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Markdale Standard (2), 6 May 1886, p. 4

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 »*- "!."I4'HH',M r fl 4. » i Si iS' feS The Standard. MAB£DALE AfAT 6, 1886 THAT SINK HOLE, It appears strange that nothing can Le di^ne in the shape of a permanent job on what is known as "Allen's sink hole." It is now over foar weeks since it was passable for a foot person, while it is dangerous for a team to cross, espeeially for strangers. The water has been very high in that swamp this season, and covers the road, more cr less, for forty rod, cansiug great in- convenience to the travelling pablic. If there is a possibility of draining it, the council should have it done, as that appears to be the most likely mode of surmounting the difficulty. This place has been swallowing publie funds foir'the list twenty years, and its appetite appears to be increasing. If some person would advance a seheroe that would make a permanent job at a reasonable cost, they should get a pension, at all events the coun- cil should look after it promptly. Fle9hert«B. Jfrom our own eorrttr^ndent. The annual spring show held in Flesherton on the 29th ult, was well patronized. It is eyident from the show of stallions in the ring that a deep interest is being taken in the importation of new and well bred stock into the county. A. Munshaw, Esq., is making marked improvement! on the com- modious hotel, by raising the walls with two feet of brick work and cover- ing with a new roof of much steeper pitch than that of the old. Operations have already commenc- ed upon the foundation of the new Baptist church, to be erected here this summer. Messrs. Moore and Whitton have secured the contract for the same. Kkmovals, â€" J. Gr. Bassell, our popular jeweller, moved this week in- to the house recently purchased by Thos. Osbom from J, G. Brooks. Mr. Brooks moves mto his own new dwelling erected bv himself this seas- on. Bev. J. Watson moves into the dwelling vacated by Mr. EusseJl. The Baptist people of this plaee have dianged their hour of service irom 11 a. m. till two p. m., and have commenced a Sunday evening ser- vice in the Orange Hall at Flesherton station. There was no preaching in the Presbytftrian church here on Sabbath last. The fourth regular quarterly meet- ing services for the present ecclesas- tical year was held in the Methodist chuxch here on Sabbath last. The services of the day were felt to be a time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord. In the morning the pastor, the Bev. Mr. Ayers, announecd a praise and thanksgiving service for the evening. There was a large tarn out, the church being filled to the doors. The service was eommenoRd l)y the choir singing the Lord's Prayer. Several anthems were rendered by the full choir durini the service. Mis .^ddie Armstrong sang a solo in fine voice with good effect. Bev. Mr. Ayers gave a brief address, in whioh lie spoke of his happy relation with his church and congregation during this, his first year with them. During the year h« had received nothing but the most marked kindness, sympathy and help from all. There was good cause for thanksgiving and praise on part of both pastor and people. He and they could rejoice that during the year souls had been made happy by coming to the Saviour. Numerically as a church ther had been strengthen- ed, and spiritually, they had also been blessed. His -earnest prayer to God was thai they all might go on from strength to strength until glory should crown wliat grace had begun. Mr. M. Bicnardson was then called upon and gave a most happy thrilling ad- dress on the service of song and its effects spoke on the duty, privilege and enjoyment of praise with several incidents illustrative of what he was then speakitug of. Dr. Christoe then lollowed, and spoke of the influence of religipu and its concomitant spirit of )raise on character and how it shed a lalo round its possessor at ttie close of ife, as witnepsed often by himself in lis professional duties. Several ap^ propriate hymns were sung by the icqiigregatipn, a^d the whole service was one of delig)^,^ ,^i 6n^97^^fc to all prraent. NoHCT.