SEgy PTIAN ROM ANCE. Lnf Love and Wild AdYentnre, fonnded npon StarUlng BsTela- F tinna in thfl CaTBBr of Iralii Pasha: hPo, 2^ •:oi, .^uiAo' tions in the Career of Aral)! Faslia: of " Ni^fA, Thk Nihilist," " Th« R«d Spot," «• Thi Russiah Spy,' £tOi, EtOi L-"' pgAPrERXLII. ^^j J,, IMON-D-THK PEINCESS'S rLTlMATCM, hotb Frank Donelly and his lovely ui, respective- prison cells, we will c""'3ni.ter in his attempt to Lrirg of KjJ |hot to tha ii\ ir. Bjit! in the p; ions. •iket Ih»i« It*" bo "^M the snowy whiteneea of her flash. I •stir;.)." --'""^â- s bat still more tickling I ;;^"PMea shall each ' J.;Vallyharmlesi Ufiu "^^ ^*°^ •*"« ^l" huQdred nyVh ,?°'" the same fair, broad path- »*r£H^^ "° *^"'" t^»' I have a^wdy »a ^. V "'i^ *=11"8' '»°»*1 a* 1~* ttey ,ljl»«^erexoltemtnt bnt at thia fnU '*»lto^^. ""oconinand you to give "•Basil " ""^y inlniUtod the prfaioe« "Sift t» her feet, with a rattle a»d "«i»«on,. "**1«*» a»* buwlea and •^rostCu!' P)""?. glo««y limbs, and ttdtt TJ"*®' « attltBde of defl- H»tai«» "" "'^•o oommand me! ' n»re cUpping rf my hand* the "â- "t minuter in his attempt ".JpUn of the latter. V^'lXi Pisha, therefore, once more |5«'^-^lce Swith the active as- l«*'TFlmarr the buff JOB, in the pres- \^- Z .nf ifnl Eayptian princeis, who 7'^f^^oiil^^^l^ visitor with an '*. r„«rf ioyand welcome, though rVSr" Within her by reason that r why he baa come. J"" Mm ifl voluptuona abandon amidst 1^'" J nnoiies of amber satin cushions r"' her co"oh she waits for him to ^. °l!tthongh she is outwardly so com- ••;" nd c2 the labored heaving of her "-^t and almost nude breast, and the \^ fJ)L\nz of her little naked henna TjraJ one moment she thrusts her •re feet inside her embossed leather, g;.wcried8llpp;rs ami then next i' .m cat again, suflsiently shows the KtS^'of W '^-l- Her full. TV:Z are bare to the very shoulders, cl golden choles that clasp them here ire sink into their yielding softness. *[L. df avy ebon masses of her perfum- rtoand hair seem to flo-w all over her .!.kv rivulets, causing her clear brown b, no means unlovely skin to seem pos- IL fair by the contrast. In short, she Ja woman capable in every way of wa man's brain and scsrohing uphia ud perhaps the knowledge of this Id her at the little effect her bsauty Bed to have upon h« r visitor. Mve yoa run the peril of having your i stricken from off your shoulders and treated in like manner only to .,t me as a child looks at a medicine ie" she exclaimed petulantly, after a -miomenU of silerca on both their parts. [ffhy do you not hasten to bonfesa that I lifrloTely that you could not keep away Uiae, despite my advice that yon should [ic until my brother had lost all power to t joa, until in fact you were on hia throne £ te Li ycpr dungeon?' plffoaiiihave done so, Z38nefa, had you ttikenan unfair advantage of me, had liurreptiticujly got into your power Ljfhom you know is dear to me, and, as lielieTe, to do her an injary. I know your Iriili nature well." f" Ike tiger is the most graceful of beasts, II thank you for the compliment of CDm« â- tag me to ono. Yes, I have your lily thed Ferbghsd girl in safe custody, but I iH iwv'r to yoa If you like that the day on liichl deliver her over to you she shall be hcup and as white as any hour! of I The promise sounded well to the ear, bnt ire was a something io the accentuation {the words that the war minister did not â- and which caused him to rejoin with "Zxneh, yon speak fairly with your llpa, ptfaliely from your heart. Though you toBue to deliver the Frankish girl over to » without a bruise or scar on her adorable ah, yon have yet resolved to punish her Cn ne terrible manner or you would not have «B it the troable of bringing her hither. Iracimiot swear to me that I am wrong," "Tell me first, do you love thia Feringhee pr her beauty or for her mind " " Allah what a question. Why, for her â- ity, cf coarse, for beauty ia the gift of id, whereas mmd, bah I that la what la boiked into the head in youth by the peda- Vpt and in after years by experience, and m older and uglier a woman grows the 'aore « gets of it" "Then give to me this girl's mind and I •iDparantee not to injure her beauty." " Yon must be more explicit, Z^eneli, I Mw not yet what you mean." " I will tell you, and indeed I am thinking »Mch of doing yen a service as sf pleaaar- "mself, for as long as this Frankiah girl WMher mind she will hate you, by reason Iffltih! loves another, and, furthermore, in Rwrag for that other she will fret herself pind weep away the brightneas of her IWio that hi time she will be aoaroely |»«th the possession. But when onoe I have Iw !? '^^^ '°^ " *^»* useleaa thing, her Itodihe will no longer fret, for her grief HUdepMl with her knowledge, and she I JW grow as attached to you as a dog would **• 1 will bafie her each day in mUk, ao .