Lakes and Islands, Times Past

Northern Leeds Lantern (1977), 1 Jan 1984, p. 2

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North Leeds Lantern Happy New Your At the beginning of each new year, we tend to not only look ahead but also look back over the past 12 months. Our lives in North Leeds have not been drastically different from previous years. Spring brought the farmers. good weather for Summer gave us a bumper sunshine & heat season for all and Fall seemed to last & last, with only the final few weeks reminding us of the discomfort of our winters. But elsewhere in the world and even our country, we have been plagued by news of conflict, adversity and man's inhumanity to man. Perhaps we are too inundated with the news so that we have actually become immune to the hardships and misunderstandings which seem to prevail. War is as close as the T.V. or the daily paper. Pictorial accounts of brutal murders, child abuse and the like meet us at every turn of the page.... and yet do we really ever give it a second thought? Another regular annual habit is to make New Year's Resolutions. Perhaps with the present state throughout the world, and we are part of that world, we should all resolve to be more involved, more feeling and more accountable to our fellow man for his/her problems. Perhaps the age of technology is making us too logical, too much like a computer...unfee1ing, uncaring. Recently , an M.P. called another M.P. "too emotional". Maybe we should remember that our emotions are probably the most humanizing thing we have. If we let ourselves eel, we might hurt, we may realize .nat‘ it i3 like to walk in another's shoes. ‘ For 1984, may you join with me in resolving to try to be more human, more caring, more giving, more understanding of all people from all areas of the world. For the peace and continuation of our world we must accept the fact that all humans are basically the same, with the same needs and desires: to live productive happy lives to the best of their ability, no matter what race, creed, colour or nationality. May this year be and happiness to all. one of peace The North Leeds Constituency Office of Bob Runciman, H.P.P. for Leeds in the South Crosby Township building on Davis Lock Road, is open on the second and fourth Friday afternoon of each month fromvl:30 to 4 p.m. For an appointment phone 359-5830 or Zenith 20210. Ellen E. Goodeve Sales Ropresenlauve Xerox Canada Inc. Carling Square II 785 Carling Avenue Ollawa. Ontario KlS 5H4 (6|3) 237-1731 Semce a Supplies: l-OOO~267-8236 ALL CORRESPONDENCE, PAY- MENTS,ETC. SHOULD BE MAILED TO: BOX 136, ELGIN, ONTARIO, KOGIEO. Editorial Page LETTERS TO THE EDITOR..... Dear Mrs. Little; The world and North Leeds County is in a serious and unprecedented danger! With 5 to 8 minutes from "blast off" to "blast" we have entered a new era in the nuclear arms race. Is there time for reason to prevail anymore? Do you remember watching Alexander Haig on T.V. when President Reagan was shot? How would a military mind react to a false alarm? (exampleâ€"the Korean airline incident) To add to this potential panic situation we have world super powers playing political games with our future! Closer to home further danger signs are present. Did you listen to our panel of "prominent Canadians" after the recent film "The Day After"? They exemplified the real problems in our world: 1 An unwillingness to try to understand another. 2 An oversimplification of human affairs. listen 8: to complex 3 Paranoia 8: no desire to search out the facts. 4 A polarization of viewpoints (i.e. "sideâ€"taking") 5 No direction....where was the moderator? I've always had faith that we Canadians exemplified the reasonableness and open mindedness that does exist in the human spirit. What is happening? What really frightens me though is,, that I can act the same way, when threatened. However, I must not act in fear, but with courage, concern and hope. Many local people I talk with are concerned but don't know what to do. May I suggest these actions for a starter: 1 Read at least two current books on the nuclear arms race. (see your local librarian) 2 Discuss the issues with friends & neighbours. Be sure to listen. 