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Markdale Standard (2), 10 Dec 1885, p. 6

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 IliPIIIPipnnpninPipp^^ â-  SitS .-"""i^-.^ =^^^'5" In^-.J^^V^o-' r^i .^ Ji!:l i Ul m n THU FABM, Warbles in Oftttle. wa» of my cowi has, KHe oneftifcij looipa «• harlwA, In «Mh of which u ft mall bola. #â-  ftho Imnp being prewad, MmetimM » â- â€" II Bill III will ooino oal Thaoe lamp* are •dkd iB tUft dirtriot asbowg. What if tte oftaao oTftiid niBiBdy Ibr them 3ho luBpo ftM proOToed by the Bting of the feauJe gadflyi tJie inaeition of the ovft, ili gndoftl growth into tto maggot J wlwB it pc«M« spoB and thbia th« and erentoally eacapeo, ihortly to MO tho troableeoma fly whioh is July iad Aaguat, eapedall in damp woodlad kMaUliao, hftnia tho oattla. Uinoh iDJ[ary la thaa oftoaed to the hidea. The obriona ttmeiy, aa pointed oat by If ita Ormcrod, th« kaaerary enanlting entomologiit of tl» Boyal Agriraltnral aociety ef EagUnd, ia to iaat iMj thia Okttle peatat aome atage of Ita oiwwth, and tbiaia evidaatly moat leidily done when it ia oomparatively aeoeaeible and Miieaoent on the baoka of tiie dafetle. The Inmpa ahoald aooordingly be Tabbed with eonoentrated brown carbolic acid, or a Itttie aoid dilated with water injected with ft lAarp pointed ayringe into the awelUng, or a dRanng of mercnrial ointment ahoald be eaadfoaaly applied. The meroary, however, aeeda. caatloaa aaing, as it ia apt to be ab- aorbed, and if freely appU^d »xi8ea general- ly ftnitatlon and merontial polaonlog. Some â- aeh oaaea were laat spring reported in the laf^Hah agricoltaral papera. Cows ud Gony-Gomb.V It ia probable tiiat not one farmer in a hwidied, saa the L to Stock Monthly, ever tiubka of naing laoh a thing aa the carry- eomb and brash on his cows, althoagh thoae inatramenta are used regolarly in the horse atafale. Yet there is jnst as mach necessity fot keeping the akin of the oow in good con- dHioa aa that of the hone. No m--tter iHietiier the cow ii aaffered to ran at large in the pasture all the time, or ia kept in the ataUa or corral and fed, the process of carry- ing Mid broshing will consame bat littie time, and the farmer will ^be amply repaid for hia troable, both in the better appear- anoe and increased yield given by the cowa for tikeir good treatment. That a carrying la neoessary for the health and is gratef ol to tlie animals may be seen by the habit whicdi oowa have of "brastaing" eaon othtr for a half -hoar at a time with the spiny sa: face of tiMk tongaea. The evident signs of satia- faotion which they give when andergoinK thia j^rooeaa shoald famish a hint to the ob- servant farmer which needa bat little tronble to aot apon. In some parts of Europe wh-^re oowa are kept in the bam nearly all the time, their ooata are as carefaJy combed and attended to aa is the hair of a child's head, and it is regarded as a matter of ne- eeasity. No doabt this suggestion may be huighed at by many who are acoastoxed to let both horses and cows go a'most nnsared f(w from one year's end to another, but the fact nevertheless remains that keeping a eew's skin in good order and cleanly is ot as mnoh impoitanoe to her well-beine as keep- ing her well supplied w:th nntritioas food. Timely Suggestions' 9wo recipes for tanning akin wiih the far am, a subject about which we have frequent inqniry, are given by the Shoe and Leather Eepertsr "Take two parts each of alum and fait and one of saltpeter, all well pulverined. Clear the flesh of fatty matter. Sprinkle it white with the mixture. Fold in edges and rdl up rtmitin four days then wash witii ckan water, then with soap and water. Pull the skin when drying, to make it soft. Another recipe is L y the wet skin on a amooth slab or hard board scrape with a doll knife until all loose flesh and film is re- moved then wash off in s ft water. Take a glass or stone jar, put in an oimce of oil of vitriol and a gallon of rain or river wat-er. Let it steep in tuis for about half an hour. Take ix; out, work