MEN'S TEN PIN Standings ' ; BR Deceivers '<> 23 Points Overheads ms et: M Engineers ide ADs ha a Beare | fy Rea ea Gag tT Shift #1 ean Stardusters ' mel UMNO MALS Mea! Stead & Lindstrom: - 1, " Warehouse SH ern Matas Ht The Deceivers lead by Captain Ed. Aho continue to set thepace in the Mens Ten Pin League. Last night they took three points from Shift #1. High-games for the: Deceivers went to Ed Aho 164-434, Len Pineault 154-421 and B, Day 193-431, The mighty "Overheads" continue in second place as they defeated the "Stardusters" three points to one, High series for the "Over- heads" were Howard Bolly 158-458, Rune Ost- ling 170-440, Don Porter 159-434 and Bill Borsum 157-434, The 'Stardusters" .were- lead by R. Rickard 169-450 and M, Smilsky 152- 439 and Al Stevens 167-420, The Engineers, at present, have a good hold on third place by downing the Warehouse four peints. Lead by Captain Al Lindskoog 199~150-184-531, Bill Louk 174-435, and Don Boudreau 164-441, the Engineers seem to be showing a little more life than they have in the past weeks, Captain Al Pattisons "Bears" also have hit their old form, which won them last years Championship, as they downed Stead and Lind- stromis three points to'one, The "Bears" were lead by Clarence Buck 177-481, George Clifford 176-481, Al Pattison 154-448 and Murdo Campbell 159-42), Captain Leon Check. ryn lead the losers with 158, 178, 184-520. NOTE: : Bowlers and Pinsetters alike are again re- minded that the first games start at 6:30 sharp and the second games at 8:45, 0-0-0 LADIES FIVE PIN LEAGUE The Top Hats took five points to keep them in the lead of the Ladies Five Pine League, Standing to date are: Top Hats - 27 points Hopefuls - 25 Lucky Strikes - 20 " Blowers -~ 16 =" High games called during the afternoon were M, Hayes 242, A, Checkryn 242, E. Stevens 209, E, Beddard 201 and M. L, Day 202 and I; Marsh 238, Would like any lady of the league who has not submitted their name and number to give it in as soon as possible to Vivian Hanna at house No 30 or phone -485, League Standing ' Page 3 MEN'S FIVE PIN LEAGUE 4 The highest scores so far this season were turned in this week, B. Borsum came ' out high man with his 306, 298, 243 (847) and was followed by P. Diduch and L, Marsh who rolled 719 and 703 respectively. P, Diduch rolled the high single of 328, which is also the hi-single of the season so far, It was P, Diduch's game that enabled Terrace Motors to take hi-single this week with their 1018, This was the only scratch game over 1000 although Townsite came close when they rolled 990 in the second, B, Biesenthal and J, LeBlanc came close to being in the Doghouse this week when they bowled 103 apiece. Watch it fellas, Other good scores rolled were: Le Dejonghe 220, T. Stachiw 211, 241; M, Paget 222; D. Day 208; J. Adamo 221; K, McLeod 202; L, Belliveau 297 (nice Lovie) L, Edmonds 263; A. Boutilier 231; J, Todd 207, 253, 215 (675); R. Biesenthal 217; G. Conway 236; B. Sernesky 235; J. Cav- anaugh 215; BE, Pineault 209; A. Gerow 22/, Townsite ~ 733 Hotshots - 66 Shift No. 1 = 70 Hydro -= 63 Bucks = = 67 'Terrace Motors- 59 Ki Gy ~ 66 Shift No.4 - Als Big Five B. Borsum ett gee C. Buck rit ets) J. Todd = 20h, B. Sernesky = ° 197 P, Diduch ig LOG 0-0-0 MIXED 10 PIN LEAGUE Badgers and Maebees split the points this week with Captain Al Lindskoog taking the men's high series with 135-195-197 . for 527 plug a 12 handi-cap making a total of 563, Ron Faust followed up with 164+ 154-149 for 467 plus a 2) handicap making 239. Other scores were Ann Checkryn 140 Captain Joe Shubaly 178, Georgie Balder- stone 121-120, and Pat Dooling 143. Superiors set the Royalettes back by taking 3 points, Captain Olyve Harrison had 147-144-164 for 455 plus a 36 handi- cap making 563 for the ladies high series, followed up by Captain Barbara Haughn with 161-154-138 for 453 plus a 22 handi-cap making 519, George Clifford rolled 155- 139-137, Leon Checkryn 169-167-144, Paul Pluta 178-157-140, L. Swirhun 147 and Marge Hayes 133, Rose Buffet hit over the 100 (Cont. on page 7)