Page 6 AT THE MOVIHS Operated by alecana Theatres Ltd, Shows at 7:15 p.m. on evenings indicated. Fri, March 24th only - "TOBACCO ROAD" starring Gene Tierney. N.B. - Show eancelled Saturday night. Mon, and Tues,, March 27th & 28th - Double Bill - "ANGHLS IN DISGUISE" and "HAUNTED TRAIL" Fri. and Sat., March 31st & Apr. 1st. -"Hudson's Bay," 0-0-0 TOWN TID BITS Some people just can't wait for the summer to get here, it is reported that Maurice Kulcheski, our favourite barber, picked himself a swimming hole near the C.r.R. Station and had a short dip on Tuesday, (Didn't even wait to take his clothes off), Tuesday was the first day of Spring, Maurice, not summer! Mr, Cal Stewart of staff Woodlands Department, Kimberly Clark Corporation is visiting us here at present. Co-incidentally, Ron Faust reports no empty chip bins recently. If any of you chaps in the will have seen Mr, Ralph Zachow meandering around the kiill and thought that he was from the F.B.1I. this will put you straight. Ralph is from the staff fugineering Department in Neenah and is here as an aide to Maintenance engineering. He expects to be with us until after Easter. It was nice to see Harold Saunders up and around again after a speedy recovery. Welcome back, Harold} . FEE WEE HOCKEY The "Major League of Tomorrow" has wound up its activity for the season with Les Canadiens beingChampions and holders of the Bob Young Trophy till next year. in winning the Trophy, the Canadiens had quite a chore because they ended up in 3rd place in the league standings, Drawn against the Maple Leafs in the semi-finals, they lost the first game 3 - 0, However, they came back strong and eliminated the Leafs by taking the next two games, They then took on the highly rated Black Hawks, who ended up in lst place in the league, and took them in 2 games straight for the title, In all fairness to both teams it should be mentioned that the Hawks were weakened by the loss of their star Clare Donnelly, who has left town. All in all, the kids had a good season and when arrangements can be completed the Canadiens will be presented with the Trophy. Anyone having any ideas or suggestions for a suitable wind-up are asked to contact OsS8ie Dalzell, o-O-o0 f KIWANIS KARNIVAL .The Kiwanis Kiddies Karnival held at the school rink last saturday afternoon was an overwhelming success, according to the comment of the Spectators, Complete with music, glorious sunshine, costumes, humour, etc., the afternoon was perfect, The Carnival Committee wishes to thank all those who contributed toward this effort, especially tne parents who devoted so mugh time in helping the kiddies with their costumes. In the' Broom Ball game the "South Camp Softies" defeated the "Rink Rats" by the score of 3 - 2, Winners of the Skating races were as follows: Girls under 10 - ist, Dorothy MacDonald; 2nd, - Gordwaine Page; Boys under 10 - lst. Marvin Conway; end - Dennis Sscowen; Girls under 12 - lst iiavis Thorsteinson; 2nd - Izina Woodworth; Boys under 12 - lst Stan Savoy; 2nd - Roger leBlanc; Girls under 16 - lst Nancy Wood; end - Marielle LeBlanc; Boys under lo - 1st - Ray Stachiw; 2nd - Reg, LeBlanc, Julie stachiw won first prize in the costume contest with Helen Laundy Winning the Most Novel prize for girls aud Donald Farrow best in the boys." Dennis Scowen won the prize for the Most Humorous costume. LOST One pair of black suede ballerina shoes and one pair black suede high heeled shoes, ' between South Camp and the Townsite. Please return to M, Devaney, Hudson's Bay Store. One Ronson Lighter engraved with the initials H.G. Lost between Recreation Hall and Townsite, Pleasé return to House No. 33, os © 5 m3