it with the hands ontil dry, when it will be pliable and soft. Tbe aaoie worked the softer. Use no gretwe. ' A visit to a friend's house where the cis- tern water is very foul showed that every- body doesn't yet know the advantage of drawing from near the top, instead of tho bottom, to have the water always sweet. By use of short pieoes of coamon, fireman's haae, j lints are easily made in pipe which are water-tight, and by nse cf a float the end of the pipe can always be kept cear«the topw My overflow pipe also connects with Ae bottom of the cistern by a olcse-fitting tift pipe with inch holes at the bottom. Thoa, in oaae of hard showers, the cistern is thorooghly rlnaed out. The importance of having cows calve in tlM fall, so aa to have the heaviest flow of â- dk in the winter, when milk and butter ate high, cannot be too well cnderstood. SoBBS farmers value fall calvea as highly as spring calvea, for the reason that tiiey are leady to turn on grass as aoon as it comes in Ae spring, and ao get the full benefit of a aaaamar'a paatnre. S.ferring to the neoeaaity for supply of ftitidaa of adornment and taste for bojs and gbla on the farm. Dr. Hanaford propoftes an â- aaooiatioa of, say, fifteen farmers, more or leaa, to inveat ia a library of really good and inatmotive iMoka and valaaUe papera, la be taken homo ia torn fos brief peiioda. Fiirmera who have been un the habit of dnwing potato vines to their barn;a da to be wo^ad ap into maaaro had bett r oini: the praotioe thia year, eapeoially in placea whan tiie potato rot liaa beea prevail nt. Ika rot ia oadonbtedly prodaced by a foa- ew growth wliich origafttea in the leaf, imA oarryiag tiiia to the maann heap ia ibe Bfoatoertaia aiode of apreadiBg it over tbe fftKB. •*I will give aay maa f 100.000 who wUI QFadooa aaythbg that will prairent a wall SpreaaedbriokSfom toniag irtlta," aaya a ptMninent Chiocgo araUteot. The Saaday movement ia apreading ia Bvopr. In Switaarlaad ia a paper de^otad to the reclamation of the Sfthbath aa a day irfreat. Itia oalledXe/oitrdsifeiHM. Ia a flood iat Semrezak » woman waa â- vapt iato the rivar. bat bar akirt oavght â- MB ft hodc in the wall, aad ahe waa held aSSf Axm fertlr«e honra wImb reaoaaia A (Thinaae baakar, Uaa Qua of Canton, ia MUtobethawaftitUeatmaBin tbe world. OepaiyatftxeaapoBaatateoff $4{iO000,00». hA u4MliB»ta«^be worOi f 1,400.000.«00. rOSEIQB E0H0E8. George Baraea. oaoe fiameoa aa the If oiw- tabi SvaagaliBt if KaatBccy, ia now a mte- alonary in ladto for the Church of Eogland. Bobo, the chimpanzee hitely brought to P»ris by a friwad of D« BrMza, the ezplorw, haa died from tho eff- ?ta of the onaaaaUy oold weather whidi set ia early ia the fall. A oenana of tiie homing i^geena ia Franoe ia to be^takea thia winter in order that the War Dapartmanttnay know how many ioaa be dep-aded apoa for use ia oaae ot »neaa- ergeaoy. Bodiah entoasologiats aro excited ovw tVeaddiioB rf a aew butterfly to the British bioaa, makiag atot^ of sixty five speoiea. The apeoiea la Lycena argiades, a oommoa dweller in southern Europe. The dairymen of Pfucaiaâ€" when fanping aeema to atrnggle nador quite aa great a do- preaalon no^ aa in Orrat Britainâ€" aro flght- iog artificial batters az.d demaading that the Ctovemment compel the makera to call their godda by their right name. A London project is to make platea by photo- engraviog'of the American iUui^traAed magazines, print them on a common quUity of paper, aod get themtn the fonign mar- ket at half ptioe within four days after the issue thero of the originals. ' According to the SotUhern PraciUioner, the City of Mexico being entirely without aewars or drainage, the mortality ia at the highrateof 50,per l.OOO cf popolatioo an-, nually. In GOanajnato, a oity of 58,000 ia- habtants, tbe death rate is said to Do 74 p::r 1000. The telephone haa been introduoed into many of the hotels and cafea of Belgium, and guesta are allowed to nmke nae of it with- out charge. Under the circumataacea the user makes a point of ordering some