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Markdale Standard (2), 25 Mar 1886, p. 2

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 Vl i J: n Â¥. .} i â- â- i I r i I i II ]:i ' ;• » 1 ii?^ i- *:*: 1 NOTING FOLKS. A Spelliiuc Lesson- Paople, M a nO^ »» pMtl(ml« abort th^ n# to be bUmed to ^^J^"' SmytheaJfiB-loiig enemy by wiMog bis in the pleb^ fMhIon-Smith. Here ii » Doit.mMter%ho wm extremely uxlou to have the name of hb city ipeUed properly The poet-maeter at Buffilo, in making up the mall far B Inghamton. penirted in in- â- erttog the^*^ in addreailng the package, though the,#:i«hamtoB port-maater had written to Uikon the rabjeot. explained that the "p'TBould bo ondtted, and aeked ^tthe oSnWilon be made. T*" Buffalo pc8tma«tor pud no attention to the re- qneat. oontinu^ to addreii the paokagea aa iLfn^. m.T,A finallT the Binghamton man, a Indlyidnal, got mad. â- omewhat pegBery â€" -^ c u » He had to addfcae a mail package to Buf falo dally, and, liter making it np, he wrote upon the outride In big lettera the word • Buffalop." adding beneath it the mea- â- age: " There 1 How do yon like to have the name of your old town apelled with a 'p, oo '" Itiaaaid that thia reformed the Buffalo official. thongh we Sb0VOe T " Ah 1" thoaght Pleire, " » *â- *".* w«. atoeiing ^moth«'a Ught^ Wfc« Uy down that aigfat. he «"« ta^* •»* •«- ed God to gaide hhn wrer lifea rough t^ The moniha want rapidly by. Iheoold, hard blarta of wlnt« dro« •«•" .^•' and like plowa *b^_5«~t«P fi^iS watera. Then cam. â- pttof, with fta aef tor aba, and the longer daya kindled in tha aky that longer light in which the aea rolled and flaahed Uke a vaat oryataL Sprfag, though, did not aoften the cough that had att^ed Flerre and with which he valaly '""He can't Uva long," lald the old doc- tor of the famUy " he may go any day. One atormy idght the boy lay dyii« father, mother, Coaette, Victor, Clemen- tine, gathered In teara about Ua bed. Pierre waa wandering In hia thoughta he fancied he waa far off on the aea. The waTca, he aaid, were running high. " Don't yon be afraid for me," he arid, in low tonea, looking round on thoae who wept at hIa ride. " I ahill-niake-harbor I m ateering by mother'a-Ught " and guided by prayer, ateering by a mother a HgM, «i»e fisher- boy quickly reached heaven and home. Steerin? by Mother's Light. He put hia handa to hia month aa If he bad placed a apeaklng-trumpet there, and then ahouted through them. " Hnlâ€" lo Hnlâ€" loâ€" oâ€" o 1 There waa no anawer aave that of the heavy awaah of the sea at hia feet. Xeither waa there anything to be aeen, only a vaat thick curtain of gray miat faUIng every- where over the aea. ^, 4 ,n. He made another speaking trumpet with hia handa and ahoutod agrin, but there was no reapoEBB. Neither did the fog break be- fore hta piercing cij. Sullen and gray it hunf down over the aea, .. ^. "*I don't aee," aaid Pierre, •• where the fiahing boata are. And, of courae. It don t do any good to call, but then, when one don't know what to do, whyâ€" why he will try anytaing. Gnesa^ I wUl go into the houae and aee mother." t He walked up the hard landy beach, climbed the hnmmocka In the rear, and then dropped down into a coay valley that aeveral aged willowB overshadowed. Under one of these trees was Pierre's home. "Any word from the boata!' aaked a mnaloal voice. ^.t â-  « That la mother," tkoaght Pierre' She waa atooping over the fire of drltt- wood that ahe had begun to make on the broad and blackened hearth. " Any newa from the boats " ahe aaked again. " It la time for the Qahermen to be at home.