COMMUNITY CHURCH | oa Sunday, October 31, 195k. er 3 30 Vay Me Senior Sunday Schoot ry 11:00 a.m. Beginners Sunday a School oe Be 2:00 p.m. Primary Sunday School Af te Grades 1 and 2, Bs 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship . "The Saints Above": 7 30 pom Evening Service, The loose offering at both the morning and evening service will bd donated to the Ontario Flood Relief Fund. This is an appeal for a very urgent and needy fund and it is hoped that there will be a large hearted response, On Sunday, November 7th, the guest preacher at both services will be the Reverend H. Heathfield, D.D., of Port Arthur. Kindly note that the evening service on that date will be held at 7:00 p.m. instead of 7:30. 0-0-0 COMING SOON The Ladies Auclitay of the Community Church Annual XMas Bazaar , Saturday, November 27, 1954. S800 Dems ; 0-0-0 LADIES AUXILIARY The regular noiieds meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary will be held in the Community Church on Monday evening, November Ist at 8:15 p.m. Mrs. Crandlemire and her-com- mittee are in charge of the program for the evening. A very interesting program has been planned ~ so come one = come all, All members and friends : are extended a cordial welcome, 0-0-0 YOUR SAFETY DEPENDS ON YOU!!1 2:30 pom, = Page 2 wr ST. MARTINS PARISH ae Saturday, 30, 1954. nooo Confessions - 3-4 Pel. 7-8 Pell. stig ' Sunday, October 31, 1954. " Masses oe 8:15 a.m, 10:00 a.m. Rosary and Benediction at 7:30 Pem. During the week Mass will be at 8:00 a.m, Wednesday, November 3, 195k. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotions at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m 0-0-0 FALL BAZAAR ¢ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13TH The Annual Fall Bazaar sponsored by the Catholic Women's League will be held on Saturday, November 13th from 2:00 p.m. to 5:30 pom. Tea will be served all afternoon and there will be a wide variety of goods and produce on sale, affording a great opportunity for getting your Christmas shopping done early, That beautiful Dryer on dis- play at Bucovetsky's will be raffled off the night of the Bazaar. What lady in Terrace Bay wouldn't love _ to have that Dryer in her home, Tickets are 50¢ each - 3 for $1,00. In the evening Bingo will be played. Prizes will be money or merchandise and everyond is welcome, The beautiful quilt on display at the Hudson's Bay Store will be drawn for the afternoon of the Bazaar, Tickets are 10¢ each - 3 for 2G. So come and bring a friend to the Bazaar on November 13th, You are sure to find something you have been wanting for a long time; whether it's a pretty cocktail apron, a lovely potted plant, or a mouth-watering chocolate cake, BUY IT AT THE FAL BAZAARI!1] Sponsored by the Catholic Women's League on Saturday, November 13th, 195k. 0-0-0 SAFETY SLOGAN Thursday Noon lever aoe to Thursday Noon November 4th, DON . + smecte Fak SN MIs Se me BE GUILTY OF HORSEPLAY