^lipl^ ij.w-m ^m" T-:!J The StawdwJJl. 1£ABEDAL^. JULY €.1886. 10b yd Jo^ "i?;^^ BBinSU ELEOnONB. ten. 9007^ Oioosirons dxfbatm C^xcaih... The latest retnms received show that out of a t^ of 670 members ot the HoQBe of Gommona, 886^haTe now been elected. Of those 276 Tories, 4S Wnionists, 99 Gladstonians, aod £8PAmelele8. There ue 275 const- tinenciesyet to be heard from aod to secure even the small majority of twelve in the new Parfiunent, it 'will be necessary for the Gladstone party to carry two hnndred of these -seats. A OCHIFBSSIOll OVDSRAT. London, July 6.â€" The Pail Mall Gazette (Liberal), commententing on the revolt of tiie election sikys: "We are beaten." The total of the vote polled gives a dear majority against the ministry. The only qaestion re- maining is whether the Marqnis of Salisbury will not sweep the country. "QUEEN ESTHER." The people of Flesherton, and -especially Mr. Munroe the condnctor, deserve a great deal of credit for tiie .grand saccess which attended their Oratorio on the evening of Dommion Day. The «ostame8 were rich and handsome, costing $25 for their use for the occasion. Without particular- izing we must say the performers did themselves credit. Over 800 attended the concert, and so great waa the enthnoiasm the performance was re- peated the following evening when 800 attended. The receipts amounted in all to $208.00. MoGiR. iPeT«d»m. ^^ ,-1-. " «!.- ' Ben Kerr.Dnntroon: toi, J, ^C^ps. Standing^ loag jampâ€"ttti rf- M BAleer, Buceni* and, H. Boberte, Midiityxe. Standing hig^ jnmpâ€" Ist, Ben Ketr and, H. Bsbots. V a^A Banning leng jumpâ€" Ist, Ben Kerr ana. A. Bell. Nottawn. Bivming hop, atop and jumpâ€" lit, JJen C»rr,Dugtroon; 6nd,W.McAlee?, J -^ Putting Btoneâ€" iBt, Dan Snllinm, JJ/m- troon; tod,BenJetr. B^i laoe. nnder 14-lrt. D. B^oanai, Singbunpton Snd, Thoe. Brown, Bi n gham p ten. •.. 1 lb. B. J. Paul bas been away on • vint to bi iriends in Mertham. Mr. Geo. Mitchell, ow bi|^ respected tmnhTf. bas gone awi^ on his holidays to Tint tiandB in ABi*i|iaBd Toronto. Thoe, Himdenwn.Jt.3P. 8., h» been vrnt- ing friends hew for «K6 part week. Mr. B. H. Henderson of the C. P. B.. Peterboro, is spoiding a few dajs with hu friends here. ., „ â-²t the district meeting held in Feyarsham of the Osprey Orange Lodges it was decided lo eeletarate the Battle of the Boyne at Badgeros this IStfa. Mr.B. T. Bnrk, of the 8tb eon., near Feversbam, biad bis bam and outbuildings totally destroyed by fire on Sunday hut. Mr, John Ottowell of the 13th line, haf- pened with a bad soddent at tiie raising of Mr. Geo. Moore's bam.' A beam fell, strik- ing Mr. Ottowell on tfie head aadimocking him insensible. We are glad to see Mr. Bobt. MeOinr going around again after his severe accident. FeTersbam can boast of a barber now, Mr. Will Campaigne having pnrchaaed a nair of oUppers, is able to do the work up itf great shape. At a meeting of the dfeectors of the of Hie 0«pr^ Agricnltnral Society here lart week, it was decided to have their annnal fall fair in Feversbam some time in October. 98°-' ;y.. ©aurespttttdettCB. Notice.â€" We wish it distinctly understood that we do not hold onrselTes responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents To the Editor of the Standard. Traverstoni July 6, 1886. Dbab Sib, â€" Please insert the foUowlng and oblige: Bev. Bobt. Hosking of Durham circuit was joyfully surprised a few weeks ago by the presentation of a beantiful Family Bible accompanied with a short epistle by friends of Zion appointment. This present was not given by members of the church, but 'by persons chiefly from other denominations, and the community is prerjoyed to know that he is still only a few nules away. He