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Markdale Standard (2), 21 Jan 1886, p. 5

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 ^ttSm MSISTER. ::_ Mnnre and Ae CM«l CM4Mh .aia lHoore aB« Ae C'P' omcer Piwishe«l. j„ OFJUatME AND nSHKKOB. ' f pt Harbottle 4ud Lisoi. Gordon, ii^lmmroionen appoint^ by tiie r^inwn government to lavciugftta Se^u8e« of the irreok of th? 0. J p ste»m«r Aigom» at J«l« ^Roy»l«, fcff moatbs ago, when eo nunj lives ' lost, reported their finding at the ffice of tbe hull inspeovot laei evening:^ Jhe report is a voluminona one, an^" fter deBcribing tbe TCFseU reviews the IvideDce given by the snrviTore at great tlj The comiiiwKoners wire, of Inioathat bad Capt. Moore ordered^ j^t of th« lead at about 4 o'e^ock iotbe iDorniug the disaater'ocoarreil, Z would have discovered ,()}» danger ^ead, There was no look oat detailed for duty at the tit»« or for itome time before and it wasneceesary at all times for a lua" ^^ ^° '° detailed. Tbe com Bilgicners decided te cancel the cer-.; tificate of Capt. Moore .and Uhitff Officer Hastings for twatve and six Bonths respectively, but a telegram ;iceivttd from the minister of marine Itnd fisheries states-that the Bainister wproved of the Algoma decision, jjotiad shortened the suspension of th« captain's certifieatc threft^moy^s, owing to previous good record, and it fact that ht) had pursued Che nsual $aitom lu uavigating the lake. â-  ipi « B«(ore the Daf s •! Skod^j. .Glnie% M m [From Peck's Son] It waB in a country grocery store, ^l course. Everything in the shape of a plausible aru either origin btes in or is directly traceable to a grocery nowadays, and I de sot feel at liberty to deviate fpoi the established rule. Several good stories had been told about tbe strength and durability of flertam kimls of cloth, by several members of tbe gathering. There was a lull in the conversation, and the clerk «ast a meaning look at the clock and twirled the store key in his finsters, when suddenly, as if moved fay the spirit, Yankton Packett rose from his seat on the cracker barrel, spilled a gill of compound liquid of dog-leg and saliva into the coal scuttle, stood with his back to tho stove, and began "ia3. gentlemen; some kinds o' cloth is Btouter'ii all git out. But tlie stuft we useter buy beats all. I re- member way back in '54. I bought bolt of doeskin from Old Man Smitkins, that used to keep the store up vender St Pitkins' Corner, this side of Gragg's i ,. """*â- " "•" f' J5eiid. Doeskin goods tbem days was^^'^- WiUiscroft doeskin Toueh "Well, I should say so! Stouter'u blazes tougher'n buck- skin I Well, as I said, I buugbta bolt, and my wife rigged me out with a suit fron it, iixed off in the style of them days with a spike-tail coat. Don't know what a spike-tail coat is Well, that's a fact you don't see many on ihem nowadays but it used to be so's a man couldn't be a good christian without one. They had long tails and siiort at the waist in front. Well, 3ir, I wore and then took to weariu it for everyday I How well I remember i!) That suit o' clothes was associated ^itb nie a good part o' my best days. What •? Mr. Yank Puckett he Lived Here all yer life an' don't know me yet I'll be darned I Well, one spring (in 68 1 think it I was plowin' a dearin' on my land up there near Craggs Bend, and the patch was full »' hickory atumps. I had two fine yoke o" Cattle,, and had on that same identical coat. I was walking along iieluud the plow with my head down, when all at onee the plow struck one 3' them blamed hickory stumps, ker Jimp Gosh 1 can feel that jar yet. But do you think my cattle stopped fw stumps No sir 1 Yanked that