Posted by Anne Currie-O'Brien, 30 July 2016 at 22:35
Mrs. Peter Lamb (Mary Elizabeth Menzies) was the aunt of my grandfather Frank Haggart Menzies. If this is indeed a photo of her, then the date of the photograph may be incorrect as she passed away in 1930. I just discovered her headstone in the Berriedale Cemetery last week. Is it possible that the date is incorrect? Thank you. Anne
Posted by [Name Withheld], 2 August 2019 at 20:43
Absolutely. The girls mentioned are the daughters of John and Jenni Anderson, the youngest born about 1912 so the date of 1935 is off. Plus, the dresses aren't 1930s.
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Mrs. Peter Lamb (Mary Elizabeth Menzies) was the aunt of my grandfather Frank Haggart Menzies. If this is indeed a photo of her, then the date of the photograph may be incorrect as she passed away in 1930. I just discovered her headstone in the Berriedale Cemetery last week. Is it possible that the date is incorrect? Thank you. Anne
Absolutely. The girls mentioned are the daughters of John and Jenni Anderson, the youngest born about 1912 so the date of 1935 is off. Plus, the dresses aren't 1930s.
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