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Markdale Standard (2), 8 Jul 1886, p. 1

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 '•â- Â«^**'-*«Mr'^lis«rHi^ik;;i*V; ^», ^.::*.. *--i. gLTe.-No. 3U4, MAiilLDALE, ONT., JULY 8, Conw or ' FITS' sMrs I « 5, r/r 1^ ' JffiPDEN Vatches. CHBBCH. ol at 1^:80. Fn y efetdagtHmllt ening from 8 •astor; W.A.BI, Ladies' Aid ini Secretary. No. 78. meeti i igatSo'doekinti I. Yiotitg 1 r. No. 141 neetil block, erei/alti 'clock. Aviffltb lodges, lolicitea. ). KMSneetgioi fore fall mooo lastenir.J.Bli PRECEPTORll 32, MarkdalaLOJ each-montk. Ti^ relcome. lODIB, W. P. vLiart,T ?SJ?^ ,1'fl^ L gyements, with my own uAine on. Lje tbem aad get prices ere oii pnrcbase. Also usual stock of rALTHAM, ELGIN SPRINGFIELD WATCHES [close prices. Two doz. assorted LOCKS to select from, spring aod ^{ijlit. It pays to have a large stock J buy from, as you get styles and rices small dealers can't give. Prtctical .and careful wajtch repair- .^ a specialty. Groods a»d mock will i as represented. tBeliable JeweH«r, ITIarkdale. kcal and Otlier Items. N'oncEB in these columns intended to bemefit \im iiuUvidtuil or Society will be charged ten jiitj line for the first insertion and Jive stsaline eacksub-iequent insertion. tarty cock Haying is now in order. Holland Centre Cattle fair Satar- liiynthinst. didn't you give too much boot I jD the coat trade RicHASD Shears has a I Tfliich weighs 40 lbs. Mbb. Montgomery moved to Owen [tad on Friday last. W. H. Luke of Brampton is spending j I ins holidjays in this vicinity. Holland Council meets at Centre next Saturday, 10th. The brickwork on Mathews' slicp wi commeneed on Friay. Se« Stephen's new adv. He somejng important to tell yon. Misses Emma and Minnie Williams aeliomefor the school holidays. Miss Cocsrell, orf Owen Sonnd, is the guest of Mrs. Tamer this week. Mr. George Eiekett will please ac- cept thanks jor a nsteas ot new potatoes. Thk weather the past week has been Bitremely warm in day time, but cool at night. Mb. Frank Burton sold 8 thre«year old beeves to W. G. Pickell this week for §150. Bkai. Ejstatb is unsettled and "verj flnctimtiDg, causing serious snnoyapce to naercbants, and even housekeepers, kee^lSig them constantly dusting. C' H. Nbwku. snccesaor to Mr Hall, is now at the helm of the DnndiJk Hwahi. Welcome brother. May our relationship be as harmonious as that of your predecessor. Fob Sai«. â€" Yillaite lot in business portion of Markdale, next lot to the ~MarkdaIe House, comfortable house. Terms easy, apply to this office or to J. G. Irving, Singer Offiioe Guelpfa. BoATtNo. â€" Steam yacht Fairy Queen is now in running order, and wUl run excursion and picnic parties on "Bell's Lake" during the season. For further particulars apply to T. L. MufiEett, Sr., Markdale. Statute labor is well through path- marsters would do well to reserve suf- ficient time to have their respective divisions well clearei of the smlall rolling stone, which are a great in- convenience in travelling. At a recent meeting of the band it was resolved "That an apology be extended Christ Church congregation, through the mediuni of the Standabd, for being absent from their garden party on the evening of 1st July." Moffat Bros of this village having fitted up their steam yacht en Bell's Lake, and have it in fine shape. This is now a desirable point for pic-nic parties where a pleasant sail can be had and tea made oh board the vessel. new has OspEEv Agricultural Society's fall show will be held in Feversham m the 7th 'October.- Membebship fee to Township Agri- iiltura] Societies is'$l up to 28th %, after that $2. B. Askm has now a large stock of «ood furniture which he will sell at «ottom prices, call and see, Sarjeant Bros, have purchased 16 WBTe^ and several sheep and lambs " supply the wants on the 12th. Mr. Mrs Melton and Miss Maggie Wright of Toronto, are spending then: oohdays with friends in this locality. Mr. C D Empey, of London,"agent ror horse millinery and muel jew- "«ry. ' was here last week. Charlie « looking well. AsT quantitv of tanbark taken p station on the T. G. B. «"an8e for boots and shoes, ^eod. Markdale. 