\\- COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday, October 23, 1955. 9:30 a.m, Senior Sunday -- School, Grade 3 and UPe oe 11:00 asm. Beginners Sunday eas School, Three a _ years and up. os 2:00 pem. Junior Sunday School f Grades 1 and 2, 11:00 aem. MORNING WORSHIP The morning service will be conducted and the sermon preached by Reverend Mr, Vallis of Trinity Church, Marathon, Mr, Vallis will administer "Holy Commmion" accord- ° ing to the rites of the Anglican Church, This will be Mr, Vallis! first visit to Terrace Bay and the members and friends of the congregation are urged to be present to welcome him to our community and to our church, 7330 pom. The minister of the church will conduct the evening sere vice, He will use as a basis © for his sermon the implications of the popular song "The Bible Tells Me So", o=0=-0 LIBRARY NEWS Jemima - lLeonara Starr ey ee light love story involving a beautie ful Scotch girl who is not aware of her own beauty, and who casts a spell over her enchanted admirers - only.Gavin seemed unaffected, This will probably appeal . to teen-agers as well as those who like light fiction. I'll Be Seeing You - Henry Barry The inspiring account of how a totally blinded veteran learned to adjust himself physically and mentally to a life of darkness, Library Hours Monday and Wednesday Tuesday and Thursday = 2:30-4:30 pom. ~ 7:00-9:00 peme . 0-0-0 SAFETY SLOGAN | Ly Page 2 7 HOME_AND SCHOOL. BAKE SALE he The October meeting of the --Terrace Bay Home and School Assoc- iation opened with the singing of ., "--"Q Canada" Monday evening, October | Ti 17th in the Public School. Mrs, D. Porter presided over the meet- ing and welcomed all the members, Mrs, F,. Ginn read the minutes of the previous meeting and the Treasurer's report was given by Mr. Joe Wig. Ways and Means Convenor, Mrs, G. Flater reported that a Bake Sale will be held on November llth in Bucovetsky's Store, The sale will consist of home baked rolls, bread . and pies, so keep this date in mind, Mrs, Lois Hopper announced the forthcoming visit of Dr, S, R. Laycock for the next Home and School meeting, This meeting will be held on December 5th, 60°Mrs, Hopper reminded everyone there will be no November meeting. Home and School Association members from Schreiber and Marathon will unite with the Terrace Bay members for this occasion,' Watch the Terrace Bay News for further information about Dr. Laycoek, and. please.keep this date, Dec. 5th, epen, The members were requested to bring along to each meeting written questions or suggestions for the question and suggestion box, A-panel will be chosen to attend to the guestiens and will decide which are relevant to the Home and School Association and they will then-be acted upon and brought forth before a general meeting. Mrs, Porter read:a letter from Mrs, I. Marsh, concerning the Department of Education Concert series, The first concert will be | held October 20th, Mrs, Marsh asked for full eceperation so that these concerts could continue. Mr, Wilson, teacher in the High School, convened the programme for the evening with each of the three principals, Mr. Morrison Mr. Kenney and Mrs, Locking participating. Each gave an informative talk with different -views and opinions on the report cards the children receive, Mr, Kenney showed a film which enlightened the parents on this subject and:all agreed that the report card should be thoroughly understood and should bring the school and parent closer together, (Gont. on page 5 ) x Thursday Noon October 20th, 1955 to Thursday Noon October 27th, 1955. (DO, EVERYTHI NG. THE 8 WOES "way