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Markdale Standard (2), 7 Oct 1886, p. 8

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 â- W^^W^T I M. ' .JIM. H^J in â- fi iSi m " I ;i (i :i f -» .-.' R:, ,J:H i! 1.1; I! I • '^! I 'J r â- â-  I â-  I â-  !i i }l li if n iffi T ^fliH' • W 1 â- 9^ 1 ^H ' Skw 'â-  4 niH E jBSjnr « m 1 mIm lliin mil Cegal. I». fcOullocE8rli« BARRISTER, SOXjIOETOR, Arc. OFHCEâ€"OVER KoFMRLMMFS trORE. MABKDAXjS. HANDS, EGHLIN £ GARVIN, (succxaaoBB to LAunxm havos), BAGBISTEBS, SoUeitors. ProctorB. No- taries, Convcyaneers, Ae. lCHiey to oui at lowest rates of interest. iMces 16 Kiiif; Street Eaitt. Toronto MASSON MAS801V, BABBISTEBS, SOUCITOBS, e. OmcES â€" Owen Sound, in Viewer's Bloek, Ponlett St. Bianch office in MarkdalA over McFarUnd's Store, on Friday and Satiuday every week. J. ICawok, Q. C. S. Masson. W. Masson. K. B.â€" Private and Company's fnnda to invest at from to 8 per cent Wm. Brown, JSSUEB OF MABBIAGE LICENSES, fce Commissioner in B. B. Ac. Conveyancing in all its branches promptl} attended to and carefully executed. N. B. â€" Money to Lend on Beal Estate se eoritv. (tniarit9 flui new â- ark- Arebes, Conueea, Centre' Flowen, iand all kinds of plain and ornamental plasteriuK ex- eented at cheapest rates. Calsomining Lime Wsifcinfi and Bepairs promptly attended to. (iihiM^MMM EOBT. ASKIN. UMDERTAKER, FIIEML FURNISaiHaS f aapplied on the siiortes notice. WILLIAM STUART, KIMBERLEY, Issne.^of Marriage Licences. Money to Loan on Beal Estate at low rates. A few J^'arms for sale. Terms easy. G. M. BRODIE, M.D., CM., MEMBEB of the Collie of Physicians and Soigeons, Ont. t^^ffice and residence, B. L. Stephen's Drug Store, Markdale. 298.11 J. P. MARSHALL, L.D.S. DENTIST, GBADUATE OP TOEONTO SCHOOL of Dentistry, will be at the Markdale House, Markdale, on the 1st and third Wed- nesday of each month and also at Munshaw's Hotel, Flesherton, the day following the third Wednesday in each month for the prac tice of his profession. MANSION HOUSE, MARKDALE, Jas. Bryan, Proprietor. ROBERT 8. RAE, TAILOR, Sydenlmm Sti-eet. MRKDALE. Silendil 19ea.i-se tor hire at moderate rates. Markdale Mu ME FABXEBS HAflrUW 11#. 1 WBZAT and preferxins floor Anm their own wheat, eaii get it by bringiDg twem^ basliels or mon. Flour odmnys on Hand To give fli excfaaage. "Baker's Patenfand best ttetufy ffonr lor sale. 'Betail i»iee per bbl. S4.50. Three barrels or mere, N.l to $4.2^ SHORES, pw toD tl3.00 BBAB, " 10.00 Tie hi^est ourikcl prices |)ai3 ior Fall aad Spring wbaaH. J. W. r$RD. M' Joseph H^'^n ft. ,^ Nation, 'HitKlaETAcK! perfume. j-Hc, ' by B ' '•a e^SSctt â€" AU kinds ofâ€" FXJItlVXTXJR.E In Stock at bottom prices. PICTURE FRAMING Done on short notice. EOBT. ASKIN. OWEN SOUND MARBLE WORKS Victor Roller »8 on the StomaeTt'""' fc«. moving all obstruS^y^iJJS^j teke'!^Kiu^*'le^ar,_ dWorady"'^^ol,:jjjjjfe Sbilob'i Shiloh •t'or sale dale. SfiH^H'sC«Aaiim) 'for CataiTh Ph!?^****^!.^. WARKDALE. Ffiruaera- av9- driving froM one to twenty-fou* msies to the Nwitsm Boiler Mil], and are f» highly pleased witb jj^^ tiie results tUo^ thej always come i afflioted with^ ha A. I was removed ft-ol. Low's recommsnded for.'ail.T*^ ^c^wl eases. '^•^wid^l ForDTSPB8,A have a Iffrured lai!