refresh- ment, so that Ihe proprietor gets his money hick. The expression "galvanizing a corpse" has neased to be exclusively metaphorical. M. Kargovaty, a Frenchman, haa discover- ed a method of presetvirg bodiee by giving tbem a metal coatiog. We may, according to our means, becooae (diver-plated, nickel- plated, or galvanized with zinc or copp^ r. Ilie prooesa has been thus far tested suc- cessfully on elevea human bodies and more than one bun red imes on the carcasses of M. Benan ia about to come before the world aa a dram^ic author; though, as the " Fretro do Nemi" is in five long aots, and is moreover, announced as a " phiiO!'phical drama," it can hardly be intended for stage representation. He says that he haa aimeid at two objacta in the work, the firs' being to exhibit the workings of democracy, as he csnceivea them, in antiquity, while the sec- ond, whioh he declares he has had before him in all his writings, is to demcmstritte the impoBt ibility of the existence of society without raligious belief of some sort or other. Prince Alexander of Bulgaria's LoueeholJ is very limited in number. Th(re are four servants, all of the sterner sex- Germans â€" whom the Pricce brought nith him from his old home in Hease, besides a ball porter and the^ Ilesto-Baja, who is a martial-looking Montenegrin, with smartly turned up mous- tache. The Aides-de Gamp are former com- rades of his Highness, the most prominent among them being Baron Gorvin, who â-  was Captain of the company in the Rossian garde- dn-coip3 in which the Prince served aa Lieutenant. A friend of his Iwyhood, Herr Mengens, occnpiea t'^e position of private secretary to the Prince. A very simple, though somewhat t xpen- sive, arrangement of telephone wires has been introdused in a Glasgow merchant's office by which, it is stated, the annoyances cf inducti'..n are prevented. The o£ce is connected with the proprietor'a dwelling house, some thirty miles distant, by a pri- vate line. To prevent disturbance from in- duction of other wires, and the wires, he employs a retnn^., wire, and the wires are simply arranged in a spiral or heli- cal form, as follows Sapptise each past to be provided with four inalators, arranged at tbe four angles of a square, Ihe sending wire is attached to insulator 1 on the first post, 2 en the second, 3 on the third, 4 on the fourth, 5 on the fifth, and so on The return wire is a'taoh^d to the insulators at the oppciiite comers of the tqaare, or what would correspond to that position, thus formipg the helix. It seems that the want cf entire success with steel sleepers on 6cme of the Englidh railways has led to the substitution of an article which, it ia thought, will meet the deficiencies hitherto experienced. Accord- ing to the new system, the metallic sleeper is rolled to the requisite trongb-like section. Under each rail ia a sole plate to strengthen it thero. The chair is formed of two jaws made of steel plate, stam;:ed icto form and ribbed centrally so aa to give strength to re- sist the preasurs of the wedge. The jjiwa, sole plate, and sleeper an united by rivets passing through the three thicknesses. The iron sleepers that these an intended 'to take the place of were suffioieatly elaatio and did not mat sensibly, but, being aeriooa- ly weakened by tiie lan^e holea neoeasitated by the character ef the burteainga, and these holea lieing sitoated on other ride of the raU joat wherotlie strain on tbe tleepers waa Kreatea^ the latter wen oontinally breaking there, thus nndering it obvious that the aokoowledged advanti^ea of metal sleepen must be resized under aa improved syatem. ' ^s* ail Henry L»boadien ia going over to Dah- lia to coaduct hia own defence in the aait brought agaiaat him hy Aldermaa Harris, a distingaished Hebnw diaoouater of that city. Then ia a good deal of cariosity to see whether hewlU hold hia owa agaiaat the lighta of tha Itish bar aa he haaahowB himaelf well aUe to hold it agaiaat their Eogiiah bnthrea. At all eveata, then will be a lot of f ua, aa tiu Inah lawyera an infinitely wit- fa b^f^"' ^^"«'«" »• "y pialM The Dfeeaaan Syand of Armagh lately dia- covered *e practice exi.tingir?arioaawurta ef the north of Inlaid ofdWnkiag^^ ateady of wMakey. The habit ™»!