12th July.â€" Good dinner for three "our hundred at S. Morrow's Mark- »ie,inashed for the purpose ad- Jouiing his store. be m^^^"^^" Preperations contini)* to th.?i ' all sides in Markdala for Wow"' " ^^ 12th, and abunaanl P'oviBions wUI be the result. " ' Thl; ?• """ ^oo' If win, sons ""« ttttsbure. Ont. »-«.--«« The football match at Chatsworth on Bominion Day between Chatsworth and Markdale clubs was a sharp con- teat and was won by the latter. B. Sproule and B. Benson of Markdale I also took a number of prizes for ath- yletic games. ExormsiON. â€" TheEnights of Pythi- as, Supreme Lodge of the World, wUl Holland^jdemonstrate in Toronto next week and the following rates will be givoA irom Markdale, viz., to Toronto and return for $2.85, good from the 18th to 15th inclusive. See large posters for full particulars and program. Fna. â€" On Sunday morning at 2 o' clock our citizens were aroused by the alarm of fire. Three small wooden houses were burnt, owned by Wm. Brown, Esq., one occupied by 'Peter Munshaw, one by Bill Seott. and the third yacant. Cause of fire unknown. The contents were saved. There is, we understand a small insurance- Thk Markdale brass band concert announced for the evening of the 12th promises to eclipse any of the former successful efforts. The best local talent and some valuable assistance from a distance will take part. Our band is well worthy of public patron- age, and we have no doubt this will be a great success. Tickets 26 cents. Mr. E. Yanzant of the Fleaherton marble works is putting out some costly and very handsome work. He has just erected a monument over the remains ef the late Jeremia Taylor (NewBrunsWic red graite)costing$250 and has one in course of eonstiuctioc for the late Squire Eerr of Euphrasia 28 feet heigh and 14 tons weight to cost $1,000. Cakd of Thaiiks. â€" I hereby return sincere thanks to my numerous customers for esteemed patronage in past years, and now intimate that I have just opened a large apd varied stock of furniture to which I invite fhe attention of the public generally, pose prices and fair dealio^ will be adhered (e. An early call will be to the advantage o£ those requirifi^^ fumitdre.' Biwr AiKiir. BiczaAB MMB CO!K«PBX. â€" KotWlth- standing tiie fMt that oar viUage was almost entirely Vacated mDomiiu0h' Paj the bazaar tuider^die aasfioea of ~~ ' Gfaiaitih wa4im|ll pationned _ear^ aU artiflks disposed of. r'-dte'^uiy waslai^ly attended eiilertahimeiit going 4 Q|,jMwn. A Quit «p«it aocL ibci' vRpaeeidtf BUSINESS LOCALS. npiimip Seeds, fresh and pure, a lai^e variety to (^ose from, at the Medical HaU. A. Turner Co. Insect P«wAer, laaect P*w^er At B. li. Stephen's. To TBI Fbonx. â€" ^A laTjge shipment of new goods, jost te hand, cheaper than ever. Small profits and quick returns is the motto M Morrow's Cheap Btor^; Markdale. Bejuyenatbr Bittns for sale l^ Smith, the barber. ' ' Heelobere, Heelekore, At B. 1m Stepben's. Tinware of all kinds ahnost given away at Morrow's. 'Wizard Oil for sale at the Medical Hall. A. Tmner Co. Be sure and buy a package of Be- juvenator Bitters to keep you well, as it is a sickly time. A profitable investment; the Stand- abd the balanoe of 86 for 60 cents. Tendebs will be received for the erection of a dwelliiig house on a vacant lot in rear of Bevere Hotel, Mai^dide, up to July the 20th. Plans and specifications can be seen by ap- plying to the undersigned. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Daniel Blanbt, Markdale. Paris Green, Paris Green, Get it at B. li. Stepiaen's. Wm. McLeod will sell you boots shoes cheaper for spot cash than any oUier dealer in the County. Fancy men, if yon want a stylish, well-made suit of clothes, no ahoddy, call on McFarland. Everything in the grocery line al ways on hand. Jbong cut bacon and hams and syrup very cheap. Butter and eggs taken in exchange for goods the same as cash. Plewes' flour al- ways on hand, same price as at mill, at S. Morrow's Cheap Store, Syden- ham street, Markdale. For all kinds of children and infants boots go to McLeod's shoe store* Encourage home iudustry by buy- ing your shingles irom W. J. Bowe, Barrhead Mills. 