carries with him the loye and confidence of all who knew him, as he labored faithfully for the good of his church as a follower of Christ, he not only showed it on Sabbath days, but by his daily labor. The same rev. gentleman was presented with a purse and quite a sum of money for his unlaboring love in teaehmg the younc folks singing, by friends and members of Tamey circuit, to which he made a yery suitable and pathetic reply' and we are pleased to see that his labors are not in yain. Hoping he will still love and cherish in the future that which he has in the past, saving souls for the If aster. JfxKBXB OF CaracH, INVISIbliE BUT INSTANTANEOUS. All paius or aches will beinstantty removed b} a few drops of Fluid Lightning applied over the effected parts. No time lost no neauseous medicines needed no ponlticing or using greasy liniments. It ^ill not blister or discolor the stdn. Sold at 25o. per bottle by B. L. Itephen, Druggist. Sufferers from Neuralgia assure ns that they never fear it when their house contaiiu a bottle of Flnid Lightning. 4 liUyOak. Crops are very promising m this district. Mrs Orawtord, of Durham, has been visiting her father, Mr. Tbos, 61arko. Miss. Henry, daughter of Mr. Wm. Henry, died last week,, a^ 28 years. The funeral wes largely attended, 97 teams being in the csrtege. Mark Madill has eaected a new dwelling house, and Samuel Toung has one on the way. mabt 1^ good in i i ii H » nn wfytG^^ working for the GimkMwter. idtt*e askmg ill bis Jiriwt own mvA. The object of the Ohureh w to y" Boida taCairist. Widlfo te^ph m tliatT sor Bible is an jnapred woi*, Aua should be xMd with reiverenee. Can it be proveto that a portion of that saozed book caricatored, will have that 06t, I have ffrave fears a9 a Christian worker. '" I hear on evwy ede "it wasa grand success" ind saw a B«v. Brother gaUiard. and sp inflated tjiat gravabon appeared to hawloct ita natural effect, « been interted. yet the question ^es to my mind, has it won. one l^eoious Soul to Chriii^ or has it shown our theater going and unoonyerted friends that our Ohurebes practice what if nreaehes. I have heard our Spiritaia advisers (and I believe justly flo) warning the young to beware of the aUnraments of the Opera or The- ater as ^ts attractions were against their spizitasl good. I am sorry to ooniesa in my younger daje I attended a few theater enter- tainments and I also attended the •ntertunmentg in tiie Difll Shed on the eveung of July 1st, and as near as I oonld recollect th^ are identical both used moekpn^ers toour Haaven- ly Father to delight their audience. I am nily a poor luunble lay man an4 not suppoaed to know how much mock prayer our Heavnly SWm will submit to before withdrawinflrhii divine pres- ence from our Church and his psoplc) and trust some of our spiritual adviserB who:take credit in originating this entertainment and bringing^ it to so successful an issue as clumed, wiU enlightona poor lay man on these points.. I have many mors questions to ask Mr. Editor concerning this entertain- ment and our Church teachings, but I know you dislike long letters, and refrain, but by your permission after the above is answered I will ask a few more as I confess my inability to reconcile my mind. Thanking yon for your kindness, I am yours truly, A Layman. Artemesia, July 8rd, 1886. f»l«3e .-Ji^# :â- v»5«'0lKt *.^|g_ V CENTBl *«S A FULL STOCK OF BEPAIBS KEPT CONSTANTLY OH Rf^IRS STRICTLY CASH. T. IVILUSCUOFT, V.