:^1^^ T^^T^'^^^'^^r â- T^5»^5P^V^^^^ â- ;* The Siattdat'd. MAEKDALE SEPT. 10, 1885. liver, blood, or ibe apparent ratise- ' tion of all. The band enlivened the proceedinga-by s^eral selections dar- ing the evpning. Proceeds abaut $16.- W. F. Doll, who is jnst reooveriiig from his last severe illness, is. at present spendini; a few days in this village. Altho. prices were low, a Vrisk Irasi- nejs was doae in cattle at the fair on Monday last. Mr. Geo. Stewart, president of the A very important qnestionâ€" viz.â€" cheese association, has again proved Commercial Uuion between Canada j himself worthy of the position, having and the United States, is being gener- just closed the sale ol a large lot of ally discussed by the press of Canada, i cheese at an extra good price, con- The total absence of any such union, sidering the state of the mai-ket. and the present existing high tarriffj W. H. Elder is having his resi of duties both on Canadian.goods going i deuce made more comfortable and into the U S. and those of the latter beautified by brick, clad with, an or- GANADA AND THE STATES. UNITED coming to Canada, is a cause, ou the part of the consumer on both sides of the line, to look with favor on a,ny means that can be introduce.l which would overcome this searious obstruc- tion. The object of a commercial union would be to wipe out the existing duties, except lor the purpose of revenue. A certain class will doubtless objeot to any measure that would point towards political union with the United States, uo matter how great the ad- vantages of sucli a measure would be to our Domiiiio.' There are however, those who woiil.l even ou that very ground, support a commoreial union, and that immhor is, ive believe, much greater than is generally supposed, and iucre'.siijg year by year. There is no Viih^l n'lson, under present eu:cumstaii':es, v.hy a msiisure of union for commercial purposes Hhould bs a stepping stoiio ti.wavils aiincsatiou. If our ix-latious could b'j ;:o improved, securing all the cominevciai benifits that annexation could Lrii!-:, and at the same time retaining all the ad- vantages of British connection, we believe the sclitmo would have very little oppo.'-ition. To say tlio least, our commercial relations arc in a most unsatisfactory state to the consumer, and any improvement would be hailed with gatisfaatioii.- uamcntal porch built in frout. Beiiteley. MAEKDADE AT THE TltlAL. INDUS- Thirtecn horses are entered to com- plete at the Toronto iudustnal Ex- hibition from tli's place, and u;o have no doubt, will give a creditable record MrrWatson^has the sympathy of the From a correspondent. Business dull in our town at present. Gloomy harvest weather, the wheat crops is almost a complete failure in this localit3 The bears has been making mutton scarce. I think lambs will rise "in value if bruin keeps on a while, The boys of our town are looking forward with smiling face as there is a few yery stylish weddings coming off soon, no doubt we will all get a bid, why not Mr. J. Fanning returned home last Sunday morning from Manitoba he is looking well and in the best of health. We had a call from the Eev. Mr Avison fromManitoba; he started beck ou the long trip to-day. We wish him a safe voyage. Tiic nq'torious disturber of Williams- ford got a bad belting last week from a strong muscle Juug man who was well used to hammering. The man with the .soro head took his departure next morning for a more peaceful land Mr. G. Dunbar lest a fine cow last week. She was tied down to prevent jumping and made her way in the woods, got strangled and broke her neck. Tiie remains of our friend Samuel Watson was laid in the Berkeley