14 new Spring A Weight Cbcks in this week, all Ameriean made. Prices low. and all fully warranted. W. A. Brown. Extra value in gents and ladies low shoee and slippers at McLeod's cheap shoe store. Pfitrls Grreen. for sale at the Medical HaU. A. Turner A Co. Lunch at all hours at Mrs. Clement's Markdale. JOTTINGS FROM ABftOAD at in ex- W. Mc- Ice-cream every Mrs. Clement's. warm evening at I will give bargains for cash in Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Engage- ment Gems, Wedding Kings, Musical Instruments, Ac., all day Monday, 12th July. W. A. Brown. All kmds of fruit at Mri. Clement's. A large quantity of Hemloek Lum- ber for sale, also LatH and Shingles always on hand at Barriiead Mills. Lunches and ioe-eream at Mrs. Clement's. of Montreal oarg,Ont„ respectively. Lovely light cotored Cashmarett Dress Goods, 11 cents, n^ McFsrlaud's. Mrs. Clement has her enlarged shop full of fancy goods, toys, stationery, fruit c., Ac. Twenty-five per eeni. disoonnt off all Millinery goods at McFarland's. ' Hemlock Lmnber for sale at TraTsrs- ton;ipill8 deltiered in Markdale U. required. " Gloves ^beap, MeFariaod's. Fttitols dieap, IfsFailaiid's. Giii^hmiig oh«»Pi MdB^Iaad's. ^nats da0»^ MaFairland's. Drees Oseds cheap. JfeFariaiid's. Ex-Mayor Beanrdy, died lasi Friday. Tame strawberries are selling at 4 cents per qt in London, Ont. A fire on Sunday last destroyed the bam and stidile of BiQihard Bark near MaxwsU. On Monday^ night about 18 o'dodi the carriage works of B. MeNally, Chatsworth, were destroyed, b^ fire. The fire is suppoeed to have ori|^at$d from a stovo used for heating glue. Loss mostly covered by insunmee. Hanlan defeated Boss at the St. Johns, Que., regatta' on Dominion Day. Mr. Walter Hunter, pootmaster at Clarksburg is on a tnp to the Old Country. Tbb Bey. Gso. Thatu, of Bourbon, Ind., says: "Both myaelfaadwifB one oar lives to Shiloh'b CoHBUiiFTioH OoBs.'Tor sale by B, L. Siqihen' Drnggiat, Markdale. A, One thousand two and three-year- old heifers and forty Shrthorn bulls, costing $40,000 were purchased in Huron county for the High Biver Banoh, fortj miles fouth of Calgary, reeontly. Absx You Mad mieerable by Indegestion. Constipation. Dizziness, Xjobs of Appetite, TenowSkinrShiloh'sVitalizer is a positive. For sale by B. L. Stephen, Praggist, Mark- dale. A Mr. Benner, editor of the Mt. Forest Confederate, returned lart week from his trip to the old country. Dakoxbous FiTd are often caused by itbrmn. Freemans Worm Powders destroy worms. Sous Twins.: â€" Part of the cargo of the Alberta firom here on Saturday last consisted of a hundred and fifty tons of hjnding twme. They must expect to raise some wheat in Man- itoba this serson. â€" CO. S. Times. A train leaves Montreal for British Columbia each day at 17 o'clock. Duifdalk has secured incorporation to, go into effect the 1st January '87. Wht Wnx Yov oongb oongh when Shi- loh's Care will give imqiediate relief. Kioe U) ets., 50 otsand tl. For sale by B. 'L. St^Ok, Druggist, Markdale. A Aceor^ing to the Standard.Markdale people are blown to and from work. It says No less than 5 steam whistles to Ibilow Markdale people 'to and from work, will you tell hs how the "blow' is applied, Mr. Standard? â€" [Meaford Mirror. Sdntists iirform us that, we mav expect a visit this sommer from the ter/ibln soonTge, ehriera. West's Pain King is tiie remedy to keep. Always ready for a sudden attack. Prise 26 cents. Bdd by A. Tomer and Co. Druggists. The "hloir" is applied through the medium of sound to the sense, of hearing, producing a pleasing ten«- ation to the stomach [eqiecially at 12 and 18 o'clock,] and moving ^e will to acts of pleasure or duty as the ease may be. â€" [Ed Standard. "The good die young" is an old saying, statistics show that the elergy live to an ayersKe of 66 years. Mrs. Cleveland's share of "Grand- fitther" Folsom's estate amounts to $20,000. Fob Nsttlxd Bash. Summer Heat, Erapt- ions and general toilet porpose use Low's Snlphnr Soap.. We often see local papers apolo- gising on account of scarcity of news, but ours is up to the btandard every week. ALI.WBLI. Plbasbd. â€" ^The eluldnn like Dr- Low's Pleasnt Worm^nip and parents rqoiee over its virtues. Big strawberry yams s^ nnn^t, erous iu our exehanges. Aboobb Tbs Lms when torpid with N/^' tionalPHla.agoodant'-bilioas eatiurtio, sng^- Ben Butler is said tohnnk aAfteHr from ^,000 to $126,00Q ip'^e hist proceeds of hi»- law practice. t H 1 "HAOOfBiixAcx." a lasting ahd frag^i^"^* perfaoM. Pnoe 25cts uiii 50 Qen For Mte^ " ' by B. L, St^h^ Dnuigi^t. IKburkdok. ' ' A' child fVi-MI .