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Markdale Standard (2), 14 Oct 1886, p. 5

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 I ^^mmi 'inmi ff^ ' â-  r i "rT-i'n i.j ,mtji M«««a4^*fM^ 1**^ ed. ' CoBtfBU- u« apt to tbiak th«t perhaps Tomins aber o^ t^® "church" perhaps a clasB " Sa'obath School superintendent who -TS *Bii exhorts in public and that -cliou and acceptance that therefore children are bro't up-in the fear of ^sphere" of truth and puiitj J,- W^^^' " â„¢*y gJ'eatly mistaken msy Ij' i^^ KO'J' â„¢8^ himself, sincere- of religioas rites, homror Tahiable or .im. portent, vfl} «t aUezeaae us if we ne^aot the plain pnwtioal every daj duties wliieh domestic and social relations inToWe; tiwr didnotexeoseElifwwearetoldlSaml. 3. 18 "I will judge his honse forerer for the "iniqinty whiohhe knoweth; because his "sous made themselves vile and he restrained »«- „ t^ ^u 1 "**ieâ„¢not"Hyelovemekeepmyeommand- '"""'"f r/vli^â„¢llv'mtS^^ "**â„¢ *»* «^* ' ^^, WK mav area, vmia en. '.ijofdgiiaii enter into the kingdom of heaven" TORONTO HOnSi 5 tht his children should be bro't ' ^j]v:LutiinJortunately when a young â-  ' {^11 ill love with a silly empty headed hose pieity face blinded him to herreal s and m course of time he consummat- .; fjjiij- by manyiiig this frivolous good- -^•itiDg nincompoop, whose highest am- ]^.j,,gsti) •Mash" a 'dude" and attract "stion- I" "^^" "' Tomkins finds him- â- â€¢, father, co doubt a happy father but he â- fccoveiH, if lio has not found out be- ilit lii-^ haiulsomc wife is ill fitted for -^ of motherbood but as his time is al- _.,fliu,!v taivuii up with the pressing con- m-ofeviTv day lifehe is unable to give [xh attention to the children hense thoir LaDd training necessarily falls almost r Jt uq tilt sLouli.. rs of bis incompeteed rjj Tfitli rer^iihs Eiost discouraging. Now â- iffiaj; all this time Tomkins may be. and Men is- exerting himself as opportunity ';:;. to iu.-til light principles and set a loiT eiampie bt-forc his children, but all his Jij-j art iiiutralized by the conduct of his |rje whose opijoii unities for doing nuschief Ij; eiceeti those of lier husband to do good. i. Another /a(al error which a great many iiW â- (fcil uir^posed but simple weak. Med paiuuts fall into is that of thinking attteycan uiakeup for their own neglect iiiitiestu their children "praying' that is i;iavtliey wea!ly shirk an unpleasant duty tl tr}- to La\ e to throw the whole responsi- ^ivupc-n (iod. Is this honest is this con- L-ient? \Vhat warrant have they to suppose aitiod should interfere to counteract the quences of their own disobedience of plsin poectitts exhortations and com- cjsso fully set forth in His holly word? ;. There is no other social duty so plain,. f-Jlyaud so froipently enjoined in the icjitares its t'lu; |)areutal. riot only that of agprov'.sions for the bodily wants of the bi but also auu in a far more urgent and Important sense of-making provision for his I^Enmal reauircmvnts and iu the beautiful iiage of ti'.o IVajjer Book to "bring him -.pintht natnre. aud admonition of the I.L;rd" and \\t how egiegiously and wantonly |::3dm^ is i,norcd even by professing liristians. How is it that this great evil p;liiscrow;,;ng wiciyodness cf our day and re,;ivts hut scanty cousideiation bm tliB ralpif? Have the "watchmen" fcia asleep " ei arc they afraid to speak out isi the Titianinf; sarcasm "physician heal foseirbt Evn; ted ta them It has ioi!.;; hotm the opinion of the h-.t«rtuat tie ^-rtat.