Associated Image(s) - Soldiers of the First World War - CEF - Library and Archives Cana... Page 2 of 3 ORIGINAL 01 TAY !) | / a a a Battalion a Ml Ges ate | Me the £2 Regtl. No.... 3035577. PARTICULARS OF RECRUIT DRAFTED UNDER MILITARY SERVICE ACT, 1917 Cas. te . SELNAME. ccc ee He OE Sh William Alfrea 2, Comistian Want. 2 go: 4. Present address...............- LOTK s Pa Oa. , Oe a ee oe ec Se oe Ga 4. Military Service Act letter and number a NES oS) oe ee : Bo bate ol but DOGG. 160 ee ee ee G. Pisee ct-oittt, oe York, BO.) G27% Ce oo ftown, township or county and caungry) 7. Married, widower or sitgle 0 De a ceouionenraieevavacensaresnacatennnersicsesrsiiare o> Se eligion (0.03. Fes ee aoe pen A A oe i G Trade of tains BOR ec ce et, Renee ee ee 10, Name of nextol-lan. a Bg ee = 11. Relationship of next-of-kin 00... Se MOUS ts ee os ge 12) Address of iext-ol-kim = Jorn, 2.0, — One oe oe 13. Whether at present a member of the Active Militia....... Be Pe ee 14. Particulars of previous military or naval service, if any....... Ce ee 15. Medical Examination under Military Service Act:— (a) Place... Cayuga, Ont i {b) Date...o¢-t,.- 3Le¢., 19180 BN eee Sn ee DECLARATION OF RECRUIT i Alfved Mitehel1 ee _do solemnly declare that the above particulars refer to me, and are true. oo : oe Wy | hehtl Se (Signature of Recruit) q DESCRIPTION ON CALLING UP Apparent age.............. oo ee VIS aa. eee mths. | Distinctive marks, and . marks indicating con- Height 5 ft $0, ins. gential peculiarities or Oe 8 L J previous disease. Cheat } > Tully expanded... Ae (ee ins. ‘~ measurement j range of espansion.. Oe dee. ue 5 10/05/2013