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Markdale Standard (2), 6 May 1886, p. 5

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 Uorti^ «ipring SlioW' L-'^^i ..(^iydesdale Cbaui- ROADSCRAPER. Jolinstoa*! Bobt VVarderer." Ifct McLecxJ :!' S-0UJJ2 British Ensign •'â- ^ Croziner Mg- luipeiisil".; 2n4 P. .-ijiiucro-- " 't-' ;;tm ,i t. Freeborn's iud, Campbeii Itiior." U|,ii •.» vtiirs anil under, â€" \(;Kis.," c-k-s -Argenwle" la w'l. i. -D'lke of Mmto." Biii:. auA age,â€" 1st,, John MONEY To Loan on real Mtate seearitjy. SimpW Interest, low zates, and easy terms. C. W. BUTLEDGE, 276 Standard Office. 6tore to Rent in Makaak. THE Store in Bejnold's Block to rent. Application as to terms can be obtained from Johr Lyons, Mrkdale, or JOHN WHITE, St. Vineent, l4»-tf Strathnaim. P. 0,. Owner T O THE |,itDIES -AT THK SavE MoneY By baying your Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Spectaces, Pipes, Ac. -AT- I beg to call the attention of Mnnicipftl Councils aiid others to my new Solid Steel Road Seraperâ€" Cue Solid Plate of Steel Pressed into Sliape. The weak point witb steel bottom scrapers has been overcome in this C8SA by patting .on Steel Shoes which .pritice of Wales" 2ua, '.-vs "Soiu-is Duke." '" '„ 1,, r A tkingon's [protect the bottom,. 80 thftt there is no more! Kllli bl " • I â-  ' 46 ' i wpar on it th.'in nn nixv £ith«r part •;c; ::clei. jral Implements, â€" Ist, M. '.),,j rnttr-rson Bros. l.'lct McTeer McLarty. ThcKeppeiBTagedy. si.l' AM, JAMKS WILfOM COMMITTED roi: TEiAL. into iise was resumed M idjourned iuvestigat;9n Lpel uiiirJtr Cii«( k ,r-dav before Geo. Price, J. P â- ber of Wiarton,' the medicai wLo Ltild the post mortem on goftlietwt* murdered meii, laraiued. He simply described adition in which be found ,ibe of Bailey ainl the hired inan iliev we're removed from the aj biiilchug. After the Doctor' faceliaJ l)^*^" taken the (!rown red to eallink' EHen McClary,' evidence had been already re- j. There were no new witnesses prodnced, «â-  the Magistrate uded to commit James King and lei Wilson tu stand their trial at Aiiizes for murJ'sr. Elleu Mc- T nas lieid as a wituGBS, and, E unaole to give bail, was cem- to iiiii. wear on it than on any .other part. The Scrnper combines Li^tiiess with Strength, and Handiues!* with Biiiiraft,-Uity, and wil .scraps apy ordinary greund witbuut plough- itig. They gave good aatifiloetion to aj^ who ,ysed ttism last Season. A Sample sent Free ,«f Freight whegexscr desired. Send for Prices to ANDBEW McUJijL, Chatsworth Foundry, 294-30a Chatsworth, Ont. FARM FOR SALE. 1 /\/^ acres being lot South lot 8, con; 1 Vf vJ 12, Euphrasia, 60 acres cleared, balance hardwood with good sugar bush, 40 seeded down, well stoned. The farm mnst be^sold V possession gireu immediately, tellns ttasy.. Apply on the prraaices to ELIZABETH LAKE,-- t93-a, Markdale.P. O. New ^AKERY. I wpul^ respeetfally intimate 'to'lf^' $• habitants of Hisrkdale and sarrottjdLiJuiig i country that I have opened 'in MONTGOM FRY'S STAND, J where I will ke^ oq hand a good supply al MA6NIFICEMT -:- ASSORTMENT Combs, Brushes. Toilet Articles, And Perfumery AT Tbe New Drug Store. You will not make a mistake if led to purchase at .JJiE NEW DRUG STORE. Come and Look at them Anyway. JAS. G. RUSSELL'S FLESHERTON. A Beautiful Stock to Sefect from. ooooooooo ocooooooo It u « fact, as every one I says, that RUSSELL is the man I to repair your Watch or Clock t properly. ko o o~o ooooo ooooooooo GIVE HIM A TRIAL. Every job warranted to jtive satis- faetioD, 217-269 JiS. 8. RUSSELL TO RENT. Af-ingle shop next door \q 'Turner Go's Drug Store. Also a facw -8 inies from Markdale with 50 acres clea-e4, will 4e leased for one or more yonrs. Apply to A. TUENEB Co., 194 8 Markdale. FARM FOR SALE BREAD, BUNS, SCONS, CAKES PA«TBT Of my ovis moufactUEe, also BISCUITS