Lakes and Islands, Times Past

Athens Reporter and County of Leeds Advertiser (18920112), 24 Jun 1890, p. 3

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r~.n_§;*_.-..- “an. - numb. v‘~. t. 1..."... I. ..... h... m . . I a r t 1 “w w. ~WM. a». a AUTUII OHIO!!! MOI. l“. *' Roman J. m..............1........ntoocay.rtcv. iv. Born, 0. It. Tho-no“ .................. Wedneadov. Oct l. Londonmmu... .....Iouday,0et. 6. rto......... ...... .ttouday. Oct 13. alkorton .tlonday. Nov. 10. Mob. Friday. Nov. id. $151131. , . . .1 wumtby......'l.".f.'.'.'.'.'.lf7ff.'.'f FIIGU'OI, J. Cobourg...... ............llcudoy Bopt. lit. Lindaay............ Wrnca ,is. 1.11. Potarboro'... .Tuaa uniform”. 0ttawa.... .lcuday. Oct. It. Ircckvilie Monday. Oct. II. Cornwall..." .Fridadv; Oct. ni. Bollaviiln... .Tuaa Kingate11"... ................llonday. Deal. Bonn-nonfll. ....Tueaday. bept 1c. Tuoaday. Sept. lb. Tueaday, Sept. b). Monday, Oct. c. .lfonday. Oct. it. Monday. Oct 0). .llonday, Nov. it. ......llonday, Nov. 10. W- Lotcar to tho Pope. _ The following letter baa been lent to Eopo Lao Xlll. from Pennsylvania : Your recent nttcranoee in favor of poor. down- troddm and auiferlcg humanity have aflacted ma very deeply. Aa one cf the or I thank your holineae moot eincerely or your aympathy in our behalf. About a year ago there came to my hand a paper, entitled “ Back to the Land." It waa addroaecd “ To the clergy and lalty of the dlocnac of Month," lrelnnd, by Thomas Nulty, Blah-op of Heath. l read it very carefully and at once aaw the light, law clearly end diatinctly the reaaon why “ The poor ye have with you alwaya," and fully comprehended that all tho minery. ‘vice, involuntary poverty and degradation wan canecd by not followin tho Lord‘a command that “ The laud rhal not be acid forever, for the land la mine ; ya are only aojonrncra with me." Bacon» ug intereoted in the land queatirm, I ccnaiderod it my duty to myaclf and my fallowa tc atudy the subject moat carefully. The conclualona arrived at are : That thia aartb containa oufllcieut wealth to give all enough and to apare; that the invention and uao of labor» caving machinery. and the preaant meana for exchanging producta. ahculd make lt caaier to earn a living, and ahould be a blurring to the laborer inatend cfa curac ; that the Lord made thin oer-ti: l in uaulruct for all the chzl ‘ren oi? mew ; l that it in, therefore. manifestly wrotv allow a few men to own and conceal .- earth and make cthera pay for the ri his to l live ; that we cannot do without lan any more than without air and water ; thnt l-‘nt children cf 'meu. by their pretence, give value to tho land which it would cthcrwiea not pollen” that they alro create govern- mental , and that, therefore, it la only inl't t the one ahculd ba taken for the ment of tho other. '1' in ta! upon tho value of land. or , ,wculd be iuat and fair to all. tad by the pie, it abculd not, no now. no taken y individuala, but chould go whore lt pro rly belougn~tc the public traaau . invo untary poverty and tha vloen eria tbarafrnm would than be o thing cf the poet. I moot earnaatly bo- uaoch our holmccn So give the aubject the nttant cu it demrvco. Ono in your united pcniticn. one upon wbcm the whole world locka an the moral teacher, has it in hie power to guide ca, no that we my not Kay in vain; “ Thy I cm come. y will be done on an it lainllanwon." The aympathy and augpcrt of. u! balloon in tbia mcvo~ mani‘ page] religion in carnaatly long . ‘lino lottery and tho Ionic. Tchnlaiana Lottery haa offered the Btatc of Loolaiann a cool million a year fortwenty-flvo yearn for tho lvll cf calling lottery tlclnata tc f . l la gonorall underotccd that tbla offer ia a p ton to divide the fooi'a money wit the Stole for the privilege oi fleecing the foola. in other worda the lottery managcre in 'lhc light cf their pant ex- manoa expect to gather in l50,®0,000 of ’a money during the next twantyflve ycern iftha State Louiaiana will accept half the amount na a bribe for nllowin to dc it. The Legialaturo o ana baa