RECIPE OF THE WEEK DATE NUT ROLL 2 cups sugar ib cup milk 2 tbs, butter or margarine 1-1/2 cups chopped pitted dates x cup chopped nut meats Combine sugar, milk and butter or margarine. Cook slowly, stirring constantly, until mixture boils, . Boil Slowly to 240°F, (or when small quantity dropped into cold water forms semi- firm ball), Remove from heat, Add -- dates and nut meats; stir wtil mixture thickens, Form into 2 rolls, 1-1/2" in diam. Wrap in damp cloth; chill until firm, Slice 1/4" thick, 0-0-0 STORK CLUB NEWS 'Congratulations this week go to Mr, and Mrs, Steve Brend on the birth of a-son on October lth, and, Mr, and Mrs, Peter Kuchirka on the birth of a daughter on October 19th, 0-0-0 AROUND THE TOWN Mrs. T. O, Smith, the former Louise Farrow, was guest of honour at a very lovely miscellaneous Shower Wednesday evening, October 12th, when Doris Hansford, Cecile Simms, Mabel Clayson and Gwen Crisson shared hostess honours at the home of the latter, Louise was seated under a decorated umbrella and received her gifts from a basket decorated in green and pink, Many novelty games were played, then bingo, prior to the hostesses serving a delicious luncheon wherein the new brides displayed their culinary skills, Mrs, Vi Fraser was hostess at a Misc- ellaneous Shower last Sunday evening when Marie Bougie was the guest of honour, - Marie is bride-elect of November 19th. The (Cont. on next col.) tao Page 4 AROUND THE TOWN (Cont. ) shower wus held at the home of Mrs, Hazel Harrison. Games were enjoyed by the large group attending and the guest of honour received her gifts in a decorated hemper. The even- ing concluded with a l=vely luncheon served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Harrison and Mrs, Sandra Stoyko, Another shower of interest was held Tuesday evening, the 18th, with Muriel Sitch guest of honouz and Mrey Bert Duncan and Mrs, Aggie Sinkins were joint hostesses at the home of the latter Muriel will become the bride of Allan Cataford in Schreiber on October 29%h, The very lovely gifts were presented in a decorated hamper and bingo was enjoyed by the ladies, The hostesses served a very tasty salad and bun luncheon at the close of the evening. Mr. Locking, Mr. Kelly and Mrs. Wiison were in the. Lakehead last weekend where Mr. Locking attended a meeting of the Headmasters Associetion for this district, and Mr. Kelly and Mr. Wilson were present at a teacher's conference on Friday and a meeting of the Federation Association on Saturday, Margaret Laundy was home from Toronto for the weekend to visit with her par... Mr, and Mrs, H. ©. Launcy, Mr, Laundy is progressing favourably and hopes to be home from the hospital shortly. Rosemary and Bill Sernesk7 with t Michael spent the past week in Duluth and in Fort William with Bill's parents, Mr. and Mrs,.P,. Sernesky, Syl and Bill Henderson returned home Sunday from their holiday trip to Egan~ ville, Ont. where they visited with Syi-s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M, Valiquette. Members please note, the next meeting of the Dim Bulbs will be held at the heme of Dot Shrier, Tuesday evening, October 25th. Paul Kowalchuk now of Toront:, and his new bride, were in Terrace Bay last weekend renewing acquaintances, Sheila and Stan Zwaresh were visitors in Duluth, Minnesota last week, Doris and Nick Chopty with the twins, Jane and Judy returned recentiy from their trip to Montreal to visit with Doris? parents, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Phee and relatives there, Doris and the twins had a three week visit, while Nick arrived for the last week and to accompany them hore, Mrs, W. Leiterman and daughter Janice of Kakabeka Falls were visitors of Mrs, Jones and Bill over the Thanksgiving week. end. (Cont. on page 5)