confectionahy, ormmges. LEMONS. BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR. Flour, Butter Aud Eggs taken in exchange, I cordially solicit a share of public patnon- age, and trust by honest dealing and close attention to business to merit your confi- dence and support. My motto is No Credit. Yours respeotfully, 291 W. M- SPEER- Ospiey Council. rot No. 24, con. 4. N. D. B. Glenelg, ^100 acres, will be sold cueap and on easy tenns of payment, ft)r farther particulars apply on the premises, or by letter to J. S. BLACK, 190-tf. Pomona, P. O. |i.e ith meetanK ol this council lijtldat Siugliampton on the 17th L Member.^ presenr, reeve, cleputy- |rr, Mejr.s. Tiiylor and Hudson. lommauii-'ations â€" Secretary off ^iccial i'oard of Health re appomt- of Local-13oard and another taimiciuiou from the same, asking ciltu st'iul delegates to annual lenng of Aiaerican Public Healtii IsLcatitiii l.i be held in Toronto in Prtiviiiiial SLcretary re License ibieiiitvre and Macintyre ::io be appointed legal advisers â-  nucil. carsweil iV Co. re Dittshes iWata-courses A.cts. J. Pi. Sing nrrc;irs on kits 1, 2, and 14 Mflanc- â- j.Mreet. J. ii. Sing bill §150 •::cofOiangilIall and Blackstock's lifor .Justici.s Court. H. Sprott Ibtute Labor by 13. Holden, J. btier aud teu others, petition Jiicg council lO repair a flat piece ::.iiiop!)(gite lot 4 con. A. D. C. Itfurliue and 12 others petition !;i;jrant to improve a piece of ia no certain beat. D. C. Mc- [tcaid and 11 other petition asking iior^idow McArthur an indigent. k'rt births, mairiages, and deaths. CiOOl^ Ttios. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS Mathews* Od Stand, opposite Markdale House WJVI. T/rYbOR, fROPRIETOR. DIAMOND DYES. DIAMOND DYES AND Diamond Easter Dyes, g4CH Package Containing 4 Colors, OiiLY 10 CENTS, Buy a package ai onee, and get a beautiful EASTEB CARD GIVEN lÂ¥ITH EACH PACKAGE ^AT THE HEW DRUB: STORE. J)ye Woods and Dye Stuffs Generally at the NEW DRUG STORE. Yo'irs respectfully, R. L STEPHEN. THE GENUINE SINGER CARSON'S Iipleient Emporlnm. I beg to annoanee to the public that I am this season better than ever pre- pared to supply your wants in Agri- cultural Implements and Machinery.. I will keep on hand Self-Binders. Reapers. Mowers. Sulky Raises. Steam and Horse Power Threshing Machines. Grain Drills, Single or Combined. Plows, eight kmds. Sulky Plows. Fanning Mills. Broadcast Seeder, Combined. Spring- Tooth Harrows. Iron Harrows. Land Rollers. Potatoe Plows. Gang Plows. Scufflers, three kinds. Root Cutters. Wheelbarrows. Hot Air Furnaces, Road Scrapers. Wagons, Democrats, Open Top Buggies, c., c. Office at Markdale House, 291309 MARKDALE. [OVM. Trr k'lcr, Mcliityre, tliat the clerk be -â- cted to write Messrs. Watt, â- iiUbon et Co. and McGill to find •t lowest cash price for ten road P«s, delivered at the nearest on and report at the next meeting aneilâ€" Carried. '^ion. MJutyre, that the coUec- â- "Me be extended until 30th May ^--Carried. •-Tlor, Hudson, that J. K. Smg be ^^1 for use of Orange Hall and £^U for iibc of Blackstock's Hall ••ai-'istrates courts, he having rt- -c' bisiiues :;o the Township trcas. Jfsjioi the county and tliat the ^= --sue Ills order for the same. â€" â- â€¢ed. ^,yor, Hudson, that i\% petition '!-'^^ AMietkr and others asking "'^rrraJs bo laid over to the "\:Et2tiiig of this council.â€" Carrier. â- ^fictyre, Hudson, that Widow -uU!.r receive §5 being m poor ^^^â- ^stauccs aiul that the Reeve ,^W5 order for the same.â€" Carried. [••'.•"-â- r. Huu'^ou. that widow Mc- '1 '"^^ 'i 'i-aut of $4 bemg in ^^-.circumstances and that the ^.^y^or. Mclntyre, that James "fi OS paid the sum of $1.50 for .Jp culvert and that the reove Lvi! °'t^" ^°^ *lie same.â€" Carried. yjourl; '°^'*l'at this council -^^^^totheosthMavtomeet as a |.