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Markdale Standard (2), 14 Oct 1886, p. 4

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 W. A. UTtOWX. JBWBIXBB.^^^^^^^^- T^^ JMAM i 'i I" The StftmUut. C. W. Butl«d^. PiibliBhttr. MARKDALE, OCT. 14. 1886, OBITUABY'S. Mr. Wm. Heiiiypf Artemeda, late of Albion, passed away peacefally on Tuesday Dooming last at the age of 64 alter some three months illness. Mr. Henry was very reserved and unassam- ingiu his deportment, a kind and .affectionate husband and father and a sincere christian. Mrs. O'Brien, one of the oldest re- sidents of Artemesia, died last week at her son'd residence. She was avery kind hearted hospitable woman, and respected by all who knew her. Mr. Wm. Davis, near Fiesherton, an old resident who has been blind for a number of years died on the 80th September. Richard Shore, son of Bichard Shore, Sr.. Enphrasia.died on Tuesday last at the age of 18 years. Consump- tion hurried him to a premature grave- eboiee of the ooavaition lif » itaa^nit Toke. The Trion«cM idi 3 t«i i i exyieâ€" w themselves wdl plewedwiftttwMBult and determined to give the nommee their hearty support. Ot^ Botke thanked the meeting heutUy for their confidence after wbieh the oontention broke up well pleased with (he result and deHghted with the great harmony which prevailed throughout. Dr. Sproule, M. P. and Capt. Rorke provided a sumptuous supper at the Markdale House for the company, about 200. W EUPHRASIA EXHIBITION. This Society held its show at the city of Rocklyn on Friday last, 8th inst. The weather was all could be desired, and a large crowd was in at- tendance. This is one of the best township fairs ia the district, and the one this year was no exception to the rule. Every class was well re- presented and close competition was a result in many classes. The -energetic and ccurleous 83cretary, Mr J, L. Wilson, appeared to be the rght man in the right place. EARLY CLOSING. As may be seen by our advertising .colamns this week, our merchants have decided toclose their respective places of business at 7 o'clock p. m. during the fall and winter as well as the summer months, except on Saturday nights. It is needlebs to say that, in reference to this movement the clerks all say "Amen." The conclusion came to is that all the business can be done before 7 o'clock as well as not, without any particular inconvenience to any. and at a great saving of exponce in light and fuel, and besides they (the mer- chants) did not feel disposed to pro- vide a supply of spittoons necessary ior the accommodation of loafers, who are the chief frequenters of stores after the above hour. We hope all may endeavor to govern tLemselyes in accordance with this movement and thus assist in carrying It into effect. EAST GREY CONSERVATIVE COJSVENTION. The convention of East Grey met in solemn conclave at Markdale last Mon- day for the purpose of choosing can- didates for the Commons and Local Legislatuie for the coming elections. The weather was most gorgeous for "this season of the year, and a large representation from the various municipalities were present. The press was also well represented, Messrs. Patterson of the Meaford Mirror, Starrett of the Thombnry News Mortimer of Shelbnrne Free Pree and- Fawcett of the Fiesherton Advance being present. The meetmg was held in the roller skating rink, a very suit- able place, Mr. Thos. Eells. president ^n the chair. [The firat nomination be- ing, for the Dommion Parliament, Dr. Sproule, M. P., received the unanimous vote of the convention without opposi. tibn. The following were then nominated for the Local, viz,-7-Capt Rorke, N. McCtdman, Thos. Eeiis, Thos. Mc- Eeuny, Thos. Gilray, Dr. Christoe and John Lyous^ the two