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Markdale Standard (2), 11 Feb 1886, p. 5

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 ^H I .4'-*- â-  L_ Ji- ,^4.Spu|P«.J'i4p.|il!J .^'""^iPiDlfpilpiip ^P!!P[ W(P pu.i^- WJi.ui|ii*iyi ;\i.' C«iuteil» Vtl-STf ;! met again Thursday •«- IG^^^J, tbe members pwseiit. Tin mxhb chair. ' ..^-j '"Se, Cbairman of FinAiiee, " report, r Li, doV' which was re- ili«r}ite b0 tl^M "' ^ted and engrosssd on the jlEtf«- ri.l5?r.toapPi'iJ^t a Hi^h School Town of Owen Souud, first, second and third and unmbered resd a julv executea Fsrlaffior the aFTOi"""®"' 9^ » ' ioiamht was read a third time, ,, -j sealed, fc^d engrossed on tha £G,unciimetFridayat2o'eloek ^11 the aembers present, the k rj.n in th2 "^^'^i"' "'^^' Thursday" t[ii were lead and confirmed. In Cl.fik. a? 'hairman of Com- Ue on Eoa^ls an.l Bridges, prese^i^ fereiiortofthesame. fi[r Cbristoe, as Chairman of 'It Property Committee, preaent flij'report of the same fcpteJ which was iHr r.ead, as Chairman of EdocaAion., Rjented bis report of the same. [Vr Miller, as Chairman of Printing Lmittee. presented :liis report of Lsame.recoLdmeuding payment of [ml accoimts, was adopted. flue Couiieil asain met Saturday Ling at 9 a. m. All the member* jjicg present. I JIi. Bead presented report No. 2 [Educatiou, which on motion was liofKd. I Mr. Frost, as Chairman of Cora- jiifee on Communications and Mem- presented hia report of the hme, which oh motion of Mr. Clark, amended as follows â€" That the J1S2 referring to the Herd Act be mended EO as to read: "That the 1 and Clerk prepare and forward l-ffiemorial to the Local Legislature :ariDgtliatno change be made in BiHerd Laws of Ontario." Illovedby Mr. Gilray, seconded by jlr. Eogers, That the Warden and kk bo instructed to prepare a mem- to the Legislature of Ontario [tying for such legislation as will Iiokl'U the holidays in mid-summer icitt oue-hah' in rural school sections, 1 memorial to set forth some of le principal reasons why such a lanije would, be desirable, and that| psame be placed in the hands of the member for North Grey for ntation. Carried. ICiias. Jloffat, Eeeve rf Glenelg, j»Te notice of motion aa follows â€" tbis CV.ncii memoralize the ?i5;atuTe of Ontario to 80 amend leilauicipal Act that the number of pii;l)rirs atpreseni; composing County [occcils te largely reduced. That it licrtuer amended so that the as- *ingof towuships shall not com- fKc$ in any year before the 15th day 'April, and that such assessment, Jt3u completed, shall be good for five The Ceuncil then adjourned itlthe 21st June.â€" [0. S. AdTdr.- «f • pertkobr Ouui tbis. If rfttf' %IUootiiii^pnazjljrW teied Boielj OBztlMqM^ieii «f the. j«uuii»i tod fte eaecstmft of Biel, but that ik^p^Opj prior io tbaee «feB»8 will form an impsrteak count in thl indictment, we repli» «hrt tinfa" »rr««pMn«n^t QomeB too late. Up to » certain day ill Matdi iwrt it was open te the meat ooMistent patriotiam to hate ionnd fimU with thaHeirth-Weet pohcqr of tbo OoTon- ment, and to hsre craidemned them if tiiiaf deserred oondemBation.-hut its voice mtrtt nave been silenced in a moment by the rifle shots of Duck Lake uid the tramp of our citizen soldiers. Principally by ttie action of the French Ganadiadis themselyes the smaller question has been so merged in the larger that it is impossible to separate them. Bepcse the OoYerament now by the Totes of French recalcitrants on any question rdatiaf to the North-West and you depose it because Biel Was executed. la such a contingency the questions will immediately present themselyes, and must be answered â€" Are the French to rule this country? Is l^ere to be a law which the English spetwung race are bound to obey but which rnay be overridden by the people •f an} other nationality when it suits their purpose? We believe the peoole will answer with no uncertain yoice, and will be prepared to sustain their opinion, if necesKary, to the death. This is the extreme view. We can- not bring ourselves to believe that Freneh Canadians are bo bhnd to their own interests as to dipi^e their feUow countrymen to the â- ecjssity^f a choice between evils of sucb magnitude â€" race domination, or resistance. We trust, therefore, to see the Government sustained. Whatever be their sins they are entitled te gratitude for the manner ia which the insurractien was stamped out, and while there may be room for difference of opinion as to the expediency of hangiag Biel, there be no honest difference as to the «U?0SH1*I .1. T tto «â- Â«?!' ««« ki^vj J K*.; ^«i: IfCA ".:-^- ***a-(stt/««',j fe fd all kinds on hand. fi'«.i ^t^*U GREAT So^piiad on tiM^barUat liolice. Wtdlhi: Caktf i S|M^irtii A oall k respeetfolly solicited. Bread deUvered in all parti of the town PBEAISES: Next D*or f the Boiler BibIu '88 EDWABD RUOKE. i â- ?5Ba5BB m ,ti08 dJ^-w Miasfi i ' rUii f'H m ,^t gift «.