AROUND THE TOW! (Cont.) another three weeks, Anyone wishing to. drop him a line may address it to Room 420B St. Michael's Hospital,. Toronto. ; Mrs. Helen. Fedun with. David and Patricia returned recently from a trip to Kenora to attend the marriage of her brother Paul °~ Huckulak to Miss Josephine Rawluk, Mr. and Mrs, Huckulak will reside in Toronto and many in Terrace Bay will remember Paul when he worked here. The Dim Bulbs will hold their November meeting next Tuesday evening, November 29th at the home of Mrs. Louise Stuart. Gilbert Gaudry has been a guest of his Mother, Mrs. Jean Mousseau for the past two weeks, enroute from Miami Florida to Winnipeg, Manitoba, Bob: Rickard spent his holidays down' ~ south, on his returm he stopped at Neenah and visited Pete Gombola working (He had ink on his fingers). Then on to Mun- ising where he met Al Johnson who wishes to be remembered to all his old friends in Terrace Bay. 9-0-0 HORTICULTURAL 'SOCIETY NEWS The last meeting of 1955 will be held on Tuésday evening next November 29th at §:0@ pem. in the large room at the Recreation .. . Centre, We have secured a very interesting film "The Life of the Rose" and it is hoped that a good attendance will be on hand. . ' Any interested persons please note that a small quantity of high grade seed potatoes is available from Mr, Hubeny, 272 Kenogami Road, This seed was originally brought from Czechoslovakia and is of a very Deh quality. Gualeor ORDER OF THE KASTERN STAR ~~ Silver Birch Chapter No. 26k, Order of the Eastern Star held a dinner in the Com- munity Church Hall, on Monday evening, Nov. 14th. Blue and yellow carnations, flanked by blue and white tapers decorated the head table and Mrs. Farrow gave a vote of thanks to Mrs. Lois Hopper and her auxiliary committeefor the very delicious dinner, Toast to the Queen was given by Arnold McKechnie and to the visitors by Mrs. M, Kragero. Following the dinner, the regular meeting was held with installation of officers and routine business, The installing officers (Cont; on next col,) Ff Lorence Clark Past Matron and Mr _, Duguid, both of Argylle Chapter tio, 10 and Mrs. Morton, Past Matron of Marathon, Page 8 ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR (Cont, ) were: Mrs. Isobel Marsh, Past Matron: Albert Farrow Past Patron, Mrs. Dorothy Rummery Past Matron was Installing Marshal, Mrs, Elizabeth Harris, Installing Chaplain, Mrs. ee Bryson Installing Organist and Mrs, A. Morton Installing Warder. Installed were: Worthy Matron Mrs, Alice Farrow, Worthy Patron - Arnold MeKechnie, Associate Matron ~ Mrs. Margaret Kragero, Associate Patron - Atexander W. R.. Sinkins, Secretary - Mrs, Annie Bailey, Treasurer - Mrs, Laura Guest, Goncuctress ~ Miss Barbara Haughn, Associate Conduc tress Mrs. Helen Wallace, Chaplain - Mrs, Eva Haughn, Marshal - Mrs, Agnes Snes Organist - Mrs, Agnes Bryson, Adah - Mrs, Catharine Hall, Ruth - Mrs. patie Rowley, Esther - Mrs. Marjorie Lundberg, Martha - Mrs, Isobelle Craig, Electa - Mrs, Nettie Thrower, - Warder - Mrs, Louise Corbett, Sentinel - Mrs. Isobel Kemp. 4 Plans were 2ompleted for the Christmas party to be held next month and the exchange of gifts. Luncheon served by the .oute. oa "Boifig offiders" éonclided' the social hours .:Special guests of the évening were. e. Mise res .. Mary 9=Q=0 " SPORTSMEN!S DINNER The Central Committee of the Fort . William Branches of the Canadiar ath - Of the British Empire Service League _ have extended 'to sports minded persons "i Terres Bay an invitation to attend ae Sportsmen's Dinner to be held in the _ Coliseum in Fort William Saturday, Dec « , 3rd at 6:30 p.m. at $5,00 per plate, 'the . guest speaker will be Jeff Heath former _ Major League Baseball star. _ anent sporting figures attending will b _ Nels Stewart and Indian Jack Jacobs Pome _ Winnipeg Blue Bomber great, Other oa A very interesting program is being oe planned and if you care to attend please .contact Murdo Campbell who..will make your reservations, o-O-0 ; FOR SA SALE. it One pair ladies pleasure skates, size nine, Practically new, Phone 469 or call at house No. 8 Pine Crescent, o-0+-0