Page #6 SOFTBALL CHATTER (by Ted McDonald) The Kilowatts from Hydro Camp I are the champions of "A" League after their surprise performance in defeating the Comets in a best of three series, The play-offs were very closely contested with very little to choose between the two teams, The Kilowatts are worthy "A" League leaders'however, for after finishing third in the regular seasons play, they were given a very small chance to get by the Comets. During the entire play-off series, the Hydro team played faultless ball behind the hurling of Davis and the big bats of Koch, Davis and Mollenhauer and proved their reputation for being a hard fighting team. Cecil Finnen, a star on anyone's ball club stood out throughout the four game struggle which was in doubt until the last man was out. To the Comets we say - "it was a tough one to lose" and to the Kilowatts - "Congrats fellows, you are worthy Champs of NA League", The Fraser-Brace team are champs of "B" League now, having eliminated Renown Royals in a three game series. They are now playing off for the Terraee Bay Seft- ball Ass'n Championship with the Hydro Kilowatts. ; The writer of "Softball chatter" (who has also been umpire for the series) has been repeatedly requested to "fry the umpire" in the Terraee Bay News. At last it is here! "Umpire, consider yourself fried". (The first game of the Terrace Bay Championship Series was played Aug, 25th and is covered on page 1 of this issue. - Editor-in-chief), tind HEY!! LOOK! ! The Terrace Bay Softball Ass'n is having its Season Clesing Dance on Friday, 29th of August, at the Reereation Centre, There will be dancing from 10 p.m, to 1:30 am. - Refresh- ments - Door prizes etc. Tickets are $1.50 per couple - so get a girl fellows and start the long holiday weekend with a bang-up dance, Tickets are now on sale and may be ob- tained from Helen Mantle, Paul Cybulka, Murdo Campbell, Ontario Construction Office (Jerry Ferguson) or at the door the night of the dance. Couples only admitted. x week ON THE LAKESHORE (by Associated Editor Jim Whyte) Down on Lake Superior where the intake for our permanent water supply system is being constructed, the operation of laying the concrete pipe has extended into deeper water. To date 29 36-foot lengths of the pipe have been laid. On Tuesday, the first of two eighty foot spuds was mounted on the derrick scow. These spuds, resting on the lake bottom and supporting the scow, will prevent it from moving in the lake swells while laying the pipe sections. Meanwhile, Art Nichols with his survey crew, have located two new targets which will position the derrick scow in digging a trench for a Y branch at the end of the main intake pipe itself. Bob Stirling's crew are nearing the completion of the job of removing the sheet piling about the future pump house base. The piling was driven into an extremely hard packed mass of fine sand and considerable effort was required to pull it out. outs CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING A new shipment of magazines just arrived at the Post Office book store, including all the latest Ladies! magazines. est | | Canada's inland lakes, in which fish abound comprise more than half the fresh water on this planet. eee