AROUND THE TOWN (Cont. ) Marg and Charlie Simmers. with family spent the past weekend in Fort William as guest of Charlie's parents Mr, and Mrs, Fred Simmers, Mr. and Mrs, John Mascetti and Linda of Sunshine Ontario are 6 Pere Reo tok NS veurbhoMiens and Charlie Simmers, Mrs. Erickson of Fort William has been visiting since last Sunday with her daughter Miss M. O'Brien, Terrace Bay Hospital Supervisor, Mrs, Erickson is a guest at the Hotel Terrace. Maude Fulton of the Hotel Staff recently returned from her vacation which was spent in Duluth, Minnesota, Mrs, Phillips of the Hotel Staff also leaves on her vacation to visit her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Doug Nelson of Niagara Falls, N, Y. ir. Nelson is employed at the Kimberly Clark mill. in Niagara Falls, Alex Chisholm and Sid Spencer leave for Regina on Saturday to attend the Trades and Labour Congress which is being held in Regina, The Dim Bulbs will hold their 'next mesting, Monday, August 23rd instead of the regular Tuesday evening, at the home of Mrs, Grace Banks, - - 0-0-0 ROSSPORT DERBY WINNER ON TO FLORIDA ° St. Petersburg, Fla., August 18, 1954. The Sunshine City, and particularly the members of the St. Petersburg Rod and Gun Club jointly are looking for- ward to the visit of Weikko Koivisto, winner of the 1954 Annual Rossport Fish Derby. Preparations are underway to fete the Port Arthur angler whose fifteen- pound-plus lake trout won him a ten-day all-expense tour to St, Petersburg, Ralph Cooksey, president of the St, Petersburg Rod & Gun Club, has planned a few cays vacation at his lodge on the Withlacoochee River, so: that Koivisto may sample the famous Florida fresh water fishing in lake and stream. Rod & Gun Club officials are planning entertainment for the:Canadian athlete and angler and his guest at the spacious clubhouse on Lake Maggiore, and the club will be host to the guests on deep sea fishing trips and cruising parties on the Gulf of Mexico, Dr. Kenneth Weiler has planned a few days at his home on the Gulf of ° (Cont. on next col.) "Loyal Phillips, Page 5 ROSSPORT DERBY WINNER Oi TO FLORIDA (Cont, ) Mexico for the Koivistos, so that they may enjoy the superlative swimming and beaches of the Sunshine City and its keys. There is a possibility that the Koiv- istos may journey to St, Petersburg in time to enjoy the festivities attendant on the Labor Day opening of the Sunshine Skyway, the new 15-mile bridge across lower Tampa Bay where it joins the Gulf; the bridge whichis taking the Sumshine City out of its dead-end status and putting it, for the first time in 66 years, on a through highway. General James Van Fleet will be principal spéaker at the Skyway opening ceremonies, and prominent national and state officials will attend, Regattas, fishing tourneys, athletic events, balls and fiestas, are part of the week's program which begins August 30th and winds up with the opening cer- emonies September 6th at 10:30 a.m. after which the bridge will be thrown open free to the public for the remainder of the day. The bridge joins St. Petersburg to the cities of Palmetto, Bradenton and Sarasota across the bay, and will sharten the journey to south Gulf Coast cities, the Everglades National Park and Key West by many miles, The Honourable Samuel Johnson, Mayor of St. Petersburg, will present a permanent trophy to the Koivistos on their arrival in the Sunshine City. 'Publisher and Editor of the St. Petersburg Independent, the Newspaper owned by Roy H. Thompson prominent Canadian newsman , also is planning a luncheon in honor of the lucky winner of the Rossport Derby, 0-0-0 FRED MACMILLAN VISITED AT DEER LODGE A recent visitor to Winnipeg visited. Fred MacMillan in Deer Lodge Hospital and was happy to report that Fred is in fire spirits, Fred is still.a bed patient and is full of optimism for the future, Fred was pleased to receive news from his home town. So how about you folks sitting down and dropping Fred a line.. You can be assured all letters will be: appreciated, Or if you are out west a personal visit can't be beaten. The address: Fred MacMillan, QW Ward, Deer Lodge ~- Hospital, St. James, Manitoba.