COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday, August 22, 1954 os ¥ 11:00 a.m. Preacher ---- eA Mr. Douglas Sly -- Please note that the time of .~ service reverts to 11:00 a.m. my on Sunday. morning. The Sunday yf School will reopen on Sunday, September 12th. 2 HO NOTICE Do vou have house guests and cannot find time to make that pie or cake you would like to serve for dessert? Or maybe you're just not in the baking mood but would like some goodies. The catering service of: the Women's auxiliary of the Community Church is at your service. Just call Irene Goodfellow Phone 457 and ask for suggestions. 0-0-0 LIBRARY NEWS Sayonara ~ James A, Michener The story is about the rather tragic love affair of Major Gruver, a Korean ace and the lovely Hana-ogi a Japanese acbress and dancer. Mr. Michener has at- tempted to explain the reason so mny G.I.'ts married Japanese girls and how and why the Army Personnel tried to discourage, by red tape, these alliances. While this novel is not as interesting as Tales of the South Pacific and Return to Paradise the author's description of Japanese customs is very informative. IOTICE During the summer season, oneis : apt to be so involved with vacations, fishing, sports, etc., that those library books borrowed many weeks ago are still lying forgotten on the shelf. Such seems to be the case with many of our borrowers, . and we would appreciate it if the head of the family would check with each member thereof and see that any overdue books are returned as quickly as possible. he 7 Page 2 ST. MARTIN'S PARISH Saturday, August 21, 1954. Confessions 3-4 p.m. 7-8 pm. Sunday August 22, 1954 Masses 8:15 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Mass during the week will be at 8:00 aim... >> Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotions Wednesday, at 7:30 p.m. 0-0-0 LADIES OF ST. MARTIN'S PARISH The Ladies of St. llartin's Parish are asked to return to the Church Hall any dishes they may have from the different suppers put on during the past year. A number of ladies are missing bowls, pie plates, plates etc. Also, there are a number of miscellaneous dishes in the Church Hall which may be claimed at any time - - the side entrance is usually open. o-0-o GOLFERS CLUB ORGANIZED (cont.) Another immediate duty of the Ex- ecutive will be to procure as much information as possible from communities having recently built golf courses. If construction of a local course is started, LongLac heavy equipment such as bulldozer, grader etc. will be available to work on the course whenever itis not needed by the Company. This initself is a very substantial contribution to the proposed project. Details will be announced shortly about a Mid-September tournament in Marathon. 0-0-0 LOST Parker 51 pen. Silver cap, grey barrel Contact M. O. Nelson. SAFETY SLOGAN Thursday Noon August ]¥th to Thursday Noon August 26th. NEVER TAKE CHANCES NEAR MOVING EQUIPMENT