*' " Nothing," he aaid. "Threeboata went out, Pierreâ€" laaw them goâ€" your father'a, your uncle Laula and vour uncle Pierre'a.' /. .i Yea, three boats had gone to the fiahing arounda iuatoflf a rough, reeky pointâ€" three boats rooking on the reatleaa, aurging aea. " Four of the neighbora went with your uncle Louia." " I know it, mother. All men in that heat " " And Coaette went in your father'a." " Yea, and ahe la aa good aa a man in a **°"Goodaaaman " Ooaetto, Pierre'a big sister, could manage a b)at bettor than aome men. „ Beridea Coaette, two othera of the famUy were In that boatâ€" Clem and Victor, Pierre a big brothera, strong and muacular. " I aaw the boate off the pomt, mother, two houra ago, and I could see Coaette ajkand- tog intheatimof father'a boat. Uncle Pierre'a was farther out, ita aril aet, and the boat waa akipping away." „„«.„ "God keep themi " murmnred the mother. •• I don't like to have them late when the aea la rough. Gcd keep them ' " I will go out and aee how thlnga look now " He aeon came back and reported that the fogaeemedtobe acattoring and the wind " 6*ould you hear the wavea off the Big Rockf " Yea, I could hear them." -,, The mother aighed again and agrin. The wavea off " Big Rock " meant the aurf around a lofty shore-ledge at high-tide and when a atorm waa approaching, the agita- tion of the aea abcnt thia ledge waa very violent and noi^. She w«»* *•**;• t"" Uatened. and then riowly climbed the worn Btrirwa^ leading to her littie chamber un- der the roof. „ •« I think I wUl go up ataira," ahe mur- " It' won't do any good, mother," cried Pierre, who knew what riie propoaed to do. •a wirii yon only thought It would, 'shl'lightoda lamp, set it in ^the narrow Jndow^A then bowed her head in prayer, tt^Te^habit on atormy "igM- "»* !•»!«? hldoareleariy joked about It, and yet It i^oSyffioa.haaurface. T»»e^t«7ie^ ^i of the «5a awed him «d H Ua Sde had not prevented, he would have de- SSadhbpnrpoae tolookto ftatGodwho hSTwInd ttJl^ve alike i^V^ While a mother at home waa praymg by thellahtod lamp aoula at aea were watohing it Thettr^toata had been bewllder«i intiiefog. Twooftiiemhadatnmbledona llttta bland, in coa HACKED TO DEATH- An ExpKssMesaeBKer Murdered la HU car. The expreaa car of the Rock Island train which leavea Chicago at 11 p. m. waa boarded by robbera at Jollet at 1 o clock tiie other morning. KsUogg NIchola, ex- preu meaionger of the United Statea HjX- presa Company, waa killed, and money and jewelry valued at about $35,000 were atolen. Niohoia attended to hia dutlea at Joliet, but when the train arrived at Morria, twenty milea beyond Joliet, he did not open the doer of tiie oar. The local agent at Illorria forced open the deor. and found Nichols lying dead on the floor of the car, with hia throat cut from ear to ear and hia head horribly cut and cruahed. The baggageman waa feund bound and gag- ged in the next car. The aafe waa broken open and ita cententa gone. Aa the train doea not atop between Joliet and Morria it la approximatoly certain that the robbara boarded the cara at the former place. The faita of the express robbery aa learn- ed from the baggageman ara that, ahortly after the train left Joliet at 12 45 a m., he heard a rap at the baggage oar door. Think- ing it wai the expreaa meaaenger he opened the door and waa confionted by maaked rabbera, who covered him with revolvera and forced him to give np the key to the expreaa oar. The baggageman was guarded by one of the robbera, ^whlle the balance tamed their attentien to the expreaa car. It la auppoaed they obtained entrance to the expreaa car by rapping and explaining that the baggageman wanted to get In. At any rate the expreaa car dorr waa opened and the deaperadoea entered and then en- Bued a battle fcr life and the property en- trnatod to hia charga on the part of the ex- preaa meaaenger. The interior of the car shawa that he fought the