^'ue shall retain her snows, and maintain '• plnmpness with cream and oU and rahat J^mconm, and when I give her to you she r"' " "" before, be as white and lovely "oneofthe-prophefshourU." 10. u ^i"' studiously avoid telling me how J«» intend to kill her mind ?•• i^prinoesa'a eyes fluhed, and her great nil"" '*^^"i " "l^e rcjsined So.r f!"u "® " "^^ ^°^ naked on the ion. T/* """'»' "I*"** atinglsaa •""-â- one and huge hairy spiders, whoee ,8 nive been drawn, creep to and eunnoh guard would mah to my aid end in a aingle minute lay your head at my feet. I refuse to give the Faringhae girl up to yon. I have and I will hold for the eagle high- poised in air ia not wont to give up the prey which he sraspa in hia talona at the bidding of the wingleaa, earih-prowling wolf. I have promiaed that yoa ahall receive the girl from my handa aa white aa a Uly and as beautiful as a honri, and if yon dare to menaoe me again it will only cause me to re- gret that I have proaiised so much." The war minister aaw that threats were of no avail, so he next tried diplomacy, " Can I not buy her at a price 7 I mean to say, her immunity from harm?" he aaked. The prinseaa aeemed annoyed and yet at- tracted by the question. Sne felt, indeed, like the dog In the fable, strongly inclined to drop the auhatanoe In her greed to anap at the larger shadow. But a moment's reflsotion aeemed to open np to her a way by which to secure both mouthfuls, and looking fixedly at the war minister, ao that she might detect the slight- est Intention on his part to deceive her, she aaid slowly and distinctly " You might be able to redeem her with the blood of her entire race, the blood of all, I mean, who still remain in Egypt, Will yon shed It for her sake " " Allah, Allah I How can yen have coa- ciived so deep a hatred against her race " " Becauae ita women are free like the flowera and able to ahow their loveliness to the world and win what Is to oar aex the aupremeat of all delights, admiration. I hate their women because they can do this, whilst I can not, and I hate their men because the only one of them who ever beheld my beauty was moved thereby, but preferred that of the girl who is at present my prisoner, and whom even yon would like. If you only dared, to place above my head." " Zaeneh, I cannot command a wholeaale massacre of Christiana merely to pleaae a woman," " TIm qneatlon ia not that of pleasing a woman, but of preaarving a girl." Arab! Paaha winced but made out " I cannot do It even for that, Zseneh." " Then, by Allah and the prophet I will do unto the girl what I have threatened." " To the care of Allah and the Prophet I must consign her, then, rather than commit so great a crime. I will not stain the aacred- ness of our cause by unneoeaaary bloodshed, no matter how you may seek to drive me to It," The princeaa waa not ao enraged at thia apeech aa her viaitor had feared ahe would be, perhapj by reaaon that ahe waa gratified te learn that the war minister did not love the English girl to anoh an extent aa will- ingly to commit a gigantic crime for her Bake. "Well, do aavon pleaae." aaidahe "thia ia no bnsbieaa of mine. Whatever batidea, one the day that Egypt belonga aolely to the Egyptlana, and yoa arehalled as Ita ^edlve, I will become your Yallde Khanoam and hand over to yea, aa the moat beaatlfal of yonr alava girla, the Feringhee maiden whom I now hold in anre oostody, Thia paJaoe will than be youra and no woman In the harem will be able to draw her onrtain against you. Until that time arrives, hon- ever, yon know full well that it