church yard last Tuesday. Leaves a loving wife and throe small children. The deceased was ailing for the last three years from rheumatics and dropsy next week. â- Mr. J. It. Trimble shipped a car load last week to the rrovmeial Exhibition at Iv^udon, and will •xhibitjalso at Toronto next. This was perhaps as line a car ol horse flesh as could bo produced by any place of the size in the Dominion. Besides thoFO, there are entered for the Industrial Angus Plewes' Pennies, Joseph McLood's Pennies, Eev. A. Wilson's Pennies, and E. Large's. single driver, so that wo may reasonably e-spect to have a goodly number of prizes to chronicl for Markdale. comm'inity at large. Berkeley Boy. The- above came just too late last weekâ€" K(?. 6' for Flcslicrton. yrom uur own con-esfontlent. The Gos2)le Army Jubilee which was held on the evening ol the 2nd inst., in the drill shod here under the auspices of the Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Church (with the ex- ception of the great faith of tl.e Eev. Mr. Aycrs) far surpassed the most sanguine expectation and was of a truth the greatest religious demonstra- tion ever held in this part of the country, and altncugh the ladies bad provided provision in abundance and made preparations lor seating several hundred people at once, the crush for tea was so great, they were taxed to thcirutmqst to .servo all in good time, however that part of the bill was well and satisfactorily Hied, the proceeds of which amounted to $115. When 8 o'clock the hour for the grand march had arrived ihe Brass Pand left the drill shed and followed by several hnndercd people marched through the principal streets playing and singing gosple hymns, when they returned to the shod it took some time for the monster gathering to get seated, and although every possible accom- modation had been made hundreds had to stand in the isles and passages, the building was packed to its utmost capacity there being about 800 people present. At one end of the building a platform was made on which was erected elevated seats, which were oceupied by tte Ministers, Army, Brass Band and Choir, the meeting was opened by singing the Coronation hynm led hy Band 'All hail the power of Jesus Name" after which Bev. Mr. Graudy led in prayer, Dr. Christoe was. then called to the chair, an Anthum was sang by the Choir and several choice Selections were render- ed by the Band also brief eloquent and pitky addresses were delivered by the Eeverend's Casson, Grandy and Strongman after which Major Suther- 1 land was placed in charge of the meeting and the regular Salvation tieryices were hartily entered into when a large number of brief religious testimonies were given. Anabundanee of provisions being left a social was held in the same place on Friday ,«Tening when about 150 gathered together and spent a very enjoyable evening, speeches were delivered Ist fiy Eev. Mr. Ayres who dwelt upon the Ladies and their kindness, and ,labor on the present occasion, .2nd |iy Mr. Bichardson who dwelt upon Mr. Ayres and his labors, Srd by Mr. -Fawcett editor of the Advance with his Osnal brevity and eloquence thanked Um chairman for the honor conferred mua him. also said he had enjoyed himself and hoped to have many mora idly good time« in the near future, 7be editor promises well with a little ;gsore practice' to shine as a platform juan. No doubt his humb for elo- flcenco is growing. 