* v't fvasaU «K»}3 FOR THE MILLIOM. JM%JllfSS£t£:S 4 Beatftffitf^toek /o; JS^feerf ^m. ' o o o o c o o o o o Q a o p o o o c It u a fact, as erery onei says, that EUSSELL is the manl to repair your Watch or Clock! pro^rly. â-  ^ooooooooo oo b o • e c o SALE can be no nonest diaerenca as justice of his punishment. â€" [Trip Hammer. Murder at 0«ren SenniL A HABMLB8S JOEB AT A HAN S LEADS TO A FATAL QUABBXL. APPSTITB CONSUMPTION CUBED. I ia old physician, retired from practice, Rghadplacedinliishands -by an East •^aiaissionary' the formula of a simpla leuble remedy for t^ie speedy and perman- Ktsie of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, ^•toiand all throat and Lang AMctions, •^' a positive and radical cure for Nervous ""^lyandall Nervous Complaints, after •ig tested its wonderful curative powers "iwsands of cases, has felt it his duty "^e it known to his suffering f^ows, "Siea by this motive and a desire to ^siiomansuficring, I will send free of ^s. to all whe dwsire it, thiS recipe, in y. trence or EngUsh, with full ^ous fur preparing and using. Sent by ijy addressing witJi stamp, naming this 'W. A. Notes, 149 Pimer't BhcA, Owen Sound, Feb. 8.â€" To night about 10 o'clock one of the most horrible crimes ever known in the Ticinity of Owen Soimd was committed. A colored man naraed Smoots, about 23 years ot age, los!; hia life at the hands of another negro named Philip Boy, in the house of a colored man named Johnson. It nppears Koy and Smoots came to Johnson's house to night, both under the influence of liquor, Johnson being absent, not having returned from work. When he entered the house Boy was eating at the tabla and Smoots making jokes at the quantity of food he ate. This led to a quarrel; when Eoj^ attacked S»oots, who knocked Boy down. The lattter got up, and after wiping the blood off hia face started for the deor with an oath. Smoots hearing tbis started after him, following him out, when Boy tar;aed on him with some sharp ijistrument gave hun a terrible cut in the neck below the ear. Smoota was taken m the house and a doctor sent for but before one could arriye he had expired. The poliee were notified and two con stables despatched to the scene, who succeeded in arres ting Boy. Dr. McCullough examined the body and found a great gash about two inches long right below the left ear. On examination he declared the carotid artery had been seTwed. An inquest will bd held to-morrow. -ON- Ul. The nndarsigtaed have opened a new BUTCHER SHOP Opposite l^oble's Blacksmith Shop, where we hare constantly on hand the best meat the country can produce. A share of public patronage resptct- fully sohcited. "â-  Orders filled promptly, and deUvered in any part of the tawn. NESTERSPROULE. GIVE HIM ATRIAL. Every job warranted tot give satisfaction. MS. 6. RUSSELL. 217-269 Qncbec. 2agitation-inthe Provinte o^ Quebec "'« Biel matter seems Good Goods and your own prices. MentbljrFam- .hti to iiave settled ^e are assured that its sabsidencs temporary, only the calm before '• Time will tell. One thing is « the French Canadian members, Cr' **" ^^^" *^*' ' " nnjastly 'to We determined to wreck their "« on the Government whe nlnsfld '«t the course of justice in tiiat ^feating'them when Parliament "«^«gtaTest issue eyer placed before f f this country must immediately, " It will be a plain iesne. PdB- /°*y endeavor to bwjloud it, may ^^'TT^ " "^^^ '^«* »* veiWage I 'flat Its true significance shaU act: 4, n " *e people, but they wiU Ml terf^'"' "hould be defeated bj of 1 ^^"""" BleuB. eomUnei witb /J« legitimate opposltien beokj the other provineea, ,tW. «aia il,rj**^' drawn from tksiir^:-falL .M^^"" ^cause they m«d, in l^ik n°^*y «d Iwr, le xiiii.eowit« r.