woold bs deatii to seek her whom you would release if yon oould, and aa yonr life balonga not to yourself, but to the nation, yon wlU hardly oare to jeopardize it In order to save the wits of a girl who would now le far happier with- out them, and of much leaa trouble to yoa In the pasaeaalon aa well, Is It not better to have her amlllng blankly on thee than to hve her forever weeping, moaning and up- braiding Go to, thoa arta fooL Depart tmd leave me free to enjoy my pleaanrea, whioh heaven knowa are few enengh, Im- priaoned forever within atone walls or biehlnd a iiideoaa f aoe veil when I take the air. Bat I mean to liave aome delightful hoars with the Feringhee wenoh ere I have to give her np to thee, and not of a alngla one of them will I be robbed. I have even a alab of blaok marble for her anowy nakednaas to be atretohed on, and thou mayeat plofeare to thyaelf how radiant It will look and how I shall enjoy Ita quiverlni; aa the loathsome thinga oresp over it. Now go, for I would not speak another word though yon stayed for hoora." As ArabI Pasha knew that the strong willed woman would keep her word he groan- ed deeply and aaffsred Elmarr to lead him away in the aame manner as ahe had Intro- duced him. CHAPTER XLUI. THE FBiyCKSS AND THE BCFFOON ABI TBIGHT- ENED BT THE DEVU.. Thus waa oar leautifnl Nellie left entire-. ly to the msroy of the woman who hated her. ArabI Paaha Iiad quitted the palaoe won- dering how It waa poaslblo to serve herioid maoh fearing that hia vlalt to the aeragUo had done her more harm than good. He went baok to his houae in the arsenal and wrote a letter to Mr. and Mra. Trezarr at Cairo, stating that he liad diaoovered where their daughter wm, bat not a word about her marriage to the young dragoon offieer, and inoloamg a aafe oondaofe under hia lumd and seal ha nrged tham to coma on to Alexandria at onoa for ha had a faint Idea in hia bead of a way in whloh thay m^ht be aUa to deliTar her withoat hia own nama being at all mixed np la tha matter, for tha Pdnoaaa Zsanahbam^ hia aotlva ally In tha rabelUoB ha darad naithar expaaa har nor provoke har to ezpoaa him, wioe tha oooraa wodld ba dUhonorabla and tha oiher might yat proTa daageroni. MeanwhOa Nsdlla raaoainad a priMmar la that innarmoat of tha thraa 10090% whloh aaamadto form at aUavanti aportfasi of the PriaoMi Zsonaht aapaoial mtta, aad to which Bona of Oa othar Udiao of thaaaragllo not avan tha Khadlva'a oliiaf wlia, had aw right of aiioaaa. And aa it happaned, tUs was in raadfty a aoMOwhat annanal oaa^ KocwUhataadlag aU tha throats ttat tha priaoeaa had mad towards Ii*r and her daap udbltfeargrialatwhat waafbaraesad had bam tha taniUa fate of hat hnaboad, NalHoli bodily fatlgaa waa w giaat that no aooaer had aho grown weary of looking forth from tho window and thrown haraalt down on a pilo of soft caahiona in a oomar than aha sank into a daap and profound alaap^ nor awoke therefrom until night had nsnrped the plaoe of day and her prison room waa enveloped In prof onnd darkaasa. For a moment ahe oaald not ramtmber where she waa, and when tha knowledge cams baok to her aha grew friahtanad at the pitohy blaokneaa by wmoh she waa aurronnd- ed, bat at length catohing eight of two friendly atara looldng down np3n her, she crept over to the window aa as te feel near- er to them, for the Arab belief that tha atara are the eyes of the angela waa a plea- aant thought to ponder over at a time like the preaent. No aooner had aha reached the window than ahe aaw what Iiokel Uke other atora, eaoh having a shimmering rEflsotion. but she knew that these were the lights of the three Britiah ironolada. As she knelt there, leaning on her arms, and almost pinting for air, for the night was intensely close and sultry, she oould hear the little wavelets lapping the f ound- atlona of her prison wall, and also after a while another sound which somehow or other auggeatod to her the Idea of the dig- gi^ of gravea. Yes, it oartainly resembled the measured strokes of spade 3, the dull thad of earth aa it fell on earth, uid now and then there waa a murmur aa of aubdued voices and a faint rolling and oreaking, such as might have been caused by the passage to