-.i â- .:'i{*- 808 M/tF^KDALE A HZAVT BUBDXN. Mr, George Bnssell, of Aurora, Ont., says he was a great sufferer from a running sore of the worst disorption, which baffled the best medical sldll, and his life was a burden. He was ooted by B. B, B. to his great joy ^nd sorprise Qf his friends. To the Editor of the Standabd. At a meeting of the patrons of Ifarkiale Gheeae Factory, hald in the Jfarkdale House, on the evening of July Srd, 1880. it was moved by Thos. Kells, secondrd by Wm. itfc- Looghry, and resolved, that having just ex- amined into the working ot the etory thus far this seastm, wb are nigbly gratified with the outlook, notwithstanding the action 'Xf many of our so-called patrons in neglecting or rising tosmd milk as agreed, and in other eases sending so very httle yet the factory has now on hand over 218 cheese which, in compaiimn witii last year's first sale of 876 at 9th July, is very gratifying in- deecL Our expenses for banliiig this year bemg but a fraction ovei- one-half, and checM BE ON YOUR GUARD. Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surely develop itself into Catanh when you can be cured for 25 cents. A few applications will cure incipient Catarrh. One to two boxes will cure ordinary Catarrh. One to five boxes will core chronic (}atarrh. Dr. Chase's Catarrh cure. Sold by all dealers at 25 cents per box. 812 GlenelK CobbcII. Having erected and fitted np m eveiy detail a Sash, Door and] tory, containing all the latest and }most approved machinery, being new, I am now prepared to torn out Sasb, Ms, BMs, MdQl^, Hollof FRUES; UTIrFEICE PICKETS, ti„ And every tlung needed in the buflding trade, in a manner Eeconitoi Canada, and haying engaged superior meehanics in eyery depf' would now respecyuUy solicit public patronage. Every Effort Made to fill Orders Promp PINE LUMBER Dressed and Undre Direct from North Shore. aU sises, on hand. Plain and Fancy Tonaji Careful Attention to Orders from a Distance. • THOSJ. McNEA.! 808 MASSACRED 1 May Eyerybody.is ghtd and limiting onr the last rain. Bocklyn is boommg. Mr. Hill has the brickwork of tike town hall about completed. He is making a good job (rf it. Mr. Burrell's Injek house is nearly com- pleted. Mr. Geo. Crabtree is the contractor. Messrs. A. Hcdden and Dante, f or m erly of this place, are in town, visiting Mends. A large bear was eaptoied last we6k by D. Lewi and others. J. Bicharda daims tne hide for services rendered at previons hunt. The picnic held last Friday in Longhead's grove by the day school children,, was well attend^ and thoroughly enjoyed by thoae present. Mr. Boyd, the steadier, and the managing oommittde spared no pains to make the picnic a success. The program, consisting of foot races, etc., was engaged in rating three shillings higher in the Old by the yonnger members of the school. Country markets, beapeakabetter return to Messrs. Barker, Bidiards and McCann aet- the patron; therefore we orge upon all toiuig as judges. The hMhes deserve great give ihe factory a hearty snpport as it only credit for the manner in which they snppliad Council met in town haU on 29th as a Court of Revision. Chas. Moffat, Esq., Reeve, in the chair. Appeals were heard and assess- ment roll amended as follows Joseph Sharp, reduced $50; Abra- ham Critchly, reduced (50; William Watson, roll sustained Mutdock Mc- Millan, reduced $60 Wm. Woola- ghan, reduced $190 Geo. Mathews, Sr., reduced $160; Thos. Anderson, roll sos^ined John Nichols reduced $90; Joseph Atkinson, roll sustained; John Ban, reduced $100; Alexander Bell, roll sustained; MiduMd Ryan's name struek off roll; Chas. Grey, re- duced $100; Mary Moln^e, asaessed for east side of west hau ol kt 24, con. 9; Joseph Atk^aon, assessed for lot 61, con 2, E. G., B.. instead of David Allen; Hugh Baird, entered lor s. a. comer of Ini 16^ con. 18; Angus Mclnnis, entered as owner for lot 21„ con 8, E. G. B.; Cunningham Col- bertson, entered as part owner, Josefdi