tbs thruathnpon itaclf tho reapconildlily accept g or reject- ing thh cilar of n partnerahip in the bnninma of fleecing fools. Thct it nbould bo rejected la the unenlmcua opinion cf hcueat men. but unfortunately boneaty doaan't alwaya control legialutiva bodice, and it la not at all impcaaiblc we fool'flencing partnerehi may ba . Twuty-fivn milliona n focla‘ money acvc the Btatacf Louiaiaua cwonty- va milllcna in taxra. and even mt man hate to payltoxaa. But what n comment lo tbia un nahing offer upon the exceeding focliabnaaa cf the letter ' Lurch-Aqua. To be publicly paraded tho nowapapara ac willin cud oven anatouotogivn the lottery a ar-pc cocci million a our without c return, .cna would think, open than onuf be fccla. It robubly will do noth of Behind. for fool hen not chenpad la nature new?“ Written of him that. me but unmet-tar with o mind btufouliahnoan d rtplfi folio a pity for all that the pocrfoclo dauldbnve ac much good money to throw ‘wayr-Phaodalpltio Titan. ‘Ibo. Io'a Dre-ad in Illa bloat tult of om." Lockbcw th-a prlcca elect the farmer tflwtabnaalcalofpototcaatcbuyabmlr donate“: otaarbnyaaplainan cf ay wear: ittakaaagcal ~ o muolcaocflfn ittaua; a load of tote pcndingeuitcf unda- rigbt beading. Thcao in the out all right. All tho ctbpra were eat c8 Hill‘ OI‘ ItOAI'Da At 7.16 the gang turnrdln atthaminaa, tba lmallrr gang drifting ofl to tho loft. while the larger one. acme 35 in number, drifted to the right and doacandod coma U0 frat from thaanrfrca, and at loaot a mile from tho opening. Thane two drifta ara con- nected. but the connection infrcm tho main atom, acme half a mllo from tho entrance. Tho mlna bad been aomawhat troubled with water, and an air-abaft had been drilled from the aurfaco to tho junction of the ri ht and left abafla, whore tho water enema to ba tho moat abundant. Aa tho mlnera branched cl’ from thin lnt they know an air-hole had boon dr led there, and that it had not yet bean broken into tho mine, but they did not know the abaft waa to be broken into to-day. Thin abaft ia a alrinch hole. A minor named Kerwin had been left in the tight drift uoar where that branch joined the mlue‘a exit, and in tho courao of hie labors broke into tho perpen- dicular Ihaft. III LlI'I OlVlI ill VAlN. The moment thin wan broken into a flood of water tueltotl out, and Kirwin and a man named Landy atauding by yelled out for acme one to nave the men in the mine in the right drift Young David Bayer, who had awn the affair. lea forward at the call and turned dcovn t o loft drift in a deluge of water to warn bio endangered comradca below. Juat an he pnaeed the air ahait that had been broken into. the ruah of watern had changed to the ugly roar of a flood, which blanched the cheeka of the men who stood behind and towarda the light. The flow of water bad changed to a deadly volume of ilre damp, and an young Hayra awung by. the finch of the b airing light chad through the abaft from end to end. It loomed the doting youth carried an open burning miners lamp in hie bat, and he had hardly taken a atep beyond that roaring ahaft when the rpark ignited a rcoervclr of the deadly fire damp that had already accumulated. and he eank a corpac ten feet toward the men he had bcped t lave, and whom he certainly doomed. PIE‘ ADD“ 1T5 BORROBQ. in au luatant an unwenchable bro sprung up in the nine foot vein, juat bo- weeu the main entrance and on the right drift, forever ehuttiog out the thing-two menimpriaoned there. Poor old avid . .Eiayce, the father of the miatalren hero. Iriveu by the fate of hi4 only eon, daabed into the eulphurcua emoke and etrangling fire damp, only to fell blindly by the aide of hia rcn and to be drawn out an hour later with James Sheet-n, both recognized only by their wivec. The flre, fanned by air from the main drift and from tbe fata thaft. noon nprang into an awful ccndagra- ticn. Pat Kelly, who wan driving a mine car near the place at the time. na o the rnplcalon aeemed nothing. but the bl ndlug. atrangling amckc and gan followed blln llko a fiend to the very door of the ahaft. and poured out after him to aacand ic the top and wave a black flag of woo and dlatraoa to tbia hitherto proaparcun mining region. VAX! amnra A’! “ICUI. 