latter withdrew before the vote was taken. On the first ballut Capt Rorke led with N. McColman seccmd and *£. Kells third. The second ballot gftve Borke • large ipajority over all others combined, ARTEMESIA FALL SHOW. This tomiship Agricultural Society held its Fall Show at Priceville, on Tuesday the 6th mst. The day was fine and as a consequence there was a good crowd. The number of entries was large and the exhibition as a whole ahead of any former one. This must be encouraging to the directors. Pbize List Horses, 46 Entries. Span Draught, Donald McMillea, A Come. General PnrDose, Alexender McMillen, Mc- Pherson. Carriage, J Bentham, White. Brood Mare, John MoMillen, J Oowland. 1 year old Colt Draught, _C McKinnon. Spring Colt Draught, J McLean, Alexander McMillen. 2 year old Colt General Purpose, G Stewart, J Burnitt. Spring Colt General Purpose, J Gowland, J Lyons. Cattle, 42 Entries. Durham Bull, B Plant. Durham Gov, C O'Brine. Devon Bull, B Oliver, B Oliver. Deven Cow, E. Olirer, B Oliver. Ayrshire Boll, A Cairns. Ayrshire Cow, A Cairns. Grade Cow, C O'Brine, T A Ferguson. Grade 2 year old heifer, J Stewart, T A Ferguson. Grade 1 year old, J Stewart, C O'Brine. Grade Heifer Calf, C O'Brine, A McLeod. Working Oxen, Dougald Mc- Millen, J McLean. 3 year old Steers, J Stewart, A Ctirrie. 2 year old Steers, J Stewart, J Stewart, 1 year old Steers, T A Ferguson, Donald McMillan, Sheep, 23 Entries. Long Wool aged Bam, BOliyer.G Swanton.. Long Wool Bam Lamb, B Oliver. B Oliver. Long Wool Aged Ewes, B Oliver, G Swanton. Long Wool Ewe Lambs, G Swanton, B Oliver. Long Wool Shearling Ewes, G Swanton, G Swanton. Leicster Aged Bam, J Stewart, J Stewart. Leicester Bam Lamb* J Stewart, J Stewart. Leicester Aged Ewes, J Stewart. Leicester Ewe Lambs, B- Oliver, J Stewart. Swine, 14 Entries. Berkshire Boar, B Oliver, T A Ferguqon Berkshire Sow, G Swanton, B Oliver. Berkshire Spring Pig, T A Ferguson, Doiigald McMillen. Suffolk Sow, W Mc- Auley. Poultry, 50 Entries. G«me, J Brodie, T Conkey. Black Hamburgp, W McAuIey, W MoAuIey. Gold Penalled^fiamburgb, T Atkinson, Jr. Silver Spangled Hamburgs, T Conkey, T Atkinson. Black Spanish, W J Cooey, A McLeod. Brahmas, J Brodie, J Brodie. Leghorns, WWilcock, W Wilcock. Plymoth Bocks, H. Mathewson, J Cooey. Houdans, Q Tryon, T Atkinson, Jr. Aylesbury Duelra, J Cooey, B Oliver. Other Ducks, T A Ferguson. G Stewart. Turkeys, T A Fergu- son, A Currie. Geese, D McMullin. Grain and Seeds, 72 Entries. Fall Wheat Giawson, B Plant, J White. Fall Wheat other kind, G McEinnen, A McMillen. Spring Wheat Bttssiaa, J Brodie, B Plant. Spring Wheat White Fyfe, J Stewart, J Brodie. Spring Wheat other kind, J Brodie. G McEinnen. Barley, J Brodie, T A Fei^oaon. White Oats, J Brodie. J Stewart. Black Oats, J Brodie, Donald McMillen. Large Peas, J Stewart, J Brodie. Small Peas, J Brodie, J Stewart. Indian Com, J Hazard, J Brodie. Timothy Seed, J Brodie, J Hazard. Colleetion Beans, J Brodie, J Cooey. Boots and Yegetablea, 112 Entries. Potatoes Early Bose, J White, A Stewart. Potatoes other kind, JMcLiaan, J MoMillen. Colleetion Potatoes, T Brodie, Donald Me. Millen. Sweed Turnips, A Stewart, 3 Lyons. Other Turnips, J Brodie. MaiiKoIdst W McAnley, J Lyons. Beets, V Oliver. W Wilcock. Cabbage. J Haiard, J H Cam. paign. Potatos Onions, J MeLeao, T A Ferguson. Tap Onions, T A Fergnaon, M Biley. Pusnips. W MeAolej, B GSiint. Field Carrots, DonaU HelGDen, H King. Table Carrot?, J White, W MdAnlsir. Pumpkins, 3 Brodie, 3 Aossaau "iiinhiw, J Brodie, J Cooey. COay, B (Hlivar. Citrons, J H Campaign, H Mfevian. Tomatoes, B. Oliver, J V%etables,J Kodie. Ffuit.50 'VHnter Aiiples, J fkU Apples, J Steimt,, O tionAppIss, 3 Bnm^ 3 BtaMMe. CoUeetioB Ciab Watsoa,^. WslSB^f*^ HSiiABoaMt. Xn waeodc