^' CottpiA,, Shilot-'s- VitaUzS ""J^ ^^â-  For sale by U. L dale. ^•-^^r^'asi Stepbem Dri "«*l,l MARKDALE HOUSE, MABKDALE, â-  • ONT. J, £ Marsh, Prop. H.B. HARRISON, MANUFACTUBEEOF MARBLE AND GRAITE MONUMENTS HEADSTONES, Mantles, Furniture Marble, dc. No wsitkfif,. er return trip necessary as you get yswt grist home witb you every time;- • No cbau^r iMide la the male of exehamfe from the past. Parties wiiAing climoe tlottc, Br sm* and go to FTeiMa'Ilill. Good mixed ehoyv ftran and short? sIivayB for sale. Wanted, all fb good Spring Wlieat in the four townships, for wiiMi the hij^est priee will be paid in cash. 219 ANGUS PIiEWES- Woria Syraj^, byB.i «.phevr^srfei' Dr. Carson' Catarrj^ ^^^ ^**Ptea, you,' no paj^, abouuit Ask J, J. COMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICEVI1jL.E. Ont. Large and commodious Sample Booms Good Bed Booms, Sm. The Bar and larde wdl supplied with the best the market af Treats all dis- f prds good Stabling aud attentive Hostler's eases of domes- JUST EECEIVET) 3 Carloads Finest Variegated Marble â-  IS* Largest stock in tbe Dominion to select from. Personally seketed at the qnar ries in Vermont. Will be sold at prices which defy competition. SATISFACTION GVARANTBEB. N. B. â€" Beware of Ihlonuroents and Head- stones of Tin, Spelter, or Zinc, soldered to- gether, and oiled and Sandblasted Xo hide the imperiections, and called Wliite bronze. H. B. HABKISON. FOB SATtF.. f THOROUGHBRED DURHAM BHiL CALVES. to. Forte,.. Ea„;,5™«"K «.*! Wht Will Yc mk. IOC In A THE KEY TO NEALTH. All from noted faml lies. "Will register in the Ganadian Herd- Book, luqnire of H. Parkerv Durham. loh'sC»rewiirgT,eTii^\' Stephen, DrufiKist.lUie" III Da»»eeou»,o»._ women orek-iidisadanmottsLr T There can be no perfeet health ,^u7*' g«l«-^actiou of this function bS5C Bitter- cures «oi^tipatin„\l.S health ytone to aU the seorotL '"" â-  the secret jom. THOS. ATKINSON. Proprietor tic animals. City I^Iotel, markdale. The subscriber begs to inform the travelling public generally, that be has leased the above premises for a term of years, and hopes by cater- ing to their comfort to merit a share of public patronage. Bar and Larder well supplied. Good •tabl^g and attentive hostler. D. McLKAN, Proprietor. 1 EUGENIAHOTEL ' EUGENIA FALLS • • Ont. J. McAleer, Prop. The public may telv on receiving every neeessary attention aa to Eatables, Drink- able and Horses Care. 291 IRWIIV, V. S., Honorary Graduate of Ontario Voterinary College. Horses exam- ined for sound- ness aud certi- ficates given. Â¥eterinary Medicinea Kept and Dispensed. CHARGES MODERATE. CAL.LS PROMPTLY ATTENDED. OFFICE AND INFIRMARY, MILL STREET. Opposite Standard OtBce, MARKDAIiU. JL F^asliiiona,lle Tailor, OVER MACFABt.Ain'8 VtOKR. K PERFECT PIT GUARANTEED. ISAAC STINSOM. Builder and Contractor In all kinds of Briek and Stone vrork. Estimates given. All work cnarantced. Orders by mail promptly attended to. 339 Bendenee. MABKDALE. Matkdale Woolen Mill. Gastom Gardinff, Weaving, t'nll. iog, Dyeing and cloth dresaiug, done in a workmanlike manner and ou â-¼ery short notice. First Olass Cotton Warp aapplied at the lowest pesaible rates. A call RolrtHtd. Tenns stnotly cash or wool* SepL*8.188« F. J. BITCHIE. Ualedn all tbe dc^ed avennet t^the Bcfirala, Kidneya and Idnr. eanyine off gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foal hamors of the secretions at the same time OORectillC Addity of the Stomach, cnring KU- onsness, DTspepsia, Headaches. Biz- mMs. Heartbnm. Constipation. I»ryn«B of the Skin, Orqpn^, Dim- ness of Vision. Jaundice, Salt Kienm. Ay^ehts, ScrofUa. Fluttering of « ISS?