'l'be minera from the left drift eaoaped blackened and brnll'd but cafe. and t ey tell a fearful etory of the accne jutt beyond the blazing coal on tho r ht, where half imagination and half fact a owed them a accre of terrible facea walled in by a flame no man could paaa and live. Willin handa and hearta were not wantlugi. an Clerk Cook. of the mine. with Mine ncpcotor E. Kaaghley, headed a party ‘oi one hundred, who entered the mine ahait, and after groping on for a quarter of a mile. at laat were driven hank again and again by the deadly gaa, only to recover breath for a moment, and again plunged in to find at inat that the right drift waa lm Ill-able. and no man could pane in and ive. They dually came upon two bodlaa, which were bro ht to the opening of the mine. when the b ackoned corpora of Shearn and Hayea the tlier were drawn into daylight. em cornea n tan rife nomit. A moan went up from c few of the bun‘ dreda about the it. but their anguiah waa notbiugtc the ant wctch kept by tho wiveo, children and aweethearta of tha thirty more atlll in the mine. The volun- teer corpa worked ctccdily from noon until lute to night, with no rccult but the two dead above named. nud eccb trip but brought ndeeper deapair to thooe above, end chcwt-d there was no bc and no one alive below. The corps cf l waa ch again end again an each rnhnuated aqnad ataggored to the outer air, but all iu vain. Ono man. Kell . who bod entered oovoral time, luallypiromdaheerdexbanatlcp,“ffill iatoan n tan wao rcwucut a injurod.°p’l.‘c-nlght falling rala incroaaod tho cftba attention. Children who had cat their fatbora and uttered deaelato walla could be accthed, but dark brewed ‘ man who atocd about with nullan. otcu are. and wiveo. nlatora and mctbora wl rawn white facaa could not be comforted. At midnabt tho amcka and gan from tbo r tab tseurodu the main anitin an nighbreken time, a:d after trlala almoat bovcud human anduranca tho raacning part gave up all hcpcc of ever renewals: the bodice from that entrance. turned tbalr attention to tho Fnrguacu minaono and coo-half miloa away. At thlobcur they are atrlvlng to panatrata from tket mine. but tho demon and ranch balk tbalr ovary effort. no Inna. 'I'ba unlvaraal verdict cf thecld mlnara ‘act the ‘W man were aithba; kl out t an loaton,crhtar “who lattarpaoamo the cg. atod tho worda “ intimida- bcycottln " for "crime." Finally to tho Henna and the Hr. Balfour nformad a deputation to. daytbatitwonldba impcnaiblatcpaaatba Land Purcbaao bill thin naaalcm A Cathedral UM A London cablo aaya: Grant facra are entertained for the aafaty of Bt. Pcnl'n Cathedral in ccnaaquoncc cf the new und 11nd railwa to be ccnatructod within a fow bun rod arda of the building. Chriatcphar ran left a memorandum to the elfect that the founda- tlcno worn not on good no ho could wlab. confinently it ia feared that the vibration can by the tralna will endanger the dome, even if tho preliminar worka do not imperiltha entire fabric. he motcra of the line nay the undorgrcnn rcllwa near Woatminatnr Abbey la not fol . 1 am informed on the but authority that in. reality the traino choke the building conalderably, but the foundationa being or ooedin ly good uc damage la done. Different ccn'dit one rxlet at 81. Paul'r. Water- ccnraco render the ground uncertain. An the Cathedral atanda higher than the rnr~ rounding lccalitieo, acme ahiftlng c‘! roll in digging out for the railway ic inevitable. The Dean and Chapter are in o ntctc of great alarm. and will endeavor to induce the Houae cf Lorda to throw out the Bill authorizing the line. “W A Your!