TERRACK BAY RECRHATION COMMITTEE MONTHLY MEETING Ena oI Ya December 8th, 1955) Members | Present: - M. O. Nelson, J, Adamo, fu sc Cavanaugh, A, Driffield, C. Paget, Mrs. A, Sinkins. Items which were discussed and action taken were as follows» Bowling 'lleys eys.~- All requests of the Bowling Association have »een attended to except for the repair of the foul line lights. These are being worked on by the mill electrical dept. Arena Ped, and Bunting ~ New ideas are being tried with the arena PA. system 'and pro- gress is being made, Bunting is to be in- stalled aiong tne arena trusses in order to beautify and also to control the sound. Sale of Hockey Tic: - Present method of pre-sale and geme ie is. satisfactory and will,be continued. Axena 1 Advertising Sigs - J. Adamo, GC. Paget and J. Fraser will. submit a recommend- ation at.a later. date, ferigk ot a Lounge During Curling S - The individual mst obtain per- ssion from ths curling club to rent the lounge during the curling season and the recreation director will tend to the rental from there, on,.».A suitable, agreement form is to be made up so that there is no mis- understanding of, rates. etc, jnten-Connecting Brine System - A system to use either t brine pump to control the jee system, To be placed. in, the, 1956. bud- Behe ; Teleph Booth - Ib was, decided to, instal. a in the P,A, booth so that people could phone in or, out, for emergency PREP OB Ger Gut_of | for Exhibition, Games ~ The Amateur # f that any flat rate ition. game a guarantee for an exhib- is their responsibility in case the gate receipts are less than the guarantee. arty Plans - The Christmas Party approve sd. as presented. 2s_During Hockey Games ~- The People jn Ais. arena attendant will astempt to do a better police service during, hockey games in order to keep aisles clear, people, from walking on Seats GLC» Budest Go: - £, Driffield and J. Fraser w prepare the preliminary 1956 budget. ifs» A, Sinkins Retiring - This was the last meeting at ty Mrs Sinkins will be present as she is voetiring from the committee at the termination of her term on January lst. Mrs. Sinkins has been a Loyal and faithful member of the committee and has never missed (Cont, on next cole) eS 'Association is to be informed ~~ Page 5 TERRACE BAY RECREATION COMMITTEE (Gont. ) a meeting at which she ecoula be "present. Both the Ghairman of the Improvement District Board and the Recreation Ccmmittee expressed appreciation for the time and effort which has been expended. The Im- provement District Board will be appoint- ing another lady member to the committee, | One Quod CURLING CLUB (MEN'S) No draw on Friday Decemver 16th for regular curling, New draw for 2nd'round wiil be posted at the rink Monday, December i9th. First draw will begin: Monday, Decemoer 19th. Skips - 411 games must bce completed before the end of the current draw, Ali postponed games not played by the end of the draw on the draw sheet will not be computed in that round, Deadline for Curling Dues December i 5th Don't forget fellow, your mem 'bership dues must: be paid by December 15th to make you a "member in good standing". All those mombers not paid in full at thet date are ineligible to.curl in the regulan schedule, Send your payment in today to Al Pattison, Membership, Cermitvee Chair- man at Box 297, Sheques enould be made paytble to, the Terrase Bay Curling Club. ATTENTION SKIFS - The club property com mitsee want. 211 the club glasses returned immediately, Soe, look in yOREe jocker and turn cluo glasses over to property committee or place, in the box. providec for, glasses. On. 0 HOTEL TERRAGH DINING 'AND COCKTAIL LOUNGE jo Transient and loca. business at Christe mas time in past, years has been nil, The year to give the majority of our staff this holiday the DINING ROOM will be closed to visitors, all day, Sunday and Mone day, December 25th. and 26th, The BEVERAGE ROOM and COCKTAIL LOUNGE will be closed all day Saturday, Dec*uber 24th and Monday, December 26th. ROCM, SEHVERAGE ROM o-O0-0 LOST A brown corduroy Jo-Jacket, Lined. At the Arena or Vicinity . Please phone 469 or call at House 8 Pine Crescent, O- DO