|^ l«gely,ttd ha. given rise to aevwTcaS «d other taoxioua drags be rcatrioted- joaorftoflrolaadmea wS ao^hS?to fall back again on whbkey. •»»" w THE UME-XILI CLUB. Doriag the P»" "" **^"'""' â- """"'"' oeived thelollowiBg yalnaWereli^^ A akaUaappoaed to be 12,«09 yfcan old, aad to bare betOBged to an Udiah .{rineMO' A?y of tir riS5v« cin have the akad « any time by prodncing the proper toden«fi oation papea and paying the Librarian ^. A two-lnoh anger ^ridch waa (.loked up oa thobattle-fieldofLuBdy'aLane. flowmaay aoldier a wero kiUed by thia deadly «mP« ia not known for anre, bat tbe Libroiaa haa plaoad the number at 200 for convauecoe aake. AboottJBckdagoutof a moaad *» Nova Sootia, aad aappoaed to have n tired from active boalBeaa aeveralthoaaaad yean ago. The paUio spirited oitizena who forward- ed the above curios will plsaae oonsider them- aelvea doly thanked by a large majority. ABODT MOTTOBS. • I doaa' go mooh on mottoe* an' aich. aaid Brother Gardaer aa he opeaed the meet- ing in the naaal degree aad winked to Sun- aei Shfa to raise the alley wfadow. "I once knowed a man who sot out fa life wid de motto Bzoelakw.' He waa prond of it, aa he atnak to it, mi' de iaa' time I aaw him he v^aa fa de poo' -house. He get co tired of Inggfa' dat motto around dot he couldn't work obor three days in re week. ' I once Icnowed a man who had de mot- to Time is Mon^' hung fa ebei^ r"om fa hia honae. He favkiiably losbed fa his oo'ri ten days too airly, an' den tried to aiverage up thfaga hy plantfa' hia taten twenty daya too late. Dd only ocoashun when he got even wid time waa when he jumped hia clock hait an hour ahead. Da only time when he had a decent crap waa when he lay aick an' hia wife wocked de truck patch. " I once k^owed a man who carried de motto of A Penny Saved am a Penny Aim- ed' fa all his pockets, an' no pn«8on eber fotmd him wid a dollar in cash to his name. He waa all en de aave an' nnffin on de aim. " Doan' you git de ideah fater yer heada dat a mutto or a maxim am gwfae ter feed an' clothe ye an' whoop up rent and doctor billa. It's mo' fa de man dan fa de maxim. I kin show ye fotv poaaona ia my naybar- hood who aot on de f noea all aommer an' keep deir eyes on de maxim ' Industry am deBoad to Wealth.' I kfa show ye fo'ty mo' who hang up de motto of ' Providenoe will Parvide I' and sot down fur Provideece to do so. If de wife aims a dollar dat'a Providence. " Stidy work at fair wages, wid a domea- tic wife to hosa de kitohen, am mofio an' maxim 'enuff fur any of us. If anythfag furder am wanted let us strive to be honesr, truthful, charitable an' virtuous We needn't h'ing out a aign on de fences dat we am str vln' ba jistgicdar' widont any]Fo'th of July fireworks to attract public attensbun. Let us now purceed, ' GSASTES. A communication from the office of the Mayor- of Pekiu, 111,, asked permission to name-a Street fa that city largely mbabited by colored people '• Biother Gudner Av- enue." " While I 'doan' want to rob Gerrit Smith or Charles Samner of oppcrtu'iities," said the President, " I doan' want to seem oap- shus about ima'l ms^tters. Permiahun am darfore granSed." DONT KNOW 'em. A oonununioation trom the clSaa of the Attcmey-Ge- eral of Indiana lEqaired if the " Honorable Egg and Chisken Dt strov rs" of Indianapolis were a branch of Lime-Kiln Club. Several of them lately arrested for grave offenaea had claimed that such waa the case. Brother Gardner instracted the Secretary to reply fa the most positive cardfaal ink that the Lime. Kiln Club didn't even know the society mentioned, and that, further, it didn t care to. .SQUELCHED, Prof. Boneblack Dawson then bobbed up and offered the f ollowfag resolu- ion i " iesolved, Dat fa our opinion, de eon- tfauaihun cf freedom, peace an'good-ftiU will fa dis kentry d-mands de immediate anneiashun of