4th. by. Dr. Christoe, who after commenting up- on the uaranw grove in which the /prmer speakers ideas ran proceeded among other things to deliver a iiz- eonrse upon the heart, lungs, kidneys, IJIPOKTAXT. Wben you visit or leave New York City, save UaRKiige Express and Carriage hire and stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite the Cjrand Central Ijepot. Elegant rooms fitted up at a cost of one million dollars, re ducsd at 81.00 and upwards per day, Einopeau plan. Elevator, licsturant supplied witli tlie best. Horse cars, staRcs and elevat cd railroad to all depots. Families can live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel tlian at any other first class hotel in ih.il city. Osprvj CmmmtaM. ' Tills cotmcil met in Singhaaqitni on the 20th inst. members aU pn»- ent. cQMianiicMiaan. From council of Collingwood re bnrm'ng of school honse in Bitfoa section. J. Bntherford account $25. 25 for printing Voters' List, Colleotors Bolls, c. J. Hannon, account $8, for culvert on 60th sideroad with voucher from A. Mclntrre as to non* payment of same. Estimates and requisitions for levy of School moneys from sections 2, 3, 4, 8, 9 and 10, Co. Treasurer arrears on lands occupied. Co. minutes of June session. MOTIONS. Johnson, Potts, That the aeconnt of J. Eutherford, $25.25, be paid and the Eeeve issue an order for the amount. Johnson, Hudson. That the Clerk is hereby instructed to procure a copy of the school act 1885. Potts, Johnson, That J. Hannoa re- ceive $3 for building culvert on 60th sideroad south of south line in she year 1882, and that the Eeeve issue an order for the amount. Hudson, Johnson, That the sureties of N. A. McLean, collectors ol rates, W. Scutt, D. McKinnon and of J. Elhott collector, G. Davidson and G. Hale be and are hereby approved- and accepted by this council and that the bonds be executed before the clerk of this council. Taylor, Potte, That the Clerk notify the council of Collingwood Tp., that this council agrees to bear its share of expenses (according to its assessment in the union) of an inyestigdtion into the burning of the school house in union school section of Collingwood, Osproy and Nottawasaga. Taylor, Potts, That iha Clerk enter on the assesment rolls all lands which he finds omitted. Johnston, Potts, That this be in- struction to the Clerk to ask the Co. Treasurer to erase from his book the taxes charged agoinst lot 41, con. 2, N. D. E., for 1884. By law 23J, to assess and levy rates for County, Townships and school purposes, and 285 to appoint collectors were passed. The assessment is $644095, and the rate of County, Township and school' equivalent is 8 mills. Council adjourned to meet at Fever- sham on the first Monday in December nest. yf. Mnjre, ;• -...» -..•;;â- ,. BIRTHS.. • ., .. i^^ :^-M/^^ IiiMdBT-.AiIlaikdaleoiitlie 3nd imto tt« ..wUatb/Wm-UnairjMimiaa b»v«ad««l. -BimwoHr-tMthe 7th inst. the w^.odi'^IE. H. BoUiBcl^. bateUer, oi a ^oo., .^ ,,^ „ MARRIAOES- .i- .;' Fbccioi C]»pDi..:rOii WedmeadaTr )Sai4« 9th, at the residence of the bride's nsde, Geo. B. Bowes,' Esq., Itarfc^e, by th«' Bav.'W. Cassonâ€" liiilie CcMmd. eHest du^htn of the laic Mathew Wh^te Oob- ban, U.^., to Cbas. M. Freaman, M, P.. of Muskegon, Hich. DEATHS. Haxiltor. â€" In Markdale. on tha 6tb ilysUr Qneenie May, infant danghter of Mir. H. Humlton. • "â- ;-â- " -.4 l- STRAYED. ABOUT Jnly 1st. 1885, fiom the premises of tile subscii'ocr, lot 17, con. 5, Tp. of Glenelg. 