KIWANIS TO HELP PROMOTE ROSSPORT DERBY DAY ; The Terrace Bay Kiwanis Club has accepted the generous offer of Toy Seppala and the Rossport Derby Committeo to 'become a Major part of the Rossport Derby and to sponsor various parts of the day's activities, These activities will provide a service to the derby entrants as well es the watchers on shore and should increase everyone's enjoyment, The Lokkewtitie will be sponsored: 1. Soturday Nite Dance, July 25th. The special feature of this dance is the draw prize, An 11 cu. ft, General Electric Deep Freezer worth $595.00 will be given away to the lucky ticket holder, It isn't every day one gets a charice at a valuable prize like this, so whether you attend the dance or not don't miss getting a ticket. Its sométhing you never can have too many of and just think of the fresh frozen trout, raspberries, etc., all year round as-well as the big food bill Savings with buying meat en vegetables in quantity, Tickets to the dance are only $1.00, you don't have to be present to win the prize, so get yours now from any ets . Kiwanis Booth: at Derby i the day of the Derby Sunday, July 26th, Kiwanis will have a booth where every- thing and enything for your Satay unt will be available, You name it, wetve got it. (a) Official program fanp, best fishing grounds, etc., complete derby rules, Every- thing you necd to know about the derby. (b) Hot soup, coffee, donuts (c) Souveniers (paddles, balloons,etce.) (d) Tickets to Coastal. Queen excursion (e) Photographer (And much more to be announced later ) 3. Special Plate lunch @ Hotel A delicious cold plate lunch will be served continuously oll day long at the: Rossport Hotel, We would herewith like to solicit the wholehearted help of all Terrace Bay in supporting these projects. Remember that all of the profits go into the welfare fund for the betterment of Terrace Bay and the varicus children's parties (Winter Carnival, Halloween Party, ctc.) o-0-0 Page 3 AROUND THE TOWN Mrs, S, Boyd Sr, of Belfast, Northern Ireland, arrived in Terrace.Bay, Thursday May 7th to spend the summer visiting with her son-in-law and deughter, Bob and Lil Harris, and son Sammy Boyd Jr. This is Mrs, Boyd's second trip to Terrace Bay, her first being in 1949. Mrs, Boyd arrived in Canada aboard the Empress of Australia. Herman and Jean Roberts will leave this Friday for Montreal where they will fly by TCA for Scotland, From Scotland they will tour England and be in London for the Coronation, viewing the procession from seats secured in Hyde Park. A short visit will be made to Paris, France, and to Switzerland, followed by further Sightseeing in Englend before returning home, Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs, Laundy from daughter Margaret, that she and Kathy Best (both formerly on the Nursing Staff of the Hospital) have been thrilled by an invitation to attend a Garden Party held at Buckingham Palace on Thursday, May 28th, Margaret and Kathy will also see the Coronation procession from seats secured in Hyde Park, Jim, Audrey and Jimmy Rowley return- ed home Monday after two and a half weeks ' spent visiting down cast with Audrey's family, Mr. and Mrs, A. Harris of Three Rivers, Quebec, and Jim's parents, Mr, and Mrs. G,. Rowley of Enst Angus, Quebec. While down there they also motored .to Shawinigan Falls, and Grand Mere, Quebec. Mr, and Mrs, T. R. Carlson of Kenora, Ontario arrived last Saturday to spend the coming week as guests of Earl and Babe Knight, Dorothy Whyte was the guest of her Grandmother, Mrs, N.B. Darrell of Fort William, over the holiday weekend, Pat Honor visited with her sister, Mrs, Jack Dickenson, of Port Arthur last ~ookend, Dorothy McEwan visited with friends at the Lakehead over the past weekend, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Smith spend the weekend in Fort William, Mr, and Mrs, Monty Priske of Bour- lamoque, Que. are visiting with Irene and Mel Nicol this week, Ed, Zielke has returned from his 'vacation trip to Windsor and Detroit with a New Fo.d, He spont two weeks visiting (cont, on page 4 )