and fro of hand-liarrows. Pressing her face as dose agdnst the window aa ahe was able, she looked down to right and left and soon became awaro that a number of tiny, glow-worm like lights were moving to and fro almost under- neath that side of the palaoe, and about two hundred yards to the right of the window she was looking out from, but hardly had she made this discovery when the door of her room was suddenly opened and the flash of a lamp almost blinded her. Only for a moment, by reaaonof itesadden- neu and Ita exoeaalve brightness, and then Nellie reoognizad behind it the Prinoesa Zseneh and the horrid woman with the aick- ly leer. Thia witoh followed her miatoeaa and faatoned the door behind her. "Put down the lamp on that low brae-, ket," aaid the princeaa, and directly ahe waa. obeyed ahe tomed fiercely npon tiie English girl and added: "Go you over to that pile of oashlons directly under the light. Yoa need sot ohooae year attitude, becauae we ahall put you in f everal before we have done with yon. We are going to tickle you, Uttie one, thit la all, to-night." She laaghed bitterly aa she uttered the last word, for ahe had reaolved to tortare her prisoner by degrees. Nallie did aa ahe waa bidden but the next command waa that aha should atrip heraelf, and this, rather than lie roughly handled by the two women, ahe alao com- mencsd to do, and indeed with somewhat of alacrity, for a hops arose within her that her naked lovelineaa would aoften her per- aecntora' hearts towarda her andjorce them to treat her gently. She began to doubt ita power, however, when upon tha removal of her dreaa (one that she had obtained of Marie) and the oon- aequent expoanre of her exquiaite neck, arma and ahouldera, tha prinoeaamerely gave vent to a oontemptnona laugh, and ralaing her own great, brown bat by no means unlovely iMaonu, drew forth from andameath them a withered flower and a (nm that aeemed to flash with ndnbow hued flsunei. " Behold, yoa thrice accuraad Kaffir, tha ring that I gave him when I lowered my lineage, my rank, my faith and my mlde In the very dust for hia aake. Tea, I risked death and far worse, ineffabla disgiaca, to behold him yet again, but wlien tha sdm- mona of the lotua had brought him onto my preaenca and I was ready to aarrandar aU thinga up onto him, aye, even to tha wraok- ing af my faith by msniaga with a Ghioar, he flung my love and my wondrona con- desc jnaion back In my faoe, and had the effrontery to toll ma that 'twaa an earth- worm Uka thee who had dared to enter into competition for hia love with a daughter of the Pharaoha and who had f atharmora borne away the prize. Prize, indeed I It would have bean one that woold have daatroyad my aoul. Yet, as aarely aa tliat in hia in- aulting and contemptuoas indifference to my charms he cast even my love gift, this ring, upon the floor ere he withdrew forever from my preaenca, I will kill thy mind, evaa though 1 dare not bruiae thy bady. Di^re not, did I aay By Allah 1 I wiU dare if I ohooaa. Strip, aoonrsad Feringhee !â€" atrip I" Tha great teara roae to NelUe'a ayea and trinkled down-on to her beaatlfal breaata. Her fingera were boay with her coraet cbups new, but they trembled ao tliat they oenld not nndo them. Bat the princau waa in no harry, for ahe found it pleasant to gloat over her prison- er's plump and quivering w4ilteness. on the roanding of her arms, the dimpltng of her ahonlders a: she fought with the obatinato oorsat d wsps. Butfirsaentiy ooa gave way, then another, then naotber. Nellie 1 (okad dawn npon her bsaateous aalf with a sigh, and then up at the two women in silent queationing, for ahe felt that har levelineas was pleading far more eloqaently for pity and gentle treatment than words could do. She oould hardly imagine tliat any one could poaaaaa saffioiant oraalty to redden it even with dapa, and thna it waa almoat with a amfla of victory that aha looked up, bnt tha azpraaaion of the faoa diaagad Into one of tarrwr aa tha princeaa aoraamad out ** I oMinot kaap my lianda off har. She makea ma giddy and my heart beat to look at her. Sha most owa sooh beanty to tha devil, for aha oaa have got it in no other way. Sha must hava add