Mission Services of London Newsletter - continues London Rescue Mission News. 1971:Apr; 1972:Apr; Jun; Oct; 1975:Mar; 1976:Oct; 1977:Apr; Oct; 1978:Apr; Oct; 1979:Apr; Summer; 1980:Dec; 1981:Oct; Dec; 1982:Apr; Oct; 1983:Apr; Oct; Dec; 1984:Apr; Oct; Dec; 1985:Apr; Oct; Dec; 1986:Easter; Thanksgiving; 1987:Apr; [1988]: March; Thanksgiving; Christmas; 1989:[Spring]; Fall; Christmas; 1990:Spring; Fall; Christmas; 1991:Apr; 1993:Spring; 1994:Spring; 1995:Winter (title varies, sometimes “MSL Bulletin”) NB: continued by The Open Door (Spring 1996)
(Archive Box #156A)