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Markdale Standard (2), 7 Oct 1886, p. 4

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 t»dMMâ- â€¢H^^4**t""" â- V Ik 1 W. A. BBOWy, JEWBUEJBB, MABKBAJl^ IS TJli* ii standard. C. W. Batledge, Pablisher. MABKDALE, OCT. 7. 1886, GLENELG FALL SHOW. The first day was fine and a large «moant of grain, roots, frnit, dairy, domestic manofactores, ladies work ^c, was brotjto the hall and tastefully arranged by those in charge. The judging in those lines was done same day. On Friday, the second day. the ' weather became most wifayorable, being cold and sqnally, with showers of soft snow thronghont the day not* withstanding all this, there was a good turn oat, bat nothing like what it would had the weatlier been favorable 'The show was in every respect a credit and a grand success, calling forth eulogies. from visitors and spectators from far and near. The exhibit in the hall was large indeed the space was quite too small to allow a proper display of the goods. Grain good was and a fine exhibit. Boots and fruit were shown in great abundance, while the quality was something remarkable. The dairy exhibit was good, and the quality fine. The ladies department was well filled with a really fine and creditable exhibit. Plants and flower j were shown in abundance, addmg immensely to the appearance of the showroom. The Poultry show was a grand exhibition in itself in fact it was the best we eyer saw at a local or country shew. Fine horses were shown in various classes fer surpass- ing Fairs of more pretentious expo- sitions. There were some really fine pedigree cattle, showing that a lively .interest is taken in the improvement of stock. Sheep and swine was not so largely represented. Carriages and Implements were also an attractive feature. We have already trespassed on our allotted space even without giving due credit to deserving ones. Fbizx List. Horset. Focd. Pair LugQ DookB, B Fredwrn. Jdm Cooer. P*ir SnuJl DiuiB. Jolin M«G«e. Jno Oooaj. Ftymotk Boek Booster. BaakM Bras. Ist ft 2iid. Plymoatli Boek Han. Hm- kett Bios. iBtft 2iid. Leg^om Booster, John McGee, B Cokman. Le^unn Hen, John MeOee. John Ckwey. Vibite Brahma Booster, B Fieebom. John MoGee. White Brahma Hen, B Fieebom; B Coleman. Dark Brahma Booster, B Coleman, HaskettBros. Daric Brahma Hen, Haskett Bros. 1st it 2nd. Buff â€" n ^^/ cochin Bo^lr, John Coo^. Ja. JJ-Jj-'f^rWrn S^^ Bnif Cochin Hen, John Co^y. Ja. Brodxe^ '^^^^ DnndM. Spanish Booster, Haskett Bros. Spanish w™««« wmi^uuuâ€" Hen, Haskett Bros. Ut A 2n«l. Hambnig John MeGee Ist t 2nd. Hanibarg irark OB Mnnss, Biahaid Watson, Wm Nor. top. P»ir wooHob init^ BOdabain. Wm. Norton. P»ir mm's aoda, C LittlejjAM, Wm Norton. Pair ladiea' stodtings, Wm Nortoii. Samuel Edge. Kenaingtam pwnting, W N Haskett, Biohard Watson. Crayon drawing, O k Haskett 1st A 2nl. PencU dnving, MoJht Bros Ist 2nd. Collection Qfaotognph8,WmJaeksonlst»2nd. Bou- qaet of aataral omete, Q S Bowes. E D CoU honae plants, Mrs Comidi, Cage of Canary birds, O Little- Oil painting, Miss Best Walkikg Team.â€" IstEdw, Rutledge, 2nd B. Watson. BsADSTKB Team.â€" John Boland, John Carson. Casbuok Team.â€" Jas. Henderson, Sam- uel McKnight. BuooT HoBsx.