Sealey, entered as part owner; Alex. McMillan, entered m tenant; Donald McDonald, entered as tenant. Ths following were eht^red aslandlx^der'a sons Angus Beaton, John Molnnis, James MoGUyray, Jamea Mathews, Andrew Mathews, George Morton, George Bitchie, Samuel Bitehie,. Jas. I B. Jacques, John Keyland, Jr., Wm. ' KeyUmd, John McMUlao, Bonald Morrison, Michael Monisosi, John depends on ourselves to make this the most suceessfnl year's manufacture, and conse- qnentiv the most profitable yet experienced. And when we consider tiie nninx)fikablene88 of grain and stodc raisiiig at the present tinu we oi^t iiot to need reminding that in the cheese bmiinflsii alone we can seeors a iaur relnmfaroar inveatment. Carried nnaai- moui»fy. jB.'O.fitwnt, Secretary. N. ^,â€"iD[. GUioH will not charge a qnart- \_ ^;Cf of a cent mon for manufaetoiv aa.per V.^resnMit. if tbe av«rage nomba of eows :i: ' ^oidd fall KIow 900. ^^ It »M7i««i4^^7'tJse natdfiUABiag. HitvovoJiiifaMiiifitfytriB gfa^ !B:iveypi«^I^Jotia?I7«eflttid Li(^tning. " itave r^rSJe^^' tr-e Llnid^Li^rtniav. n tve siii*mUtiiSiii^t« mdd L^inttfiii; .VrajNftroablMLwith Headaeher Use Ftaad L-^tAig. Haravoaany Pain? Dm FUd Tflttifl^ili: Uwteaie yon the install* W UtpfBtA. Tiy it, 35c. per bottle at B. L. titepbcc'i Dnjg Store, lUikdale. 1 '-i^i Eyerything marked down to suit the hard times Don t tlijow awyi by buying at another man's figures, when you ean save ftomiu»s per cent, by purehasmg your Groceries at 1 startling Value in Teas andSuga 150 dozen of Coined Salmon. Lobsters, Mackeral, Sardbe^^DjJjJ; Peas, Pears. Plums. Strawberries, Peaches, c.. to be sacnfieeanwr Flour and Baco n Cheap as the Cheap A targe stock of Confeetionerr, FruHs, Cigars aoi ALWAYS OK HAND â€" ^VBBT CHBAP. A utaan stock or \AA • Ifistake not the place if yoa want lio4 a«ods, aaod Sat isfacf ion and Low PricH' LEWIS KIW DUNLOP'S BLOCR retredunents. Owing to a heavy rain in the morning quite a number remained at home. Xr. Jacob Neefy raised liis ham last week. The yoong merchant from Bocklyn wa theteaad worked like a whUe head. lb: Borter/beai teadner of your aehoel, aod Mr. Jankman. foreman at yoor oAce, were ont here callhig on an old friend Son- day. TJwgrwenfttoehnrohoo the Mb line in the mwning. Hma Cook Banter, a0sd 18, died last wedC. after a bog and painfol illnesa. Wm brother lies in a very entieal condttko. bat we lU^ to soon aee him anind agaia. U^:J Why yon ahoald porefaaae Wbiii p i rf w w i u i ftoajB otherieaMiee iaalut^. U. iM -aoloattiae. U 4fim 9^ tsAtd^ eaMiiP(.i|ae-oa» anii. ealiMiseAMtari. Ob|a1dttle IMU i«n^ â- nwpain than ai^ etber raae^ in «. if«a. 1W tt for MMualgia, Toadiadie, HeadadM, whanmiittom Bold at SSe a. bottle by B. h. Stegpbm, Droggist, Ifaik. dale. • Scott, Thomas Scott. John Stone^ house. Wm. Wiggins. Bobt. Neebife John WaDier, Wm. KeU ||cDbnald* James Hulop, Graham Timmins, JrT, Lawrence Kenny, John IMJivaii! Euaene Sullivan, IGehael Bany, W. Coffie. Edwacd Barey, JDennia Sween- ey. Mwtin Sweeny, Angns Blitck. John Black. Arishibald Blai*, Arch. Mcl^lao, Donald 1l6lfiH«ft Donald Blaok. i. â- '• f.*tH» Btnnieâ€" Uetioaigâ€" -lihi^ £Be aT^* *?!! *••«"** be new darfc^a ndt M a ii» OciTi^«y Beti Betisiim •(StbR ^SM (a g««nd basioafeik Tl)aBiaT«aatlw«l|«ir« The foUowtn^ ateoonto wan passed (CSoBtfnn-d or 'P'fth V^c.) MOTEPS^eit. PE NCI 1:8. •" 9 K H'r uiiM^^^' i^tJp'lS JJ ^^'â- ^ ' -lirtfeio .♦CI Toih$ PfopU of MarMaU and *»- rounding rinndy: and Having opened a Stationery Fancy Goods Store in Dunlop's Bl^ 1 heeeby solicit a share of public paw nage. Hoping that our intercourse msT prO««~b pleaaant and profitaWeJ ^tn^t/n ,,J am, TOUTS truly, BHtS. cumnf* 0( ,#i* m Mipfietfy)7»^^ W '^^^â- ^^'