on next col,) 4 items she} Page & RECREATION FLYER. MINOR H MINOR "HOCKEY Iv. 'NIGHT Those scoring goals for Terrace were Den Kenney 3, Jac. "2Marsh 1, Bob Adamo 2, Come Out to the next Minor Hockey Night session this Saturday! MR HAROLD ae ~ Advisor in Social Recreation -- Mr, "Harton will be in this area'on February 23rd and 24th, We would like to have this man set up a two-day work shop in our town and invite the sur -ounding towns to attend. This work shop would be for leaders involved in social recreation and similar activities, or for square dance callers. In order to go any further, we must have some response from those in Terrace Bay who would part- icipate in such a-work shop, if it could be arranged, £ TEMS ») i1n©¢ following films are now in the Rec, Office and may be used by different or. ganizati. ens. an town. They must be sent away cn Monday, January Loth, EYE WITNESS NO, 68 B&W + 11 minutes, 'Star performers at the Calgary Stampede Rr cand C.N-E., the Royal Canadian Signal. Corp!s motor-cyclists now exhibit their , breath-taking stunts on the screen, Other i how Eskimos mine coal in the Arctic, ang' the publication of books in . Canada, i NEEDLES AND PINS B&W - 11 minutes The night life.of a garment worker who shares a union-sponsored program of study and fun. Our guide is Marielle Rousseau, queen cf the dresstiakers,; who develops her natural charm 'with .a well- rounded study of plays; dances, languages and psychology, This is en entertaining introduction to the girls wno clothe the nation - the midinettes of Montreal, 3 DIGGERS OF THE DSEPS - Colour = 13 minutes Mechanized coal- 'mining comes to Cape Breton. Skillful photography ~ much of it. underground = "shows what is being done to. save a depressed industry. We see that. . machines are only one solution, that the . real story is in the people end what the change means to them, Here is a film that reflects the resourcefulness of the Scots- Caries ans with warmth and understanding. ao JELLY AND JAM eae Sa CN - Colour - 16 mins,' Every women: s introduction to the art of (Cont. on page 9)