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Markdale Standard (2), 13 May 1886, p. 1

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 1 Haii.^ â- â- â-  923.. • lof)-,.. • 1020" •10 32.. •jl0.5«., •1122V •111 47" 11214"' • •2%« •12 3«. • I I'o;. Jixp. il »40aiii C 10 .. C25' 6 34" fi47" 7.12" 7 26" 7 51" 8 22" «3fl"i 845"i 9 2.1 â- . 10 S.-!" LliBSAl I CO* J â- Ql. 6. -No. J MARKDALE, ONT., MAY 13, 1886. Copixs or TH Stamdabs Fits ckhtb sach. 1 m 1, n roadway and Elgin same racle,3oz.Coin Case,Sll^. Illlery's $14.50. Bartlett's $18.00. V/.m'p.iit'Hl two rears. Iliave tii' K'""" â- "'"-^^ ^^""" S^"® y^*-^ (ie^ecut ':ric(sto loake room for a feitock J]i-"i.!*^'^i! Watches with .:owui;:i:i"'r-" ccmir.g Jnue 15th. I^ojsai!.! w:)rk cijuai iu Juiy shop in A liiUabls Jeweller, Markdale. talgMOftieilieis. I Xiiricn-; '" !!â- ' â- 'â- ' 'â- 'â- â- â- iti'iii.^ intended to henefit Imm""""""" •"â-  "'iefil "â- " he charged ten (/•[;,. II I 'I' 'nr ill' nrst insertion and five '.uifn.t' •â- â- ii-h .â- ^uii-fqiif-nt insertion. Tll8^v3:'J!!l -• IS (Ishghtful. a)jeaiit Fro.-, have put tip a tony llr. Jus i.'oi cov leaves this week for lEritish Coli:uj!'ia Wai. Miisoii is getting up a fine lot lifearriigc-s -.-soo them. Seeding is nbcmt clone, many having •isislieil ffveiiil ilays ago. Mbs. a. ^ is visiting' at Ikerliomc. L'!:if,'\vooil, Out. Fleshertox merchants have adopt- ed tlie early closmg custom. This has be.n the finest spring in the aemory cl the oklest inhabitant. W. .T. Ml. Faetand is having the I font of Ins i Sol can tiio' premises re- I painted svA otherwise improved. Geoki?e liiKTON has fresh stone lime hctsals. 11) cts. a bu.^hel .^t the kiln, |tneand a I.alf miles from Markdale. Ths foot bail match to taka place jCEtlie21tIi May in Markdale, pro- I aises to be interesting and exciting. Tlie iatlics of the Methodist church U'emaldii!; extensive preparations for I "Jeir Ef.:.;i:ir a:i.,l Concert ou the 24th. The (ir^t G-rden Party of the he»!ou will be given by the Y. P. S. I"' the MotLoaibt church about the 1 «'t of .Tuiie. 'Ik, Pi. J, McCoy removed this 'eek to wu Sound having accepted '•situation with Mr. Baines the pump panufacrurcrtliere. ilx- Anui-cw Croffnrd, of Holland, M a cow IS years- old which has had 1 'â-  ^^^""'^-y i" ' when 2 vears old and 'â- 'Meaciiye:ji.s;uce. M»f?,f'?-^'"r '31. Feb. 6th, 1884, Uj^";^,J- "â- :=â- â€¢ if not called for by T-i|rd Twil be sold for charges. I '•^•Browi:, Jeweller. Iieve^^^'^^ f"'^S8 Band haxe had OTi ♦!,*' "'°^"' °.""' ^-^ ^b'^i' services Ci^J" • S"""' Birthday," Wl tn" r" '^^ ^^'^^^ engagement, grlnd-'V"'" ^° '"""" Tvhether your voar T' ^*"' cross-eyed or where Wlli ""â- â€¢'""' â„¢" for office and •*"^Jiiuion-it all. Ad «nterprf' ^^"' ^^'^^ "8*^ "^^^is mouth, Prietor? '""'"'Serie, when the pro- Ch?^"'^?'^^^^^totakethew8ed «i9otji""'^?^^^'*^««iio»ld teach ^w monkeys bad habits. °f g8nfr„?-^^'-~~-^*»* "^ay was day ttmds !?P^°Ye'»Piit8 at our schoel "^flo**.;;*? '°*P^® ^^^^ ^«re set *od the !! arranged and planted '"e grounds tidied op generally. A GAB of .No. 1 Bloaburg Coal arrived this week at Markdale. This is a ru-e chance for blacksmiths. Leave your order with Mr. Marsh, MarJjdale House, or to John McNeely, Coal Wood dealer, CoNTRNTUENT. â€" Lady Visitor -^ 'Well, John, how are you keeping in this changeable weather?" John-" Well m'm, I've fair lost the sbedlity of my back and the ageelity of my legs, but otherwise I'm keeping pretty well, thank 'ee." Tms Owen Sound District Meeting of the Methodist Church will be held in Markdale next Wednesday and Thursday, when about 14 ministers and as many lay men will be present. There will be public service in the church Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Don't. â€" Sonre of our horse men are particularly fond of exhibiting their stallions on the public street, end remaining in public places to the annoyance and disguist of citizens. If they had any respect for either themselves or others they would not do so. The young people of Glenelg and Priceville K. C. congregations will give A soeial in Glenelg Town Halbon Wednesday next, 19th, tn which a general invitation is given. Parks Bros, string band will be in attend- ance. Admission, including refresh- menifi, 25 cents. Doors open at 7:80. Ed. S. Kutledge, of lort William, spent a few days with his many friends and old home on his