robbera from one end to the other, but at laat the blawa that they rain- ed on hii head with an Iron poker forced him to aucoumb, and he waa left dead in the car. The thievea rifled hia pookete of the keya of the aafe, whioh they robbed of all Its contente, varioualy eatimatod at from $20,000 to $25,000. Checka and valuable paokagea not centalniDg money they left .Msattered on the floor. In one hand the dead man clutched a lock of dark hair, which mnat have been torn from the head of one of the aaaaaaina. Sheriff Rlelz and Chief of Police Murray have erguiiaed a poaae and are aoonring the country in pursuit of the robbera. The Rook laland RaDway will offer a "re- ward of $10,000 for the capture of the men who committed the expreaa robbery, and $5,000 for the arrest of any of them. The baggegeman haa been arreated on auapinon of being Implicated. ♦-♦»â-  of iriuMO oovaa they wMhrahritoriortiie night. The boat be Sningto Ptana's fatiiar 1 had not baan so wind roaa and tiie 5"'*^^r^" OeSia's k, SS»rÂ¥ WdhSlo-. -arohing for towaid • dim ilariiol gaW aff o« tha walar^ •^aka for «-»*." "!!»" 5« " •ru. 1^ ai the boat waa pobtod toward •^ttl KSS?w-be5liad In a imla riiritar- "Stnlawa ara!" sh«rted Vfctor, attha *^ot*«SrQ-l" «Wl th. a,oth«, ^dowmthaalainray. hailainDiahar C3aetifc " -aw It la tha wW( "Do You Mean Me?' "An unprecedented afirir (writoi a cor- respondent) happened at a littie country church on a recent Sunday evening. A young man, accompanied by a female, at- tended aervice there, aa they had frequently done before. It appeara that the young man, either for convenience (the pew being crowded) or Ir jm force ef habit, placed hia arm on the top of the seat behind his com- panion. Judge his anrprlae, and that of the congregation alao, when the minlater, hav- offared up the prayer, exclaimed, ' Take yonr arm from that woman'a wriat, will yon V Of courae, at thIa there waa a gener- al look to diacover the guilty one, the young man himaelf being unable to realize hia po- rition. Giving another look at the minlater, he waa met with the worda, You, I mean don't you hear I' Aa there oonld be nO mla- take thia time, the young man anawered, *D« ycu mean meT' The mlnlator arid, 'Yea take your arm from that woman'a walat 1 â€" I bag yonr pardon, rir, replied the young man; my arm is not rotnd her wrist.' â€" ' Don'tanswer main chnroh,' sridthe rev. gentlamtr. ' Very well,' replied the young man. I will leave your churoh;' and picking up bis hat, ha did so.' A Ghastly Token. Sadie Hayca,the colored woman under aentence of death for the murder of Police Sergeant Jenka, at St. Louia, haa a lover named Wm. LvMy, who Is as black as she la. She wanted aome tangible proof of hb love, and arid that It he really loved her aa he prafessad, he would, before their fiari separation, present har with a ring he were, with the flagei^n whioh It was worn. The other day ha was to] be taken to the peni- tentiary, having beai aaatonoad to a tarm of three years fw burglary. The sama evaa- bg hb swaathaart taoolvad tiia darired prooi of hb loveâ€" tiia littia finger of hb r^ht hand adonad with the rug. Laoey hM aelaally aawad evoat off hb llttia finger at the joint with a atari shank ta^en from hb shea aad sharpaaad on Ilia ban bars of hb oaU. fia w rap ped the bbeding stomp at tiie finger In hb taaadkarohlaf (and btar it waa amputated and dressed by a sugaon. H^Wa aaw I* in ti»o wlndaw. A droaksB Loatavilliaa want into a bro kar's cffisa where thare were three boys an* ployed. He ordered them to 'fall la" at the point of hb pistol, manned tham to a back room, aad thara, andarttaaatsof Inunadlato dsatt^ forced Oem to drink winooatil they wara all drank and very si^ FSBBOIAL. Mr. F. Marion Crawfoid wlU praaantiy relorntoAmailoaforanrit. Mr Thomas A. Bifasn ^U spmd ate wi£ iTllSlda wtth 1^ brida. aad prob- IKrwm not return to New York dty be- fori tha middle of May. T^akMn J Hill of S^^ Paul, Minn., b a«?S::n'Lfil«ool»«tfonrf dbmoaj in tiia United Stotea. and hia f ri«ds speri. of him as tiio " Jack of Diamonds. rr u » i«flHitKrv Lamar! b credited witn haSi.