Ast 3 ile ee i ml ita et 'Page -OPTICAL ILLUSION SOX OOK KKK Close the left eye and gaze at the above pattern, thon gradually close the right eye and the pattern will fade from view, AROUND THE TOWN Stork Club ~ Terrace Bay Style What started out as a bridge party at the home of Mr & Mra Ralph Williams ended up on a very much different note, It seems the Stock is expected at the Bert Flatt home and the ladies decided to have a Baby Shower, Ruth Flatt was not advised of the actual signifigance of the party and at 11:30 p.m. was spirited home and on her return Ruth was confronted with a baby carriage .resplendant in decorations by the Soughton'ts and filled with every conceivable need of a baby. Mrs Williams, the hostess, wishes to express her appreciation of the fine food and arrangements that the ladies prepared, Present at the party were: Mrs Lemon, Mrs Butcher, Mrs Marsh, Mrs A, MacDonald, Mrs Paget, Mrs D McDonald, Mrs Soughton, Miss Grace Noer, Mrs Seed, Mrs Roberts, Mrs Chritianson, Mrs McCausland, Mrs Smith, Mrs Hodgkiss, Mrs Isbester, Mrs Lowe, The guest of honour of course was Mrs Bert Flatt, Dropping over to the Flatt's we were told by Ruth Flatt that she was overwhelmed by it all but would like to express her heartfelt gratitude to everyone concerned, Her only regret, and ours, is that the picture of Ralph Williams pushing the Baby Carriage (which just fitted his grip) cannot be reproduced in our paper, The bridge prize at the party was won by Gertrude Soughton while the booby prize was triumphantly carried off by a new but avid bridge fan, Dot MacDonald, A good time was had by all including your reporter who was most graciously received, The sometime fulfilled superstition of the owner of every seventh present opened being the next person to present a blessed event fell to Hllen Hodgkiss and the second seventh supposedly fell to Miss Grace Noer, howevér, Miss Noer claims a miscount as her plans in the matrimonial sphere are undecided, Grace arrived in Terrace Bay on March 3rd and was the reason for much of the hair slicking and general smartening up of the mle employees at the Engineering Office, Grace won the prize at Rummoli at the party. Grace comes from Port Arthur and when asked her opinion of Terrace Bay she said she thought it was fine, Well, the feelings mutual, we think Grace is fine too, Mrs, DeLong was missed at the party and those present wish to have her know that elthough she was unable to come she was still thanked for her part in the affair, it --Q00~ "HALF A DAY'S PAY IN THUNDER BAY" That's the Red Cross slogan in the current drive for funds to carry on the great peace=time work of the Red Cross. Now, if each of us here could contribute even one or two hours pay, what a showing our new community of Terrace Bay could make} For your convenience, donations may be made (and receipts obtained for all contributions of $1.00 or more) through Earle Veitch of the Personnel Department,