de Is!e ef Cuba, either by purchase or de fo'ce of arms." " What a dat ' sharply queried the Prea- ident. "Letde Seckretary read dat reso- lushun sgm " It waa reread, and Brother Gardner look- ed acroas at the Profetsor and said •• Purfeasor, did oa write dat " " Yea, sah." " Does you seem to feel dat way »" "I does, sah." " •• Worry well, de Committee en Annex- aahun will conduct you to room ' B' on the second flo an' poulUoe your head wid a bran- mash Yen's got 'em bad an' it am our solemn dooty to can you if a remedy kfa be lound. Bemove de pati nt 1 ' Toe puzzled and wondering Profeaaor waa apeedlly taken fa charge and removed, and £^ disappeared the Prealdent oon- fo doUw" a week, an' who may poilbly hev trabbled aa far as Toledo an' bi.k oi^ de ideah fa hta head dat he fully n^^dl wanta aa' aeeda of dfa kentry, ai' datsSl d^ wheeta would atop U he 2t go dVLSdlV A DISEEVKD BKBCKK PotSfiJ?"*â„¢^ "' Committee oa Pomotogy was then aaked for his quartorlv ^rtaadhe replied that heh«i^ "Brudder Seek-no-Farder Siritb. dlda't 1 W you an- BeU-Flower Joaea an' SSue^ berry Hawkinaoa dat oommittee Vay baS â„¢"«lTy«B. whether dar* waa%l».h^ JflSSh*^, â- tailrtkS ftboat de y£d J^t 5.000^ watoraiyoST'l.'*^ P^nanoB gwfae to ton oat BlorfonT: «^ S?Jr^«? to torn topopoom toKp loiIk^K'Sfc We didn't hay BO time to look TO lioh «^," npVMi the defaStsT de^Pi- .y~fM»*« » Well, you'll bevTaJS Ij^»lttaaa take war^J.^^ Stt .«. WUpoledealWdto pftU ftttoBtlon to the fiwt that a me 5««»^~Wthi £t sua dime into the ooUattw box »*»•»« the weekly oolUftlonahadb^D jJ-jW^^ oreadag for the 't "f'^^jJ^JL'SS whether peiidoal exdltfaHaft « «W *WP«* of tfie meUnoholy ieaaoa was the oaaae for It. bat aaoh ao ioa would aoon place the Oommitteeim Wayaand Mesat la a very embarrasaias poslttoa, "Ireokoaru walk aro«id wid yoadis aaveafa' aa' atoetoh my lege a Mt," aaid tiM Preaideat, aad hedeeoeaded aadaooonqpaal- ad Sir laaao on hia toar. It waa wonderful how «»«^*»$ â- Â«Â«Â»Â»Â»* looked up, aad how ready and wuUag eaoh member wfti to give. Bvea Elder Toota,wh© aeaenlly geta off oa a oeat, dropped ia a SLne and aearohed hia pocketa for mor^ The ool'eotloa oonntod up oyer fl2, aad there waaa't a lead niqkellathe whdelot. How to Give GhziBtniM Frafleats. After the momeatous qtieattoa of what to give at Christoiaa haa beea decided, oomea the one of how the gifta ahall be baatowed. The time hoB'ired atooklag aa a reoeptaole for the gifto baatowed by Santa Claua heada the list. The child who haa never had the pleaaure of timidly takfag a fint look at his laden atockfag, atrangely changed from the gauut alender^eaa fa whioh he hadpeft it the night before, o a bumpy, knobby pSumpneaa very anggestive of faterior riohnees, and of giyly drawicg oat the topmoit bandlea, and tnmblfagly faveatigating the far ngiona A the toe, haa missed one source Of joy ^that should have fuUen to his lot. A pleaatnt faahiou Is to put a aprig ef oedar on the front of each stocking near tbe top. The cliildrea, ao matter how oold and atormy the weather, enjoy gathering the greea themselves the day before Christmas, and trimmfag off a sprey for eaoh atooUng. When ibe atookioga an hang at bed- time, each is dressed with a tfay aprig ef oedar, and after the children have wonn'l up their frolic with aChriatmaaaoBg, they 'go to bed to dream of the next muml- s'a pleaaurea. When two or three fanmiea are to be gathered together for the holiday aea- aon, an appropriate holder for the f^fta la a Urge atookfag, roomy enough to hold all the preaenta, large and amaU, ex- cepting, of course, such thfaga aa a rookbu- hone and a piano, r r such of their oousfaa m size as may be faolnded fa the collection. Tne stookfag should be made of bright- colund oaaibrio,.out the shape of a atockfag, but of a abort aad atabliy one, aad trimmed with green. It ia hung fa ite place by the mantle piece befon the younger member a of the party are obliged to aay good-night. The gifts are given fato the charge of one or two persons to be placed fa the stookfag, which