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Markdale Standard (2), 6 May 1886, p. 1

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 VOL. e.-'No. aya MARKDALE, ONT., MAY 6, 1886. COPUS OF THX STAMDlkp FiTX CKKTS EACH. Iccal and O ther Items Notices in these columne intended to benefit 451/ indniditnl or Socwty will he charged ten cents It line for tJm first imertlon and five ftiUi ti U'le each suhiequent insertion. Alf. Moffat went to Toronto on Tuesday to the hospital to Lave his fjes treated. UiK stores all close at 7 ebarp ex- licept oD Saturday evenings, com- meuciug last Monday.. Scores of fishing poles might be seen raovii.g towards the Saugeeu last Saturday morning, shortly after sun- rise, tbo 1st May. Me. 11. J. Cilassford will travel this ueasfui in this district a fine young imported Clydesdal* Stallion. He is a very promising three year-old. •'Kis.^ the baby -when you can," idmoiiisheg a new poet. "We vrould prefer theui at sweet sixteen, provided they are ilic right kind " BO says our foreman. The luaiiagcment of the Canadian Pacific Piaihvay cantemplate opening the fJl rail route to British Columbia, for passenger and freight traffic, on or about Queen's Birthday. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Metliodii^t church are making vigorous preparations fur their annual Bazaar antl Coucfrt ou the "Queen's Birth- day," of whioh due notice will be given later. ._ • Mk. Jokeph Hawken, of Euphrasia, lias just learned that he was a great- grand-father ou the 17th April. His great-grand-daughter live» m Dnndaa. Mr. H. is quite a hearty man of some 50 summers. Lectuke. â€" Eev. Mr. Casson 'will give a lecture on Wcdncpday evenmg next, 12tli. in tlie Methodist church Bubjed. "The British Empire." Poors open at T.SO o'clock; lecture at 8, Adirifsion, 15 cents. 4 (bisT Mill Bdbned.â€" R. Mc- trowaii's fine brick grist mill at Pnccville was totally destroyed by fire on Saturday night. The less is estimated $10,000; partially insured. TLe cau?G of the fire is supposed to be from a pnilley in connection with the cliopper. ArcTioK Sale.â€" J. W. Shore will sell by pubhc auction on his premises, .-ot 127. second eaetof T. -S. Road, Artemcsia. ou Tuesday uezt, llt'i fflst.-. a iiuuiber of. horses, young «attlc-, slitci\ implenaents, c. Terms ' Eonth.= on approved paper. Geo. '^oble, ai-LCtioneer. It is not often we are favored with JJecturo on the "British Empire," p-nd seldom do we meet one "who can â- "indie the sivbject equal to Rev. Mr. ^asson: thorough knowledge of "•story coupled with a remarkable Djie memory and rare fluency on the platform are. a sufficient guarautee liiat the lecture will be a rare treat. Every effort is being made, under /le management of an able and enter- prising committee, to celeteate the Wueeu\ Birthday" in this village in *ngM royal manner. A long Hst of ^jsu prizes will be awarded, bat we ^b. \^^^ T-^ ^^ position to say fot Week ^^'^^^ ^^^° particulars uext *Chri*t Chwfth tadifca' Aid Sodety will gi^ a grand concert in ^askett^s Hall tjti IDuesday evening, 11th May, whea ilnintei vtriug band from Ow«» 'Sound, Mn Jakeway, a popular reciter rf Stayner, and Mrs. Moore of Skelbnme will entertain the audience. Doors open at 7.80. Admission, 25c. It was rumored on Tuesday last that an accident happened Mi. Samuel Douglas, of Euptirasia, while in Owen Sound that day; we were pleased, however, to see him the following day, hale and hearty, not apparently aay the worse. He has concluded at all events that "Two is better far than one^ e." "How does my wife take my nacri- eeration " asked a convicted Mormon of a brother, "tiusie cries her eyes out Jennie is sad at times Martha don't seem to care very much Sophie â- ays she is going back to her parents in Tennesseej while Eugenia is already ergagad again." "Ah, my wife is a wonderful woman, isn't sne " Mr, Jxmeiha, of the Chronicle, takes strong exceptions to an item in the Standabd, viz., that he is bringing himself out as a candidate for M. P. at the coming general election. He goes on iii his customary ungentle- manly and iueinuating style of retort. We have yet to be convinced that he (^Mr. Jenkins) is not thrusting himself upon the party. He says that "the leading Conservatives of South Grey voluntarily admitted that Jenkins was the strongest man if he got the con- vention." Just so we would not be at all surprised that the man who gets the convention will be the strongest man; but, to presume that a person of such degraded habits as the editor of the Chronicle waa likely to get the convention would not, in our opinion, be creditable to the moral status of the Conservatives of South Grey. Labge Shipment of Cattle. â€" Mr. M. Dunn, ol Calgary, N. W. T., ship- ped, on Saturday last, 520 head of cattle, comprising 500 two-year- old hfiifers and 20 two-year-old thorough- bred Short Horn Bulls. 