^JaSrwSkid Ori«ri IngeraoU for hirUgSyvTlnfiddiW, and exP""^; hiW^STe wIU aoma day baoome a Chris- tlam preacher. Qaaan Natrito b arid to^ba tiie most baStifri woman In Servb; but ""-jj" fagrwaly Ubried by the l^y.S^ taSTofher.tha statement b pretty rough on the other Servian women. Mr. John Drew, tiie father of ^•J^ clergym«i to whom Miss Mary Gb^f"' WM^wriod, bone of tiie most active and ardent Conservatives In DaTPWuhbe, and a Tory of tiie stem and unbending typa. Itb said tiiat Thebaw, tiie »^lngof Burmah, never touches Uqnor, »J ««* »• offioers of ttie veaari which took Mm ^hb place of exUe tried to tempt him with every Und of drink, from gin to champagne, witu- out effect. A celebrated Italian actress and ringer, Blanoa Donadlo, Intends to take the veU. She belongs to a devout Parlrian family, and during her stay In Florence, where she has been lately acting, she sent all the flowers given to her on tha stage to the chnrchea. Justice Chltty of London waa recentiy trying a case when a largo piece of plaater feU from the celling upon the canopy under which he waa ritting. " Flat juatitia, rnat ccelum." he exolalined and went on with thetriid. Count Herbert Blamarok bnottogoaa German Ambaasador to England. He b the right-hand man of hia father In the Berlin Foreign Office, and will atoy there, ready ts become the head of the depart- ment on the Chancellor's death or retire- ment, Mr. James E. Murdoch, the veteran actor, at the age of 76 enjoys good herith and the poaseasion of unlnsralred facultlea. He has a pleasant home at Cflneinnati, where he Ukea to receive viritora and dbouBa the paat and the preaent of the] American atage. The PaU Mail Gazette b being aued for libel by Mra. Broughton, at whoao house Jarrette made the arrangement whioh led to the abduction of Elf zi Armatrong and her inbaeqaent Impriaonment by Stead Siud hb aafoclktee. Hia enemiea aaalst the woman with her anlt. Police Jnatloe George A. Meeoh of Chica- go, who haa brought a libel auit against the Rev. Dr. Kittredge, la a aon of the officer who in the War of 1S12 commanded the privateer "General Armatrong," and through his mother a deaoendant of Wil- liam Brewater, who waa one of the company of the Maj flower. Mlaa Cleveland haa adopted for use in her correapondence a crest which b a copy of thejnew aeri recently provided for the Frealdent, and ahowa tiie brid-headed eagle, not with winga outetretehed is formerly, but with hia wearied (dniona at rest upon the breaat of the eagle reate the familiar ahield, with ita thirteen atripea and thirteen atara. The creat b printed In dead gold and below It appear the worda, " The Preal- dent'a Houae " The Queen haa taken the recent lectare of the Standard to heart and b emerging from her long aeclnrion. Being in town for the drawfaig-room thb week ahe drove three aepante days In the park. She has further prombed to attend public conven- tions In the city, and If she will consent to ante-date her jubilee, that celebration may take place this aummer. It b hoped that ahe will undertake royri pregreas through the great towna. Sir Henry James, London Iruth says, la the victim of a amart repartee. Hb oppo- nent at Bury arid that he ao greatly re- apected Lord Sallabnry, that If he were to propose Home Rule, he should veto In favor of It. Sir Henry replied that he respected Mr. Gladstone quite as much, but that if a hundred Gladstones