is emptied of ite treasures* on Christ- mas momfag at aa early an hoar as wide- awake juveniles and nap-Icrfag elders can agree upon. Each gift ia done np fato a neat package, plafaly marked with the name of the person for whom it ia fatended. Some one appofated to unload the stockit g, and two or three aesistanto from among the children distribute the packages as the names are read. Of Christmas tnea then are all siz^a, ahap. a, and kfads. The t^ ee may tower to the ceilfag fa a richly fumiahed parlor.'or it I may reach th;t height of a few feet only fa some cottoge, but it is very doubtful U the lofty specimen will afford mon pleasure than its lowly neighbor. It does not teke much work to make a tree look gay and featlve. From branch to branch are hung chaina of gilt and ailver pa- per, made by cutting the paper int- narrow atripa three incces long, and pasting half the strips into rfags by joinfag the ends to- gether, then all fato a long ohafa by alippfag the other strips through tiie ruogs already made, and joiiilDg the ends as before. Wreaths of bright berries are placed on the topmost boughs. Hollow egg ahella, color- ed light shades, or those oovend with gold and silver paper, are hung on the tips of branches by t^ing a thread around a tassel made .f tissue-paper out into very fine strips, passirg the thred through the holes fa the egg, nd tying other esd around the branch. Tne best effect ia obtained by makug the holes fa the nide fastead ef the end of the shells. Tiry horns of colored paper, are also hung, large end down, fom the branches wher- ever they can be placed with safety, are put email oandlea. When the preaeate are ar- ranged to show to the beit advantage, and the candles lighted, the tne makes a pretty sight to hoth yonig and old. In a oertafa famUy thia Chriatmas the gifta are to be preaented fa the foUowine manner ° A^week lefore Christmas eaoh member of toe family wiU find tied oa hia or her door knob in toe morning an favltetion from t»nta Clans to be present fa toe front parlor on Chriatm^a morning at aeven oolook. iaoh note ia to b^ written on bright-oolored paper, outinto fancy ahape, and eaoh dif- ferent. The Botea wOl be aeourely aealed. addressed fa a scraggy baud which oaa not be traeed to any one about toe houae. and 80 b oalouUtod to pnvide toe ohUdren wito toe myatery they 80 much fajoy. Thefrienda who are ^to spend Chrlstoia at the aame honae will noeiye almilar favitetioBa. The parlors whea opened en Ghristmaa morning ue to be dimly lighted, and will «»'~V"»t^««l«gl»lBw6ioh*SaBt; CUua fa making hfa rounds aad toe jolly old seatle- ^J^'^V, "•"*• " • **^ remSJIrof greettng, calls oa aome one of toe grown no finda among hia load of fan ftnd bnndlea, to SantftClaua fa to be dreaaed In ft far ooat «5SP"!l**.""« • «^ whitoUaed 2iTS«!2l'?*" •'"»• Small belto, -fc«iâ„¢i '^••WflkwIU be brmight la whole or pieoen^ .. b.^ aalt. tteSe " ^^"^^ •»« It fa IB wUl bewmi^ poaitlon thftt the bMMt ftre aBspoaed to hftve uojiued with toe jdfta. aoaae done nn fc A Christmaa pie aJZ^ •t ft fftmdy party, u!!?'***^ heengiv«,£^tlia^«0 £"«« pnaent hadbR**-?! ih. *.hioh waa fa thVSL^^^S iMMoaedpfa., hough ^Sff 33 The pnaeata, whWSj»?»?J w»a ft ring, one a lodnir. " ii koe.fttoIrd.fiva£S^5a ohaae some books a SS^M ,_•*»" •nd w^ oe'oo«t^*';iStl*« SSlI aronad th^ edge, and a ,nw^l IB the oeatn. 'f^«f ^9 Itwaapsasedarcnndttsu., 1 P«r«m allowed to put hP^Nj draw out one packa£*y"«5,J OB It toe aame of tte iw»«r ?^r waa iateaded, and si 1,^7 '«T oo^ to«e waaoonsidera^JS g»ly ttod package^ wlfijj^ Aaotoer Clifistmas ria .Wi v lyllkearealpie.aSdS;j!