^s^ovil which threatens K'sociftl fabric in die present day is neglect- |~:;~.dic;ou3l.vcn!'vccd parental author-ty in i-ehome oireh' Children are allowed in Fi:.r f miii-.cs to gvo~ vip utterly regardless ' lareuta! auth.uity and as a consequence, f--' tiie mills vi rroyiJence grind slowly they ~-i excKtiinL- jnall, their conduct in after ;^?avariablylvin^'sthe blush of shame to f-- m and :he pr.v.g of remorse to the heart j~i ccnscieiicc of the negligent and too in- f'-m Parent. If a child is not taught to f^ Its eart illy paruiit "whom it hath seen" riosecare ai,d landness hath ncurisked and ^itsined it iv, .ai its infancy, how can it be feat to obey its heavenly Parent" whom F-itlinot.-i.e;-' The child taught obed- frtionailv find kind by its Barents will l-'tandve-noro-t.? them, whereas the spoiled the iniinl-e and disobedient child "aysnusiateiuland voidof fihal affec- ^liistorr, G.11 experience prove the fact " to cn.tivaf e relorm and improve the l^ntaland d::al r.lation conformity with stalls ot roaon aud m obedience to God's *siidco!nm.iRdnients are duties incumbent â- *'iallliareats and wiU not, nay cannot •Tiorant by any who are entitled " to the J' °^ "^â- lisuau. The parental duty of â- ;^andiBg an.i enforcing and the co-rela- ""OtTof ubediciice and love incumbent on • *i-%en are fundamental principles -^ the very foundation Off .â- j 2 ' "^^'allty and we.fearlessly assert 'atl!cce and that family where these 'oos are conspicuously wantingis ntter- ' " 'Tt religiou whatever be their pro- viLi hii gets the credit of having Hood man iu iiJ3 ^ay, of his goodness « the writer has failed to find any j^J^ ^^'T t'ad ;wife whose influence *^~cn btff children. We fear the 1 ., °' ^-i *as very much of a piece coa, '^f ""^-ss" of many so-called re- ^P«?!e in our day it exhausted itself pontine profession and formulae, |i«iero'**'"'^ise the truth "to obey is L «au sacrifice" hence the plain every '*nt^'" ^is o^ family and iouse- ,^^ously presented was neglected E^J""' delusion perhaps that tiie I MiT!!""^^""" °^ ^^ sanctcsiy wonM n* Jp^ '°° ^°" delmquency. TNi^' 'stake to suppose that praying ' ^°""iy other public perfprmmoes but he that doeth the will of my father. Ste Those azid such like are the plain teachings of the Bible yet we find sooret* nay hnndreds of people who profess to believe the Bible practically ignoring its precepts in the im- portant matter, of "tiaming up thenr children" and yet those people have the aadadty to pray to God to do what they themselves fail to do and that in violation of His plam commands â€" these are some of the reasons why nntru th- ful menlaoioos and profligate children go out from homes where the "atmosphere" was supposed to be "trathtoll pore and relig- ious." MOMTS. I m m mm. The Fall Beason brings with it many necessities which can- not and will not be neglected. The people will buy what a change in the season makes necessary, this makes Fall Trade, and as iall trade is what we want, no stone kas been left unturned and no opportunity neglected in securing such sea- sonable goods as will make our store the most desirable spot for close and particular buyers. We ask the readers of this column to remember that out- side our store, we do our talking here, but inside our store we allow the goods and prices to speak for themselves. It is not our idea to exaggerate, but, as we are honest in tbe belief that we are this season, THE STORE amorg the Stores, we cannot very weU refrain from speaking in glowing terms of our large, beautiful and tasty selections of everything through- out our immense establishment. In order tbat you may receiye a benifit it is necessary that you should see our stock; In order that you come, it is necessary that you should be convinced that it will be worth your while. We must tell you of our attrac- tions here, therefore do not think that we brag, but rather say that we are trying to put you upon the well beaten path that leads to the old estabhshed store, where everything is good, where everything is just as rep- resented, and where eyerythin? is A 1 in yalue. We would especially inyite your attention at present to our Large and STYLISH STOCK of Dress Goods in all the new shades and material, with trim- mings and Buttons to match. New Bilks, New Velvets, New Plushes, New and Stylish Millinery, New Shawls, Blankets and Flannels, New Jerseys in Black Tan and Navy handsom- ly braided;' and don't fail to see that new line of Ladies' Saque (]oats, Jersey Coats, and also our ready-made Ulsters of the very latest make, style and finish. We have the only full line of Mens' Youths' and Boys' ready-made Suits and Overcoats to be had in town. We guaran- tee to save you money on every purchase. 