'Xhree yeai-liags, one heifer rod, two steers, one spotted ana the other a brindle color. iTartic giving directionE as to their wUereaboatj will b« suitably rewarded, JOHN MoVICAR, 281-C3 Pomona, P. O. Dissolntion^PartnersMp THG partnership heretofore existing be- tween Henry Spailiug J. P. Sparlinff has tills day been. dissolvnd by mntuol eon- cent. J. P. Sparling p.iys all debts and col- lects all accounts. Witnebs-^'William Hamilton. HKNRY SPARLING, J. P.SPABLINQ. September 7th, 1885. STRAYED. To the premises of the subscriber, Lot North half of 22. and 23, con. 13 Artemesia, about the loth August, a Ewe and two lambs. The owner is requested to prove properly, ppycharges and take them. DAVID GBAHAM, 261-64 Vandoleur, P. O. J J DALTON. DOMINION TOPOGBAPHICAL SUR- VEYOR, P. L. S. Ontario, and civil en- gineer, Chatsworth Ont. SPEING AND SUMMEB. Prepare the body for health and vigor by taking Dr. Chase's Liver Cure. No Spring Medicine equals it. it stimulates the Liver aids digestion, and purifies the blood. Large bottle and Recipe Book, $1. Sold by A. Tiu-ner Co. Sept. Liarge Ears. Glascott Cc-unibs. From our ovn Correspondent. Harvest is about over in this vicinity ' root crops are looking well. The east side of the lake or"Engli8h's Landing" is becoming a great place of resort for pleasure seekers, the first this season was a party from Markdale, who camped and had a good time fishing, hunting, e., Next came a party from Owen Sound, Ladies and P^olmc with many forms of Bowel Gents, twelve in all among the Compl^aints.^such as Diarrhoea Dysen- "Oh say, ma " exclaimed a bright little girl at the Markdale House, while at dinner the other day, "hasn't that man oyer there gob awful big earo " "Hush, child, the gentleman might hear you," cautioned the mother. "Well, ma," returned the precocious youngster, "if he couldn't hear me with those ears he ought to haul them down." FOft SALE, A GOOD horse lor sale, jor exchange lor cattle. 260-63 For particulars apply to â- W. J. ANDERSON, Orange Valley. TENDERS SEALED lenders will be received up to noon the 30th day of September for the purchase of the old Methodist church, same to be removed from church grounds on the completion of new church. Apply to G, S. BOWES, 260-63 Markdale, P. Mmh^i^^k Rimseirs HOTEB JEWELLEm ^TORE. Is the place to btiy Watches, Clocks and jewellery. -4 lorge assortment just to hand. A I Solid Silver Watches, Full JewelleiJ, from $8,50 up to $20, worth from $10.50 to $82.00, war- ranted from two to five years. It will pay you to come twenty miles to have your Watch or Clock repaired by Russell. tS" Satisfaction guaranteed every time. 217-269 JAS. 8. RUSSELL. Gmadiam PicificRsR. OWEN SOUND BRANCH. TIME TABLE. Taking effect Monday, August 3rd, 1885. GOING NORTH- STATIONS. Toronto. .Leaye. Cardwell Junction... Caledon Orange- 1 Arrive. ville. /Leave Orange vilJe J uu Sbelburnc Dnudalk jlesherton, Markdale WihlimsforJ Chatsworth Owen Sound STATIONS. Owen Sound Chatswortli Williamsford Markdale Flesherlou Dundalk .â- Shelburno OianseviUe Jun.. .„... Oran;je 1 .\rrive vili?.. f Lia-.e Caledon CardwellJuitctioa Toronto Arrive. .... Store to Rent in Markdale. THE Store in Beynuld's Block to rent, Appheation as to terms can be obtained from Johr Lyons, Alarkdale, or .JOHN WHITE, St. Vmcent, 143-tf. Strathnaum, P. 0., Owner A FRUITFUL SEASON. The fruitful season of the year is former was a Miss Miller from Toronto. They had a good time boating, fishing and hunting. Now there has another party came, fourteen in all, armed with boats, guns, revolvers, tents, dogs c.; they are all boys and hail from Durham among them is Townsenu of the Grey llcview. They intend staying some time. Sunday with them is just as good as any other day, and â€" as the Yankee says â€" a darned sight better. All the wild animals have left and gone south, doubtless imagining a Eebellion had broken out, as four hours steady firing is a common thing. The boys would be all 0. K. if they had Biel for a mark â€" excuse us -^for a General. THERE lb NO EXCUSE. There is no excuse for the many pale, sallow, weary looking females throughout our land, when