â€" 'W^ wiA it dirtinrtiT tmdamtood thrt w« do not hold ouraelTM rtBpoBBiHjlto ftaoianiwiawprâ€" edtyoar eonMpaitd«ptt To th$ Editor of tht SUmdmd. Markdale, May 8, 1886. We, the undersigned merchants ftnd business men of this village, here- by severally agree to close our pUees of business at 7 o'clock each «v«iing •xoepting Saturday during the month* of May, June, July, August and Sep- tember. Wi J. McFarland, Hill Bros. J. E. Trimble. Wm. Brown. Haskett Bros. A. Turner. B.L. Stephen. Eaplirasia Coancil. The council met pursuant to ad- ioBmm«nt at McConiiel's ^otel, Bocklyn, on the 24th day of April, 1886. .. ., iVjC' i Membbbs pbbsbntâ€" Thomas Gilray, Iteeve James Boyd, James Erskine, councillors. Minutes of last session of council read and confirmed. By-law No. 366, appointing Ponnd- kespers, Fenceviewers, and Path- masters, carried through the different stages and passed. The following named parties were appointed viz ' POVNDKEBPBBS â€" J. B. Soul, N. Hewson, J. B. Winter, S. Wiley, T. McOownel, J. WiUen. J. Stitt, T. Brady, N. Curry, B. Elliott, W. M. ArtJey. FEHCEVHtvfEWB^^J. Baby, W. Pringle, J. E. Beid, N. Hewson, G. Prootor, G. Bath, G. Viekers^ H. White, T. Ellis, T. Dines, D. Lougheed, E Parker, F. Burch, J. Perry, J- Cook, B. H. Stinson, J. Neilsou, A. Paterson, W. Patton, J. -Stinson W. Brady, J. Curry, J. Manarev, B. Elliott, B. Halbert, W. M. Artley, W.. Dayman, Pathhastebs â€" J. Bawlings^ J. Howard, G. Emery, J. McAuslic, W. Woodhouse, J. *White, J. McCallan, W Pringle 0. Fawcett, W. C. Smithy G. Bath. B. Conn, J. Millar, T. Julian, H. Lougheed, W. D^les, J. Dales, J. McMorris, J. Gilray, G. Gravato, W. Allan, I Fawcett, C. Hill, T. Milne, B. Neelv, P. Ferry, W. O'Bryan, B. Millar, T. Hortop, T. Dines. D. Bath, H. Beid, T. Londry, Mr. Aruiotiuug, J. Oncusj m. Su^d, G. Vickers, J. Stafford, J. Smith, T. Ellis, E. Gilbert, 0. Drinkal, W. Eaton. W. McConnel, D. Clark, W. Fawcett, P. Harris, A. A. McConnel, Mr. Baker, J. Morwood, J. Knott, W. Clark. C. Devitt, B. Gardner, J. Falls, S. Gilmour. J. Abercrombie, E. Stokes, J. Hutchinson. F. Hutch- injon, W. Ward, hJ. E. Hicks, 0. Burril. B. Ireland, J. Kay, .J. Gould, S. Irvine, J. Abercrombie, B. John- ston, jr., Mr. Fothergill, J. Shaw, W.J.Boyd. J. Manning, J. Scott, C. Clard, G. Bichardson, B. Erskine, J. Boyd, G. Hieks, J. Paterson, Esq., A. Shields, W. McCutcheen, Mr. Bowles, D. Silyerthorn, G. MerryfieM, J. Breadner. Bb Woods, J. Grier, J. Paterson, }r., W. Marshall, J. Struth- ers, J. Stinson, jr., W. J. Brown, A. Kirkpatrick, T. Muxlow, J. Burchil}, D. Millar, J. Thompson, J. Steer, J. Mclnnis, J. Artley, T. Kennie, J. Irvine^ F. Burton, B. Elliott, A. Mordock, H. J. McLean, T. King, W. Dayman, B. Wickens. By-laws No. 867 and 868 w;ere carried through the different, stages and passed. Errors in regard to statute. labor aqd overcharge of interest on arrears of taxes, charged toBichard Lanktree, jr., were corrected. The E^ of Lot 7, concession 8. was detached from S. S. No. 8, and attached to union S. S» No.. 6, Euphrasia and CoUingwood. The Beeye's orders were issued' on the Treasurer, to pay as ftdiows, viJ? Edward Fawoetli, $1.78iv repairing bridge 'at Heatbcpie,^ Gollingwoed council paying an eqoqj amount; W. P. Carson, $5^ as an indigent J. Feeny, $28. to pa^jr his way tp the United States, saijcfe party being in- digent, the Beeye- to hold; the qrder until said party leaves, aufl thinn to use it in paying l^r. Feeny- s Fare to his destination.;: G. J. iSJij^att, $80, printing minfljkes tor 1885; B. Dunlop, derlio $20, transcribing and preparing Mijoxites fox printer Bobert Myles $60, balance of Salary as Assessor -, ^ssti. Yeoman Little, $48, part. $ayavant for material fnriiishsd. r thp erection of Town Hali; Wiiiiam- Lansing, $5, to pay for me^oine and attenduice to pizza Dodds. IndigMit. On infliiim bting made and seconded, |b««$9[^$oimied until Ip o'%k a. m. on Saturday, the 29th Uay "nexr, WA *fhear*fe m Dodson's Hotel, Jto«kHr « ofBevioMi. BoBwrPcHr^op, 1^.01«rk. .kONElUL JPOISON. NaUuuBbB* pare «t»ets iram plwAs and roots *re used in ptvenng McOwam's Lung Compound, the m^^^Uind p»gar aS1^affecti«nsQf the thioa*. IW *^ cheat. AUmineral poisons «ad dangejrous substances ore aToi4ed, which lenders it SVforehildren or adults. Sold at 50o. and »1.00perbotUe at E. Ii. Stephens, Drug Store, Markdale. flffl j4 *i«f %^:.