return from Toronto where he has been purchasing stock. He and Ab. are doiug a fine general mercantile business at Fort William. He left oh return trip per C. P. K. {Steamer last Saturday. Concert. â€" The concert given last Tuesday evening under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society of Christ Church was a grand success. The progam was lengthy and ably sustain- ed many of the renderings were really excellent. We would like to give amore extended notice but time and space compells brevity. OuB esteemed friend, Will. Eutledge, left on Saturday to take a situation on the Fort William paper. W^ill. is a good typo, and has rare abilities as a job printer, and besides is a young man of excellent morals and enviable social qualities. He served his apprenticeship in this oflce, and we therefore the more earnestly wish him success. It is a well known fact that a Cough cannot exist after using West's Cough Syrup. It is infallible for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Bron- chitis, Influanza, Hoarseness, Whoop- ing Cough, and all Throat and Lung Difficulties. Sold by A. Turner Co., Druggists, Markdale. Price 25c. SOc. and $1.00 per Bottle. May 18 'Papa," asked a little 3-rcar-old, "why do I say a short prayer and you a long prayer " "Because you are not old enough to learn a long prayer," exclaimed the father. "Is thatit I thought it was because I haven't got wicked enough yet to haye to say a long prayer." Tbeb'd a Fobkektiwe. â€" ;0n Satur- day last while several of our young men were fishing iu the Saugeen river one of them treed a porcupine, bat not having a long range shooting iron with them, the prospects of capturing brother quill seemed poor however, F. Porter thinking of the greased pole to be climbed on the Queen's Birthday in Markdale, and the prize, decided to commence praeticd and forthwith sueeessfuUy climbed the tree, going out en abranch-7-not.the one with, the other quill bird on â€" he eh3ok the tree, and he shook it, and shook it, and shortly down came the game ker- whallop to the ground. It was abused in such a manner that its hi* was des- paired of, and in a few bean death ended its sufferings. Ab inquest was held by Dr. Irwin, assisted by druggist Stephen. The jury retunaed a rerdict of death by ill treatment «t th» hands, of F. Porter and others- â-  New York, May 10.â€" A Smn's London special says, the ineyitable de- feat of the Home Bule Bill has been acknowledged by Ministers. Mr, Gladstone has been driven to surrender his position maintaining the exclusion ef the Irish members from West- minister by the tremendous opposition of Liberals and Badicals whose total number is about 90. Close Call. â€" On Saturday evening last about ten o'clock. Bud Mathews was on his return, it is said, after seeing his girl home in the village, and when near Trimble's store, he was startled by a pistol shot, the buUett grazing his head Whether it was an accident, or done maliciously through jealousy is not known, neither is there any suspicion as to who did it. Alfbid Moffat went to Toronto last week, as stated in the Stamdasd, to consult an optician, and we exceed- ingly regret that it was found neces- sary to remove the lett eye altogether. His right eye is not seriously affected by the loss of the other. His brother Thomas accompanied him to the city and during the operation. Alf. is one of our most promising young men, and has the sympathy of the com- munity. This is supposed to be definition of "dude" as it will appear in the new revised edition of Webster â€" "Dude," n. [Sometimes written Dodo.J The name applied tc a breed of dandy puppies, indigenous to the United States. The dude is generally slim legged, and not unequent long-eared. Easily distinguished by the hghtuess of its head. Can be trained to fetch and carry a cane. The dude is harmless. In reference to the sad accident whieh happened to Alfred Moffat on Good Friday there appears to be a wrong impression abroad as to who fired the gun, many thinking it was the boy Alf. himself. The facts, as far as we can learn, are as follows: John- ston Wilson, son of Eev. A. Wilson, came into the foundry with a small breech-loading rifle with part of breech off. He got the trigger filed as he wanted, and while going out he put in a cartridge and fired before he got outside the premises. Alf. had fol- lowed to the door and was