Mm. Bentham. lWi»Boqast.Mrs Wilooik, Jte J^thw. Hbnss rintU, Misfc Brown. Mrs Wikook. Dairy uti other Produce, 21 Entries. Howv in Cond».W Watson, Br., J Aossam. EztiMted Honey. WWstoon, Sr.. J Ausi.nm. Boll Butter, H King, 3 Fletcher. Tub Batter, H King, T Conkey. Faotory Cheese, G Stewart. Manofactores, 19 Entries. Horse Shoes, J H Campaign, M BUey. Slei^, W Watson, Jr. Iron Harrows, J Watson. Team Harness, J Gordon, B J Watson. Man's Boots Calf, D McLean. Men's Boots Kip, D. McLean. Women's Boots, D McLean. Jfull Cloth, J. Mo- Millen, C MoKuinon. Plain D'lannel, A Mo- Millen, J Simpson. Tiadies' Work, 86 Entries. Woolen Yam, Miss Currie, Mrs Aussum. Men's Socks, Mrs A McMillen, Mrs J Flewsher. Men's Gloves, Miss White, Miss Brodie. Patchwork Quilt, Jtfrs Campaign, Miss Brodie. Qoilt otner kind, Mss OliTer, Miss Stewart. Bread, Mrs King, Mrs Mc- Kinnon. Berlin Wool work raised, Mrs Wilcock, Mrs T A Ferguson. Collection Berlin Wod woik, Mrs T A Ferguson. Hair Flowers, Mrs W Watson, Sr. Hooked mat, Mrs W Trimble, Mrs J Fletcher. Crotchet Work Cotton, Mrs White, Mrs Plant. Crotchet Work Wool. Mrs Brander, Mrs Fletcher. Fancy Knitthig Wool, Mrs Wilcox, Miss Brodie. Fancy finitting in cotton, Miss Currie, Mrs Hazard. Braiding, Mrs Harrow, Mrs Fletcher. Tatting, Mrs Brander, Miss White. Knit Shirt, Mrs Plant, Mrs Campaign. Special Prizes, 14 Entries. Devon Grade Heifer, B Oliver, B Oliver. Babbits, H King. Lady Driver, Mrs McMullin, Miss Stewart. Pair Mitts, Miss Brodie. 20 lbs. Crock Butter, Mrs White. Heaviest Baby Mrs T Conkey. m ^%hOT' 'ATION to BOOK STATlONERrl, ore, Reynolds' Block, M»rkJ ' Hoase, where you will see a fnii c *â-  "«kli «" ana eoQ An ybtt 'visit MarkOaJ dOB't faU to caU at tba aew BOOK STATTnvr,^r^i GOODS and WALL-PAPEB Store, Reynolds to the Mansion stock of the above goods. toys: TOYS! rj, in ^eat variety, Dolls all sizes and prices from 5 cents to ti ?^^* variety of Goods suitable for Birthday and otber nri ' comprising Antograpb and Photograph Albums, 5?*' Cards, Vases, a splendid variety, Perfumery' Set Moustache and Tea Cups, Children's ' Mogs, Ladies' Leather Bags, from 60c. up, Violins, Accdrdians, Mouth Organs, Flutes, Writing Desks Ladi Papeteries, c., School bupplies in fall variety, also a large aJ!!!?^ Drawing Utensils, Paint Boxes, Childs Companions, IT • All the Fashion Journals not in stock obtained to order on sk A large stock First instalment five cents per Roll A stock of Bibles and Psalms, secured at from 15 to 20 regular prices. Methodist, Presbyterian and Episcopal Hymn and Psalm Books in variety Don't fail to call. ' A. DINSMOBE, Propriej, ^^berol*»"«^' '•^g,bbathS«*ool Liu8sn4*^«**» '^^ an4 accepts ,»ehilir«"'"^H j^^..gtxno8phere' iijwever we n»ay 0^ be a good 1 that his childr| ^,,,jperly;batuniort« of sheet. nmsic and music books kept constantly T" ent of waB paper just to baud, oyer one thousand «; per cent 1 Sam. Jones. i^haQ Iw was dediy^ tlie oiumimoaa. ^fniea, 3. Stswart, 4 8«smrL fins. Bev. Sam. Jones, the Southern re vlvalist, is now in Toronto and will re main there for some three weeks. He is drawing crowds to hear him, and can interest a congregation for a whole hour atatimethatwouldgrowimpatient under ordinary circumstances at40min ntes. The following are some of his aphotsms. â€" Shc^v me a Church that does not be lievft in revivals and I will diow you a ChuEch that looks like an abandoned cemetery. Stagnation is the last station this side of damnation. It is an abnormal state of titiings that makes revivals necessary. Beligionis royalty to God, andthe right holiness is a hundred cents in the doUM. It is doing the square thing every time â-  you do anything. Fun is the next best thing to religion. Character is builded by