Lakes and Islands, Times Past

Northern Leeds Lantern (1977), 1 Jan 1984, p. 15

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TOWNSHIP OF REAR OF COUNCIL NOTES LEEDS AND LANSDOWNE REGULAR meeting of Council, held in 'Council chambers, Monday, December 5, 1983, at 7:30 p.m. This being the first meeting of the second year of this Council's term of office, the Reeve made a few remarks reviewing what had been done in the past year: approval of the new waste site, paving part of the road to the waste site and purchase of a new truck. Council then proceeded to the business of the Township: * approved General accounts in amount of $137,360.33 * approved Provincial Parks Sector accounts in amount of $2,502.07 * approved Road VCucher 12â€"1983 in amount of $17,052.45 *approved $50.00 bonus for employees *dealt with severance applications as forwarded from the Land Division Committee * approved certain tax writeâ€"offs * approved Hane Renewal Rental agreement *approved preliminary application for Ontario Home Renewal Program loan * ratified agreement with Riverdale Kennels regarding impounded dogs * authorized transfer of funds from Reserve for Planning expenses to cover zoning byâ€"law expenses incurred this year *authorized office and road department and waste sitg staff holiday-inâ€"lieu to be taken December 27 and January 2. * Adjourned. NOTE: The local Assessment office has advised that there will be an "OPEN HOUSE" at the Township offices for anyone who wishes to discuss their assessment for 1984 taxation purposes - the tentative dates are JANUARY 16 and JANUARY 17, 1984 from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. WATCH YOUR DAILY PAPER FOR ANNOUNCE- MENT, or call this office to confirm the time and date (928-2423) SEELEY'S BAY SENIORS On Nov. 5/83, Janet Whitney, Vice President, opened the business meeting with the Lord's Prayer. There were 17 members present. The minutes were read by Beryl Moore as the secretary was absent. They were accepted as read. The treasurer read the financial report and Liza Gilmour moved the report be accepted as read. Fred Stewart informed us that the social hour prior to the Christmas dinner, to which we are invited by the Legion, starts at 2:00p.m. followed by the dinner at 4:00p‘.m. on December 17. ' It was decided that our business meeting would be combined with the potluck on Dec.9/83 There was some discussion re ways to make money and have some entertainment after meetings. It was moved by Doug Moore that we have Jimmy Forbes and his friend entertain us at our Roast Beef dinner on Jan. 17/84 It was moved by Everett Elliott that we hire some dishwashers for after the dinner. It was also moved that the Legion be invited and that a cheque be sent to the Legion as a donation for the use of the hall. A delicious lunch was served followed by a few games of cards. Beryl Moore F 0.9.. 010’ CABINET MAKING 38743406 Seeley's Bay Lumber Planing v . Antique Repair & Refinishing Custom Made Furniture General Carpentry FREE ESTIMATES PORTLAND OFFICE SERVICES LIMITED BOOKKEEPING 8. ACCOUNTING SERVICES BY COMPUTER Box 70, Portland, Ontario K06 1E0 272-2439 T.K. Scovil President North Leeds Lantern SEELEY'S BAY U.C.W. Hostess Joyce Simpson welcomed 18 members to the Dec. meeting of the Seeley's Bay U.C.W. Mabel Cameron and Gladys Webb conducted the devotional "How Far to Bethlehem?" pointing out that to really find Christmas we must worship at Bethlehem and not let anything else get in the way. The offering was then taken and dedicated by Myrtle Simpson. Roll call was answered by naming a favourite Christmas Carol. A sing-song of many of the named carols followed. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. The treasurer's report showed a pleasing balance to begin the new year. Money was voted to the Mission & Service Fund of the church, to the Sunday School, to the committee chosen to prepare gifts for the shut-ins and to the group planning the party for residents of the Lodge. Linda Horsey moved adjournment of the business part of the meeting. As a program, Freda Davies, using copies of Mission magazine, spoke about the islands of the South Pacific. She sited their problems and concerns about nuclear testing and the storing and dumping of nuclear wastes. The continued use of their area by larger nations makes them feel worthless and insignificant and this represents an unjust relationship between nations. After the program an exchange of cookies took place so that each lady took home an excellent assortment of Christmas cookies. Lunch was served by Joyce Simpson & Jean Collinson. ____.â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" OASWT holds meeting at Seeley’s Bay The Gananoque and area branch of the Ontario Associa- tion of Superannuated Women Teachers its November meeting in' the Legion Hall, Seeley’s Bay on November 30 where the Anglican Church Women catered a delicious Christmas dinner. The tables and hall were seasonany decorated. Head table guests were Thelma McCracken, president of Kingstongroup‘, Hilda’Car- diff, secrefijy; Doris Potter, treasurer, District Direc- tor; Stella Ctieetham, Ganano- que president: KathranScott, past president; Mary Townâ€" send, first glee-president. .7. Other guests from Gananoâ€" que’s “twin"« group in Kingston ineludod Past Presi- dent, Alice HogeBOO’rri-and her husband; Mrs. ,Mildred Milligan, and several other ladies. Grace was said by Stella Cheetham, and the singing of The Queen preceded the meal. Thanks to the Seeley's Bay ACW was given by Margaret Rowswell. Ethelene Tye was thanked for arrangements for thc banquet. Mabel Davison, Elgin, R.R. was hanged by the organizaâ€" ._ tion for- her many years of teaching and help in placing youth on the way to Christian living. ' Presentation of her pin was made by Hilda Cardiff. "Mrs; paviso'n, who started to teach in 1910 replied suitably in her own humorous manner. V Jadk Cameron, guest speaker for the afternoon, was introduced by Ethelene Tye who mentioned he had been postmaster in Seeley's Bay for 2l years. retiring in I97]; he had also celebrated his golden wedding anniversary in I983 with his wife, the former Mabel Bressee. Among Mr. Cameron’s hob- bies are the writing of poems and photography. Two, of his poems, The Winter Storm and Neighbors, were read by Reta Hollister. For his contribution to the program, Mr. Cameron show- ed a very interesting group of slides of a recent trip to western Canada and British Columbia. Of special interest were. his slides showing the vastness of the prairies, grandeur of the Rockies and beauty of the flowers in B.C. parks. The photography was ex- cellent and commentary infor- mative. Routine business followed. Nominating committee: Kathryn Scott, Hilda Cardiff, Doris Potter and Ruth Chisamore was announced. Director Doris Potter gave a report of some highlights of the I983 convention and stated the I984 convention will be in Peterboro. Greetings were brought from Ontario 2nd Vice president, Mildred Milligan, Kingston. She mentioned, among her duties, she had sent out 144 Christmas letters to the over 90 club. Her thought for th: group was, “You are not com- pletely dressed until you have your smile on". Past President Hogeboom congratulated Stella Cheetham and Kathryn Scott for an ex- cellent memorial service they had conducted at the I983 conâ€" vention. ' Insurance convener Louise Poole gave a short report and urged the group to realize that rates are cheaper in a group. A very pleasant banquetand meeting closed with the presi- dent reading the lrish blessing. During the afternoon carol singing was enjoyed. Members had brought gifts for the Salva- tion Army to distribute at Christmas. Tentative dates for 1984 â€" March 22, a .dinner; May 24, tea at Carveth Care Centre.

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