‘ “and Bottom Illa llator. A apeclal from Hazeltou, Pm, aayr: Nellie Dcugherty,aged ll yenra. wuc lctnlly burned yeaterclay by her brother. who in about a year younger. The children bod been tithing, and the boy built n fire in‘ tonal acme iroga’ logo. Becoming eurcgod at hin ainter for tome trivial aet.bc dragged her to the fire and held her over it until her clothing became ignited. He thought be could extinguiah the flemee without eerloualy injuring her. but he delayed too long. and all eflcrta to put the-m out failed. In her doaperatlou the poor child threw heroelf into the crcelt. Scone men who were paeaing arrived just in time to nave the life of the boy, whore clothing hcd ciao caught fire. The little girl died r. few houra later. The toy ia badly burned, but will recover. 'l'ho Pope Prophv aloo Woao. A Rome cable aaya : The pc in reply to the cougraiulatlona of vlr tcrc nt the Vatican expreaacd bimaelf an strongly of belief that great pnniahmant waa impend- ing on acclaty for ita diaregard cf and in- didaruco to the church. " The Lord." ha laid, " will come no longer with a aweat and peaceful face, but with an angry one. to atrike and urify Bio Church. I am neithera op ct ncr the aon cf a prophet, but l feel n my heart acrrowful nt- manta. A aaa of evil ia about to boat’ againat the rock on which the church la founded. and will leave nothing to be aaau on the horizon but tho threat of the anger cf God. Prnyrr will not anfllcc to appeaaa tho l Almighty." , W Britten Ion-of-War load’. A Ban Franciaco deapatch aeya t There are many vague rumcra afloet concerning the reported taking cf Curen by the Run- aiena. There in acme trouble in Corra. but the Government oliiciala of Jcpun know nothing definite about it. All that io aurcly ltuown la that the Britieh men-cf-wnr are in the barber with etc-rm up. and under ordera to rail at a moment'a notice. finer-cl have already gone. The Americnu naval force under Bear-Admiral Bolknnp la alas expectln ordera to nail for Corcu. Au cfilcer o the Brltlah chip Severn acid he had aeen drapatchea and ordera wich would aatcnith the forelgnera in Japan. i Weatmlnater'a Ian! Great 92ml. 1 A London cable aayc: 1 Ccmminion of In nir into the queatior: 1 of providing additllou ~opace for the intnr- 2 ment of diatinguiahed men in Weatmluator Before the Roycl i .Abboy. acme curionn factn ore coming out. The apace beneath the Abbey in many parto it filled up with 00an of t‘. very ancient date, acmetimaa rendering it necro- oary to bellow out room for tho coffin. The remain: cf an unknown paracn worn found when tho opening wan mode for Brown- ln ‘a grave. Upward: of fourteen hundred inc ara known tcbnva boon buried in the abbey ltoalf. and mony more in the clclatoro. W M Illa Wife. A Lovell, Harm, d toh layo: J Dafcy and Narciaae were no frtnn that not long Daley ropcand tc loaao h wife to Roy for t ran yearn for 0100. Shortly aftorwurda Dafo wont to Oanodo. Roy locked upon the ma tor an a icka until recently be wan amatad charged with aoaault on Ira Dofo . Ho cflarad to poy I26 to nettle. but Icy rofuand. Roy'a ooa afterward paid $100 te buah tbe matter n . At thwltl'ltl yaatarda itcy waa eta- rgad,tbo judge not cg - dance cf the Dafcya. Boy la 77 yearn cld. A (lineal) Mm of Mo... A Youngatcwn. 0.. doapatcb an z lira. .lcba Valentino boo been defeat: in bar cult to raeavar “hm life lnouraaen bald ultra Mad a The dafoaco woe t Velantlnfib'ofiwao a cido by abocti travellor.bad committed ani- pravotbatbac bimaalfln the bead. To from other aauaaa the wlfo bad bar blowfmnhamod cad the bead cut cl and g baralt =1 l. ii‘ l it ll ii ll -i ‘a l 1wcronnivcry Bo want directly to the hcapital. lo dean cu a cot and never arcaofrcm t a; n. A00)!!!‘ THAT IADI Ill! Wm. Suddenly. witbcut a memont'a warning, the man became a raving maniac. The doctcro had expected thin. and bad taken tbopracanticntctla hie banda tetboddo of tho bed. 1nHe m abca: iu hia awful “Y1 n ‘r all. ‘m8’ “I m nob lug; now like a tender child, an than a ocb that made tho byatandorn weep with lpity for tho human beingthat waa auifar n . Again ba would tear away at the co a that hold bio handa va, and it took the combined atrengthof four atrcn ‘man to bold him down. The fo ‘ it u to bind hia feat faatcn hie body ac that ha could not move about. More chloroform wan admlnla- cored. Then morphine, and ac cu until it wan found impracticable to give him more. It wen retarding the action of the heart. Every time tbo doctora atopped adminia- tcrlne the drug Corrivean had a frightful apanm. The alightoat thing rtoultod lu a o am. And after all thaao horrible houra o andering. like no man baa ever auderad before, Edmund Corrivaau aank back ex- gia'tsatod, gave a abort agonizing gacp and no maniac ca untrue. Corrivoau did nct “foam at tho mouth." Neither did he bark and anarl. Be did not one? at anybody. 