living in per- fect harmony with God. Rebgion is harmony. Religion is the setting of the ten commandments to music in your soul. It is m%hty hard to tDr sense for a whole heitt and not bore some greenhorn. It takeless sense to criticize than it does tO'do anything else in the world. If you t^ me what youlove and what you hate I vrill tell you your character. If you quit sinning yon will doubting. If a man believes he is right the next thing he vrants is courage that will dare to do right. A man is not a sinner because he is aniafidl: he is an infidl because he is a snmer. The greatest blessing that ever crow- ned an American or a Canadian church is a "game" preacher that is not afraid of maior devil. If the;devil ever puts hisfootupon a wo- man onG» she never gets up any more. I'm a Methodist just like I'ma Jones. I wag bom both, and am no more res- ponsible for one than I amfot the other. -The fact that I' m Methodist demon stratea the fact that I mast be religious Now, the Catholic Chn«ch has a Pop^ the Presbyterian Chun* has its starch its dignity, and its education; the Bsptiat Church has its, water. But we poor Methodists ha^ant ^ot teligi^ we haven't got a thing in the world to ran on. lUketosoethecHWkfaBoesin «» chmA paatoes takenadffiwn. Ilike-to Piesbjrterians com« over to the _M8tare a vdiila and the «ao*a*goon««naf|ed«i,4ba anal Fflnetveflaoee grass Ik wryie. i^^aAam quit MV[^KDALE Fiff 1â€"0 Having erected and fitted up in every detail a Sash, Door and Plain? tory, containing all the latest and most approved machinei^, evei being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Hollof Battel FRAMES, UTH. FENCE PICKETS, c., And everything needed in the bnilding trade, in a manner second to nwiii Canada, and haying engsged superior mechanics m eyery dej would now respectioUy solicit pubhe patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promptly] PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undress Direct from North Shore, all sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy TDmiiig4«i(.| Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. THOS. McNEA. 803 GOOT LIVERY. IModerate TtlOS. *-«SBgi SPEC/AL ATTENTION TO CukiMthuiAL TRAmLEHS. Mathews' Old Stand, opposite Markdale House W1. T/tYbOR, ^- fROPRIETOR. STRAYED. FBOM the premises of Michael McCann Eiot 66. con. Ist, vrest of T. 8. Bond, Holland. In May last three yearlings, two heifers one all white and one daik red \rith white spots, one steer red with white spots. Any person Riving such information as will lead to their recoveiy will be suitably le- wftrded MICHAEL McCANN, 216-W Berkeley, P. O. Credit Sales W. J. Sheperdson vrill have a credit sale onhiBpremi8es,loi28,6on. lOEq^hrasia, on Friday the SSndOotobefrconmieoeing at 10 o'clock. This is a large sale, 117 head of stock, oompriaing a lot of bred sheep, Leioester, Ciotewold Mid Shropshiis. Freelunehat noon. See large posters for particnlara or vrrite him for one atGating P. O. Mb. JoHM OoBDON, lot 4 oon. 11, St. Vincent, will sell his xm stock, im- plements, ftc, on Tuesday, October the 19tii, coiainenoing at one o'clock. He bas sold h« farm and all must be dis- Poeedof. Wsual terms. W. J. Sbep- hetdaop„sg^tionbar. FOR SALE. A PAIR of Mules rising Jo^J^a weU matched and good /5^ be sold for cash, or on tune to (pw Apply to S15-18 JAMES DODDS. CUSTOM WE^^ THE subscriber havinfi "P^Ji^ » the weaving "^^^^Z^iiZ Haskett Bros, on B^be^g^^ At pared to-do all kinds of 'f^jhrfj Ee. Good work and^^i^BOOlt Waated Inunedii^- MEW Hoijg ti9.n 30BJS^t§giXfq^, A MOST Co»^^^'"rAntbori-*2» containing the ^rfJ^T^^^^ SIStoSi Old and N«* "^t«*»jSg ,flij«a»oa Hiiher for §•# ar lor deBdWOL'^rie*^ *^

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