^\ it contains anfthfag m"S***-^ famadebyUn%g«,^^»«^ onuit ma.e without ihoriSl^a "J"^*"Pl«edfaT?i4S wIto cotton, or anythfag tint J^M the upper crust, which uS«Sl top. but uot fastened to Uietf' ""I edge. After the crust bbilTllff liftod off, the gift. pKtt"3 faldonagafa and a twistofdi^' the edse to hold the two cZ Thewhofafathensetintt^^' enough to harden the twlrt u'*1 enough to heat the pie thronilL if 4 toon token out of th^d^ is becB^nntd brought on thetsbfelto' irith tin-foil, and place sbowtt^.i of damp cotton, on whiohreanZJ oat Sowers. ^* Associations of Chriitiim. BYE, B, HAEPn,I,D, All the bells which swing in t^a towers of Christendom, are ui b their music forth to hail thh lum, Palace and cottoge, the hmIHm*] toe castled steep, catch and mtn il echoes. The young yield thaadJ festive mirth, and the aged tiehuBj en they depwt this euth, Sj of toe dyfag light np and ionoiiiil oheen even the gloom of thtgriTt 1 Thfa should be the happiot dijil year. It has a source of gltdaa A own. Thfa is not the greetisg cf fu nor the gatoerfag of childhood ud id more around the family heartli, It il the faterchazige of kind wiahei, utii| ling of glad voices over the board. It fa not that bright ptonisi gnets toe glitnce of the father is kj of his boy, nor thosa smilea ot afuth over which the mother hangs in t nor fa it that sacred tie whicli brother's pride to a sister's c!)afi£ii{li It fa a love beyond this, beyod ill human heart hath linowc, Itvtik back fa the depth of ages, Koi splendour encirolei its cradle io|l ophy teu^ht it lessioiis cf vtisdoa «J tems of humanity matured it bto t atnngth. Yet at its word icmvil ita tears, and despair imilsd leaped like the roe, the deaf luteudtj wonred harmonies, the blind uigiitir of tranacendent bean, j, the dmb i for joy, and tha dead left th; i^p the grave. But thfa love waa nnnqoinciil persecuted and betrayed, rseforaaij it dwelt was mang'ed on the oiks, W it prayed for those who did rie cai I j itedivfaity death had no pow; l from outf-e gloom rf the grenip ita light over the hills of Pi^»tire, i fales of Greece, and through the pu imperial R-ime. The diririttirf' stitv n saw it and fled j while the Ml tems of philosophy, like sti^i"":! b-* ak cf mcrn, melted aw»3 ii:""' Ages have passed away, ii»»*T peared, tbe storms of rewlatks »l swept over the wrecks of hniiisJS but thfa Divfae light stiU «tffsMJ»J glows this (â- â-  ay over tha city o. hailed fa the bironial halli of gleams amid the relics of Rome I B" along the ioy cliffs of Gretntef.if; over the dark besom of Afriw i- toe faka of the northern eess; ;« i aplendonrs along the banks ol â- m It fa tofa light which cheer, owf whioh sanctities tbe hearth cfoBri whioh filfa this day the weBb« ?» quiet hamlet, and the a«le« oi -J*' eat wito hymns of gratitude »d» Thfa fa that light which cw*'"" that love whose mission of «w Jl all lands. Mid which will y*"** rows of eveiT human heart The vetoes of the angelij""*^ atiU peals the anthem, Fuci^^ AKD GOOD WILL TO ME5 i "T • i^. Chrfat ataJids now as it ^J^'^^ dnd years ago, unworn by m^\ lag iti aaored light ttrongh thse^ ^tant multitudes throng IJjJJJ tUTnedtoit,an;fo»ak«tl'«J^I andemr. ^^Xi,fZ^,^7 to it toe eye of W^ " VH glories fa toeir dyfag J'^-uJ^r rt»ke,toeso.ff.ld,aBdttoW*, ed to it aad forgottsa th^P^j tiielr pains I Ho *«^iSil angdaVatchedthathOTrwg^^ SSbem-tiat th^y.^fS-i* -.i T "" i^f*! •*» done Bp Ib PMkagea, aad otoara kit wMhoBtiSJ^p: SfT"-.^!!!?! •• S«»«» Clan. hftadUeSSL MM wIto the liat of the neaaBta thedei^ irlth?«!^fSS*"^^*^* »*â- Â» •»* ^ht^i ^^^ â- â- * twd-by'M** lead Wheat I" he wUI nm ostaftar It numbera, tiiat love 'Jg â€" olGedoveUU.dh-toJr'V^ii and which made hun the WP aloet world! .i.ichtli""' It fa thfa event f«rwhWW^ beUa are fa chime. »"Srtij*!| ghrenaueh b«»*y '7tvS1iiJ £om. ItfatidaeventTV ft tide of happtaess and » j, â- wrlada of hearts that ^^i* i22rMaythfah.pP»«^ia tiifae may tWs l".^ *1^*»? seal may tofa Savionr_b« ^^j uaoBg ton thousand. J^ g,# SonHfa fidelity wJU wiW^^ atoy and atrength wh«»^j,i faU He will austam tbe« life ioe. out, jmdgacjgjVl fatoatdaywhenHeana jewels. uf 1,0TB and Wild Adventii tioii8 In the Ca ee I ,_,j^ of " ViSJLt The Nihilist," \Af^^ "' Etc., (jg^pTEEXa. ^;gX IHB8POAB FLUM CiSTLKS i r^..