2000 paurs Boots just bemg marked off at close prices. Car TEAS are known far and wide as the sweetest, strongest and cheapest to be had in the Dominion. Come and see us. We fear no criticism or comparison, on^the contrary, we invite it. Bemem- ber what we say here, and don't forget to mU on W. I IcFarliinil. Direct Iiuportar, ' MARKJUAM "We shew tHis ^week a complete stock of Boots Shoes, Beady made Clothing, Tv^eeds, Dress Goods, Flan- nels, Blankets, Shawls, c., Purchased before the advance, consequently prices and values are exceptionally good. We have also secured a large lot of New Japan Teas lately arrived per the 0. F. B. which far exceeds former values. Our Shoemaker's Shop cotinues under the management of Mr. Kay, and is supplied with the very best stock which the market affords. Parties mtrusting there orders are assured of perfect satisfaction. Hello There! Have yon aeen the artistieally painted sign of the town, Stephen's Drag Store And its Magnificent, Grand, Impoiing Pompons, Stately, Superb, August, If agestie, Impressive, Noble, Cnmmanding, Aristocratic, Dignified, "Oh, Stop,' Life is short, time is moving, can't stop long, What have you We have the largest and best supply in town of Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Flesh Brushes, SavM MoneT By baying your Watches, Clocks, «leweiry, Spsctacss, Pipes, Ac. -At- JAS. 6. mSSEU'S FLESH ERTON. A BtautUul Slodt to Srleef from. /oopoooooe oc o o o o o o o Wm. BROWN Farm to Rent or Sell. LOT 9, con. 10, Holland, 221 ajrres 90 cleared and under cultivation, most of which a raaper can be run on. Well watered with spring and creek, large bank frame bam, good log house, orchard bearing. Con- venient to school and church. Qood stock or grain farm. Will be let for a term of 5 or 10 years or sold on reasonable terms. WM. NORTON. 318-24. Walter's FaUs. FARM FOR SALE. THE subscriber being in bad health, will eeU lots 70 71, 2nd con., W. T. S. Boad, Holland 100 acres. 70 acres cleared and fenced with rails, 30 acres seeded down there are two bearing orchards â€" apples, pears, plums, cherries and crabs â€" choicest kind; plenty of water log buildings 5 miles from Markdale, and 1 mile from Berkeley station on C. P. B. Chnrch, school and post office within a mile of place. Good neighbors. Call on or address. WniiLIAM EWAET, Berkeley P.O., 319-tf HoUtu'icl' PURLIC NOTICE. Markdale, October llth, 1886. We the undersigned merchants and business seen of Markdale hereby agree to close our respective places of business at 7 o'clock p. m. the whole year around excepting Saturday nights. /- W. J. McFARLAND, HILL BROS, Signed, J.G.ANDERSON, WM. BROWN, V HASKETT BROS. 319-21 OIL PAINTING. Jfifs Cornish, M. ^. If. (Pnpn of Prof. Martin of the Hamilton Lakes' College) is now prepared to give in- stinetions in Oil Painting on Canvas, Wood, Glass, Satin, c. PcMmahFaintiiig on White Velvets speeL aity- C asset may be formed torthwith. 8peeIiB«i8 of her work may be seen, and terms made known at her Studio â€" ^the Par- sonage, Mark Street. Msikdale. fOBDBBS TOB PAXXTIKO PBOKPTLT XXZCUTBD.] STEAXBD! To the premises of ITred Stefind. lot 35. ean.7 Holland, about the first Aacut C hMdotesttle. a]lyeerliiig8,2 red staetB, 1 nd haOta, S spotted heifeiB. The owner can have ttiem bj icoinag pw i pw i ty and pajing expooeet. ' IVed Stafford. '«ak|47.P-0. WHISES! WHISKS! WHISKS! BRAND ASSORTMEKT. says. It i£ a fact, as every one that BUSSELL is the man to repair your properly. Watch or Clock \ooeoooooo eooooeeoOj ' â-  â-  V- •" TTâ€" GIVE mM A TEIAIi, Every job warranted to fX9Q satis- faction. 