iMtaaU to tha fiend to wfai my Fariaghaa lovar firam aia. Idonotwondar aow that aha aaooaadad, lot tiis davil protaot bar now if ha aan." Witli thaaa watda dia flonf iMnalf oa tiiapoorgiri, and thad, tliad, thndwaat har flata agaiast tha yialdiag, mlpltatiag flsph, wharaapoa tho loTalf vlama ottarad a ffhrill inraaai, and iaaa iaataat a vivid and ghaatly glai* lighted ap tha aatira ehambar, oaadag bath har aasaHaata to duiak la tarn aad raah tkan'rom ia tha moat abjaot rtate of tarror. CHAPIBB XLW. SATID BT XH KLICTBIC FLASHâ€" HIS SHBAH AWLR? The ghaaUy white i^ara that had aaddea- lylnvadad ITallie's prlsoa ehambar, and wUoh a aa m a d brighter than tiia ana at noon- day, waa In fact tha alaotric light, fltahed along tha ooaat from tha Britiah ironolad Saperb, ao that it ndght be ascertained whether in diaobadlanca to ^e Sultan'a or- deraandthaprombeof the Egyptian nota- blea the forta were bdng atlll furtlier atresgthened and armed. !fhla, to the E^yptiana, perfeotiy novel method of illumination auddody flashed npon tha working party, whoae apadea and iarrowa Nellie liad heud, aiid whose gloir- worm-Iike lantema ahe had seen, as it waa afterwarda asoartained gave them auoh a aoarethatthay threw down their toola and roa^ied pell mdl into the town, acreaming out that " there waa a new sun and it had come out of the water." Since a body of men were so alarmed at the strange sight, It la by no mejuis surpris- leg that the sadden and terrible glare osusad the Princess Zseneh to leave off pummeling Nellie and to jump to the rapid conolnaion that, aa the foul tiend had beatowed auoh beanty npon her, he waa coming in person in order to see that she wasn't robbed of It, and the same idea having seized upon the buffoon, their helter-akdter retreat waa the moat natural thing In the world. They looked the room door in their rear, and when this had been done the princess summoned up sufficient oourage to stoop down and peer through the keyhole. But though the light had by that time quitted the room agdn, the fact did not at all reassure her, but rather tho reverse, and she aaid to the buffoon in aaawer to her quea- tion whether they ahonldn't now so in again and finish what tiiey had intanded to do " I am afraid Shaltan only left baoause we left. If we went in again he would come again also, and perhaps ahow ua hia terrible form or even tear us to pleoea. You may depend upon it, Elmarr, that the Kaffir haa an amulet about her by which she summons the fiend whenever she needs him, and I no- ticed that inatoad of trying to olutoh my wrista as I struck at her, she merely shield- ed her breasta with one fat vrhite arm and dived her other hand down amongst the clothing which she had just taken off. It waa aaauredly to feel for toe amulet, and the moment that ahe trraaped It that fearful light cune, which muat have been the reflection of theflunea of hell, imd the next ioatant Shalten hlmaelf would have bean olutehing na If we had not got away aa quickly aa we did. I'll never t^ any trioka on her again until that amulet ia got avay from her. Be that your tuk, good Etmarr." The buffoon looked by no means over- pleaaed with the job that had been set her. " Inshallah, I don't fed Uke disturbing her again to-night," aaid ahe. " No, not even to bring the Ught away, I would not do Itfor thebrtghteal jswdinyonr hlghncss'a casket." " I do not require it of you, good Elmarr. L)t her have the lamp and the reat of the night aa well to heneU But when day oomes it will be a very diffarent matter. The devil and hia impa have littia or no power in the daylight, and aa yoo will be the Kaffir'a aole attendant, you muat then gat the amulet either by guile or by force. Strike her, bite her, do anything to her in order to forio her to give It up to you, for now tiiat I hava looked upon her I cannot bring myaelf to spare her. I throw my proimse to the winds. I will not only tickle, but I will thump and daw aa well, aya, and I will whip her, too. Oh, how I will whip her for daring to be more lovely than myaelf, and haw aha ahall writhe aaid palpltoto and qnivar in the lioking, burning amarting oolu of tha thong. Left alone, Nellie even tuahad to the win- dow