plow through it slicker'n grease. Did I bold on to the plow handles Of coarse Didn't have time to let go. 2ut the plow jerked me throuath the openm' in the stamp so quick that my 'oat-tail stuck out horizontally behind ^e. and was oaught by the halves of 'be stumn, as they clapped back" to- 2«ther Uka ligbtniu.' That pesJty ^amp had a death grip on my coat- «» but I Was resolved not to' let go them plow handles, Phiz-z-z-z np Jottething began to give, but it wasn't ^ecoat. Well, su:',. we just yanked Th« awMUU neetiiic Agrienltsnl SMiety Botioe hwt^^Mgwaa. *!»• »tte5anM Z^JT^ '^^ »«i«to»' «riort •bowed die aoeiety to be in exi^est finaneud standing. tker» being a |al- iDce la theHreaiury of $86.99. Ueidee f 59 M VMnbenhip fee^br '60, This i» eertaiuly very eneonh^png fdr tlw «oeiety, and co doubt ulrMter efforts will be mada tiie .coaiing year i^ n *T«r hemtflion lor a anceeMfol show. 'i:The fotfowing ofBeen were eleeled for the present year .f Piesidant, Wnv. Douglas. Yice-Fresident. S. Boyee. Edward Rntledge. :,-; t i R. Mohtgbmeiy. ' '»Ti.. R. Watson. ' ' -^ A.'Nodwell. B. Coleman. Jamoi Jdeliou. ' ;.i £. Bamni. C. W. Bntledge. Wm. MeLoughry and W. A. Brown were' appointed Auditors for '86. At a meeting of the direetors same day Win. 9*skett waa re-«laoted SeeietHry-Treaenrer. r â€" m ^t^ «» â-  â-  HollsiasI CoiBvcil. Holland Centra, Jan. 18. '86. The eoancil eleet for the township of Holland, met in Fitzgerald's Hall, for the trinsaetion ef busineee. After taking then: declaratian of offioe and qa»Ufie«tion; 'the following persons took their seats John Cameron, Beeve. Antiiony Shute, Deputy- Beeye. Jam^. Galbraith, Thos. WiUiscroft, and Michael Hewey, Councillors. Hie Beeve appointed John Suther- land, and the conneil John McDonald as Auditors. Moved by Mr. Howey, seconded by Mr. WiUiscroft, that by-law No. 1, for ^e appmntment of Auditors be read 1st, 2od and 8rd times. Moved by Mr. Williseroft,~seconded by Mr. Howey, that the Beeve and Deputy -Beeve be a committee to in- vestigate tbe Treasurer's securities. Moyed by Mr. Galbraith, seconded by Mr. WiUiscroft, that James AdamS, John Gillespie and J. W. Eagle be appointed health officers for the pre- sent year for the township of Holland. Moved by Mr. Galbraith, seconded by Mr. Howey, that the account of tbe clerk, for returning officers, be paid. Moved bv Mr. Shute. seconded by that W. CJrofford re ouca MAoiamaxB. *te OaAKOBnLu, Jan. l_At o'clock on Bandar maraing an ex pJMoa took i«laaa^ tho »ed9«nM of that aJlinunita eartn4|» ted bMn pbflodoa tlMflOloCtho^kitalMn door, wkiak WM inaide • efaea. Tho ibor ihM blown m, khi stott brokta and ihe window* «s^jndisl»att«red. The shed va* also Ubvn to fiMiu Tha uupatea af tha house wenaotu^ared. This is tile seoond atUmpt to tha Boliee aagtttratit. whoi^has bean inflibting fines for breasbea of tha Qoott aet. There are rewards offered of $1000 for the perpetrators' of the first outrage. Tha taward wiU now ba increaaad. IT IS SMC?LT ICAUYXLOUS. MiB. Theron Burr, of Adrian, IGsUasa, writes that West's Worli's Woadar at Family Liiument eoredher dsngbter af Bbenmatisa, whieh she had iMen ^BU^ted with from ehOdhood. It u infallible Friee S5 enta fnd50 etntsper bettl*. Soli by X. *Ce. ' J«. that suit every Sunday tiU bJ lt otners. regarain, after the war â€" i +v^-" +-"' •â- - ™««ri« "hool section, be laid eeive an order for $1.50 as taxes over paid. Moved by Mr. Shute, seconded by Mr. Galbraith, that Mrs. Watson be exempted from taxes for 1885. Moved by Mr. Shute, seconded by Mr. Galbraith, that the Trustees cf S. S. No. 9, be paid $6.18, being money paid to section No. 5 and 6 in error. Moved by