^C«u^unideas«ti» aBiSoTrf*- Orangevilleâ€" The second Thursday in each mouth. Dundalkâ€" Tuesday befora Oranga- yille. Fleshertonâ€" Monday before Orange- ville. -^ Markdaleâ€" SatTtrday before Orange- Tilla. Durhaniâ€" Third Tuesday in eaeh month. Chatsworihâ€" Monday befora Dur- ham. Holland Centreâ€" Saturday before B sure and at- tend, you will be surprised at the bargains to be had. M. RicMson, Co., Flesherton. TENDERS WANTED. SEALED TENDERS will be received by Thomas Gilray, Beeve of the Township of 'Euphrasia, up to 12 o'clock noon on Saturday the IStb day of February inst., for the erection of a Township Hall in the Vil- lage of Boeklyn, the building to be df solid brick. Flans and Specifications thereof can be seen at the office of W. H, Dodson, Boek- lyn. The tenders will be opened at 2 o'clock p. m. at ±Ueklyn on the above date. The Cotincil don't bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender, ROBEET DUNLOP. Tp. Clerk. Clerk's Office, Euphrasia, Feb. 2nd, A..D. 1886. WANTED. Wanted, Timothy Seed Send sample and quote price to He PARKER, FARM FOR SALE. on A *^^^®^' »nthinonemileof ^il- dXjyJ liamsford Station, being composed of lots 38, 39, 43 44, first con. East Toron- to fe Sydenham Road, township Holland, Co. Grey. On lots 38 39 there is 9;) acres cleared welLfenced, and undes good cultivation a fratka hoqse 22 z 32 ft.; kitchen 18 x 24 ft., well finished; good frame bam, driving house, straw house, concrete stable, cattle stable, open sheds, and all necessary build- ings two good wells orchard of 3 acres of healthy yonng trees all bearing. On lots 43 44 there is 20 acres cleared, well fenced, with good stream runn-ng through it balance well timbered with, maple, beech, hemlock and cedar. Good title and possession given at once. For particulars apply on premises it by letter JOSEPH FANNING Williamsford Station, Co. G ey. Ont. HEW GROCERIES. RESTAURANT HOT MEALS. m STiTIOISI! -AND- EMPORIUM. The imdersigned has much pleasure in in- forming his old friends, and the pubUc gen- erally, that he has opened out a general 0-rocer3r Stoxeir where ffSi kinds of Groceries can be obtained, which for price and quality cannot be under- sold. A trial will convince. In connection with the above. Hot Meals will be served at seasonable hours; and Lunch at any busines period called upon,^ thus giving free will to choose' what you- please. A call is respectfully solicited. Canned Green Fruit In every variety. OYSTERS served, either hot or coId» either by the quart or plate, at prices whicn will astonish tJ|;ioBe who have dealt in those luxuries in the past. ']7exapei*a,nce Ii*iiil£s« Cigars, Tobaccees, of the best brands. PREMISESâ€" Opposite Mansion House Hotel Sheds, Sydenham Street. Markdale. MR9. 1. MORROW. Markdale, Dec. Id; '^. 275-77 Cbateworth. » v* Friceville â€" Monday before Durham, H*nover-^Monday before Durham. Walkartomâ€" Last Wednesday in every month. Ifoont For«8tâ€" Thiii ia each month. 3 ft ^itv-iHi l'fciiit J, J. IRTVIN, V. S., Honorary Gradtieto of IMario Vetonnary Collogo. jpL' Horses exam' Treats all dis- _^K|Hw intdforeound- Mses of domes- ^^^^Bs °«" *°d certi' tie animals. iJQB^^^Pficatea giTen. Mennary K^icinoo Kept Md Diopomod, CHABGBS MODBBATB. OAUEitJ PROMPTLY ATTENDED, OFFICCAIIDJ»lflRli»AI»Y, jr/U srneET. Oppoofte standard QlSto, thewisechoioeistptofce one Om^ SnabajewB^yaaHaoaMl *L-^-^^. ^^ Htm (SEli'ASHlB «^«le«be^-^ Mrs. Williams has opened a new stock of Stationery and Fancy Goods in BUNLOP'S OLD STAND MARKDALE. P4PER, ENVELOPES, :rengils,. i* SLATES. FENS, -H.iNK, SCHOOL BOOKS, POekET BOOKS, FANCY GOdi^,^ Head ^lairters for 1^ cele- LAND FOR SALE THE nortti half of ioc number 15, c«n- cession 11, Aolland Township, County of Grey^ contaimng 100 acres. This lot is all heavy timherecl with beech maple, elm, basswood and|hemlock, and is situated abent 4 miles from Berkeley, 6 from WSliamsford and 9 from, I Uarkdale stations, m th» Toronto. Gn^ anil Bruce Railway. For terms acd ttrtlonlars apply fo GEO, S. fiOWES, Esq.; Markdale, or to the nnder- signedi ^1 OARBOW AlPBOUDFOOT. Baoisters, WI TO LEASE: FQISki^ turn of years, onieaaMiaUs^Anafeis Jat.^^m. lO.Otoiirslg, ^mMialeti boat- H s rV4a ie I'cc factiodara, apffy to,,^ e; la inm -•â-  ' '^i"' â-  ' -MWeiflei •*"â- " '^â- â€ž â- 1 A mi rfN

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