Vo3ume 8, No. 26 LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY July 9, 1953. i? Wis TEANGA. VS "WASBANG S Tis Sunday evening at 6:15 p.m, that © PLAYGROUND PROGRAMME NOTES: age -old argument "What makes for a better | 'Let's play softball! I want to play ball team - Experience or Youth"! will get | jolleyball! My crayoning is done---read another chance to settle itself, Youth will us adory! " Yes these and many more are parade their All-Star "Whizbangs" against the cries which have been heard on the their arch-rivals known as the "Wasbangs", | Playground and in the Auditorium during the Johnny Cavanaugh will pilot his star - : last four days. Rain or shine, some two studded troupe, with Alf Adrian on the mound, hundred children are gathering together, while Dave McDonald will handie a power . : to work and play and learn, packed crew with Franc 'whitfield as his Not a nursery school, not a "dumping- ace-in-the-hole, Just a word to the wise - off" spot for the unmanageables, not a don't be alarmed, or surprised, over the : wide-open space for free play, but a well- "set-up" of some of the players!! One thing directed centre for various activities is you can be assured of is that a first-class | our aim. Here is an opportunity for the brand of ball will be played, Ed Pineault child to learn co-operation, yet develop Will act as commentator for the game with his or her individuality, to give vent to up-to-the-minute batting statistics, With = his physical exuberance but to learn the a break in the weather it looks like an : meaning of carefulness and safety, enjoyable evening for all and your attendance Creative abilities, ingenuity, strength, would put the finishing touch to the : alertness and curiosity demanding satisfac- programme . : tion, are in evidence on the Playground all (See page 3 for more Softball News) | day. We need volanteer leaders to develop : these traits and bring their own experiences O-~Dmo : end leadership to the children, Remember: "During working hours man makes a living; During hours of leisure he makes a life." Nias Be he The children from 4 ~ 7 are on the Playground in the mornings, those from 8 - 13 come in the afternoons. So feel free to come at any time to watch and help, Your assistance is invaluable and desperately needed, Only through your help can we plan and carry out a successful summer programme for the children, We'll be looking foreward to seeing you! For copy of daily schedule see the last page. Please contact Miss Carol Crealock--phone 250. CIVIC HOLIDAY NOTICE ~The Chaimman ef the Board of Trustees of the Improvement District of Terrace Bay has proclaimed Monday, August 3rd as Civic Holiday." W. F. Strutt Secretary Treasurer, The Corporation of The Improvement District of Terrace Bay 0-0-0