*" "e'vonsness and Graenl VeUllty all these and many otber simi* la r Com plaints yield to the happy influence •TBUSDOCK BLOOD BITTEBS. Staitfe Bottles 10c;Begii]arsiae$l. FarMlebjraUde HVKXIT VISIT OeL 19th at the Markdale tUuse, N. WASHINGTON. H. k, THROAT LUNG SURGEDN- the same year, and after having devoted yea» to '^^^^ the special stndyof diseaseB of the Throat and liungs, 18 pttpared to treat nearly all the cases I winch may some before him succesafully. Dis- "^xXT^'S"*^^ Catarrhal Dwtoe8».Lo^ from^!'v^'°'i^°«^""«?«*."'*»«y»' Growths trMi[ the Nose also rewovwi. Asanna, scad Conauiaptfon. IfttlCB,' A Speeet Cure â€"A, ».,„i. i .DXsertry Cholera MortiSjei^ {Cramps, Sick stomach. C»u „. zl Stomach a«d Bowels, aadl f„l* Summer Coinplaiuts, 'the?: ^*"J°a WildiStrawbenry. Dealen, who kdTJ those who Imy it are on mataâ„¢) gnud A ocnfidenc»of its mcritfi. P BivOT yompUBnt Causes Dyspewialnfa tf on. r r -.J i Ifc'ver Ccmpjiimt Canses Skk Eauj IMzziness, Liver Cimplaint Causes AH EiiJDnl Tr©Bbl«!!,, liver Compliint' cured byDr, ane'il liSver Cure. ChwMkie Bronchitis, "O^e Method, Inha- BE SURE S« GET YOUR â€" 7BOX W. C. RICHARDS, A ABcm. BUILDER. CONTBAGTOB, TKCT, Markdale. 1341T WEAVING. Having returned to Markdale, in order to be more convenient for my cnBtomers, I bei; to annonnee that I am now nremred to do all kinds of Ca^tom Weaving. Residence old atand, opposite Preakjtrrian Chnreb. 282 ABCH. BOTD. R.J. 8PROULE, FIiESHERTON. Cenveyaneer, Awraiser, Talnator and Money I«iidar. Deeds, Mortgaeee, T i w a ww and Wills drawn np andValnatkmB lOMeaa sbastest notice Charge- very lo^A^to^ Money I«Bder ft roetmsstw, Flesherton. MONE7 TO 8CI00L_TNSTEE1 The undersigned is nannfaetnriag an ex. eellenk •ssortmeat of School K'ui-nitiu-e. Coonatiogof SCBOOL SEATS and OESKR TEACraBM' DESKS, ete.. o| the l2S design and most approved pattern. Bmhly reeomneiuled by School Ttwstees and TeSeh. en, for ehe^puess. comfort and eompMtness wherever tried. An acaortment o£ Farm and School Belh kept ah..,, on hand. 8«dfa« catalogue to ChiUawortfa P. O. ^^ **' AXfkBEW McOILL. MARKDALE. He makes as good a pump M there IS m ttie market, aod at tiie lowest possible prices, besides it is so oon- veuient for getting repairs besides when buying from a distance. Have some style about you and support home enterprise by buyins fromQumn. " lOKEY n WAR. ON ical interest, not aeaa Strictly CoolldeHliel, To Loan on real eetate aeemrity. Simple Interest. low rates, and easy terms. C. W. BUTLEDOE. 273 Staadald OOee. P.O. STRAYED! AGENT8WANTED. Steady Employment to Bood Men NONE NEED BE IDLE nsmus EXPERIEMCE HOT ESSENTIAL We Pay erther Salary or Commission J/k/^SMAUT MEN wanted at once to AW canvass for the sale of na-Ij Grown Nursev Htock. Canada THE FOIVTBILL IVVBSERIES LABO«8T IN CANADA OVKB 400 ACBE8 '^^Vf^y '^n^*« yon can lur^TV^ elsMi Keferencesand want to work. No i.t? for huy men but can employ any nnL JfJ of energetic men wno want work? iZrZ STONE t WELLINGTON, Nntaerymen, ToRojrro. Ont. Vorooto, Angnst 5th, use. CATABBH OF MAXT YBABS STANDING CUBBD. a very troablesome rtSwdS^to l^^^hi :sSo*^":ssri"sr^»^^ Hehdoche Bilioussess.