311v. Giblcr an d that if he had teen the men within a week or two after the biting he could undoubtedly have cured him. but after the aymptcme have once aet lu he know.‘ of no elective treatment. A treatment haa been triad by some dcctcrc ln England, which in aaid to have cured tientn after bydropbcbia baa oppeared, ut it haa not been found to be absolutely effective in all canoe, and Dr. Gibier doea not aeem to place much faltb in it. Thin treatment ccnalrta in takin from the tlant from BO to 100 ounces of cod. Eng and in about the only place where thin baa been triad with any probability cf anc- coca. Deputy Coroner Jenklua performed an eutopoy on Corrlvcau'a body to determine the exact cauac cf hia death. The bod woo removed from Ballovuo Hoepitai an planed on a marble ainb in the room reserved for autopaiea in the morgue. It allowed that tho dead man waa cf uuuauclly duo phythua. aturdy and muacular. The laca ahcwed no trace cf tho agony which preceded hie death. The roault ahcwod that it wan clearly n caoa of bydrcphobia. A portion of the apinal cord waa rcuccvad for future analyala and for experimental purpoaalfi 'rsn rantsnta ornaments. dwelt-e Growing Dally Ioro Lina a Wine Benet. AHovana cable aayat Eyrand ia bo~ coming aav o through hia rule from the bent. an beglna to ahcw tho act of beln watched by live men. At ove mot on of the prlaoncr the guarda approa bin cell door. He in awaha all night. watching the gourd with u lava glitter in bin eye. Be le atill ignorento the doteu~ tlvaa praaonce in Havana. Ha in able. lately pennilooe, only one Mexican cent having been found on him when ho waa crreatad. Since tbo murder he ballad a varied lilo. Ho oarrioa tho mark of a bullet an ‘11in ri t aide. fired from the pintol of a Mexican uaband who caught him with hie wife. Ha moat have boon ahot in Mexico quot before hia arrival hero. the wound being frrah and the ball believed to be in bin body. Binca the murder Eyraud baa boon living by thieving. The Oriental gnrment wan one of hie tbofta. I. Parcben inciata atill that bin wife muaod E ud‘a errant, but ho will not ahow the 'urklah garment, however, in proof. The autbcrt tlea are nervcna about tranafoning Eyraud to the dotoetlvea. A atrn bbiackatofwira la being made and entra dcula in the American atylo. Icw Iary Ina Drooaod. A London cable aaya: Xian Andoraon cclcrod antic drone. tbo body of which woo trimmed with figured allk, and tho long train waa borucby bar little brccbcrdroanccl ea araoa 0n bar bead waa e wrcctb. cf c blcnacreo. cvar which fall n clmpla the whole of the trein nnd daaconding tcthawaiat. ln bar band cbe carried a amcll not oi lillaa and m ritoo. Blanche Grifln, who wno the btidaa- rncld, woroa bolictrcpa drone th wblto olaevoo and hot to match. No other mom- hovo of the part; m bride? attire no the left of the altar were m beya from Canon Pcroall‘n orphanage, who canted baahota Allod with rcoalaavon, and when tbc aoromcay wao concluded, naattarud the lcavoolntbo path of the palraa they waited down tbo aiola. The cavemen l ti!‘ ' it!