ware to propose Heme Rule, he should vote agrinst rs. Sir Uenry wrote to the chairman of hb oemmittee to ask him whether, under the present olrcnm- stances, thb ntterahoe preolnded him from joining Mr. Gladstones administration. The chrirman replied that It did. Prince Erapotkine, the learned and famous anarchbt, reoentiy released from a French prison, has decided to make hb home In Hampatead, Eng., and expects to spend there in peace and quietade tiie dos- ing years of hb adventnrens and troubled life. He Intends, however, before resuming hb duties, to make a tour of Fngland and America for the purpose of deuTerIng a seriss of lectures, in whioh he will define hbownvitwsnpon soolribm and desertba the present aspect ef tha revolnttenary movement thronghont tha world as viewed from the inride. Prince Paaori do Bonrboun, brother of the ex-Ung of Naples, hat juat figured In a po- lice coort, bring ohargad with fraud in riv* bg a mortgage for $160,000 npeahb vflla whbh he had already mortgaged to its fall vriue of $39,000. Tha Prboa aet up a de- fence that he reodvad no money Oonridecar tteo for tha mortgaga, but wine whiob ha sold and onlv raaUaed $10,000. Thamart- gagars tried toaeU the villa and extort tha full amount of tha mortgage, bntthaprinoe waa acqidltod on tbe gronndthat no inten- tion to commit fraud had baan pravan^ Lird Wabdey'i rofnsal to pay feoa to tiie Herald's Callaga lor Ua aaw ttb aad to Ulster King ef arms and hb affiidab far tin fasignlaofSt PaMok, odbvpa atotyof howa similar addlMsn of bdapeaOmoa was dsaH witii by Gaorga lY. A oartaia faughtaf WfadaorraoatTad tha order ol St. Mbharia ndSt. Gaoiga, aad after tta la- veaUtuia a bill for the aaori aaumnt of fsaa wasaantto hbs, wUehha awora aottilBS woBid indnfla him to pay. Thara THE WOBLD OVER in tiie new No oneoaa dooamsBt wtth tha (rilowiiu; andonameat by tte paymtilthaelalmb obaraJ." PiMidv a Franoh horsa that waa looked arSJT^tii oSSi raori«ra. whaa t»o ySan old, wUl «»«*|PP!" Franoh olroaa aa a triok norae. ride him. Tha moat brilliant soiree given leoentty inSrfswaatiiataf tiie Princes* Yonrieos- ky. formerly the Princess Djlgororitl, wi- dow ofiJoxander IL All the swell world was there. An aeithetio Worceator horao wUl tear any cheap blanket that may be thrown over it faito shreds, but seems Immensely pleas- ed when covered with one tiiat b oostiy and laantifal. A colored rrilroad porter says of travel- ling brides: " •Sporienoe teaohea mo dat dey b tickled mlgfi^y af y?» "^*^".j!!! huibands for brudders. I does I* ^bery time, now, an' hiu 'em fo' a dollar, shuah." Robert Morris, • ««»'8'»^ ""^S"' V been sentenced to be hanged on fpnl 16. When the Judge aentonoed him he laughed, and to tiie ShtSiff he said "Send mo plen- ty to eat, so that I wUl be heavy enough to break my nook when I fall." A new gun, 50 oaUbre, has been tasted in Kalamazoo, whioh, with one ounce of pow- der, drove a steel baUet two inches long through four § inch iron plates, and dented the fifth. It Is aaid a cannon made on the aame principle wIU throw a bril fifteen milea. Birbara Robinson, a little uneducated nine-year-old negro girl of West Point, 6a., bids fair to rivri Blind Tom aa aplanbt. She plays with wonderful correctness wy composition that ahe haa once heard. Like Tom ahe aeems oblivloua to everything elae when liatening to murio or playing the piano. A GoorgU farmer, who was carefully roar- ing a nice Utter of Berkahire plga, oouldnt account for the dUappearanoe of all but three. One day he heard one rqueallng ahrllly In the air and aaw a big buzzard Bail- ing off with It. The farmer ahot the buz- zard, and buzzard andj pig fell to the ground The big anew atorm In Maine packed the principle itreetalin Dixmont with a drift fifteen