3 Think â€" Is there anything any group or organization can do to help? 4 ACT We must do something constructive â€" we have no alternative â€" the risk of doing nothing is greater. I refuse to live withâ€"out hope for our children and young people. Sincerely Mark Timpany Red Cross Homemakers 359-5382 V_ O. N. Office 272 ~2436 Cancer- Society Patient Services Bev Peters 272â€"2186 Week days after 8:00p Weekends Anytinm NORTH LEEDS LANTERN DEADLINES FOR 1984 Month Issue Deadline med January Dec, 16 Dec. 29 February Jan. 25 Feb. 2 March Feb. 22 March 1 April March 21 March 29 May April 18 April 26 June May 23 May 31 July/August June 20 June 28 September Aug 22 Aug 30 October Sept, 19 Sept. 27 November Oct. 24 Nov. 1 December Nov. 21 Nov. 29 North Leeds Lantern is distributed, fig: of charge, to all households in the Townships of Bastard and Burgess(S), Rear of Leeds and Lansdowne, 8: South Crosby and the Village of Newboro. The Lantern is published . last Tuesday of each month, excluding Jul . It is governed by a Board of Directors and is. a ' non-profit Corporation. Funding is acqmred through commercial advertising and the mailing costs are paid by the above. named municipalities. Private subscriptions are available to those who live outSide of the areas named. Subscription Circulation is handled by Mrs. Margaret Keith Seeleys Bay. Ont. Requests for subscriptions, new or renewals, should be directed to Mrs. Keith for promt attention. The aim of the Lantern is to provide a monthly newspaper of interest to local residents. News from local organizations, Councils and the public will be published. The Lantern also hopes to pr vide a forum for local concerns and invites either letters to the editor or articles from the public. (Letters &/or articles MUSTbe signed.) Executive 1983-84 Editor Pat Little 359-5741 Ass. Editor Jeff Baker 359â€"5332 Treasurer Nancy Dwyre 359-5527 Rec. Secretary to be named Circulation Margaret Keith 387â€"3664 Distribution Helen Sweet 387-3569 Directors V Shirley Weaver. Doug Roantree, Diane Brown, Joan Hutchison, Jeff Baker, Jim Vanderschuit, Jansje Keates, Pat Little. Lay-out Regulars Pat Little, Jeff Baker, Doug Roantree Jim Vanderschuit, Diane Brown, Jansje Keates, Joan Hutchison, Marjorie Keates. DEADLINE All articles, Advertisin Copy, etcâ€"MUST BE SUBMIIIED BEFORE te Deadline stated in the previous month‘s issues. (normally the Wednesday prior to the LAST Tuesday of the month). Material received after the deadline CANNOT be guaranteed publication. Advertisers Please Note) if your copy is prepared for publication, we wil accept it as late as the Monday before Layâ€"out. Please remember...Pale blue copy will NOT print. Subscriptions) $7.50 per year - 11 issues. Contact Mrs. Margaret Keith, Seeleys Bay, Ont. Payment of Accounts) We would appreciate PROMPT payment of advertising accounts. Classifieds must be paid for in advance. Advertising Rates (sample) Conmercial/Di splay Ads 3 x 3 $ 7.00 3 x 5 12.00 7 x 5 20.00 7 x 8 25.00 35 page 35.00 Full page 60.00 g 302 Preprinted Business Card (All measurements in inches, first figure is width of ad; second figure is ad length. These widths are the standard one or two column used in the Lantern.) Our ad costing sizes. We will on other sizes. is based on these standard be happy to quote you Classifieds 2 - 5 lines $2.00 (minimum charge) 5 - 10 lines 4.00 Over 10 lines based an inch rate. Ad Content Policy) While Lantern volunteers compile ads, the content is the reponsibility of the advertiser. False or misleading information in ads should be drawn to the attention of the advertiser. Athens Residents) Occasionally, the Lantern has "over-runs" (more copies printed than needed) The Athens Library has agreed to allow us to deposit extra copies in the library. These may be picked up by area residents on a first come, first served basis. While there is no charge for this service, donations are gratefully accepted. Ere-lips) It seems as if our constant companions on lay-out night never take a vacation. We apologize in advance for any bloopers which we miss and hope the reading public will accept that these Gremlins mean no harm. after the «

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