^^! tteyision at Maxwellâ€" Car- W. MiLSK, Cferk. WOOL "^OOL! ^!i^ Those having Wool to eell or manufaotore, will find it to their advantage to call at the FLESHERTON WOOLLEN â- :- FACTORY. The machinery being now in splendid working order, and haying engaged a staff of competent hands, we are now busy manufacturing goods usuall;y kept in stock. Any custom work entrusted to us will receive prompt apd careful attention, and done at reasonable prices. IS' DON'T FAIL TQ GIVE US A CALL. May 8rd, 1886. ^^' H. JB-^1_.ESHJSR. THOSE IN NEED OF A SEWING -:- M ACHINE bhould be sure and get the ooooooooo o o o o o o GENUINE NEW YORK SIIIGER ARTEMESIA ASSESSMENT STATISTICS^- t4 Value of Resident Land9 ...: ...$995250] Nou-Resident Layds. 12870jToW ,.,..$1071170 Personal Property .....^....;.. Populjitton V. Cattle • ••;•. •• Sheep ...:.... •â- â€¢â€¢ P^s: •â-  V Horses • Births Deaths • .-. No. of Resident Ratepayers Non-iieaident Ratepayers Acres •' " Land assessed 1598â€" Decrease G3050) 3867 â€" ^crea«e.i 4369 â€" Decrease. .S645â€" '• ., 1003â€" •• 1312â€" Increase. 98â€" •• 83â€" •« 904â€" " r7 •« Fall Wheat Number on the Roll ... Methodist Ratepayers Presbyterian " Episcopalian " Baptist • Church of Rome" Disciple '*. No OUurgh '97 83 812 220 a9 2 43 9 887 772 â€" Increase... 105 ooooo ooooooooooo The' best is the cheapest, and this grand machine is certainly the best. C. W. BELLAMY, Agent, 290 Markdale. M limss sior. R, CARNAHAN would respectfully intimate to the inhabitants of the sur- rounding oountiy that be has opened a general harness shop on King street in the village of HOLLAND CENTRE, where he intends to manufacture and keep on hand a large stock cf LIGHT and HEAVY HARNESS, long and short tugs, STRAW COLLARS, WHIP.=?, COMiiS, BRUSHES. HARNESS OIL c. I will use only first class material and those requiring anything in the harness line will ijnd it to their interest to call at the new h^pess shop and get price before go- ing 6^9.^1x61-6. BepairiQg done with neat- ness an4 dispatch. Soliciting a share of public pa^oinage.' I ani respectfully yours. Peerless Oil I Ahead of All Competitors. Highest Honors Gold Medal at Toronto. SIX GOLD MEDALS IN 3 YEARS- BEST RECORD IN THE WORLD. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ask for PEERLESS and be sure you get it, as there are imitations. The genuine is only made by ura Mm, Queen City Oil Works, TORONTO, ONT. 190 R, CARNAHAN. MONEY^LOAN. ON real estate security, at low rate of interest, no commission chaiged. Busi- ness Strictly Confidential, J. S. BLACK, 190 Pomona, P. O. 1046â€" " 400â€" " 247â€" " 76â€" " 26 â€" Decrease. 20â€" " .. 176 22 4 1 7 5 WEAVING. Having returned to Markdale, in order to be more convenient for my customers, I beg to announce that I am now oreoared 1o do all kinds of Custom Weaving. Beadence otd stand, opposite Presbyterian Church. 282 ARCH. BOYD. 4â€" The abova year 188i5. is a corrsct statement of the aseessment of Artemesia for the JOHN WHITBY, AssiMor. 6 PiElB CENT, Monej loaned on Farm or Town Property *i lowest rates of interest. Apply to R. J. SPROULE. Conveyancer and â-  f obtraaster, " Fleehettou. FARM FOR SALE. BEAUTIFULLY situated within 4 miles of the thriving Town of Meaford, being south half lot 26. con. 7, St, Vincent. WHI acres, 55 acres being cleared and in a good state of cultivation. There is a good youag orchard, an abundance of good water, with suitable buildings. Price very low. Term;; easy. For particulars apply to J.J.JOHNSTON, 190-98 Chisholm's Block, Meaford. R. J. SPROULE, FLESHERTON. Conveyancer, Ajjpraiser, Valuator and Money Lende^. D'eyc^s, ' Murt-, gages, Leases' a^^ Wills drawn up and Valuations made on sliortest notide. Charges very low. Apply to R. J. SPROULE,. Money Lender and • Postmaster, Flesherton." i '•â-  mmm i. liiiaHaitlMiiiiHHHiMiMiiiiiiiiiil

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