Mr. Galbraith, seconded by Mr. WiUiscroft, that the petition presented by E. Hanbury ana signed by 16 others, regarding formiqg a new â-  " over for further consideration Moved by Mr. Shute, seconded by Mr. Wilhscroft, that tenders be re- ceived up to the next meetinc: cf conn- eU for the township printing. Moved by Mr. Williseroft, seoonded by Mr. Howey, that we receive kppU- cations this evening for the office of Assessor. Applications were put in by the foUowing persons-: James McOomb, $90; George Little, $76; Bobert McEennet. $57. Moved by Mr. Shute, seconded by Mr. Galbraith, that Geo. Little be as- sessor at a salary of $75. Moved by Mr. Williser»ft,, seconded by Mr. Shute, that we adjpurn till the 20th Feb., 1886. ClBSOK ]^o, Tp. Clerk. The I.aoC Spike Drir«a. OK mn NOBTHBRA AMD PAomo tvmjnw BAILWAT. Hamilton, Jan. 18.-Tha last apika in the NorUiem and Faeific JnnetiM railway was driven and the large iron viaduct completed, to-day. Handrie, Bymmes Co., tha eontraetors, tc whose energy tl^e rapid eomplation of the work is due, wiU turn the road over to the railway authoritieB .early in the spring. BMjTi llarkdda. Jan. ^. TBtti. Biady. ITa^kdaU. Jan. '87. Thoa. Davis. MarkdaU^ Jab. '88. John Bili. MaiJuUle. Jan. '87. Was. Jaakaon. fir.. MarUWe. Sanl. ^^â- - ^^^^* ""^•' '«• thoa. ^ySon. Uarkdala, Jan. '87. £. BaUedge, Markdale* Jan. '87. Wnt. Apaera. MaiUale. Jan. '87. Was^BbeU, Markdale, Jan. '87. B. Wngbt..l(ardkale Jan. '87. Wm. Brown. Matkdale, Jan. '8e. C. BaynoUs. llarkdale. Jnly, '86. D.Stinaon. Fkaherten. Jan. '87- F. WhewiU, Lady Baik, July, '86. Wm. Hotohinaon, Yandalenr, Jan. •87. John Abbott, Dnndalk. Jan. '87. D. K. Praeton. MaxweU, Jan. '88. Jaa. Lyons, Harkaway, Jan. '87. Jas. Plewaa. Markdale. Jan. '87. F. Baijeant, Hawkstona. Jan. '87. Baqaant Broa.. Markdalo. Jan. '87. Watches, Clocks, Jswsfiy, SiMictacsSt Pipes, 4e» -AT- JJIS. G. fWSSEU'S FLE8HERTOII. A BtauHM Stoeite Seketfrmik- r pcooooooo be e o e o e o e • â- â-  ' â-  â-  ' 1 " J ' It u a iaott aa ewiy on* sys. that BUSSELL ia tha nan jto repair your Wateh oi Clock properly. McGbxoob A Pabxx's Carbolic Canto lis inralaable for Woundti, Sores, Salt Bheam, Cats, Barns, Scalds nd Festers, ss ahea'iog and parifyinK dressing; Do not be imposed on with other useless preparations, recom- mended to be as good* Use only cOregor Park's CarboUo Cerate. Sold by HiU Bro's. 2 â-²rtemeala Orange Dlatrict liodge. ar iiickory stump out by tbe roots J ahck as you please, and I let the ,„"^P iiang on to my coat-tail tUl we r'°tbe«dge of the field, when I japped out of the coat and chopped it '"°^' It took me neaily an hour." Leh EoxniT. M. GOOD VALUE. l)g^*°y s^ers buying medicine have C„re '^^^}'^^^ like Dr. Chaae'a Liver ' »nd with it you get a recipe book Worth the money. Jan Ten Thosusauid Dellaura affea. Dam- THB VBBMCT OF TH« JOBT IK TH« n^MHK SUIT AOAIHST THB MAIL. LA- ^oue MoNTBBAL, Jan. 18.â€" After the con- clusion of'the address of council co-dav in the Laflamme-Mail libek suit, Mr. Justice Johnson charged the jury strongly against the Mail. After tnree-quarters of an hour's deliber^ ation. the jury returned a verdict against the Mail for $10,000 dauiiMjes. for the pnbUcatiou of the artiolet mid $4000 dauwfee on the supplementary demand for the allegations of the plea. At the request of the judge the fore- man expUined that while trymg to agree upon a verdict updn tha question af Bopplemantary dam4|f««, »"»• ja?