800 of the above were shipped from Markdale, 120 from Dundalk and 100 from Gueiph. Mr. Dunn has an extensive range for breeding purposes near CaJgary, having taken from Ontario, previous to this shipment, 1,500 head, and will require 1,000 more the present season, which he expects to take in other two instalments. This drove when arriving at Calgary will stand him about $16,000, or an average of. about $32.00 each. He has been iu the business a great many years, and thoroughly nnder- etaads it, and from what we can leaiB, is very honorable in his dealings with the public. A DOUBLE BENEFIT. Harry Bieardo, of Toronto, certifies to tiie benefits received from, the use of Hagyord's Yellow Oil as a care for rhnmatimr and deafness, his affliction with these comluned troubles being a severe one. rsasm aasps JOtTINGS FROM ABROAD- COMDBHSKD FBOH eOB KXOHAXOXa OTHkBWISX. AND Flowers, Bcatttiftil Flowers. I wish to heartily thank the residents of Markdale and vicinity for their liberal patronage last year, and hope to visit them again soon with Flowers. I have a good selftction of House Plants, Haag- ing Baskets, Colesus, and Bed- ding Plants also Cabbage, Cauliflower, Tomatoe, Cucumber, Pepper, and Celery Plants, in season. A coed stock of PlaLts will be kept for sale at Eleshcrton Res- taurant. 298-6 James Beecbqft. BUSINESS LOCALS. CEUTCHES KENDERED USELESS, The poor cripple who has to qm crutches on account cf Bheumatism, stiff and swollen joints, contracted cords, and other Aches, pains qad lameness, may- throw ande his crutnhes if he will try Hagyard's Tellow Oil faithfully. McQBBGOifS LUNG OGMPOUNIX Save^you a bad Cough, a Chronic Hoarse- n«ss^,a feeling of Lightness in the Chest, Weai Lungs, or aay siaoilar eomplsjnt f Jf so, hv^vt or â- "" a' ^»f^^ «* McGregBr'a Lung Coroponnc^ "It will cureyou." It contains' entirely new spedfics, of which one does is more effeatual than a wholo botfl^'of the oid time remedies. It is put up iB'eOe. and ♦1,00 botfles. Sold by B. L. Stephen, Dro^ist. Tiyit,*ndyff9 wUl niei have jreason to oomplain. The Shelbnme Wrt* ^roM i^ H years old, and is healthy j^dTiROCP**' The entrance fee to gronndi at Orangeville Spring Show was lOe. and netted $5.00 for the day. BattM: throw them open. Eighteen persons were Qaeh feed $6 and coAts at Bell Ewatt for spear- ing trout through the ice. Rev- Sam. Jones is booked for Toronto from the Brd to 24tli OcfcohMr. The C. P. B. Station ait Winnipeg was destroyed by fire last week. Building operation promises to be extensive in Owen Sound this summer. Owen Sound proposes faaviog a Fall Exhibition on a large scale, and wants a capita) of $10,000 m shares of $20 each. $6,000 of the amount has already been subscribed. Toronto and Hamilton city coancilb have decided that nme hours will be a day's work for eorporatiuu men. The yawning (awning) raee has struck Thombury. The averaga salary of tin TirwH^cp of Ontario for male school leadMn. during the jeax 1884, was $426, and that of female teachers $279. It is thought that Petooleum and salt are available in Thornbury neighborhood, and a |f|^t stock company is tidked o£ ii^ oioStf to make a test. Mr. RenJFj Noirton of il« lOth line* Holland, ccimes to tbe frp^^j^haiL account of a prolific flo^Buiineep, he having 11 ewes which dropped this spring 23 lambs.â€" [A^wror. ,Mr. E. Gilray, J. P., Euphrasia, and the aged partoer of bis joys and Borrows through life, celebrated their g-jlden wedding on Friday of last week. They were the recipients of handsome and valuable presents from their children, the list comprising a life-size oil painting of a deceased daughter, a covered carriage and other articles.