feet high, and so solid that horses could be driven over It. The young men and boya of the village tunneled thb drift, and after two daya'work, made a tanrel 175 feet long, 7 ffeet high, and 8 feet wide, through which teama were driven for sever- al days. At a reoent Dnnkard baptismal service at Jonea'a FaUa, Md., one of the baptbei peraona, a young woman, was nearly stran- gled at the aecond dip, and ao proatratod at the third that ahe had to be carried to a neighboring home and revived. A thirteen- year-old girl eodured the ordeal with a amll ing face. E loh waa in the ice cold water at leaat ten minutes. Dr. Henry Collier, a Geergb dentbt, was set upon the other night by three neproes, who demanded hb money. Putting hb hand in hia pocket and aaying, "Well, I anppoae I'll have to give it to yon," Dr. Collier pulled a putol and did give it to them. Ha killed one, wounded another, captured the third and marched him to the lockup. The fourth footpad was lucky snough to get away. A huge California hawk swooped down on a sleepiog'cat at Santa ^Rosa the other day, and bore it aqueallng and acratohlng high in the rir. When about 500 feet high the hawk lost ita grip, and the cat came down with feariul velocity, but the hawk caught it again juat before it atrack the the earth, aad waa carrying It off, when suddenly both fell like lead to the ground. The oat had Mtten through the hawk'a head killing It Inatantly, and the faU kiUed the oat. R. B Swankin of North Manchester, Ind., had the reputation of whipping hb wife and abusing hb children. One nht a mob of men and boys went to hb house and told him ho must quit the town at once. They gave him time to pack two gripsacks, and then they marched him down the main street, a big fellow walking behind and catting hb legs with a cattle whip. When the town limlta were reached he waa Strip- ped and aonndly whipped with blackanake whipa. Thb la the aeoond oocnrrence'of the kind reported from Indiana within a few weeka. Steamboat Frank, a Modoo Indian who was captared at the time of tiie Modoc war, and who b still a prlaoner of the United Statea, b attending, by permit of the Gov- ernment, the Oak Grave Smlniry in Maine. He now calls himself Frank Modoc, and Is studying for the mmlstry. He Is making good progress in his studies, and is apnar- entiy a devout Christian. He b proud of hb desoent from a long line of Modoc chief- tains, and oondnota himaelf with trne In- dbn dignity. The prevention of decay in wood is said to be effectively aooompuahod by exhaust- ing the air from tha poras and fimng them with a gntta peroha solution, a substance Which preaerves the wood alike from mois- ture, water, and the aotton of 'the sun. The solntitm Is made by mfaJng two-thirds of gutto peroha to ona-thbd of parafine, thb mixture being then heated to liquify the Eitta peroha, whaa it b readily introduced to the pores of tha we)d, tha affect of the gntta paroha being, whaa it beoomea ooel, to harden tha porea. A goose farm b one of tha onrioalties of anlonltara on tha eastern shore of VIrglnb. Within an area of about 3,000 aorea live 6,000 geaaa, of saveral variatiei, attended by harden aad ragolarly fad with oora, Ac, llie obj eat Is tha oolleotmg of do wn for qnllte and piUowB, and eaca la abont dx weeks a plncikiagtakeaplaoa. Only Mm breaat and «ha ridas under tha wiagi ara plnokad, and ttreqnlraatiiayialdofaaariy 100 gaasato waigta a ponad. Tha raw faaihars are seat to PhUadelphla for daa^ag aad aertiag. Onaof tiia riargyawa of LoobvIUa bat m rate ooasbtoat InUa opporittoa to Soa- day aowspapen. To a^ehnroh aotloa which ha had priatod ia a Satorday arsoiag nawa- p^n ha added a reqaaat to tiie Soaday nawannan aot t9oopjlt» aa^iaaaototo the editor wrote I leaia Oat mv ohoroh the from the tfrnu^aad «ot aad out eppoaad to Sabbath dooaoratfoa, aad do aot wiah to appear to aaoonaga Suaday papara by using them aTaaiathbway." ^lainandPftMi D0U0HIfUT3--0a,J^ ofaweetmUk,twol2P««^ 1 ofUrd, one tS2»:.,»kCS iipoonfuUofo^'J*J^«,M nutmeg. fiMtthefti^" nntU light, then add «lJ^ Mix With flour a,, i^'^liN itrtIffenoughtoroUoJK,J Steambd Bkowsb" loaf take one-half Blat, «.