MINING ACT AMENDMENTS AFFECT STAKING AND BECORDING OF CLAIMS Amendments: to the Onbario Wine Act which came into efféect-on May 30th, are expected to have a considerable effect on the industry generally. Most of the changes in the Act have to do with the staking and recording of claims, Henceforth licenses and renewal licenses may be obtained only by making written application on the authorized form, "These forms of application are bbtainable at the Department of Mines in Toronto or at the recorder's office in any of the mining divisions, The maximum number of claims which any one licensee may stake in the Province im a license year is reduwed to 90, but, of these, as many as 18 may now be staked in a single division. Here- tofore, it had been possible to stake nine claims in each of the -13 divisions. The recording fee is now $5.00 for each of the first nine claims staked in each division and $10.00 for each additional claim. Hitherto the straight $5.00 fee had been assessed. As many as 18 claims may now be grouped for assessment work credits provided that they are adjacent to one another and held by the same licensee. A stipulated number of days! work is re= quired in order that the licensee may hold his rights to the claim, but the amendment provides that all this work may now be concentrated on one or more claims in each group of 18 claims, Previously the maximum number of the claims in a group was set at nine for assessment work purposes, The price of patenting a claim is now $5.00 per acre in unsurveyed areas and $6.00 in subdivided townships. This just doubles the previous cost of $2.50 and $3.00 respectively. The licensee, having complied with all these provisions of the Mining Act, has now the option of taking out a lease on his land, if he so desires, rather than a patent. Up to the present, leases had been given only for land in provincial forest areas, The number of coupons for free assay of mineral samples has been reduced to a maximum of 18 in any license year, This measure was found necessary because the Provincial Assay Office has been hard pressed to cope with the applications for assay as a result of the recent pro- specting activity. Hitherto, two coupons had been given for each claim recorded and two more on the completion of each (Cont. on next col,) Page 9 4 MINING ACT AMENDMENTS AFFECT STAT TG (Ce: t.) 40 days of assessment work, Another amendment puts teeth in . the Act insofar as it deals with individ. uals found guilty of making false state~ ments in applications, work reports or any other documents filed in a recorder!s office. The penalty unon sunmeary con- viction may now be a fine of $500,00 six months! imprisonment, or both, eel UNETED. NATIONS SEMINAR This weekend Paul Marcella will is travelling to Winnipeg to attend the United Nations seminar being presented at the University of Manitoba, While there, Paul will have an opportunity to attend lectures and dis- cussion groups conducted by men actively sngaged in United Nations work. Since we know of no finer organization devoted to promoting world peace, we are glad that Paul has this opportunity to attend puch a seminar, 0-0-0 CREDIT UNION NEWS "Dog Sense" Why does a dog bury a bone? Because he's smart. Early in life he instinctively knows that wisdom of opening his own kind of "S*#vings Account", You are equally smart if you have a "Credit Union Account" and save regularly. If at any time you should want to dig up some of those savings, or if you need additional funds, your credit union can be depended upon to give you every assistance, 0-0-0 ST. MARTIN'S SCHOOL PLACES SECOND IN JUNIOR RED CROSS DRIVE Pupils and teachers received pleasing news when St. Martin's School placed second in donations towards the Junior Red Cross for District Division No. I R. C. Separate Schools, This comprises an area from Kenora in the west to Chapleau in the east. It includes schools which have an enrolment of over 300 pupils. First place was taken by Kenora with an enrolment of 292 pupils, Pupils who generously donated time and efforts are to be come plimented, 0-0-0 i Q