â€" Dr. Brodie, Adam Sheil. Saddl* H0B8X.â€"D. McLean. A. Beat^y, MiB«F»l by her side.â€" Walter Nicholls. John Weber. OsHiBix, PcarosBTesm.â€" Wm. Walker Alex LUbmne. a year old Coh, Wm. Sargent, Wm. BoWn- son, 1 year oU CJolt, Arthur Johastoa. Wm. Donglae. BoAosTZB Colt,â€" S year old, A. Beattr, Jaeob^Uey. RoabKxb Colt, 1 year eld. Bobt nee. borne, A. fieattie. SrxxMwo nr rasBnro.- L. Xa^tp. Bodger Campbell CaUU. TBoxouoHBBBn BoLL,aBy ageâ€". C. C. HoFayden, Bobt. nreabon. OBAns BoLborer^yiB. B. Coleaao. Onde Bnll nnder 2 yrs. Adam Sheil, JfmphMjen, Dnrham Cow with pedigieo. JC. A W. s! O'Brien. Grade Cow, Wm. Walkct; ^bt. Walker. 2 year old heifer. John Bolaad! Joseph Jfyers. 1 year old heifer, 0. C. Me- Fayden. E. A W. S. O'Brien. Spring Calf WmWalkerEftWSO'Brien. TokeOxea, Robert Walker, Daniel Miller. Pair Staen a years oM, Bobt Walker, Joseph Myers. Skee^Lomg Wtol, Tkormtfkbnd. Aged Bam, B Coienan. Bam Lamb, B -Coleman let A 2nd. JVae IFoot. TfterrwwUfvA Aged Bam. ThoaSllis, John Bnakin. Pair Shearling Ewes, Thoa Elba. Bam I«aiib Tlioe Ellis, A Dinsmow. P^ Ewe. niwi hunfael{«S,TlM0Elli.ia(«SBd. PkirBwp lABba, ADinamore, John Baakin. Commm Sheep, Fair Aged SwM.BColamatt. Puk Shear liucBwea^BGolamaBr Pair Ewe lAmh., B 3uleaian. Swime, Berkakin, BoaraivacB.BColaawu Bnadl^gew. Edwaw irnt ied gu, B. Optrntmn, Pair Spring Pigs. Bdwaid BatMga. Am Elliott. 6'»|ft.â€" fisw amr aft. Jaeeb Hn%. Jaa Elliott. P»ir8pri«R P%s. Thompaon Btaite, -^•-::^--^-- PtoirfCT^ â-  ^-' CoDeetioa Fowl, Jdm Cboay, Baskatt Bras, B Crt l em a n Pair GeaMi. B fnlmnan B P!ur IMcqra. B FnebMn. I W Booster, Hen, John MeGee 1st A 2nd. Grain. Boshel Ckwson Wheat, Samael Edge, Jacob Holly. Bnshel Fall Wheat any kind. Thos Ellis, mchard Watson. Boshe! White Bossiin Wheat, Jas Bredie. Samnel Edge. Bnshel any kind Spring Wheat, Jas Brodie. Thompeon Bigger. Bnshd Barley. James Brodie, Thos Sells. Bnshel Large Peas. Jas Brodie, Jas Nelson. Boshel Small White Peas, Wm Norton, Jas Brodie. Bnshd White Oats. Jas Brodie. Samael Edge Bushel Black Oats. Wm Norton. Jas Brodie. Half bushel Timothy Seed. Jas Biodie, W J Anderson. Six ears Indian Com, Adam Sheil, Samael Edge. Collection Beans, Jas Brodie, John Cooey. JiooU. Col Potatoes, Js Brace, B Coleman. Bnshel BosePotatoes. Bichard Watson, Jas Brace, Bashel any kind Potatoes. Joseph Myers, Jas Brace. Six Sweed Tomips Joseph Myers, Jas Nelson. Six Tnmips any kind, Wm Doaglas, Jas Nelson. Six Mangold Wnrtzels, Samael Edge, Wm Norton. Six Blood Beets, Ist â-  2nd Wm Doaglas- Six Field Carrots, Bichard Watson, James Nelson. Six Early Horn Carrots. Jas Brnce, Adam Sheil. Six Parenips. Edward Batledge, I Wm Norton. Three Roots Geleiy, Bobert Bigger, Thos Gilray. Two heads Caaliflower. C LittlejoHns, Adam Sheil. Two Cabbages, C Littlejohns, Jas Brace. Six Tomatoes, Adam Sheil, Wm Norton. Gallon Seed Onions, Thos Ellis, Wm Norton. Gall Onions from Dutch set, Jas Brodie. B Watson. Gall Onions any kind, Thos Ellis, Samael Edge. Two Squashes, John Cooey. Jacob Holley. Two Pumpkins, Jas Brodie, G Littlejohos. Six Cucumbers, pickling, C Littlejohns, Edward Davis. Three Citroiis, Wm-Bobin- son, Jas Bruce. Three Water Melons, Wm