to learn tlia cauaa of tha light, for aha herialf waa aomawhat darmad thereby, fancying that the palace might be In flamea. When, however, ahe aaw that it atraaming forth from tha blaok sida of ono of tha hose British ironolada and tha ex- tremity of ita nya moving dowly along the ooaat, all her alarm vaaiahed. She now knew what It waa aad guessed ita object aa well, aad tha thought that brave aad ohivalrooa fellow oonatrymea were working it and stadylog Ita results, while she was a hapless captive ia a Moham- medaa haren, threateaed hourly with per- seeative tortare aad, perhaps, murder, affected har ao deeply that aha retreated with fdtering atepa to her pile of oudiioaa, aad ainking thereon contemplated with teara and aobs 'neath the mellow light of the oil lamp tha pink aplotohaa on har j^nmp, dimplad ahouldera and full, rounded right arm, where the furioua princeaa' blowa had fallen on her, moaning pitoo: ay "Oh, how could ahe How could ahe have done it 7" And s she gradudly sank down at full length among the yielding cnahions, and falUng again asleep awoke no more until the morning. (to be continuzd The LdTdr's Fatal Blunder. " Loalae," said he, as they aat in the par- lor together a few evenlnga before the riaii^ of tha honeymoon â€" " I ought to tall you that I belong to a M taonio lodge, and have t attend Ita aeaaiona a 1 dearaat, when we are married yoamocn't fret if aome evania^a I have to be away from my Uttie wlfay-pl- fey." And the designing viliala chocklad at his prudence. •• Of courae I wonV William," ahe aaid aof tly *â- how many lodgea do yoa bdong tor " Odyone, darb'ng," ha ana wared. "Aad when daea it meat! How often? Oa what avaning ' '0i, oDoa a weak â€" onâ€" on Thoradaya." "Very well; than I ahaU hava yoa at homo every other avening in tha weak â€" that will be ao aloa." And aa aha took oat her tiny aota-book aad made a aiamoraBdnm oa tiie aabjsat, ha fdtthat, after all, ha had aiada a miatake. Tha pagiliat who atrikaa oat qnioklj bollaraa in tha Inunadiato dattraiy a} ataai. (7o«r:(7^)r(iridapariac ia maglatrata'a •ar) " A ooopla oataMo ^wstato yon to j4a thaaL" Metf/igtraU "ShiTaU'cm ril ba arooad tha ootaer ia liro ndnatea." GomH Ofiotr ' It^ a Toeag ooapla, air, is waan to gat asarrlad." MagiitnU*: "Chi tdl 'aai thayll hava to wait natfl tbaoeortisadJMmad.' FBABFUL MDSDEBS BT A BOT. Me Kills ns mthur, Motlier, Brother. 4^« Ustor. Onaof tha aioat horribla mnrdara ever known waa psrpetrated the other morning near Oiaga Mlaslon, Kaasaa, Mr M mdell^ Uviag thirtaaa milaa aortheait of that to wa. awakaaed about 3 o'dook by a aoraam. He went to the door and waa met by WlUla Sdla, tha son of a neighbor, J. W. SaUa. The boy cried out: " Mr. MendeU, a maa la at our house with a hatohet, and hai hurt father and mother. I don't know how badly. " Mr. Menddl went with the boy, arouaing J. T. Bice, another neighbor, on the way. Upon reaching Sall'a houae a moat horrible Bight met their eye. Iq tba bed in tho north room lay Walter, Willie'a eldeat brother and bad-fellow, agsd 19, hia throat out and the entire top of nl« head chopped off. expoaing the brain, and hia left eye hanging upon his cheek. Faaslng into the aoath and main racn. where a light was burning, thev stombled over the prostrate form of Mr. Sail's, hia head crushed and al- most severed from his body. Naar by lay Mrs. SaUs, a lady of 43 years, her head mashed and a fearful gash in her throat. On the bed in the sca;heast corner of the reom lay Ina, Willie's sister, aged 14, killed in the samaway as the other Lying near Mr. Sella'a head was a bloody butcher knife, and on a chair a hatohet, covered with blood. The boy said that he had been awakened by something, and looking up saw a lew, heavyset man with dark hai"-, cut close, standing in the door. This man stopped in, and, reaching over WilUo,, Htruok Walter, whobky on the baok of tha bad, W.lxie jumped out and dressed while the man was still in the room. The man rushed out of one door while Willie rushed out of the other, and started np the road on a run, Willie after hini. A short distacca off stood a man on horseback, hbldiag another horse, upon whloh the mm vaulted, a:nd both made