‘ t ll it. .. l ltlri A Bt. Lcnla daapatcb aa . Crook. air rodeo above Iayavlllo. laatnigha two dark clco'daatot andburot. The crack jumped over lto banko and a away aavcral dwallinga and their toned occupanta. Tho ateno culvert on tho Choaapaaka d1 Obie Railway over Bull Creek waa waahad into tbo river, and t midnight. when tba atorm waa n , ito height. tho wont-bound frel kt trainrnn into tho waab-cut, canning a aarful wreck. The en inc and cara wore piled one on of anct er, almcot out of night in the cr bottom. Engineer O. C. Bondcop, fireman Bouncer and brakemen Eaton worn buried beneath the wreck. end their bcdiaa have not been recovered. Conductor Watta and brakemau Love jumped from tho laat car and encnped. The train wan made up of 82 care. A fact wrecking train on the way to the rceno thin morning ran cvar Ilifirank Scott. a colored employee. and killed m. About a dozen poraona living on the bank of Bull Creek are re rted crowned. The following bodice have eon recovered : John Bug co. a well known doberman; Lucy P atler, a widow. and hr!‘ two daughtera, Betty and Julie, and two acna. Several hundred people from Mayavillc have gone to the ncnne of the diaaatar. m letanttflc Iota. Gearing for electric rallwaya mode out of rawhide lo preferred to metal, ac it Eifitlbtfl far lean noiae and weara better. Duplex telephony. it ia now thought, will lay an extremely important pert in tho aolntiou of tho diflicultieo in connection with long diatance telephoning. At a recent meeting cf e committee of the RoyalHorticuiturcl Society. u plant wan exhibited, proving abet a distinct atop haa beau made in the cultivation cl the deep blue primrc no. The hole nut, recently cdcgtad ac being outremely nutritioua by the armau army, lc pro rad no c bevarcga in the form of chccc etc, and it in acid to be more nutri- ticua than either codoa or tea. A now rod glass baa been recently pro- dneed in Germany. Bnaldao lta can for the manufacture cf bottlec, gcblata. end vanaa of various kinda, it in applicable in photon raphy and in chemictc and opt ciana' aburniorioa. It han recently been chum: by r. acrira cf axporimruta on dogc that while tho alter- nating current in dietinctly than the continuous, itc fetal superiority ia far lean than aorco former oxpcrimauta would lead ua to think. A borc hole aunk at Bchladcbeck to a depth of 5,734 loot abowa a rounnrhbia uniformity in the incroaao of temperature. which roan one drgrea Fahrenheit lcr ouch 97 8 feet, the maximum at the bottom being 188.9 ° Fahrenheit. The piece of crown glaaa, 40 inchal in diameter and two and a half iuehao thick, made in Perla for the object glean ofa taleacope for the uuivcralty of Southern Oalifornio, will require two yearn’ labor to turn into o flniohad lane. The uae of tho phonogrcph union car- taln lndian tribac lccda to the cone ualcu 3 F‘ that the main cbcinoteriatica cf their lan- guage can be recorded nnd permanently preaerved either for ctndy or domcnotrn- tlcn with thin incitement. M- Jablockofi, of electric ccndle fume. makea a atromg argument in ‘Q'Yiz' of going back to chemical reaction for the produc- tion cf electricity ao a motive power. ' ho dynamo machine dcea not ntilloa more than 10 per cent of the fuel. while more tban90por cent can ba obtained under favorable circnmatancra in electrochemi- ~ n. , ‘ventilating railway ing wotatl m . duet, aftar which ' ‘ filtering before on » u the -' " . In acme erparimante letaly made . Inglaud to toot tba Inorit oil alvaatrlc wold- ‘iug,aonaaud a belf inch iron hr wan welded bath by maunnof The former p m3 ta h a " ‘,illifiii* Irrrglllillli> i largely fail. more deadly‘ ' not crlng it z . of thenearth “Mm. .111?" *:llllllfilii l ht from any who may one more. The m. wingarotho pcaitlonainwhlcb wcroc rn'n. ‘r... 11.-1c; cf all mm, ltlcal and induotrial ralatlcna on tho Fat hood of God and tho ,brct of 3"‘“el'3"“ -- ~' “I. v " .