* men were in favor of grantmg the amount nwarded and tiirae di«Mwted. He(theioraman) waa one of *hoa^ dissenjiPK' The annual meeting of this lodge was held in the Grange Hall, Mark- dale, on Tuesday the 12th inst., at which there was a good turnout ef the brethren. There are eight lodges in this disti-iut, all in good working order. The following were elected officers for 1886, viz James Biodie, W. D. Master. Wm. Wright; D. D, Master. Thomas Boland, D. Chaplain. John Graham, D. Bee. -Sec. James Best, D. Fm.-Sec. Wm, Sharp, D. Treasurer. Wm. Johnston, T D. of Ceremonies Ephraim Brodie, D. Lecturer. Wm. Kutledge, D. D. Lecturer. It was decided to celebrate the com- ing uaniversary ot the battle of the Boyce in Eugenia, and also to hold the semi annual meeting on tbe 14th of June in Flesherton. TaA-HiBTDia in GLKifK.o.^A tea- meeting waaheldin the Babtist Church, an tlse base line, Oleiielg, on New Taar'a night. The attfndanca waa Teiygood, and the proeeada amounted to abont $88, The entertainment, ooBsisted of muaic, by a ehoir freai Bentinak, a short address by Bar. H. J, Bokarta, and recitations by D. lieKinnon, Doncan MaLaan, Hugh MoLaaa, Dan. MeLaaa, Misa Agnea O^Naill, Misa Flora MeGillivray. nf Bantinek, and Misses 8. uid M. Bell, Maggie Leiteh and John Dun, of Oleuelg. Also, a dialogue by Miss £. and Mr. H. McEinnon. Mr. John Bain occupied the chair, and a general good time prevailed. On the Monday foHowing, a social was held in the same place. The proceeds from both footing np to about $40. The man- agers ef the Church extend their thanks to the aeighbora, and to the Bentinek choir and reeiterf who h elp- ed materially in getting up this satis- factory entertainment.- [Grey Kevie w. Abtbmbsia L. 0. L. No. 1132. held a grand soiree at their hall, McKee's settlement, on Wednesday evening of last week, which proved a success: After ell had heartily partaken of a good square meal at Mr. Wm. McEee's they proceeded to the hall, where an interesting programme was dispensed with, consisting of readings, recita tions, dialogues, and interesting speeches by the following gentlemen Major Sutherland, D. A.. Holman, John Stafford, L. Hall, and several others. Proceeds amounted to $17. lo o •oeooe« oeeed^eoe. GIVE HIM A TRIAL. Every job warranted to give satisfaction. FURS Am SKINS. I WILL ps the highest pries for all kinds of Pars « Skins and Wild Game that is shipped to ma. Send for p;i«e-list. ' (SO. W. OOEBNVLO. 373-2m Hamihon, Oat. FARM FOR SALE. The discovery of the instipitaneoas process of taking puoto$7aph8 has br^en quickly followed in the medical wovld by a perfect and instaqtaneous remedy for all acute aches and pains, an Neuralgia, Toothache, Kheumatiam. etc. This valuable remedy is called Flail, Lightning, and is sold at 25 centa a bottle by Hill Bro's. He Toi»k Her Advice for the First riPinie in His Life. "Send out an alarm I My huebaiid has been missing all nightandall day I ' frantically cried a little woman dressed in a faded red dress an^^jpreen. shawl, as she bounced into the police station. "What kind of a looking m^m was he " asked tbe sergeant. ••Little shcrt man; bald-headed, gray clothes nose most as red as yours." ••You will find him at the morgue. A man of that discription was found drowned this morning." "Drowned 1 drowned I And it's all my fault. I told him to go and soak Uis head, and this is the first time he ever took my advice." Be ;;ot Alieadolaii C«mpetitiMi. A Cleveland speculator sent his son to Wisconsin to buy hope, Vlling him to keep llis ey-s open for any other speeuLitiou. After a few days patch came eayme "A widow has got a comer on tha hop market of this state shall I marry her?' "Certainly," was the reply sent over the wires." Twelve houxslater the son auou^ecd: "Got the hops; 9 widow, and seven stepchildren, and shall go to Chicago to-morrow to see about a divorce." IHontbiy Fairs. Orangeville