â€" "Whenem 1 1 feel ont of sorts, bilions, my liter not mi- 1 ing right, or racked iritti a hesiacht I titrj Chase.'s Liver Cure, 1!here is morereilk- f nefit from one dose ot'jaai Liver Cure tin I in many bottlerj of some mediciii«,'Wglii McNasser Bond Head. The Jatest remedy for Conghs, t'ofcj Crou| Whooping Congh, ronchitB,*. I McGregor's Lnng Componod. Theit ii » remedy iu existence contaimog inj oatfl the active ingredients composing HcOr(" Lnng Compound, so do not say yi» to I taken everything until yon hawtrWajl for your cold or cough, and yonrc^iiaisâ„¢ be Uk same as all who have nted it, «â- ! that it is the beat. SoldinSOe. aivMl bottler by B. L. Stephen, Draggiats, *» dale. ' A JSasttM MiMou.â€" In • w*" '*f I from K. 1). Dowteetsf Dekmine, »" states that he has rnovend tarn "'5|| form o f Dyspepsia after snfFaiaf to "^l years; and when a eoneil of ypri nooneed him incDTsblr h» *»â-  *^ Mood Bitters, six bottles st wfa* i««^| his health. THE LAST TBAB,^*- â-  After the abort year i» «** *^ be no more enfferine *^'" *%"jI,| NenralRia. Toothaflhe, '*^^J^p\ or any acute pain, if th^ «^ ^^Zb I bottle of Fluid Lightning, M rtfi^Tjr P*in cannot stay where Fj^ill name is Fluid Lightaing- Smv j j" Stephen, Druggist, Markdale. Faiau. ATTACK8;-AB«»g »•» "Xia j TarOTtffttd and sudden •ftwtojl " M are those incident to as Tours truly, GEO. OOULDDro. mich as Cholera Morbns. SsS w'w'aSSS'^-A^*' 9»*- Diarrhea, Dysentrr *«v*^J27ri»*, 1 •too W. H. Stony Son. Acton. f^^^ j^ a few bQurs. 1^^,T^ the •«*â- * 7flA I ni: y*g"°«*Pn «U1 make monthlv visita Bxtn««, remedy Dr. ^o^^f^ZTtai^^ a*_...uâ€" «,. cl,AnW be at ntfd, I" EAST CREY LIBERAL £?«-««-*.-. Convention. Conservative All persons in hnebj waned against pur- ^fo^^f**°'*»' ^»- M*"" Markdale. S^ ♦u ^\ ^S^ OB the 6th Amnistand ^ethe Ist Hiwh ne»t; tbe other »S^ d«wn same data, ^d dne tbe l.t JannLy WM. SMITH, S^Pt. 16th. lag*. '"•^^fsiS-iT Strawberry' should be at emergency. ^^ fl* Reasom. why you «*«""«'3Srf Lightning in preference to »UO^j B* arl Bapid re6ult-«aj« "^a-^S- easay applied-no ^^^^f^± dose not require ^^iJZ^i ationis effectual. O" ,2?%Be* â- Â»?- 6 PER CENT. MratST hMtsaoo FtstUksr Vowb CoBMgraaewik Pron the premises of Oenn La^ lot «, eon. 5, Knptuasia, about th â- one wane stripe m foanead, aO i Infmrouition whidi «fil lead to their «ilt:h|spilaUyrewai4^ Jl â- deeti.gCanaidates.£orttriK3^*»' •I mnna anil rk..4._-- i ' «"Hse Of Com. -ns!!«??^ri3Sisrs"j2s ^*iiiim^ MQtest "K in tne Liberal eon«»«rr^' Po!ling8ub^.SSsJ?«S2.*S ^Dominion P^nd^JiirX^rSf^S JjJ^JgJjeotrtioBinappoi^nSi^^ FARM FOR LOT No. 14, 100 aem. 4. N. D, be sold SALE R. Olendg. on T. IELL6, IWident. IM-tf. »'«hyletterto '.â- .BLACK, Peeaona, P. 0. -Advertise 8ta»y Cattle m the STAKDARB. more pam isetecn. Try it „ Headache, EheuiDBtinn. ^T^ botUe by B.L. Stephen, V^"" J- dale. J ileUB*7 In Good BBPtT«.-J" j^ B. writes from Kinsale; f V; ujoi l" S remedy for diseases "Jj^iatiflB » "J kidneys, has an ««*?* SV^f? J locaUty. Iba'e"8«^iiu*»^*i# perienoe. as well " ""Jll^ only medicine I want, »»• afflieted to tiy "•" ^mtHI^ CooKSTowH.â€" Mrs. ^y^ «2ji troubled for a nnob«'y3Ja goBtion and ConstipaWft^^ ftsJJ, S McGregor's 8p^yj25ngf% that was needed. 'f^W^^ use to any person ««^j, ^f » remedy » •^T.-rto** i '.^»^ bel ' "litiatiTe !•._* *°good| |*««alt. ^^tiyit," ioTBlnable remedy Canada at 50c sad •'Si;^ B.L. Stephen's DntfS"

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