Burdock Blood Bitters will regulate their troubles and renew their health, strength and vigor at so small a cost. tery. Colic, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, c., as a safe-guard and positive cure lor those distressing and often sudden and dangerous attacks nothing can surpass that old and reliable medicine Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. FARM FOR SALE LOT 19, Con. 12, Glenelg, contamingiOO acres, 3D cleared, fenced and under cul- tivaticn, balance chiefly hardwood limber 4J miles from Markdale saw mill convenient also school. The farm is well watered and suitable for eitlier a dairy or grain {aim. Will be sold cheap and on easy ten#!. j; or further particulars apply ou Iho premises to JOHN GALLAGHER, 247 60 Markdale P. O. Special Steamship Express leaves Owen Sound ou Tuesdays, ThursUays and Sundavs for Toronto and Points East. "on arrival C. 1' E. Stea:nsliip from Port Artliur and Points in Manitoba and Nortli West. Lumber and Shingles. THE undersifjned has constant!}' on hand all kind^ of lumber and fivst-clajs cedar shingles for sale. MiltS.J miles North of Markdale, 11th line Euphrasia. 250 63 FOKD fe STINSON. Spec/dings Speed/ Saw TH:" C.l.F.AT ONK M.\NS RAW' IT HAS no utiiHl. average weiglit 351bs,, a boy ten y.ars of age can run it. One man rawed 3 cords of hard wood in three lionrs and forty minutes. A?ents write for parti- culms and secure teiTitorj- atr once. Address SPEEDY SAW WORKS, Byng P.O., Ont. June 30th, '85. Ij2-ej Spectacles and Eye^QlassesI ARTICLES GENUINE AKE THE ONLY- ENGLISH IN THE Real Pebbles ar^ ke p in stock. Tests are given to Purchasers to prove Genuineness. They are recommended by and testimonials have been rot-eived from sident, Vice-President. Ex-Piesident and Ex-Vico-Pr,;si!L.i,t„ftiiei[jjj! lociation of Canada the President of the Colleije (»f rhr.iifiansanJs President, Association MS and So. {jeons of Quebec the Dean of the Medical Faculty of Laval IiiiverytT.T President and Ex-Presidents of the Medical Council of .\,j-,a Sc^aia, Jc' b These recommendations ought to be sufficient to jirovo but ii further proof is needed, call on the 1'" qa«] Chemists and Drurnkt 1^, ors-r, "^l TURNER Co., Tvr:A.rtiirAL.ii The only place in town where they can he obtained. tS' Spectales fitted on scientific principle. si Business is Business. Fii-c At K«cklyn. At about 3 o'clock last Monday morning fire was discovered issuing from the general store of S. Av! Beyuolds. The building and all the contents were quickly consumed. Tne flames cought to the roof of the Euphrasia township hall adjoining, and nothing but the stono walls was left standing. Mr. Reynolds, who was the only occupant of the building, had a very narrow escape. It was with the greatest dilSculiy that McConnell's hotel was saved, anp had it not been. for the fact that th^-^igfat -was very calm this building and W. A. Dodson's block opposite would undoubtedly have been consumed. The cause of Uie fire is unknown, but .stroug suspicion of incendiarism are enteitained. The loss is fully covered by insurance in the Boyal Mercantile, and another company. Young Bilkins was utterly devoted to business, but somehow found time to fall in love and ask the girl to marry him. The time was set and he called on the o'd gentleman to get his consent. He had a long talk and that evening came up to see the girl. "Well," she said, in considerable anxiety, "what did pa say " "He said that wheat was going up and there was a fine chance for a man to make a handsome little dot." "Pshaw Didn't he say anytliing else?" J. J li "Ob, yes, we talked about a dozen ventures that might be made, with an excellent chance