^r had left the presence of \STtJ^ bamlag wito fadig- USh wM perhapa aU toe more in- K. Aar had given him no oppor- KSdfag It, tor ohUly politeness as '^^^neBeas, doea aot afford even ,B»ipei»mentavalid oxouae for fJJ^y^iSie houae, however, with t£d« uever to eater it ijgaia, and We oherished aad made hims If wich this detorminatloa for a ^Jreral boon but for the hippen- Inost anexpected and welcDme inci- inifleto leave toe Mount Carmel Icftintoe Choubrah road through or in the WaII fastead of by the hfiacm entranee, a proceedfag which Kali eonple of huadnd yarda of die- fa ptfforce paased directly under- Suiwa window, and as he did so the I gently raiaed aad ft rose waa â- this feet. fs first action was to glance up at the 1 and recog^dze the pale but lovely ' aoe of Ndltie Trezarr, and lifa next ick up the roae isnd kfas it as he inward for tbe aecaad time whilst Ddeavoriag to thmk of aome fit .fag t was the lady who thought of the fit- kg first, aad it took toe form of ' O, fSe sammer houae. I will be there y. I must apeak with you." gang drogooa had not expected taoh jg, but it pleaaed him mighcily, as [a bow and psntomimia m-jtion ex of delight aad obedience, and at de off in toe direction of the spit a graoefal little kiosk, shaded by land magnolias and very nearly bur- ath the creiuay blossomed lasmiue, lins to such perfection m Egypt, had been toe oocupssnt of the ki- Isiimiaer house for m3re th^n a very (ntss when he diB8or.ed Nellie cross awn towards it wito a hurried and Ay nervona gait, olad in aott, cnam- adian mualfa, and her long unbound Ifag like a golden cloud suround her tA shonldera. htly gueaaed toat ahe would aoooer rdii not advance to meet her, and leremaiaedtranqiUly when he was. Vote fater aad Nellie stood before of exteadfag a hamd, however, 1 with boto oU^ed beiifad her back, w said wito Upa that trembled wito I whifat ahe spoke old not let you go away, Frtmk, t bidding you farewell. Thfa fa toe » tiiat you will ever aee me." ji last time ttiat I ahall ever aee you what do you mean by that I" t^iatl aay, Frank Donelly, and Oh, you won't c m much, so don't ho look ao grieved, for if you could Tly stay away from me daring a lato, fonver will make little dif- Aad yet I did want to say good Iknows, Nellie, toat if I've stayed |om you for a monto it has been the 'fijult and disagreeable t»sk that acoomplitoed all my life through, o, that I did it entirely tor your H a man loves a girl he should think [happmesB before hfa own, and I ave been hardly studyfag y our hap r creatmg a kfad of home war be- ^u and your parents." Iiahome warfaUkely to break out your mterference, andlmencha Ward that I've resolved to run away levtorfakfag an engagement." »! for heaven r cake tell me exact lainly what.,.i mean?" » not, booaui e you would be dis I ;» "S* fmf wha 6 f have done. " •"Wit beoftOBoI know that you J^teato nothing to create disgust [diiapprovaL" w. not If I waa to do ao mean a •tolfaten atkeyholea. for fastance ?â-  'l!?^***' «l=»l» suchanact fa t^ •*" I Ml very sure, dear Nel- V'tt would not commit auoh au ap- ^, «deriiaad action witoout weighty r iM^h â- '*»*" *«M yoo plainly .r,.V " "'?*»»«• I did not, because t^ " ' *•» â- Â»Â»" but what ^1 "*I ^^« •»•«. *e roault fa -^ 4-!S^ thatmaauaa fatenda me â- 2»M PMha, the war minfator i.wS' P»P» " y«» oppoaea toe 1 tlS^^ *•* atrongor wiU of toe l™«Uai aroBBd her littie finger, ^h"*^ whilat toen fa yet time, Jlii«"*^ Thfa fa » tea timea rPJtoftB any thftt I hftd ftutioipat- Mf«l!!lti*"«»fi*»«. NelUe -ev«(y«Ung, and without n ȣ?12^?*"»' Cariodtytook j«w^tNit ahame dnw bm quicVly ^mT â- arvaata toould dfa- !»:»•â-  ftbent. But toe war mfa ffjS'SwUoh ^â€" ^w ««A^ wvaea â- â- TftM~ hWL^-SS?^ wbbera, and I ^«IS^?U" "^to mamma iSIf *••«*«•, aadtiiat â- â- Â£?» M?» et breakfaat, »••« keftd-ftohefta ezouae ftBd toea I did 1 1 joat hfatsd 1^^ -7â€"â€" fafoU; buti isl^eS «Mi**' *^ Bifautea at ^sl*l*? P«» aetvaate waa ?!2«^ •Iready twloe eapied ^JjJiMkt, and I thfakFd fisWSSl? •** '*^^" â- ^'"^^^rr*^** oaaee IB whiditoe Ji"J""5»allle, aadwewlU ^^^ZSSJ' ?**â- Â»â€¢ Well. I »«n ^^'TSS*'.***â€" » toeaoape NM-2?a!*^.»»:We WiU be

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