217-269 JIS. a. RUSSELL. Shaving Brushes and Shaving Mugs, School books and Stationery, Purses, Pouches, Wallets, Toilet articles and Pexfomery. if you are in need buy AT STEPHEN'S Drug Store, Markdale. THE GENUINE SINGER THOSE IN NEED OF A SEWING -:- MACHINE Should be sure and get the SEMUINEHEWYOBKSIIIGEB The best is the cheapest, and this grand machine is certainly the best. C. W. BELLAMY, Agent, 290 Markdale. lEW SIEIISS mi B. CAENAHAN would respectfully intimate to the inhabitants of the sur- rounding count! y that he has opened a general harness shop on King street in the village of HOLLAND CENTRE, where he intends to aumnfftctmre and keep on hand a JarRe stoek of LIGHT and HEA.yT HARNESS, kog and short tmrs STRAW COLLARS, WHIPa, CMOS BRUSHES. HABKESS OIL c. I will use only fint elass matenal and those requiring uiyflJdBfr in the harness Use will find it to Uieir interest to eall at the new harness shop and get prices before go- ing elsewhere. Repairing done with neat- ness and dispateh. Solieiting a share of public jMtronage. I am respectfolly yours. R.CARNAHAN. To Consimert ft Doaltrs IN OILS, Buy the Empire Oil Go's RIYL PUA£E LlttU lUummating Oil for Machinery of all kinds. Our CA-STOR E. OIIL. Is guaranteed the peer of all Oils in the market. EMPIRE OIL CO., Majiufacturers and Refiners, TORONTO LONDON. Rep. for Northern Ontario, A Goodby. 'jp8-6m YELLOW DIL CURES RHEUMAtlSM FREEMAirS WORM powders; Aie pl ws aat totske. Contain thrir own 'VS*tiv« la a sale. sore, and etIeetaaM r in CtaildsanatAdBltfc Cahadiah Pacific r. r. OWEN SOUND BRANCH TIME TABLE. Taking effect Monday. July 28th, 1886. GOING NORTH. THE CHEAPEST YET WeS9ll a» w Advertise. AUV/imiBS// OF //FURNITURE win be sold do«e to iHioIewIe priees for Tho box! TUrfy Doyo. Having a large stoek of Fomitore from diffennt firms gives eusloaMn a good cbanee to choose lAak tbsj want. All kinds of PICTURE FRAMING done al knrast fates. We also have «a hand a large stoek of Octsl^ts suid OofRns mmA Fwicfai rnrBiskta^a. vM^beeiBMlMftDthoeethatwillfSvar wwflbthar lowpiieen. Also BE in Connection. ^^ A NAMLmi, Hfit doer totJEaae^'b i^a^ STATIONS. Mail. Exp. Toronto. .Leaye 7 45am 4 50pm 6 30 " Cardwell Junction 925" Orange- 1 Arrive ville. /Leave 10 0.5 •' 7 03 " 10 20" 7 22*' Orangeville Jan..... 10 .S2 •• 7 34 Shelbnrne.. ..^ 10 58 " 804 Dnndalk 1122" 8 30 Flesherton ,. 11 47 " 8 55 Markdale 1202pm 9 10 Berkeley 12 14 " 9 22 " Holland Centre i2 23 " 9 32" OhatBworth 12 38 " 9 49 ' Owen Sound :...... 105" 10 20" GOING SOUTH. STATIONS. Owen Sound 540am Chatsworth..... 610 Holland Centre 6 25 Berkeley 6 34 Markdale 6 47" Flesherton 7 02 Dnndalk 7 26 Shelbnme 751 Oi-angeriUe Jun 8 22 Orange) Arrive 8 30 vilK. f LeaTe 8 46 Cardwell Junction 9 25 Toronto. ... .Arrive llO 55 Exp. Mail. 240pm 8 07 " 3 .SO " 3 40" 3 52" 4 06 " 4 31 " 4 .57 " 5 23 5 35' 6 55" 6 30" 8 10" New _BiiicEBY. I would respeetfuUy intimate to tbe in habitants oT Markdale and surronnding oontiy that I have opened in MONTQOMFRY«e STANPr where I will keep on Jionilagood supiJypf BBEAD. BOONS. '^S, CASES A PASt^T Of BT own ms j pqfa e t mre. also UMon. § mar BHmnmr Ffcw, utter aad Base taken in euOmflfr- Ieotaii^ioKc|^.,ha,e«fpoWicpatron- ' !5SJSl «*«^h»Mrt dealing, and, el«»a attentwo to a^t your, eonfi- iweand.0ippori. Mywrttois 2»a.c»wKtv 1 I: I «* J !• I i if :ll I' â- ' 1 ]A ' X, 1 'hM :;l 'i «-- i1 Hi IT* I «-. â- l. ':% il 'jl Ii ' !i 'fc a 1 i' â- m ^j?s-.- TiiTJiiif lAMfiailikM â- MM HBIsaii â- MB

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