COPY ROSSEAU LAKE SCHOOL RECEIVED MAY 30 1973 Ministry of Solicitor General Office of the Fire Marshall Fire Chief William Gates, Rosseau Fire Department, Rosseau, Ontario. Re: Large Loss Fire - Rosseau Lake School, Rosseau, Ontario. January 30, 1973. Dear Chief Gates: Since 1970, this Office has investigated all large loss fires which are defined as losses of $250,000 or over and published such reports in our Annual Report. These investigations are undertaken not only to determine the cause, but also the prin-ciple structural deficiencies influencing fire spread, prin-ciple private fire protection deficiencies and handicaps, principle human factors contributing to the loss; and principle public fire department handicaps and deficiencies. It is now our intention to report these findings first to the Chief of the Fire Department concerned, and whenever possible make recommendations to eliminate such deficiencies. Accord-ingly, our report covering the fire of the Rosseau Lake School is attached. We would be delighted to receive any comments you may have on the report as to their value and also, we would be pleased to offer any assistance possible in implementing the recommenda-tions. The Headmaster J. H. Kendall, Chief Fire Investigation Section