This is an image of a dirt road, with a pathway along the left side and a building to the right. There are a few people walking along the pathway and a few others standing by the building. There is a
This is an image of a dirt road, with a pathway along …
This is an image of people canoeing along a waterway at Belle Isle in Detroit. There are many trees along the shoreline on both sides of this waterway, and many people are standing or sitting on the
This is an image of people canoeing along a waterway at Belle …
This is an image of Belle Isle Park in Detroit. This image looks along a dirt road that has an archway at the far end of it. Many trees and gardens line both sides of this road. There are a few peopl
This is an image of Belle Isle Park in Detroit. This image …
This is an image of a pond of water lilies at Belle Isle in Detroit. A pathway can be seen along the left-side of this image, and it leads to a bridge that crosses over the pond. A few individuals ca
This is an image of a pond of water lilies at Belle …
This is an image of many people canoeing along a waterway at Belle Isle in Detroit. There are many trees along the shoreline on both sides of this waterway. The Belle Isle is an almost 1000-acre isla
This is an image of many people canoeing along a waterway at …