â€" [Mirror. A new English dietionary is coming out to jcontaiu 240,000 words. A $19,000 fire took place in Port Elgin last Thursday night. Southhampton had a fire lust week. A man named James Raysoond was shot and seriously wounded by a Detective in Toronto on Iriday night while in the act of setting a building on fire. *â-  Chicago had an $600,000 fire last week. Mr. Jas. Cameron, of Colling wood, had his wood pile stolen entirely one night last week. The Collingweod Bullain has been enlarged adopted the ppular eight page form, and ethervise greatly improved. Success bro. Cnrrie. $1,000 more has been granted for the improvament of Thorobury harbor. Thornbury brass band makes melody for the citizeAS^to their delight. Parkdale is again consideriof annexation to Toronto. President Cleveland is to bt married to a Miss Folsom in the near future. DaowiiED. â€" A very gid ease of drowning took place af ^Iknford, in Mr. D. Footer's mill da* on Fxiday last. The victim was «r. ^Thomas Greenslade, a farmer livag near that place, who was rafting] some logs across the pond to get thhn sawn. He stepped on the outer dige ot the board which held the logs together, and thoieod went down throwing him into the water whidiwasof consider- able depth. He only cune to the surface once, ai»d not. hang able to swim, he went down to rise no more aUv«. .It. was about hiif an hour before fh^,- body was reovered, and life was of eonrse, exinct. His father stood on the shore! bat oonld i«ndsT no aasistanoe in tme^ "to save his son's Ufa. Deceased fas 45 years of age and very highly iespeeted. â€" [Wiarton Eeho. Lacsossb Sticks Bau.s, cheap, at Mrs. Clement's. bat fleshertOiii StatioB Show. Sprfnff Pnu. sreKugar eoatod, mild tborai^^ and sea the best Stomadi linr ^9ila nse. Has. Climbnt keeps Croquet 8«tl at bottom prices. To fateak up a cold or oon^ ef its ill ^esolta there is no better naedr tlua Ssgyatd's Pectoral Balsam. C^ELDBENs' Wagons. Carts and Wheelbarrows, at Mrs. Clement's. tJsE Pnor. Low^s Sulpheb Soap for Priokley Best, Nettle Bash, Bcaley Eruption, Itch, sod all diseased conditions of the skin. Hn.1. Bbo's have jist received a few aU wool Tweed Suits, selling at $7.00 per salt. Tbk Hbctic Flvbs, pale hollow cheeks and precarious appetite, indicate worms, f^neeman's Worm Powders will quickly and effectually remove them. GrsAss Seeds and Clover Seeds for Permanent pasture at the Medical Hall. A. Turner Co. FxAVEK colic, unnatural appetite, fretful- nfcss, weakness, and ctinvulsions, are some of the effects of Worms in Children destroy the worms with Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. W. Sphk, the new baker, has brought bread down to 10 cts. per loaf nothing like opposition. Many a life has been saved by using West's Cough Syrup in time. It is an unfailing rem^y for Coughs, Golds, Consumption, Hoarseness, Influenza, Whooping Cough, and all Throat and Lung difficulties. Sold by A. Turner A Go. Druggists. May 6 A oooD article is always the cheap- est McLeod keeps a genuine article in Bootii, and will sew, free of charge, all rips. â- â€¢ nmwler " in informing you of the wonder- ful remedy for Coughs, Golds, Asthma, Bronchitis. Consumption, and all affections of the throat and lungs, we feel that ||we are doing you a great kindness, as if you have any of the above complaints, if you will only try it we will guarantee satisfaction in every case or moey refunded. Ask for McGregor's Lung Compound. Price 50c. and 91.00 per ' bottle at B. L. Stephen's, Drug Store, Markdale. 3 Bbxad is the staff of life opposition is the life of trade Bread 10 cts. (large loaf) at the Markdale Bskery. £. Rooke. If any of our readers that are afflicted with Bheimiatism have never tried West's World's Wonder or Family Liniment, we advise them to do so at once, and be con- vinced of its extraordinary merits. It will positively cure you. It is a never-failing remedy for Cuts, Sprains, Bruises and all complaints requiring external treatment. Price 2fi cents and 50 cents per bottle. Sold by A. Turner A Co. May Fabms â€" If you want to buy a good oheap farm, OD good terms of payment, call at the great land office of A. G. Hunter, in the Town of Dundalk. iFyour are afflicted with Rheumatism call on your druggist immediately and procure a bottle of West's World's Wonder or Family Lmiment, it is a certam and positive cure. It is infslli- able for iiprains. Cuts, Bruises, Bums, Scalds and all diseases riequiring ex- ternal application. Price 25 cents and 50 cents per bottle. Sold by A. Tamer Co. April l^^a^s* â€" We have tried the Triumphant and the Pride of Hamilton, but Hiil Bro's Teas, named Triumphant Pride, downs them all. CONSUMPTION CUBED. An cjJId physician, retired from practice, haviag had placed iu his hands by an East India missionary the formula of a simpln vegetable remedy for the speedy and perman- ent oure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma. and all threat and Lung Afflictions, also a positive E»id radical cure for Nervous Dability and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful CBrative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to rdisve human suffering, I will send free of ehaiget to all whe desire 4t, this recipe, in Oeranan, Frence or English, with full direetioas for inreparing and using. Sent by mail by adUressii^ iritii stamp, naming this pi^MT, V. .V. Noras, 149 Fewer' Block, Roeketter, Y. BE ON YOUR GUARD. Don't allow a cold in the hesd to slowly and surely develop itself into Catarrh when you can be cured fdr 25 cents. A few application will cure incipient Catarrh. One to two bo^cs will cora ordinary Catarih. One to five boxes will cure chronic Catarrh. Dr. Chase's Catarrh core. Sold by all doftlers at 25 cents per box. The spring show of stallions and balls, held at Flesberton Station on Wednesday of last week, was a grand sQoeeas in every partieuhir. Manager* Spaooer uid Hannah deserre great crecfit for thdr efforts. The weather was simify delightful. The fdUowmg is the ^se list â€" Imported Draufht, â€" 1st Trimble ftnd PickelFs Lord Derby 2nd Henry King's Wonder. Canadian Draught, â€" 1st McAlear and McGirr's Clydeadale Joek 2nd J. McGee's Young Lebon. General Purpose,â€" 1st D. MeLeod'a Britisli Ensign 2nd Angus Eenaedy.'a Fa.mer's Friend, Roadster, 8 years and oyer, â€" ^Ist Hannah MeGirr's Ooldfindtr 2nd J. Wilson's Young Valentine. Imported Percheron, â€" 1st Hy. King's Bybant, and recommended 2nd also. Devon Bull,â€" IstR. Olliver's Youna Entign 2ad Young Marquia. There wasa very handsome Carriage Horse at the shew, owned by Trimble Gilkinson, and as there was no pnze for him in the bills, he was awarded a special prize of $4 and highly re- commended. â€" [Flesherton Advance. Taa latest remedy for Coughs,, Colds, Croup, Whooping Cough,. Bronchitis, etc., is McGregor's Lung^ Compound. Tliere is no remedy in existence containing any one of the active ingredients composing McGreg- or's Lung Compound, so do not say you have taken everything until you have tried this for your cold or eough, and your obinion will he tliAAUx^ as all who have used it, viz., that it is the best. Sold in 50c. and $1.00 bottles by R. L. Stephen, Druggist,. Markdale. 1 A MODEBN MIRACLE. In a recent letter from B.' W. Dowson, of Deloraine, Ont., he states that he has re- covered from the worst form of jdyspepsia, after suffering for fifteen years and. when a council of doctors pronounced him incarablo he tried Burdock Blood Bitters, six bottles of which restored his health. Be Loyal, Be patriotic I Stand by your home institutions like men. What builds^ up a place from a hamlet to a village, from a village to a town, from a town to a city? Does dissension, strife, jealousy No Does dealing at home when you want credit of the business man and going elsewhere when yon have the cash to spend No Does finding fault with what others do in- stead of putting out your Hand and giving a lift? Does defaming your town in order to take vengeance upon some one who works for the good of the town and reaps his reward, while you are appraised at your true value- less than nothing? Is it not the true way to show your manliness, your patriotism, your loyalty by being a man iu every respect, a citizen on every occasion No town can prosper where its inhabitants ore at daggers drawn, any more than can a family when the members of it are quarrel- some and indifferent to the general good of the boaie. Be loyal t-o your town â€" try to make it the best place you have ever seen- buy all you need in it, and always haye a good word ta say for it to everyone you meet. â€" [Thornbury News.â€" The above is tiuo and to the point, Â¥i». S.] A SEVERE TRIAL.' Those wbo endure the torturing pangs of neuralgia,»,. ^ciatica, lumbago, and similar painful complaints are severely tried, but there is a speedy relief in Hagyard's Yellow Oil as thousands who have used it joyfully testify. It banishes pain and lame- ness quickly. A PLEASING DUTY. '"I feel it ray duty to say," wiites John Borton, of Deserfc P. Q.;'-tLat Burdock Blood Bittora cuiod ray wife of liver complaint, from which she had been a chroaie Baffer^r. Her distressing, painful sj-mptpms soon gave way, and I cad highfy recommend the medicine lo all suffering as she did." 0)S^ DOLLAR AGAINST lOVE HUNDREP Isaac Btdwd, of Botbwell,. Ont,, was sfflioted with.tsbrnnic homorB in the blood. He says a one doUer bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters was worth more than $500.00 paid for other medicines. It is a relialde blood prifier. 4" ' t .. m I'M- m^m 1. iiiwi

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