â€" The second Thursday in each month. Dnndalk. â€" Tuesday before Orange- yille. Flesh^ton â€" Monday before Orange- ville. Markdale â€" Saturday before Orange- ville. ' Durham â€" Third Tuesday in each month. Chatswcrth â€" Monday before Dur- ham. Holland Centre â€" Saturday before Ghatsworth. Priseville â€" Monday before Durham, Hanover â€" Monday before Durham. Walkerion^Last Wednesday in every month. Mount Forest â€" Third Wednesday in each month. Farm for Sale. ^K(\ ACBES North f of lot No. 18. eon. JLt/V/ 8, Bnphrasia, lOO acres cleared and under, enltiyation, 60 acres of which is fit for reaper and mower, fereed with eed(^. rails, well watered, log house and frame bam. The uncleared portion is hardwoed, with suAcient o«dar for fencing purposes. Soil elsgr- loam, and almost free from stone. This is a de.) sirabla rm and will be told on rasy terms. Chureh.and school cmvenient. Piftanoa from. ICiffkdale, 9 miles from.. Bcx^yn, 3 miles. For further particular apply to JjkMES BOTP, a78-tf BocUyd P. O- Send the Standard a year to a^friend, only $1. BRITISH WORM SYRUP, BRITISH WORM BYBUP is the best worm ezterminaiiH' It is pleaaaat to taka, nqairea na pmgattre, safe v^ dleete.-. al, and takes but few doses. Scie Agent. H, PARKEIt,. Pruggi^t,, Durham.. THE nmib ludf of lor number 15, can- aession 11, Hoiiand Township, County of Grey, eontaiuing 100 acres. This lot is all heavy tfmbvreil with beech maple, alm,- basswood and hemloek, and is situated about 4 milM from Berk'^t^ A' from Williamsford and 9 from Markdale stations, on" the Xorottto. Grey anA Bruce Railway. FortanmaedprrticBlatsapp^ to OEO. B. BOWKS, iSsq.. Markdale, or to the nndet- Hgned, iARROW A PRCA7DF00T, BaiMsters, Odd *^C^®S, within one mile of ^il- ^\J\J liamsford Station, being composed of lots 38, 39, 43 44, first con. East Toron- to Sydenham Road, township Holland, Co. Grey. On lots 38 39 there is 90 acres cleared well fenced, and under good cultivation a frame house 22 x 32 fi.; kitchen 18 x 24 ft., well finished; good frame barn, driving house, straw house, concrete stable, cattle stable, open sheds, and all necessary build- ings two good wells orchard of 3 acres of. healthy young trees all bearing. *On lots 43 44 there is 20 acres cleared., well fenced, with good stream running through it; balance well timbered with maple, beech, hemlock and cedar. Good title and possession given at once. "For partieolars apply on premises if by letter â-  JOSEPH FANNING Williamsford Station, Co. Grey, Ont. NEW GROCERIES. RESTAURANT (t HOT MEALS. The undersigned has much pleasure in in- formin^kia old friends, and the public gen- erally, raat he has opened out a general G-rocQX3r Stoxe^ where all, kinds of Groceries can be obtained, which for price and quality cannot be under-- sold. A trial will convince. In connection with the above. Hot Meals will be served at seasonable hours and Luneh at any busines period called upon, thus giving free will to choose what yon pleasjB. A. call is respectfully solicited. Canned Green Fruit In every variety. OTSTERS served, either hot or cold, either by the quart or- plate, at prices whicu will, astonish ^ose vibo have dealt in those luxuries in the past. Temperance iDrinks, Cigars, Tobaccoes, of the best brands. PR£MIS1£Sâ€" Opposite Mansion House Hotel Sheds, Sydenham Street. Markdale. MRS. 8. MORROW. Markdale. I)es^lO, *86. â-  275-77 JERESHIRE BOAR F J OR service nt McBride's, near Barrhead, if not so paid 875.80 BOBT. McBBIDK. LAM FOR SALE IK I ill;*^ m f ill I t M i; .»! f .( â- â- -;.( \l: i: I â-  â-  1-, M i â- - Ik fA I â- mi- 1 'â- '

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