LONGLAC CENTURY CLUB (Standings as of midnight, October 25, 1950) Comprised of ell units with 100 or more cone secutive safe days without an on-duty disabk- ling injury. Tiod Units ere Listed According to Size Unit Safe Days 1. Administration Office 713 2. Hotel 73 3. Technieal Department 713 4. Warehouse te 5. Bisachery VED 6. Engineering Office 713 7. Electrical 713 8. Hospital 713 9, Steam & Recovery 680 10, Dig. Br. Stock & Sereens 539 11. Building & Grounds 440 12. Machine Room 307 13. Jackladder 298 14. Structural 236 15. Kiln, Caustic & Eveps, 161 16, Woodroom 130 17. Pipefitters 2 18, Service Operations 118 In The Dog House (Reserved for Units with less than 100 Safe Days) 1. Re Mechanical Woodya rd 7h 35 o-0-0 EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROJT CLINIC In last week's "News" it wis roportod thet Dr. E. N. Wright of Port arthur would be in Terrace Bay this week-end to examine the children, Dr. MeCauslend now advises that Dr. "right is unable to be here this week-end but will be down on Saturday, November 4th, and Monday, Novenber 6th. /. numbor of children have already been selected to be examined and any parents suspecting their children of having defective hearing or vision are asked to contact Dr, MeGausland immediately. 0-0-0 VISITORS OF THE WEEK This week we are pleased to welcome Messrs, Thad Epps, Stu Neuville, T. Hoppie end R. Rogers all of K-C Neenah, W. G. tiilson from Kap and lest but not least, "Ham Craig from Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Tom Millis of Iroquois Falls visited the Fairfiold Vaniers on their way through to visit their son Cherlie at Mara- thon, Until he was pensioned recently, lr. Mills was the Townsite Manager at Iroquois Falls for many years. Page 4 THE SECRET OF SONGBIRDS' POPUL..RITY Onc of the secrots of tho astounding success: of the Basil Horsfall Singers, who are on their wry here with vn brand-new pro» duction, is the fact thrt opere has been made ensily understandable and therefore more delightful to the masses, This notable group uses only "nglish translations in their renditions of scenes and songs from the world's best-loved operas; operettas and musical comedics, Ly can bo hardly expected that the avera- g@ person can know the various foreign lan- guages used in numerous operas. To these, therefore, the gesturcs of the artists, and their cmotional outbursts, have little meaning, But with cvery word understandable, the audicnee ean revel in the scenes por- trayed and go away more than setisfied with the evening's ontcrtainment. The Basil Horsfall Singers are bringing a completely now program, "Cavalcade of Song", and, later, will return with more new pro- ductions, assured of a welcome whenever and wherever they appear. They will be heard and secon here at the Recreation Hall on Monday, Novembor 13th. Tickets nro $1.00 cach and ean be procured from any mombor of the Kiwanis Club, 0-0-0 WOOD H..NDLING WINNERS IN S,.FETY CONTEST Last Friday was the day of the big drawing of the Wood H andling Department's carnings in tho 200-day Contest. Out of the 86 pike polo and piearoon specialists who were Gligible for a thence at the prizes, the following rang the bell: Doug Knight, Mike Kosluik, Ray Luce, Leo Normen, Gordon Muir, Iwan Mendzuik, Henry Landry, William Zwir, William Dzus, Jack Richardson, Joo Desaulniers, Jan Wlodarski, Tauno Pelto, Jim irsconault and Ray Belliveau. o-0-0 FOR S/LE 1932 Ford V-8 in good condition. Apply to House #108, LOST Would the person who found a pair of leather 3 fingered mitts on a bench at the Mill on Saturday, Octcber 21st, "Apple Day", please return them to Jackie Marsh, 72 Laurier iwenuc, or to the Warehouse. FOUND One child's book entitled "The Story of Jesus", in tho vicinity of House 157.Please apply to Reercation Office. 0-0-0