Page 6 HERE AND THERE Mr. & irs, Dave Emerson and family motored to the Lakehead for a few days visit last week-end, omDoow Mrs, GA. Stewart also spent a few days visiting the Lakehead last week, woQe-= Mrs, R,T. Sheppard left last Sunday evening for a 3-day visit to Fort William and Port Arthur, w-Oen New Townsite residents and their families are Mr. & Mrs, Gordon Dodge, Mr. & Mrs. Bob Wallwin, Mr, & Mrs, Tom McDonald, Mr. & Mrs, Vern Hopper, Mr, & Mrs, Ralph Buck and Mr, & Mrs. Cliff Knauff, oaQew Kimberly Clark Corporation visitors from Neenah at the present time include: J, Frederick Hunt, Secretary Treasurer; W.H. Swanson, Chief of Staff (Pulp and Chemicals); George Clark, Staff Pulp Superintendent; William C. Lundy, Power Engineer. o-Qmw Current visitors from Long Lac's Toronto office include E.G, Patterson Assistant Manager; J.D. Hofman, Purchasing Agent. ~eOn= PAT BOW EB So Ae BOR oe Sponsored by Terrace Bay Social Club with PECK'S RHYTHM RAMBLERS 5 piece orchestra from the Lakehead PRIZES ------- - REFRESHMENTS FRIDAY = OCT. 31st DANCING 10 P.M, - 1:30 A.M, $1,50 Couple - Couples only ined GOOD HOUSEKEEPING AROUND THE JOB-DOESN'T MEAN CLEANING UP ONCE A MONTH - = OR ONCE A WEEK. IT MEANS CLEANING UP ALL THE TIME o-() = Terrace Bay News, published weekly at Terrace Bay, Ontario is devoted to the interests of everyone connected with the Long Lac Pulp and Paper Company Limited project of the KimberlywClark Corporation, Editor-in-Chief, F,0, Soughton; Editor, Bob Sheppard; Associate ditor, Jim Whyte.