of coming out ahead eyery time." "Bother the business! What did bp say when you asked him if you could have me " "Whaâ€" Whaâ€" what " ha stam- mered. "Why, wliat did he say about me " "By George, Mary, I forgot alfabout it. I'll go the first thing in the morn- ing and see him about it." LAND FOR SALE Shiloh's Cvbb will immediately reliaye Croup Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Sold by A. Turner Co.x CHOLEBA rBEVENl'ATIVE. In Older to withstand Cholera and gnch like epidemics a perfect purity of blood, and the proper action of the stomach are requited. To insure that end, in the cheapest, most available and complete manner, use ibOrw- or's Speedv Cure for Dyspepsia, and Impoi* Blood. There is no purer, safer or more regabla remedy in existencebf or indigettioo. Dyspepsia, CosUveaess, eta. Aak jonr neighbor or any person who has used it. Sold by Hill Pro's. Trial bottle given free, • .. ' â- •«-^ !5='-J'-; A DANGEROUS CONDITION. Ou^ of the most dangerous conditions neglected Kidney complaint, you sufifer from weary acking weakness and other "urinary tronjbles, apply to the back a Burdock Pordns Plasler, and take Burkock Blood Bitters, the best system regul- ator known for the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels. THE north half of lot number 15, con- cession 11, Holland Township, County of Grey, containing 100 acres. This lot is all heavy timbered with beech maple, elm, basswood and hemlock, and is situated about 4 miles from Berkeley, f from Williamsford and 9 from \farkdale stations, on the Toronto. Grey and Bruce Eailway. For terms and particulars apply to GEO. 8. BOWES, Esq., Markdale, or to the under- signed, GABKOW PBOUDFOOT, Barristers, 253-tf Godiich. A SURE THING. A Subs Curb fob Suuueb Com- plaints. â€" Procure from your druggist one 37i-cent bottle of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawbirry and use accopding to directions. It is infallible for Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, Canker ot the Stomach and Bowels, and Cholera Infantnn). WILL CURE OR REUEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, FARM FOR SALE DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JAUNDICE. BRYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUim, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, And every spec disordered Liv::3, KlDNEVa 8Ti BOWELS OR BLOOO, T. MILBDRN £0.. "^fga YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE For any of The FOLLOWIM PAPERS AT THIS OFFICE: iij] !«:â- . \T*%y DROPSY, FLUTTERINQ OFTHEHEAKr: ACIDITY Of THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE 8K!H, ?Jf:^^*?^)?^ ot.'*i»3?«_ arising, from TORONTO. For Sale by Walker Bros, Dailj- or Wcclily Mail, Daily os Weelily (ilt.bc. Daily or Woelvlv News, D.iily World " Fiiniil;,- ILrriiM .-,nd W.; 1 Aiuerieini A},'r-eu!tnrist, Farmers,' A.lvoc.:te, Trrni.to T..r..i:;r. iioiilu.l TO THE RESCUE. "When idl other remedies fail" for Bowel complaint. Colic, Cramps, Dysentery, etc., "then Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry coiaes to the rescue." Thus writes W.H. Crocker, druRgist, Watcrdoini, and adds that "its sales are large {md increasing." â- .. OC\f\ *C^ES, within one mile of Wil /iiyJxJ liamsford Station, being composed of lots 38, 39, 43 fc 44, first con. East Toron- to 4 Sydenham Boad, township Holland. Co. Grey. On lots 38 39 there is 90 acres cleared, well fenced, and onder good cultivation a frame house 22 x 32 ft.; kitchen 18 *24 ft,^ wen finished; good frame bam, J-~" house, straw UpiDBe, eonerete stable, stable, open siteds, and all neeeasary ings two good wells ;. orchard of 3 aerhlii healthy yonng trees