- ' :1. working tawaad'» tboootae. Wanaaomoit hcpaln atmpla ayatom. The a irit givcth life. B atama arairnpertanta . but cnl aicr. aticnal life muct be educa , character meatka devolc . before an ayatem can bear good ruit. We would remember thla; we would begin with the lunar life. We would not oeektn tern- atina humanity unto perfection, ut to . Cbrlatianiae tociety into brotherhood. Third. Molding tho accial ‘order. Cbriatianity door not concern tho individual alone. Chrial preached a aooial gcopal. There ie e aociel low of God. Man tc-day forget this. Ar individuala they atrivo to > apply their Chriatiauity in bunineea,'and Bcainoae itaalf today ia wrong. It reata upon a ntl tion of the oucial law. Ecch man in for imaelf. each company for itceli. It la baaod on compet- itive atrlfe for prcdta. Thin la tho enact cppoalte cf Chrlatiauity. Cbriatlanity aaya: "Lot no man acob hla own. but each bio neighbor’: good" To attempt. therefore. tum‘ all“ , bit]. tc molarm buclneaa la to attempt tobeObriotlan in an un-Ohriatian way ; it in to build obedi- anca to Ohritt on the aanda of diacbadlaucr. It can not be done. We mutt change tba cyatam. We muot found buainut upon cucial law. Combination muat taka the piece of corn tlticc; wn muat have a ayatom in wblc buainaca aball be carried on. not torprivata pronto, but for the pub- lic good. o mutt apply our cnriatianlty tc tho acclal order. Fourth. We view tho lack of aocial order aa the main cauro of preacnt acclal illo- Wa dud bore the main cauao of the evila that to-day threaten acciaty and tbo Church; plutccracy,‘ bfammcn worn i mperiam, poverty, unbellaf, lame 1;: mpcranca. prcatltuticn. crime. Ra- for-1a upon thnao opacial linen can them fora only alleviate, not cure, themuao batug left untouched. Filth. The development of Chriotian Socialirm on need to day. We moan by thin _’ t3, n clap 1.51- ~ 1.10 il- ,, ~ ,0 contentment to proceed one atop at a time; (2) laavingtc aclanca and experience tba (carrot form that acciaty‘l ahoulo ado t, yet. aver grad, an tbooghtfu y - needing towardo t a general goal of anaem- ticn; an emulation (1) fraternal and not tornal ; (I) democratic and not tyranni- ccl; (8) developing true individuality. and (‘ ) land and all roaecrcaa when cyataan no the gift cfflodaqaa and controlled in acme way . the community an a whole. and o for tho bonabt of the community equitably lucllltoparta; thee maliabg at tbo lad the ideal cf Chriatian Bcdall-n. tho lethal‘ bccdoftlcd.thabrctbarbccd cf loathe apirlt of Joana Ohdat. new rc 1000701188 rare. Individually. lat. Livacptcycarawncroad. a) Regulate your lifiteatntpla and aca- l- ‘ ‘ ‘.1 . M . co‘?- en (alt . " A? ' atndylng. :l' Palotaat tbattbc aan-nrlackWietbaccadnct halnwa .lndl '._uar .. c...“ lg) be olatwauaaltalolofi atom-alto ‘ 1 and." . ‘.Q ( pm!- . . . wanna on drcn; (‘lanapitalandallmaanacflndnatry tobeh 1... . . ,1 .n . 1 4 l oblnblaqppcatd cure. andlat no " ‘dew: the aatc'cnaa inltlalatap tbnmlflylabarmcvament. ... a‘... " Iaaanar tc'dthrnamhamlfih' ‘been p l-rahaa,‘ :ta ‘be b0 th-l caacuttaaawaltaatb-al ' ‘I Intuallv 09m m Retaliation againat tho lollclay haalcundavclcaln Frauen- lntho ' ‘.Iu 1:1. -- 3 bother; man workn in a factory or flaldlcdetcrmincd by the price of, gr! labor. The American mnnufac- turor bide, not againat the European manufacturer, but agaluat the American ‘ farmer. Why la it that today. after thirty yoara of a protective tariff, itia nocaaaary to go ill labor Wba Ware at cftho'l‘ mot not‘ ‘our nice-ewe have cf ihla' mut 5a.", l. trade the batter. unafnlncaa in the. McKinley Ball. baagcedtbingif Canada. for tbotro cfcnrdu on . abet-bat: duty cntyccrnmf "it"... .oc. r unheally. or a "3,‘ g a1 1. ‘I ‘w. ’° . “it "filler o! {WWW bl“? 1.1.1.... 1 .1 \ '1 nu‘ pm“ infill!‘ Ith m Blainly tho deprcaclon cf agriculture. mutual acarclty. We diam. 'qenettty an "m" When, in America. agriculture proapcra, swim an, wll an wogca advance; when it in .d weigoalnovar fa 1 intbolaud nee. n 1877, 1 18 an 1879 farm produdti commanded profitable pricca, and every auction bod a “ boom." But lu rccout yearn the tendency baa been otherwiae; tho chief agricultural crop haa bane the crop of mcr agar, with tho reault that wagon hava do nod in all tn- ;aarlal central, and atribca have multi- blcw. we ara to have a " bill to prevent the reduction of wagon of American labor to a European belie. ' How in lt propoaed tirdc thief Bimply by incrcaaiug taxa- t on. Here in nu iiiuntretlon: A farmer acnda “ma curl ltrawbprritn to hia city mar- c ant en tella him to aendinancheuga twelve dcnau tin cane for peocbaa, tome. tcea, eta, etc. Bentofcro the Government would takadolzmauua ll poruntdtbo farmer would got nine cane inateadcf n dcnan. 