- B U N|iOP^S_RLO c K. BIRTHS. Pattkbbonâ€" In Meaford, on the l^th inst., the wiie of J. Patterson o* the Mirror of s daughter. gttarim itoy»rt* MABKDALE. FaU '^Rjeat »0 70 to »C 80 Spring Wheat.. 7o to 80 Barley .,, ,«..•!. 40 to • ff ,teas,.^.;.,....;.^-.- 84 to 55, Oats 30 .to 30 Bauer ... ^. â-º.. • 14 to Ji \Ejggs " 10.^^ "06' -â- 'ippira ' 40 to 6Q Potatoes ^0 to 25 Hay 1000 to OQ Pork .....I..... 600 to 5 7.^ Flour .......... 4 00 to 4 75 Wool 17 tp 18 KNITTING. MBS. CRAWFGED has opened a Gnstoin Knittinj; Factory in Markdale, and is now prepared to do, aQ sizes and shapes of stockings aiod socks, in wool or cotton on short notice, and at ireasonable charges. A trial respectfully solicited.. Factory opposite the Stamdaio) office..' M5-8 Deparfaneiiial Examinations ^FOBâ€" Second and Thinl-^/uss Non-Prqf»asional Certificates. • t; â€" NOJfi(CE is hereby .K^v^n to inten-ling c«udida^es for .Second a»^ Tbird-Class non-pcofessional certificates that their ap- plicatiouiS must be sent iri to me filled and accompanied by the esiamination fee â€" two dollars, if writing for third-jclass only four dollars, if wiiting for second and third-class â€" XOT LADER T91)^ THB Twenty-FiftlvDay Of May, next. Blank forms of applicatii^n wi.ll be supplied on, request. THOMAS GOBPjON, 'i ,r Ijispector. Owen Sound. Owen -Sound, Aiiril. 2P, 1886. 29* « «ARKM£E BAKERY -FOBâ€" BREAD, aAKES INDMNS, AT REASONABLE EATES. BISCUITS iM«l»€ONFEGtTIONARY of all kinds on haud^ SOIREES SURPRISE PARTIES Supplied on the Shortest Notice. WedcKiia; Galcas a Spofitally. A call is respectfaUy solicited. Bread delivered in all parts of the town ?rext Door to the Roller Rink. •Se EDWARD RUOKE. THEY All say it i tOOO- Coleman Hamilton's Is the cheapest place in town for Parljor^ Piningr room, Bedroom and Ki^che^ FURNITURE. ENVELOPES, MOT^PAPeH* PENCILS, PENS. INKSv FANCY eOODS. ' TOYS. To the Pfople of Markdale and mr- rounding tidnityi Qainng op^ied' a Stationery and ^wacy CkbdB Store in Dunlop's Block. I hereby solix^t a share of public patro- nage^ Hoping Hxskt ouif intercourse may prove both pleasant and profitable, Z am. Tenn tnil7t HRS-CUMEMT, ttll .^ 'A^ call respectfully solicited, liim: CLBHENT. O O O O O O O O O O OOP o OOOO O OOOO O O 6~0 0^^^ ANNOUNCEMENf :O3fi0:- TO HAND A CONSmNMElJa^ QP Beady Made Clothing, fl^jh, Stylish nd No bbyâ€"m desirable Shades and Patttm. Young men and others who wish an ELEGANT FASHIONABLE OUTFIT Should see my stock before purchasing elsewhere. BOOTS SHOES. Of saperior quality made to order. Repairinc; done expecQUj, Sioci[ Comptete in ail Beparfmenfs, Prices Riglii. N. B.â€" The !^igliest iDrice for Butter and Eggs at tfee TOEONO^O ^OUSE. WM. BROWN. MASON'S ©ARjRjyiGE WORKS is the best place in Grey to procure light oi heavy Baggies or Wagon's, A large stock of picked timber thoronghl; seasoned, and the yerj, best of mechanics to work it np, cannot fail to resoit in a prime lot of carriages. All the leading improy^ styles to pick from An early call respeotf ally aolloited. IVM. MASOJif, Oppeaite Severe Hotel,f -UNDBRTAKINC lii.iiig received a stock of andertalin., t'Z: '"^nit'" --«- .Hea..e MARKDALE. Spectacles and Eye-Glass^ â€"ABB THE ONLT GENUINE ENGLISH ARTICLES IN THK *, YELLOWOIL Rieiil Pebbles are kept In stock T'ESTB ARE GIVEN TO PURCHASERS TO PROVE GEN They are recommended by and testimonials have been rec«ij*?^"|^, Preaideat, Vici^PieBidont, Ex-President and Ex-Vice-Presidentw ^^gjf, Association of Canada the President of the College of J^J'f *Lj|yi ti* geons of Quehw the Dean of lh« Medical Faculty of Laval ^ifctc,** President aud^Ex-Presidents of the Medical Council of Nova UTiE:.- RHCi ' MA T I S M "K .eaw. and ««b« â- ."^. These reeoQimendationfr ou^ttobe gufficieni to proro (^ but ii farther proof is needed^ call on A. TURNLR^o,, hemists ani^ "T 1 "y^e 9J)lj%;]plijpe InlbWn where they can "'t. ' UMiillllMi

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