struck in the eye by a portion of the cartridge All was done so quickly that no one in the shop knew Wilson was going to fire or had cartridge on his person. Owen Sound, May 10, â€" This morn- ing about 2 o'clock a fire occurred in a small frame building on Division street, owned by John Patton. Be- fore the flames could be extinguished the building was totally destroyed. There were four young men sleeping up-stairs in the house at the time, one of whom: Henry Archer, a shoemaker, lost his life. A young man Peter Bruce, who was a room-mftte of Archer, was badly burnt in making his escape. The other two barely escaped with their lives having to jump from a back window, leaving their elothes behind.. The cause of the fire is unknown. There was a small insurance on the contents of the building in the Citizens' Mer- cantile Insurance Company. JOTTINGS FROM ABROAD- CONDKHSID FKOM OUB EXOHAKGU AND ' OTHkBWISE. Flou^ers, Beantifiil Flowers. I wish to heartily thank the reeidents of Markdale and vicinity for their liberal patronage last year, and hope to visit them again soon with Flowers. I have a good selection of House Plants, Hang- ing Baskets, Colesus, and -Bed- ding Plants; also Cabbage, Cauliflower, Tomatoe, Cucumber, Pepper, and Celery Plants, in season. A good stock of Plants will be kept for sale at Fleshert(m Bes- taurant. 298-6 JIakss. Bbbcboft;. A MODEBN MESACLE. In a recent letter from. B..W. DoiraoBt of Deloraine, Ont.. he states that he has re- covered from the worst form of dyspepsia, after snlleriDg for fiftaen years and when a eonncil of dootors vrononneed him ineoraUe ke tried Burdock Bloodi Bitters, six bottles of whidii restored his health. Proton Station is the name of the new P. 0. ac Proton Station, and was opened the 1st May mails daily. Dundalk is coming forward in civiUzation they now actually close their stores at 7 p. m. Seneca G. Ketchum ei-proprietor of the Orangeville Poat has fallen heir t© a $16,000 legasy. St. Mitehcal's church, near Owen Sound, has been presented with a 1220 1b. bell. A Sensation.â€" Last Saturday morning quite a sensation was caused in town over a report that got pretty widely circulated to the effeet that Joseph Bamsay had been seriously assaulted the night previous on his way home from Keppel by unknown men, who had fired three shots at him On enquiry it was found that Bamsay had received a bullet wound in the arm, but nothing serious was appria- hended from its effects. Since it baa transpired that the probabilities are that Bamsay must have shot himself by an accidental discharge of his re- volver, as no clue could be traced as to the perpetratois. Joe, however, maintains that he was taken for a detective and sbot by Keppelites. The prevailing opinion is, however, that the whole thing is a hoax, and that no assault took place. For further particulars call on Joe himself and hear him unfold the dreadful story of his narrow escape. â€" [Owen Sound Advertiser. BUSINESS LOCALS. Laobobsb Sticks Balls, cheap, at Mrs. Clement's. Natiomaii Pili. are sngar coated, mild bnt thorough, and are the best Stomach and Liver lil] in use. Mbs. Clement keeps Croquet Sets at bottom prices. To break np a cold or cough or its ill results there is no better remedy than Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. Childbens' Wagons, Carts and Wheelbarrows, at Mrs. Clement's. UsK Prof. Low's Sulpheb SoAPfor Prickley Heat, Nettle Bash, Scaley Eruption, Itch, and all diseased conditions of the skin. Thb Hectic Flush, pale hollow cheeks and precarious appetite, indicate â-  worms. Freeman's Worm Powders will quickly and effectually remove them. Geass Seeds and Clover Seeds for Permanent pasture at the Medical' Hall. A. Turner Co. Fkaver colic, unnatural appetite, ffetful- ns8, weakness, and convulsions, are some of the effects of Worms in Children destroy the worms with Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. II any of our readers that are afflicted with Bheumatism have never tried West's World's Wonder or Family Liniment, we advise them to do so at once, and be con- vinced of its extraordinary! merits. It will positively cure you. It is a never-failing remedy for Cuts, Sprains, Bruises and all complaints requiring external treatment. Price 25" cents and 50 cents per bottle. Soldi by A. Tumor Co. May Faems â€" If you want to buy a good cheap farm, on good terms