Norton. Frett. Six Winter Apples, Dr. Sproule, James Quinn. Six Fall Apples, John Boland, G 8 Bowes. Three varieties Apples, John Weber, Jas Quinn. Twelve Crab Apples, Wm Kob- inson, D McFarlane. Four varieties Crab Apples, Thos Gilray, Jas Brodie. Six Pears, Thos Gilray, Jacob Holly. Three bunches Grapes, G S Bowes 1st A 2nd. Six Blue Plums, Wm Norton, Thos Gilray. Six Oreen Gages, Wm Norton, Thos Gihray. Six Flams; any kind, John McGee, Jas Brodie. Dairy. Tub Batter, 50 lbs, Samael Edge, Jamaa Quinn, Bobt Walker. 5 lbs Boll Batter, Ed* ward Butledge, Samuel Edge, Wm Bot»nsoa. Cheese, home-nude, Wm Norton. Cheese, factory-made, Tho8. Elliott ItHA ioA. Tw» loaves bakers' bread, Edwaid Book* 1st* 2nd. Two loayca hone-awde bnad. Wm Norton, Jas Brodie. a lbs Maple fligar, Edward Davii, C Irwin. Half g^hn Mi^ Symp, C Irwin, Adam ShaiL Jfanw/octurM. Donble set Team Hariieia, Tboa Mathmra 1st A 2nd. Doable Ca'rriaga Tfamesi, Thoa Mathews 1st A and. Set HorMshoei, nnfUed* D McFarUne. Speeimen CaUnat Worit* MoSat Bros 1st A 2nd. PUiel Door, Oeotg* Biehards, Thomaa MeNea. Vnadaw Saab, Thoa MeNea 1st A 2nd. «»ritinwn Tinwaia. haskett Bros. Speeimen Penmanili^. Btr Geo Gomiah, Bdward Davis. Specttnen Pen. aunship under 1£. Wm Dandaa. Fivwyda Fa]leIofl^ home-made, Wa Rorton. FaM^ Flannel, Bobt MeBride. B Coienan. Plain Flannel, B Watson, S Boyee. Pair Blaakets, Thoa Gilray. S Boyoe. Pair Hone Blanks, Edward Butledge, John Hmritk. Pomp, J T Qainn lat A 2ad. Demoont. Wm Maaoa. Bony. WmMMOB. LtMet^ Wtrk. Berlin wool, raised, W M Haaketi lit A SnA Berlin wool, not raised, Samod Edge, Thoa Oiliay. CoU wool work; L Kni^, W N HaAett Crodie»inwMt,LXw9p,'ir«,r Andmon. Craehet in4ott«i, Thoi' Gllmy Saamel Edge. Eahraidhiiy in eottoo, Thoa' Otli*Tlstft9ad. EmbraidMy ia silk. WVt HaakatI lat ft^Sad. Oanel nal. Thos Oil» Wm Dandaa. na^ ktdttBati ia wooL L Kaavp. SMaoel Bd0k Fanqy kmttii« in Two I Special Prizet. 5 lbs Batter, Samuel Edge, dozen Eggs, John Weber. Six Sweed Tnmips, A Nodwell. Six Turnips, any kind.. A Nodwell. Heaviest un- married conple, P McCnlloagh and lady. Wool Mits, home-made, B Coleman. Collection of Pears, John Weber. Cabbage (Winningstadt), Wm Bobinson. Cabl^i^e (Winning- stadt), B Coleman, ^est Spring Colt, Walter NicoU. Bedt Spring Calf. E W S O'Brien. Beit Lady Driver, Mrs. L Knapp. Best Baggy Horse, r. Brodie. Spring Colt sired by "Garfield," Walter NicoU. Five Heavy Colts, Walter NicoU, Bobert Elliott, John Walker, Wm Lewis, John Weber. Tub Butter, Samuel Edge, Bobert Walker. 6 lbs Butter, Wm Norton. Hand-worked Slippers, Wm Norton. CaUection Paintings on Canvass, Miss Cornish. CoUection of House Plants, Mrs Cornish. Best Sketch in Oil or Water Color. Miss Cornish. Collection Fancy Work. Miss Cornish, highly recommended. Jo Wlien yoti visit the Pall Show don't fail to call at the new BOOK STATIonpd? GOODS and WALL.PAiEB Store, Reynolds' Biod '^^• to the Mansion House, where you will see fli^**' stock of thfl fthn^. „„-^ ""•nJeai.j stock of the above goods TOYS! m TORONTO HOUSE. TOYS! ^, great variety, Dolls all sizes an-1 prices from 5 cenu ^^ variety of Goods suitable for Birthday and oth '*^^"**' comprising Anu^raph and PhotoKraph