off. WIlUe then went oh to Mr. Mandell's. After the bodies had bean diaoovared Mr. Rlos took Willie home with liim, where he alept soundly nutU morning. A Coroner'a jury was impanelled, and the subsequent investigation brought fourth from tha boy. Suspidon rested upon liim, and he waa put on the stand. He awore that he had not washed Ida handa ainoa the murder, bui In- apection ahowed that, while his hands and wristj were dean, there was a water mirk above which hia forearms were deeply en- omatod with blood whloh appear«d to have apatterad up hia aleevea. Around hia finger nails, too, waa blood. Upon removing hia trouaera. hia drawera wera aaen to be spat- tered with blood, an i h|j bare feet were .C3vered with the same toll-tale marks. His feet fitted all the bloody footmirks to ba found. The boy stoutly denied bsing tha murderer, and maintained a bold front throughoat. The oouclusion of the Inquest waa post- poned until next day. The hoy was smug- gled Into a bnzgy by Police Jadge Cambsm and Daputy Sheriff Locke and driven to jaU In Erie for fear of Ijmohiag. which ap- peared imminent. Oa the w^y to Erie he said to Mr. Cjimbem "Those fellows tried to gat ma to say that I did It. but I thought it would be bast not to admit it." There la liardly a doubt that the boy com- mitted the dreadful crime. It Is known that Mr. Sella had in hfai p3oketbook $100 In gold aad $170 In bills, whioh were not disturbed, bssides three watohes. John HaU of Erie has been appointad guardiaa of tha boy. The Two Aneels. FBOH THS eSBMAH. Darkness tails. The voloa of day is dviag, TwUigfat slowly eresps aonws the aky. Lo, two brother angela earthward flying â€" Sleep and Deathâ€" with errands from on Ugh. One of them, in heavenly baanty glowiDc, Scatters grains of slomber far at d wide, wmoh the rising breesas geatly bl nring Wtft from houss to house oa every bide. Soon the waaiy an are soundly sleeping Pain at laai the bad of dokaaai fifas, 8ire«t rapoM lias hushed the mourner's waepiog Kind obllTioa closed hia tearful eyes. Now tba aged, weary, ura-o'erUden, And the Infaat on his mother's am. And the ruddy jronth and blooming maiden Sweetly rest without a thoogbt of harm. " Whan they waken, brother, they will gladly Praise me for tha good which 1 bestow." " Nona to me." the other answered sadly, " Thanks will reader. I am called their foe." " Nay, far »II tha (tood will praise thoe, brother, When nnt3 a br^hler life they rise. When their blessed spirits maet eaoh other In tha â- Uaing fieliu of Paradise." Oonjoscal Devotion. Not Ion; ago as an elderly couple were oat wdkl^, a lady on the other side of the street sUppaid and fell down. The old gen- tleman rushed aorosa the atreet, raised hia hat and offered to asist her in any possible way. His wife followed him acrass at ia slow pace, and, witaessing his devotion to the atranger, ahookherfistathim, "It's all rightâ€" it's dl right I" he whisperad. "Yes, I know It Is 1 ' she exclaimed hotly. " Here an un- known woman hnrta her toe, and you plough acrosa the atreat to eat har np with Und- neaa. The other day, when I fell down stairs, yon stood and laughed, and wanted to know If I was praotiaing for a ctrcna I' Sir Alexander Stuart, ex-Premier of Ne Sooth Walea, ia now in Denver. It la feared th%t tha Swedish Miuiater Kjdt, will never b j aprocoinoed auooaas. Vloa Chaaodlor Bacoa ia the eldeat Judge OB tha beach in England. He is 88 yeara old, aad is'raniarkably weU preserved, A Und-heartod man sent an old friend, a tramp, to a reataarant with an order fordfawer. The biU eame in for nine beers andaoigar. Noaity arery day somebady aaeartba aa ** old riiyoM " of a mateordo^oal oharaoterj anoh aa, ** If Fabrosry givea mnoh anow, a flea anmniar it doth foraahow" or, **If Maroh ia fall of wiad and rain, Um ftmaar wiU Itava a good erop of gtaia." Thaae •* aid riiymaa" â€" -*â€" â€"â€" «i^ are aow lafaaterad ia -Si (1 p ' â- i ili 'â- â- A â- s over/ eBtamlaiag aawapapar office, and llwy araTarinad qalte aa often aa tha •* old rliyaMS " made a oaatary aao. Hara'a oae, isr iaatsaaa, ttat auty ba dapasided apan ** It iaJaaak Jaly aad Aagaat na raip naie ba^ a Tscj itfwmamin yon'U sardy saa." iilMiiM^^i^^