COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday, June 28th, 1953. 11:00 --- Service of Worship "The Basis of Brotherhood" The members of the Masonic Order will attend this service, _ The male manbers of the congregation are respectfully requested and cordially invited to attend a party (working) at the church on Monday evening, - Admission, a shovel, a rake, wheel barrow, or a 0-0-0 NOTE OF THANKS A very hearty "thanks" from the Sunday School Staff to all those who supplied cars in order to take the children to Lake Superior Park: for their an last' Satur=- day. 0-0-0 CARD OF. THANKS It is with heartfelt gratitude that we extend to our friends in Terrace Bay, our sincere thanks and appreciation for the wonderful party, and very beautiful gift. We shall always treasure it, ond our associations with 911 of you. It has been a real pleasure to have served, as your pioneer teachers, Elsa end Clarence 'Smith 0-0-0 WANTED TO BUY Half ton pick up truck, 49-50 or 51. In good condition, Would pay cash, Apply to C, Lemay, house 475 or time card #72. 6-00: FOR SALE 15t 6" plywood : boat and motor, 412 Elizabeth Ave, Apply o-0-u Page 2 ST, MARTIN'S PARISH Frida June 26th 1 7:30 asm. -- Childrents Mass Saturday, June 27th, 1 7:00 to 8:00 p.m, = Confessions Sunday, June 28th, 1953 8:15 a.m, --~ Mass 10:00 a.m. - Mass No evening devotions, 0-0-0 FATHER ROENICKE Terrace Bay said "Au Revoir" to Rev, J.E, Roenicke, Parish Priest of St. Martin's Roman Catholic. Church, on the occasion of his transfer to new duties at Red Rock, Ont, Father arrived in Terrace Bay in April, 1949, and at that time Mass was held in a re-modelled bunkhouse in the Scuth Camp. Under his patient, but persistent guidance, St. Martin's Church, as we see it today, took form and stands as a fine example of what community effort, properly directed, can accomplish. In leaving, Father Roenicke leaves | behind him a host of parishioners and friends who wish him every success in his new parish, In addition to his parish work at Red Rock, Father will be responsible for mission work at Hurkett, Dorion, Pearl and Pass Lake. Prior to his departure he was honoured at a gathering of some sixty Knights of Columbus at which time he was presented with a' purse, m In his farewell remarks Father Roenicke expressed the hope that many of Terrace Bay's citizens would find it convenient to visit him on their way to the Lakehead, 0-0-0 FOR SALE 1948 Chevrolet - radio. In good condition, Call 48 or 460, 0-0-0 SAFETY SLOGAN _ Thursday Noon June 25th to Thursday, Noon July 2nd, TAK c CA RE. FORES SIGHT. SAVES" SEV ES ¢ SI A 7 tes, eibiatety ace ane Dent, "aaaee: it ied. 'this ielers. 'Safety. 'Etna' lad '10, 00.