Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Boudreau who became the proud parents of a new deughter on Saturday, October 2ist, and to Mr, and Mrs, Art Mercure who welcomed a son to their household on Sunday, October 2end. 0-0-0 SHADES OF BROADWAY Judging by the enthusiasm of the direc- tor and cast of the play that is being rehearsed almost nightly at the Recreation Hall, we are in for o swell treat when this play is presented to the public early in December, Who Knows? We my have some Gar- bos or Barrymores in our midst or even a DeMille as e director, At any rate, folks, this little group are sure trking their hobby seriously and their aim is to give us gome top flight entertainment, OmO--0 ORCHESTRA NAME CONTEST Have you submitted your entry for the contest yet? If not, you'd better get erackin', The contest closes on Tuesdry, October 31st. Come on folks, let's have a little action on this contest. o-0-0 CUB NEWS The reguler weekly meeting will be held ot 6:30 p.m. in the Armouries on Friday. How's about a hike, eh!!! Don't forget the Church Parade on Sunday, October 29th, Those boys attending St. Martin's Church to meet nt the church at the usual hour. Those attending the Community Church will meet at the irmouries at 10:45 aem. O~O0-O AT THE MOVIES Saturday evening, October 28th - "BRIDE FOR SLE" Saturdey matinee - "HELDOR..DO". o-0-0 o MAKIN» w PARISH Page 2 Confessions; Saturday, October 28th, 3-4:30p.m. and 7-8 p.m. Sunday, October 29th, 8:00 and 10:00 a.m, October 31st - Eve of All Saints DAY OF FAST AND /BSTINENCE Confessions: 3:00 to 4:30 pem. cae 00 to &:00 p.m. Masses: li aus Siieiiiisi ist - All Saint's Day HOLY DAY OF CBLIGATION Masses: 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. November 2nd - All Souls! Day Masses: 7:00, 7:30 end 8:00 a.m. Confessions: 3:00 to 4:30 p.em., 7:00 to §:00 p.m. Novembsr 3rd - FIRST FRIDAY Holy Communion: 7:00 a.m. Mass: 7330 a.m. o-0-0 KIWANIS ~~ The members of the Kiwanis Club of Terrace Bay had as their guest speaker at their dinner meeting on Tuesday evening last, Rev. Father Roenicke, parish priest of St. Martin's Church, Father Roenicke in a very interesting and inspiring address challenged the members of the Club to live up to the ideals of Kiwanis, stressing the point that the greatest need of our time is the reformation of the individual, for without that there can be no reformation of institutions nor refor- mation of society. The speaker was intrcduced by Ed Cave- naugh and at the conclusion of his eddress was thanked on behalf of the Club by Monty Paget and President Bert Loundy. o-0-0 NEXT WEEK'S SAFETY SLOGAN 9: 00 ale October Oth to 9:00 a.m. November 6th Last weck, Mill Manager Don Porter was the lucky winner of the $5.00 prize money in the Safety Slogan Contest, Congratulations Don! streted to all once again thet you are not our Accident Prevention program. continue to improve our eccident experience, By knowing the slogan, you have demon~ too busy to concern yourself with details of Such an example should do much to inspire us all to