The date given for this photo is incorrect. The butcher is William Lang, my great grandfather who drowned in Lake Bernard in 1900. The small boy is Willard Lang, my grandfather who was born in 1885. This photo appears in the book "The Lake in the Hills" and dates the photo as 1889 with my grandfather being four years old. He appears older to me, around six or seven, so I would date this photo as circa 1892.
Peter Lee, January, 2012
Posted by [Name Withheld], 16 February 2014 at 11:32
The Bull has four legs the missing front leg is not visable behind the other leg until you look at the hoof area and see both hooves. What appears to be an upper leg is actually the Dewlap of this young bull rather than a cow.
The tall fellow said to be feeding hay is actually holding the Bull by his nose ring ....
This photo can be dated pre 1907 due to the absence of telephone lines and perhaps as early as the late 1800s . The dominate two story building is the Queens Hotel.
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The date given for this photo is incorrect. The butcher is William Lang, my great grandfather who drowned in Lake Bernard in 1900. The small boy is Willard Lang, my grandfather who was born in 1885. This photo appears in the book "The Lake in the Hills" and dates the photo as 1889 with my grandfather being four years old. He appears older to me, around six or seven, so I would date this photo as circa 1892. Peter Lee, January, 2012
The Bull has four legs the missing front leg is not visable behind the other leg until you look at the hoof area and see both hooves. What appears to be an upper leg is actually the Dewlap of this young bull rather than a cow. The tall fellow said to be feeding hay is actually holding the Bull by his nose ring ....
This photo can be dated pre 1907 due to the absence of telephone lines and perhaps as early as the late 1800s . The dominate two story building is the Queens Hotel.
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