Albuj!' ' Cards, Vases, a splendid variety, Perfinn '0^' Moustache and Tea Cups. {Mi^^l Mugs, Ladies' Leather Ba»8 j """fill from 50c. up, "\^oIin8,Accordians, Month Organs, Flutes, Writing Desk Papeteries, c.. School bapplies in fuU variety, also a 1 ' Drawing Utensils, Paint Boxes, Childs JompanilSS' AU the Fashion Journals not in stock obtained tA »,j A large stodc of sheet music and music books kept constmii First instaluient of waU paper just to hand, oyer one 11. ' five cents per BoU. «woimnj A stock of Bibles and Psalms, secured at from 15 to 8b regular prices. Methodist, Presbyterian and Episcopal Hjma and Psalm variety Don't fail to call. A. DINSMOBE. Proi pet, M/VF^KDALE I- "We shovv this -vsreek a complete stock of Boots Shoes, Ready made Clothing; Tweeds, Dress Goods, Flan- nels, Blankets, Shawls, c.. Purchased before the advance, consequently prices and values are exceptionally good. WehftvttilM seeored a large lot ofNew Japan Teas Utely arrived per the C. P. B. which far exceeds former values. Our Shoemaker'B Shop eotunee nnder the management of Mr. Eay •XiiiB supplied with the very best stock wfakli the market affotds. Parties intrasting there orders *Mured of perfect satiafiMstion. Having erected and fitted up m every detail a Sash, Dooiwil tory, containing all the latest and most approved uiachiii being new, I am now prepared to turn out Sasb, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, HoOovli FRMES, UTH. FENCE PIGKETS, k, And ever}'thing needed in the buUdiug trade, iu a manner second to J Canada, and haying engaged superior meclmnics m eyer; dep would now respectfully solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders PromJ PI N E LU Ml BER Dressed and Undr Direct from North Shore, aU sizes, on hand. Plain and Fancy Te Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. THOS. McM 803 *!!!ii WOOL! Wl are Those having Wool to seU or manufactare, v^iK iirii'^io^v. to call at the FLESHERTON WOOLLEN â- :• FACTOl The maehinery bemg now ia qilendid working «^f'*^^'2lt a staff of oompetent huide, we are now busy nMuiactanWP*, kept in stock. Any eastom worii entrnsted to ns w^jjf^, oarefiil attention, wad done st reasonable prices. 1^ A CALL. â- ,- GIVE US May 8rd 1886, TULAJSiXUC^JLI^^ livbby^ Wm. BROWN BiiddiBf laea, Biduunl "^V^tMtn, O B Bawm jaeottoa. idDk ornool. O 8 Boa Mint, v^**^^â€"^:^ iwIiiiiimTTiiZ ITMon, W^ BokteMM. Ahm^^h, Beml B48^ ^obB Htrarfti. LocCi*lB,,||. *^ KwtQoUi*^ r ^^ ^-«. waa brnUb. ThM aanv. Irt* tod.-Mrt.ai9« »«• Ut Asia driifs Wa» JTmW Wj work, Wm iMw^ WA -__. '« CtairtoiAer Irwin, WmDo^l^ITAtw asan«w«k.OSBo«« ThwQiin^. Waol OH. PAtNTlNG^ •^'ilf "***'*» '^^-C. â- SaSittSSlffi P'*P«** » give in. CIasMii«^ be tonfied tortlmfith. rwrfl^ SPEC/ML MTTEKmK TO CoMHtHuML mathewsfOM •tanci, opposite mt^^ '**;• I Wjyi. Ti^YbOR, iMta MeHann lUiir^,.cm.lB^iiMl«(T.*8. BcMd, Holland. In ihjr lart tiuae jMiling., two heifer. MM an whit. Ud (MM laA nd with «lii»a«P9U,fipefMnriaa wMh lAite .pots. n- A PAIB of 1^1*5^% talildiEoroasb.o'"' Apply *• j^jffSl 8U-18 miff ttm itfi Mip^iag., ***• »• •• inobea to a foot deep. CUSTOH »r**v' the StANpABD six'gsi*«^,S

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