â- f^rr ' 7 ^ir, A Mma^ax Alabk. Hkeie is wmtMjMKT andbmgi) is ill '3:j's; A strange woinaQ carryg a in her arms walked into « ville hotel last week,! wisnik apslai{|i into one of the bedrooms, permission to leave her child nf of the beds, went out, ostel^i some matter of busing, but yet returned. â-  The inlsnt is provided for by the town. A Nasal Lfn(»0B tree witti eadi botte of* ffliiloh's Catarrh Bemedy. Price 60 eaSts. For sale by B. L. Stephen, Droggist Mark- dale. A Cow E11.1.ED. â€" On Friday laftt il^- 4:80 mail train struck a cow belonging .* to Mr. McGregor, and Isarried her a short distance on the cow-catBbi»r. When the train stopped she got lip* and shook herself, but immediately fell dead. â€" Bundalk Htndd. ShuiOH's Cttbe will imaiediatdy relieve omnpi Whooping Congbi and Bronchitis. For sale byB. L. Stephen, Droggist, Markdale. A- The Wiraton Echo enters upon its eight year this week. We hope to see^ our esteemed exchange continue to- ecno, the doings of that district and town, and receive its merital support and patron^^C^. For Dyspepsia, and Liver Gomplaiiit, yoir have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Yitalizer. It iieyer fails to cure* For sale by B. L. Stephen, Draggist, Mark- dale. " A A Neveb-Tibino Wobk. â€" To say that an advertisement is never read is the most i^bsurd. mistake made by a business man. It is a never-tiring worker' in the interest of the employ- er. .When the bill distribu tor has dis- appeaj^ed from, the streets, and the bills are trampled into pulp, the ad- verisenfents is performing its silent mission to family circles, it appei^ to a constituency five- or six times larger than the actual sale of the paper for there are few newspapers that do not pass from hand to handssnofig a half dozen persons with every issue. Shiloh's Catabbh Bxhedt^-s positive core for Catarrh, Dipbem and Cai^r Month. For salekrf B;.L, Stephen, Draggist, Mark- dale, A Chief Poundmaker died last Mon- day from bursting of a bloodvessel. TUBNED HeB PETTY-COAT.^i-Atnong a number of men recently hired in Toronto for woi^k on the CI. P. H. in the mountains near Calgary, was to all appearance a boy of about 18 sum- mers, who found employment in tiie cooking establtskment. It was so^ discovered, however, that the sup posed boy was a fetnale, and rhe as- sumed her proper clothing, announced* herself a member of the Salvation. Army, and in addition to retaining her place and discharging her usual duties, she now conducts Salvation Army services in the evenings. Mrs. Elisabeth Ue^iM,o{%»Be- it^nl/islti her ninety-third year, and e{|m.aeb td rdad ths finest priiit with- eiitghMises.3he settled in ttie Town- ship of Mona in 18ft8. and rus|^ a ^iBmtyMtfi^hs«hiIcb«n,inxb^r *nn three ^ir. ' l^e has iitf# i^xty^tluss: and one Inmdrsd i Outs, tndsist aBiM.ansMs swj sM^ Chnrch If otes. A Sunday School Teachers As sociation has been organized in' con- nection with the rural deanery of this County, English Church, the first meeting of which is to be held in Miarkdale on the 9th July (to morrow). Services will be held in the Church at 2 o'clock. Convratiou; will be opened in the school Booin at 8»'clock. MarkdiUe Christ church S- School has opened ft branch School at Berke- ley, with goo^ prcttpects for snceejs. â€" B«?. Mvl WksQB. of kari;^le,. ^preached very sieceptBbly ia^e B^esr bvterian churcE^ here on Sondby, ;iBmanog»Ddtetenia«^ z, Ify. T^ikioa i» an esmest • iSxpounder o »«'gOBpeVtnitii.-H[lifealerd MSrior- C|i^^initMDUir^ iftoaf* .,iJci«o 8g «i j: nUk kjiiii^uMM^^a^iiik.M â- % 4 "Y" » -9 '

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