-.» uuo-nait plat «. -T '« i onoplntofsUtedE'J'Hi sour milk, one^halfJK,,"'^^^ spoonful of salt, affihS soda. MixaU heC soda, dlsaolve that i»S and add last, stlniogtH^^ y. Grease a bro^bJid7 bgaclc8elid,aiidh»S."«i t..etltlntoa'keitleS^M«k,, it four hours. Rsm.v »«? pail in tha oven a fe» »""• topofthebread.'"'**?! Sally LcNN.â€"nno «. _. I ofbutterthesr;,o^S^^^jK. little lalt Sift the cream tarfar ..u flour; add the eg^rtfi one-half of the "milk. Hi..? ' UBlntheother-h^'ofttS together very thoro«gU,\ teaspwnfuls of cream t«u,- ofsaleratuB. andaliS White RoLLs.-One cap 01 Bkl one cup of White fl.M,oniubSzl sugar, one.half taajtwrnfuiTT tablespoonful of melted hL;" two cups of milk, baked in » w?| pana. Use Dover egg.beite,c^| whole mass to a creamy lijhtiii...r moment. " A Good CAKE.-One cup of B. J one cup of powdered tugH,on.iriJ cups of flour, two egg,, on. wp7, one level toaapoonfai of Kdi, m, V ful ol extract of vanilla. AftetnL other ingredients, add lait tli,TJ and the ralaina rolled b flon y| until it is creamy, then ponriitb bake at once. Hints and Bn^gestbji How many women there in, ,|1 am^ll families to do for, who iLI hard ways to do their houewoAj impossible for them to enjojaiili Allowthirty minutei forboilinjL and forty Ave minateifoibiiiDgtin| them, if for boiling, and pattleaal water which shall j att cover thm 1 done ponr off every drop o! the ti^l put a towel over the Vettle tfewi Eider down is much nied tbii lining the old-fashioned qnUtel i punphia hoods, and the oldMa Ush pelhses that are being fanportd Cover house plants with nen fore sweep irg alio give then i 0BC3 a week la the water yospiti| No prettier fashisn of weuiig t b seen, than a limple csrenetiHiuilj hair being combed tothemiddiecil loosely braided, and pinned h ali|| a graceful, flufly appearanoe. One bushel and twelve qiaitilf com, or Its equivalent in other keep a fowl a year. And thit b j hen will lay ten and a half dom q annum makes it certain for yoiti| a profit of §1 20 to Jl 73 per i cording aa the prices of et^ii I grain are varied by the nuWi locality. SometimBS a wick btcoma *»* carry up the kerosene wd the 1b out. It yon have not time to prt il wick a'piece of cotton rag pl™«M wlU answer every 'P"P?*,??r good feeder. If a hole ihonld bet the glass chimney paete on » pWl per, which may often be donepi*^ and it will aniwer iti pn^P*" « time, or until yon can get « M*' Sometimes the burner, of tiieloH gnmmy and prevent tM^icu*! ly. BoUthemupinsud.ov.r«fcJ time and they wlU become e work well. A Uttle turpentine in the m«* make clothes very whltej«diji movelnoorrlgibleit«nif«m«g Atable3pocnfdof1^t»£„'a er or a teaspoonful to »« PtIJ There fanoVmell. the boUmg?^ K Ink I. epHIed on the -Jl enough salt on It to. bjorb*,,,' and put on more »lti """3 jil the£k..pot. WU"SlW' taken np,.then bnuih^ J^ properly done not a to««« ^ab. B coal-on iij#»^ tiie manner de.crlbed{ab.«^ botii these remediee wed w ""Tiethlng, feverlBh ol'IlJtJe' quKdbFbsthl-8t".bSi which you have dli8olTed»»^ aaleratuk A«An.lI^»»"°^ A Staple P»W'*?!rft*" Where ivies i»mbW" A Ufa whose iBcei"' ' Here hewS her «n|»j^i* lb, tie* With "82Sft,Ttoii«W. .-^ Audi ^tB^ We've le-n-'^iS.'S*' Bi,Wweloo««-'S .-^" Andcloeelyjorie«j»^l» ^lhIntheho»ee«»" 8eoore,ei O Mother. Jji**^?^" AmIexP*|»D^Jrl

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