of payment, call at the great land office of A. G. Hunter, in the Town of Dundalk; There vnas a $40,000 fire in Copp Bro's foundry, Hamilton, last week. Durham Post Office has been floored. The Guelph aonferenoe of Methodist church will be held Goderich, commencing on Wednesday, June 2, and continuing about a week. The members of the conference will number about 200. Tara roller rink is to be opened about the 24th May. The amount of capital invested in Canadian railways is $450,082,509. Wiarton has let the contract for building a new school house for $1,788. There is a big strike among the employees of the Toronto street car Co. this week. Have a time and place for everything, and do everything in its time and place, and you will not only aecompUsh more,, bnt have more leisure time than those who are always hurrying, ai if in vain attempting to overtake time that had been loct If Thou Hast Done a wrong or an injury to another, rather acknowledge and endeavor to repair, than to defend it. One way thou gainest forgiveness, the other doublest the wrong and reckonisg. W. J. Blew, a compositor on the Chieago Times, died on Saturday of fright he received while undergoing mock initiation ceremonies on his ent- rance to a local Court of Foresters. "There's mighty few troubles us men have that a woman isn't at the bottom of," said a precocious small boy, after his mother had punished him by sending him to bed without his supper. Gall is an important ingredient in the composition of writing ink. Also in the compotitioQ of the users ol writing ink. Bev John Douse, one ot the oldest Ministers of the Methodist Church in Canada, died Saturday at the resi- dence of his son-in-law, Mr. H. Hougq 189 Mutual street, Toronto. The Tower of London has been re- opened to visitors after having been closed for more than a year on account of tho dynamite explosion. J. E. Trimble's stock is now very large and complete In every depart- ment. Bock botom prices to cash purchasers. Thb choice of a trade profession or calling is one of great importance to ^our youth, but what most concerns the I them this month is where they can in I get good choice of a spring suit. A A SEVERE TBIAL. Those idto endure the torturing pangs of nomlgia, rhwnatism, tciatica, lombago, and similar painfal complaints are severely tried, bat then is a speedy relief in Hagyard's jzi ** j. • i • xi. YeUow Oil as thQasands who haye Used it convmced that for style and price there joyfully testify. It banishes pain, aiul lamfi- 1 i* no place to compare with McHaS; nessqidekly. IftBd'v. visit to M. BichardsoD Co's clothing warehouse settles the difficulty at once. The extensive stock good styles and low prices meets every want. The place to get a nice nobby new hat is Eichardson Co's, Flesherton. See them and be satisfied. We know, for a fact, that you can get fourteen good milk pans for $1.00 at Haskett Bro's, and no shoddy either. Ai G. Peuchen's celebrated prepar- ed paints mixed ready for use Any quantity, any color, at Haskett Bro's. A magnificent range of Ladies' dress goods in all new shades and inaterials at Eichardson Co's, Flesherton. J. E. Trimble has tbe largest, cheap- est and best assorted stock of Beady Made Clothing iu the County. 500 Suits all sizes to choose from at prices $2.50 a suit and upwards. Where will I get a nobby Hat At McFariand's. A. let of Seed Potatoes for sale at J. E. Trimble's. Who keeps the newest Ityles and cheapest Suitings a McFarland. No. 1 Flour, choice L. Cf. Bacon, and Hams cheap for cash at J. E. Trimble's. I purchased my Dress and Trim- mings at McFariand's. J. E. Trimble's will sell you goods cheaper for cash than any other mer- chant in the County. One trial will conyince the mo3t skeptical. Lace Curtains, Lamberqoins, Cre- toutis and Counterpains just opened at McFariand's, Direct Importations. A DOUBLE BENEFIT. Harry Bicardo, of Toronto, certifies to the benefits received from the use of Hagyard's Yellow OU as a cure for rhnmatism and deafness, his affliction with these combined, troubles being a severe one. All those ladies who are longing to know where the latest and most fashionable Hats, Bonnets and Millin- ery goods are to be seen, hare only to visit McFariand's show-room to be .1 I iii m mm tttrntm M. i^ijysiiiMti^iteAiiiBiiMkwyilii itii iiffrWiwiiiiiiiiitiirfi"'

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