all bearing. On lots 43 i£ 44 there is 20 acres cleared, weh fenced, with good stream rnnning throoj^ it; balance well tunbered with maple, beech, hemlock and cedar. Good title ^and possession given at once. For partisnliirs apply on premises if by letter JOSEPH FANNINO^ WilliapisfdTd Station, Co. Gr^, Ont. 1*^ W MIcCO rdine BROS chine â- a ^b 'i â- n » S m CD ISf* Subscription cancomruciiCL' at any time. STANDARD OFFICE, MARKDALE- BRITISH WORM SYRUP- BBITISH WORM SYKUP is tlio best worm exterminator. It is pleasant to take, requires no puigativc, safe ,ind effectu- al, and takes but few doses. Sole Agent, H. PARKER, Druggist, Durham. â- Iudns!ii:i!, "i ' Gle.:el-. :\:.: |, E:i.l';:vy, ;iud 0;ii, ' Soiill: 'in; ::iii.l ;-;0:!!. laud 2..-!. Eiil'.;n;s;::. Orpic V, ,M Ilolllana, (, Proton, 1);; Uollaud C. Oct. 5t!i. Artoino.^i.i. r::t" StJ't.7liitoKi| 'a!;. iMi, Sept. lhul:.un, ^^^^t. 2)i| -().u!iS!i-.tua.oct.iif| l;;.t ;v;;, Oct. Oth. .(",;. Mth. .Mill!, 'ct.fch. Oct. .5111.1 6'i'i -iiL'll:iijJ CeiiKf I •oviilo, Oct Cii- Cheapest First-class Music in I United States. Look at tliis li:,t f some of tk-B*' popular music iniMislad. Printed m 'thJ best heavy hiusic I'mv. S'"^f'f print; full si.c. iuii»ic siM.Milffl same as gc-iiti-.;i;v rti^iiluJ iillovai^ United States ai till! ly to seveDWri cents per cui 'X' Om price :s five (»; per copy, cT"in-.:ui.l oi.e cent a« lor postage. We giv. tiie retail P|^ but remember or.r price is out tlii; cents. Wo will s.ml catalojo* 1,000 best sulliii^' riecos pul free. Doii-ti..viii-;i exorbitant pn" MARKDALE. FARM FOR SHE LOT N««rth pt'ota^ o«.' X MntainhlK lfl)^t(M Itcireo) 80 aerM dearsd, belaaoe haid imAi 'tt«s Umsnd haw^ teg Jmse^Wijl watei^: w^ nuaii5g.«^ mte: fcirly In|«ad|; sou. ali^ loam; weD -acbptitd for rtoek^ eiain. Situated Smiles bam Matkdail^' Mi iidpsrtMit ttatian «â- ,Ae'ilUr,R.' tullBtr HOUSEMEN. AX'liiRiON " ' 'When yooT hone is 8»liad, aeiatehed or cut, or haa an ngjy sore, bathe twiee d»i •pa »PPly Ifi^ragor ft Parke'i CfeAi^ ^te. It is miaetiMediy tiie finettheriiM and cleansing application for it Be am* yon get McOreiiar i»««feew^fieU««-a5a. S«box, at Hill%«9^ u .-i-« ol Mf!i njt HACYABD^ YELLOW OIL CURES â- F^HEl.tMATiSM "fVU^BRATrD esq :j.^^J)P CHASES 'ul'lislui wiicu you can kct about one eiijlith foilowing â- Alipi' TOiero firt iiii' Anf.-!cs Ever Urit,'lit ::: Answrrs IJLie .Aiiatian iIoi:iiI. i,lL;e ilie Siime i I lie i-ri«; if ;.iv;:;:..-H«^^ .liaimfH'*; ...Aa«*? ..Cart's lmi*£i I pfe4mP:;a I Bsmeral(':i Hutch j:soii 35c Lew 35c atfTik to tiiio. ^Cnirtatntli«»«iwa •nra. and i"' u CMMttterJ iitanaa's (JioumB UaMm^,-^ '•hi o.t ' -jBa^nsn HAVE voy Liver Compjaint, Dyspraia. I»%tiBO. Bilioilaes. Jaundice, Headache, Durini^rftSnii ttTS NATUnetS REMEDY The un^ulified vaaam of Dr. Chaje's Li»« Cn« in UTO|Complamt r«t, «,Wy «thSe fiS^a?7t U tianhi. f**,vU^ iKMindtiw m\ •oiD.vA.iii;;^.:^^'"" IXSTRUHKNT.U., Chep Stiiks, waltz Oe T.uiu 25a Bla(i H lu k, waltz. \V:Ush 50c Corn. Flo .V or, wo Itz Cooke 50c Qoem's iace Handkercliicf Strauss 40c Saqtiet, t-alop KiL-liards 40c Home, Sweet Home Sli'.ck 50c Sll^phenl Boy ^Yilsou 40p Warbliii^'s at Etc Kichards 40a Ai)d l.oOO other soii^s and instrumental pi^ees ciiually as gooil as tbo above only six i its y^T copy, post free. Send for a copy jwxs: Musical Jouniil, $1.25 per year, iple copy twelve cents. In sending orders always send cash, it- office order, or jiostal note, as wej etsG many stamps wc cannot use 'u, also in all cases mention thfloUlj aper you saw our advertisement in,-? ' \s'e may do justice to those paperP l^t furnish us business. Address J. H. THOilAS, Pl'blisheb. i|9 62 Albany, N.X. HHitii ""lif If