8o dude thin tax baa been in- creaaed to dv'o, leaving only aovou caua in c dcaan, or aavnn dcaeu in a groan. It done not matter what the farmer aaka in exchange for bin producta, tbo elect of thn McKinley bill la the oamc. If he wantc a cult cf cicthao, a carpet, hcuachcld ntenallc, farming implementa, knives, gnu, fortiliarr, anytbin or ave thing, ha fludo thatinmh a [or bin rulta and vegetabiea. for whoa cr corn, for cotton or for cattle, by an inuvaaw oi taxationho murt accept ieaa or he moat rand more 'l'hlnia the way farm wagra are "in~ croaaod." U11 the influence cf the tarifl. ngficultcreh declined. and wagon in the factorien and mllln vofcilcwed. Law. be been idem‘ in twday impel froaof any tax. audnc between the poorly id immigrant and the poorly pal mar. the laborer in the clttca fioda tbnt thawagoaand the wagon of tho Ecglitb . - tfi- c from the acta of labor. They are bigbaat when and whore production 1| higbaat par band. l A aataoalaaartlddal lmant to thab p u; any rlction. any taxation. any tarlil', laboana tho productive ref labor and reducer lta rowerdc. aaatica ll alwaya no avll ; it la tnlornbla “'33:” 1.. '° m” 3.2%“?1 1n > 9° to enrich m rich.“ ‘cc occumnla- ttcn cf tho Forty Thievnc, it la an outrage toe yparacn. and on eopecial burden nponAtnoricanlobar in the datd crtba factory. Dan ltaa our Republican frianda ‘mm turf‘ b n tan-#Loeiwilla Heavier. lava-WW -. Tan record of flro lcanao .l1- ‘the United Btataa and Oauah ac fartblc' tba dearer abce g o otoady nductlcn, ac cctn with peat yearn. The following la a tabulated itntcmont 1m. ‘I -.. .1..- ba ma arm one n T ‘1...- M‘ ‘ally Kama. a few daya ago that itn Garment: might learn acme in y manna of the to: co . Senator had adobtto th X2. P d V‘ which ha“ " portaticn war not uncanaary to au- taticn. bacauaa if we could aall uctatoforelgn ccuctrion in noun with their own almtlar producto. tba would be obliged to victa la thagrecantad ~ngte Europa with our atoemere rel l3’..".i“ lit .1 ducta to be oeld in competition with of Ronnie. indie. Auatrnlin and flouth America. and bringin back nothln: amcll lrcu agtecozicnta cing a law got barn o n. 3 ouch clrcumataucea. or bcgc bit Of couraa. under the gocda we an. pert would have to pay double night, cince coma buck empty. .. caution of - udia, otc., ct once, and agaluat ua. tho 1' ueaticu would coma u‘ : we do with the gold f . rhoul the ataomora . "If", Thin would nettle the " petition with Buflo. Than What oabould com cm a anfllcten of that modal if l‘ hove-“$1 “Margy new. Bot on ‘-* tint the cunning foraignarn ahculd it ‘ only of tor ccotng their Batten. woul into their haada to peoa biometry billc d . their own, aa Franco and itiazdcc arc doing , i3 or throntnnln tcdc. We have cc Innue- Vary likely the ""tr"’trr.... any: " you n cdr productc, we will not bu yo ' " 1 may aarm incredible. to w, ‘ h“ but he will hove a much almplar can to daal with when tho tax on barley. in inputted Mmtaabmhal remove‘ atltaa n tr: cf 15 per cant. were put on l1 dao. be culd nee tblcgo much more clearly-- atn York Enemies .?aat. The Dir-u Who Banged lmttb. The man aruit a... launched solo. into y wee an Ecgliab-an appnrontiy ~ "about 45 your: of 4K4. “with .balght. u. m a .3? dig-$23? bin ruddy fcca our a baavy growth cf brown. curling which". Be in cot down . an n prcicaclcnnlhon tubotnoacme men w o ha Toronto. Ha curried him encodiatltcugbt dlanoln witbmair' of nunehnlanco. and die‘. to“ Mi ' anon to bit occupation. migration be wee ccmawbatunncrvad page t. Footer, wbc atccd watching ‘kltn ' v '“t " 11 .0. Bl‘ " W'ym'tfh“ l E after a carefulrcgutiny by tho Ouflall ‘I tlulobad. "on." replied to. 'l'botar.“c ace are 1" loch at hing, craft it f " At tbia remark the ban catamodam: bin heal end malted away. o an Marti-ao- "porter, 39!be to .,tl1e he “ danladtbatbahadenaautad * aaldhocuonctotbadty thabangmcn outlaw-1 bewtbaappuutaowflal-

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